How to run jmeter script from eclipse - jmeter

Please let me know whether it is possible to run jmeter script from eclipse?
If yes Please let me know the process.

Use Eclipse External Tool
Eclipse menu: Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configuration...
The dialog External Tools Configuration opens
From the tree on the left select Program
Use left mouse button and select from the mouse menu New or use the left icon (above the tree) and select New launch configuration
On the right side of the tree, opens the panel, where details of this new lauch configuration can be filled in
Enter as Name: JMeter sample
Enter as Location: The location where JMeter is installed
(on windows something like C:\Program Files\apache\jmeter\bin\jmeter.bat) (on Linux like /opt/apache/jmeter/bin/jmeter)
Enter as Working Directory: ${workspace_loc:/jmeter-project} (use the button Browse Workspance..., to select the project, in your workspace where the JMeter script are located. Here the project jmeter-project is shown)
Close the dialog by using the button Run, which should launch JMeter.
Info The icon Stop, does not work, as this actually launches a script, which launches the Java application JMeter.
Optionally add parameters
Enter as Arguments: -t src\test\jmeter\sample.jmx (the path of the JMeter script to launch)
Enter as Arguments: -q src\test\jmeter\ (some external properties file, use ${__P(key-name)})
See JMeter options and
Parameterising Tests for the details.


Prevent STS4 from launching browser when run?

I have a Spring Boot application with only api rest calls.
Everytime I press the "run on server" button a browser is launched trying to access the current file. Of course it always prompt an error:
Sorry for the image being in Spanish. It basically says that cannot download the resource.
My question is how to avoid this browser from launching everytime I run my application.
I found the solution to my problem. Here is what I did:
Go to Window > Preferences > General > Web Browser > New...
Add a new browser with:
name = NO BROWSER (or whatever you want)
location = C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
parameters = /c
Press OK.
Finally select Use external web browser, select the browser we just added and press Apply and Close.
The browser configuration should look like this.
Instead of using the cmd you could use a batch/shell script that does nothing (without the /c parameter which is only needed for the cmd to do nothing).
NOTE: This solution is applied to the IDE not to the project.

How to use a specific command in all directories?

Note: I am sorry if I posted this in the wrong stack exchange website. I have seen similar questions on this website. Please correct me if it was wrong.
So I installed VLC into the directory D:\misc\vlc and when I type "vlc" into command prompt, it starts the VLC media player. However, I want to run this "vlc" command in the directory D:\slam\ . However, every time I do that, it says that "'vlc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.".
Is there a way to run the 'vlc' command in any directory?
Any help is appreciated.
You can add the vlc program to the PATH in Windows using the "Edit Environment Variables" dialog. Assuming Windows 10 (though this dialog is present in older versions too), here is how to add a program to the PATH:
Open the Start Search, type in “env”, and choose “Edit the system environment variables”
Click the “Environment Variables…” button.
Under the “System Variables” section (the lower half), find the row with “Path” in the first column, and click edit.
The “Edit environment variable” UI will appear. Here, you can click “New” and type in the new path you want to add. From this screen you can also edit or reorder them.
Dismiss all of the dialogs by choosing “OK”.
Your changes are saved! You will probably need to restart apps for them to pick up the change. Restarting the machine would ensure all apps are run with the PATH change.
In step 4 above, the new path that you will type is the directory containing the vlc program, e.g. "D:\misc". Note that adding this directory will also make any other programs inside of the "misc" directory accessible as well.

Windows 7/10 - Find command prompt / script for RightClick -> Send to Application

if i right click on an image while in the windows explorer i get the option to 'Send To Gyazo' which is an image sharing site. Is there a way i can get this command so that I can execute it via commandline or something of the sort.
What I am trying to do is whenever an image file is saved in a specific directory to automatically upload so I am exploring options to do this.

How to handle File Download pop up in Firefox using AutoIT in (selenium RC)

I need to download a file from application in my selenium RC test.
When i click on the link/button to save a file, first i get a pop up which asks me to either open or save the file, when i select 'Save' and click 'OK' then i get one more pop up asking me to provide the path where file is to be saved and file name also.
I goggled and found that this could be done via AutoIT but i am facing some problems while doing that.
so could some one please provide me the .exe file for file_download in Firefox and also where i can mention the path to save that file too.
and also if you could provide me what exactly the code, i need to write in my test case.
Please let me know how to handle this.
You can achieve that without using autoit also. follow below steps.
Create new firefox profile.
Change the preferences in that profile manually before starting the automation with that profile. (Change the settings like below)
Now start the automation using that profile so that files will be downloaded to default location.
Starting selenium server using specfic profile
java -jar selenium-server.jar -firefoxProfileTemplate "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\234saddsf.customProfile"
I found this link:
Unfortunately it is for the old style dialog boxes that do not have the open vs save radio buttons. I'm searching for a solution to this part of the problem.

Easiest way to make perl application for windows run on startup in code

What is the easiest way to make a perl app run at startup in perl code?
For example: to copy it to the "allusers" startup folder. How do I do this?
Use Task Scheduler. In Windows 7 (older Win versions are very similar):
Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Task Scheduler
Top menu: Action -> Create Task. You will get a task configuration window.
Specify a name
Choose the radio button: Run whether the user is logged on or not
Click on the checkbox: Run with highest privileges (if necessary)
Select the Trigger tab on top. Click on the New button.
From the Begin the task drop down, select At startup.
Select the Action tab on top. Click on the New button.
The Action drop down must specify Start a program. Browse and select your Perl script. Add any arguments if necessary.
The other tabs can probably be left alone. But this is the cleanest UI for creating a start up program. I believe you can also edit the registry and specify start up programs/scripts to run there, which is pretty standard practice for installation scripts.
Hope this helps.
