Textmate: Find and add numeric values - textmate

I want to find and replace numerics in my html file as follows e.g.: href="#1" to href="#12". Basically I want to add 10 to the exiting value
<p>bla bla
<p>bla bla
<p>bla bla
<p>bla bla
how can I do this in textmate?


xpath handle double quotes with some other tags

I have this html sample
<p id="book-1" class="abc">
"I have a lot of "
"text, and I want "
" text and we may or may not have italic surrounded text."
the xpath I currently have is this:
this gives this result:
I have a lot of
but I want this result:
I have a lot of different text, and I want all text and we may or may not have italic surrounded text.
Thanks for your help.
In XPath 2 and higher you could use string-join(/html[1]/body[1]/p[1]/b/following-sibling::node(), '') I think. It is not quite clear which nodes you want but that would select all sibling nodes following the b child of the p and then concatenate their string values into one.

Extract all text in between two nodes using xpath for websrcaping?

<div class="jokeContent">
<h2 style="color:#369;">Can I be Frank</h2>
What did Ellen Degeneres say to Kathy Lee?
<p></p> <p>Can I be Frank with you? </p>
<p>Submitted by Calamjo</p>
<p>Edited by Curtis</p>
<div align="right" style="margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;">#joke #short </div>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
So I am trying to extract all text after the <\h2> and before the [div aign = "right" style=...] nodes.
What I have tried so far:
jokes = response.xpath('//div[#class="jokeContent"]')
for joke in jokes:
text = joke.xpath('text()[normalize-space()]').extract()]
if len(text) > 0:
yield text
This works to some extend, but the website is inconsistent in the html and sometimes the text is embedded in <.p> TEXT <\p> and sometimes in <.br> TEXT <\br> or just TEXT.
So I thought just extracting everything after the header and before the style node might make sense and then the filtering can be done afterwords.
If you are looking for a literal xpath of what you are describing, it could be something like:
In [1]: sel.xpath("//h2/following-sibling::*[not(self::div) and not(preceding-sibling::div)]//text()").extract()
Out[1]: [u'Can I be Frank with you? ', u'Submitted by Calamjo', u'Edited by Curtis']
But there's probably a more logical, cleaner conclusion:
In [2]: sel.xpath("//h2/following-sibling::p//text()").extract()
Out[2]: [u'Can I be Frank with you? ', u'Submitted by Calamjo', u'Edited by Curtis']
This is just selecting paragraph tags. You said the paragraph tags might be something else and you can match several different tags with self::tag specification:
In [3]: sel.xpath("//h2/following-sibling::*[self::p or self::br]//text()").extract()
Out[3]: [u'Can I be Frank with you? ', u'Submitted by Calamjo', u'Edited by Curtis']
Edit: apparently I missed the text under the div itself. This can be ammended with | - or selector:
In [3]: sel.xpath("//h2/../text()[normalize-space(.)] | //h2/../p//text()").extract()
[u'\n What did Ellen Degeneres say to Kathy Lee? \n ',
u'Can I be Frank with you? ',
u'Submitted by Calamjo',
u'Edited by Curtis']
normalize-space(.) is there only to get rid of text values that contain no text (e.g. ' \n').
You can append the first part of this xpath to any of the above and you'd get similar results.

Ruby Cucumber using OR

I'm testing a poorly written webpage where on one page the first heading is a H1 then on the next page it's a H2.
Usually I would write something like find('h1', text: 'bla bla bla') or expect(find('h1')).to have_text 'bla bla bla'
As it keeps changing between H1 and H2, is there a way to say find('h1' || 'h2', text: 'bla bla bla)
I'd like to keep the test looking within the headers as the text sometimes exists within the body of the page too.

Not able to fetch data besides <Strong> tag in Robot Framework

I am trying to fetch the numeric value after strong tag, as its not an web element, I am not able to get the value 123456789 in to variable:
If I use Get Text xpath=//*[#id='referral-or-navinet-reference-number'] then the result is "Referral #: 123456789"
Please help me in getting only numeric value in to variable.
HTML Code:
<td class="normal-text" id="referral-or-navinet-reference-number" align="right">
<strong>Referral #:</strong> 123456789
You can directly use split method of python
Like :-
x.split(":") // x is a string variable of your gettext
Hope it will help you :)
If your td only contains the wanted text as content text you may use the following xpath:
This should return 123456789 (perhaps with some whitespace)
You can use given xpath :

How to take XPath of element that is between br tags with <strong> in account

My code is like this,
<strong> Text1: </strong>
<strong> Text2: </strong>
where numbers, 1234 and 5678 are generated dynamically. When I take XPath of Text2 : 5678, it gives me like /html/body/div[7]/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[2]/br[2]. This does not work for me. I need to take XPath of only "Text2 : 5678". any help will be appreciated. (I am using selenium webdriver and C# to code my test script)
I second #Anil's comment above. The text "Text2:" is retrievable as it is within "strong" element. But, "5678" comes under div and is not the innerHTML for either "strong" or "br".
Hence, to retrieve the text "Text 2: 5678", you'll have to retrieve the innerHTML/text of "div" and modify it accordingly to get the required text.
Below is a Java code snippet to retrieve the text:-
WebElement ele = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div"));
System.out.print(ele.getText().split("\n")[1]; //Splitting using newline as the split string.
I hope you can formulate the above in C#.
