Have just discovered TideSDK and look forward to the upcoming 1.4.0 build. I am utilizing the TideSDK Developer on Windows 7 32-bit and have the HelloWorld app up and running... now I am having fun trying lots of CSS3/HTML5 code snippets to see what works with the current beta release. Trying to use Google webfonts does not seem to work... is this correct? I saw (old) discussions about font usage on windows with appcelerator Titanium, but don't know the current status. Is this expected to be included in the upcoming release? I am very enthused about this project (at it's current level of completion, it is already amazing !!!) I plan to develop a desktop application for Windows/Mac after I get a better understanding of TideSDK. I will be using jQuery and designing the app's UI with webpage-like techniques, and not having to fight multiple HTML5/CSS3 implementations will be great! Thanks for any suggestions about (Google) font usage.
Although upcoming release may solve font usage issues (to include Google fonts), I found that
#font-face with SVG fonts works with current (1.3.1) TideSDK release.
For example, download TangerineBold "Font Kit" from Font Squirrel -- only need the SVG font.
Then include the following in your style sheet:
#font-face {
font-family: 'TangerineBold';
src: url('Tangerine_Bold-webfont.svg#TangerineBold') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
and style elements with:
font-family: 'TangerineBold';
Further explanation (added 3/19/2013): I have given more details of custome font usage in TideSDK 1.3.1-beta on my blog, here
TideSDK current release does contain older webkit. Because of this the latest html5/css3 support may be a bit less. With newer webkit coming in upcoming release its gonna get solved so we should be getting the latest webkit builds on each of the platforms providing maximum standard support.
I would like to create a Windows desktop app using HTML5 features, specifically H.264 video,Web SQL Database,FileReader API. I don't want to use AIR (which currently does not support the video tag, instead uses Flash). Ideally I would like an exe file that just wraps the latest version of webkit in a basic window. It should be stand alone, not rely on the user having Chrome etc. installed. It could load an index.html file in the same directory as the exe. That is it.
I have been unable to find anything like this. I was going to build it myself using QTWebkit but the latest version (4.8.0) does not support the Video tag due to some kind of build issue. I assume the 4.8.1 version will fix this.
Does anyone out there know of something like this that is available now?
For anyone coming across this, Titanium for desktop is no longer supported by Appcelerator, but the project is still supported as an open source initiative. As of today (10/14/2012), it is called TideSDK. According to their Twitter account, they're behind in the 1.3 release due to some sponsored work that will end up in the code base.
Additional options not yet mentioned include AppJS (OSS, requires node.js) and Sencha Desktop Packager (quite pricey).
I think titanium is not totally gone. There is this stuff called tideSdk
I couldn't try it out yet also , so video support and the codec are open for your exploration. Here is how they say:
Create multi-platform desktop apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
TideSDK is the new standard for creating beautiful and unique desktop
apps using your web development skills.
I recently thought about doing the same thing, you can still do it with air without using flash, but you could also use Chrome Packaged apps, mozilla prism (although inactive today) or Microsoft HTA (html application).
You can think of using a framework that does the browser embedding for you like Titanium. It's mostly used for creating apps that can be published to iphone, android, and windows devices. It will create a windows MSI install.
Another option is to use the CEF project ( Chromium Embedded Framework for C/C++). I havn't looked at it much, so I can't tell you how difficult/easy it is to work with. Their main site also has wrappers for Java, .NET, and other languages.
I have recently developed the plugin for web browsers on Mac OS X.
Developed by XCode, my bundle located in /Library/Internet Plug-ins.
Chrome, Safari, Firefox catch this plugin but Opera doesn't.
How can my plugin be caught by Opera?
It’s difficult to answer your question without more information about your plug-in.
The plug-in must be located in “/Library/Internet Plug-ins” and the bundle must have a .plugin extension instead of .bundle. Is the plug-in listed in opera:plugins?
This Mozilla Developer Network article on plug-ins should be very useful.
Daniel, Mac Quality Assurance at Opera Software ASA.
How do you declare your plugin info (name, version, MIME types, etc.)? Most browsers support the new Info.plist method, but it may be that Opera requires that you also use the old resource-bassed approach.
Try creating a FireBreath Plugin and then look at what differs between how it works and how you built yours. Alternately, just use a FireBreath plugin -- it's a heck of a lot easier to deal with than making your NPAPI plugin from scratch and works around a lot of browser issues and inconsistencies.
FireBreath plugins work as NPAPI plugins on mac and have been reported to work in Opera.
I spent weeks looking for the solution, but it appeared incredibly simple: rename YourPlugin.bundle to YourPlugin.plugin !
Did not even require the .rsrc file as it was recommended elsewhere.
You could try putting you plugin in /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ When opera didn't load the plugin.
I do not know why this will happen since opera said it could be put # ~/Library/Internet Plug-ins/ Opera Document
Now I want to develop a safari plugin use SIMBL , but I searched a lot of webpage not found some sourcecode or simple sample , someone can give me or point to a location ? Thank you very much!!!
Did you consider writing a WebKit Plugin?
As far as I understand, SIMBL plug-ins are still some kind of Input Manager and therefore not well supported on new Mac OS X versions, and not supported at all if Safari runs as 64-bit process.
A good starting point to write a WebKit plug-in:
Creating Plug-ins with Cocoa and WebKit
You can also peek into the ClickToFlash source.
ClickToFlash is implemented as WebKit plug-in.
I need a WYSIWYM markdown editor for my web application and I heard WMD was the obvious choice.
To my surprise WMD breaks in IE8. What other option do I have, or is there a version that's been tested on IE8 and is compatible?
Check out wmd-new. According to its website:
This version of WMD has been tested with IE 6, 7 and 8 RC1, Firefox 3, Safari 3.2, Chrome 1.0 and Opera 9.6. iPhone and iPod Touch support is rumored to work with the exception of the link/image prompt location. There are a few (minor) known issues with keyboard handling in IE and Opera. See the issues page for more details.
Version 2.0 of this code was developed as a private bugfix/feature branch for Stackoverflow.com and is missing most of the optional features found in the original WMD as SO did not use them. Now that I'm putting this out on Google Code I'll be adding the new features back in v2.1 due out sometime in February 2009. Version 3.0 should be released in February/March 2009 and will a major rewrite making use of jQuery.
EDIT: I didn't notice it immediately but this project hasn't release any source code.
EDIT2: As pointed out by warren in a comment, a "Stack Overflow branch of WMD" is hosted on github. See Reverse Engineering the WMD Editor for more details.
I haven't used WYMeditor myself, but their supported browsers are:
Gecko-based browsers (Firefox 2.0+, SeaMonkey, Galeon, Epiphany, ...)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8
Opera 9.5+
Safari 3.1+
Google Chrome
The version of WMD on derobins' github should work fine with IE8.
There is one listed on the wikipedia page - but I've not used it: WYMeditor
I sugest Tinymce a wonderful Javascript WYSIWYG Editor, with loads of functionalities, and its opensource, it as versions for PHP, ASP, JSP and CouldFusion, multi language, and some others functions, very simple to customize with only the specific functions you want him to enable for your users.
Check out Tinymce website:
I been using it for the past two years never had any problems with it.
I would like to use Google Chrome instead of the WebKit Framework in one of my projects. I found the 'chromiumembedded' project for Windows but nothing similar for Mac. Best would be to have it in form of a Framework to just drop it into a XCode project.
Question: Is there an easy way to integrate the Webkit of Google Chromium in own MacOS X projects?
There are xcode project files throughout the Chromium code and you'll find that WebKit has its own xcodeproj files. Note that Chromium's WebKit routinely merges with the trunk WebKit and upstreams its changes. I don't really see why you'd want to go through the trouble of pulling from the Chromium's WebKit tree rather than getting it from the head WebKit revision. However you should be able to grab the {$chromium_trunk}/src/third_party/WebKit directory to get Chromium's version of WebKit. There aren't any dependencies on the Chromium browser specific code so that won't be an issue.
What are you trying to get from this; a rendering engine or a browser? The ambiguity in your question leaves a lot of confusion in interpretation.
If your looking at embedded browsers you may want to check out Android's WebKit browser. Android is open source as well.
Are you aware that Google Chrome already uses WebKit?
Quote from here
We owe a great debt to many open source projects, and we're committed to continuing on their path. We've used components from Apple's WebKit and Mozilla's Firefox, among others - and in that spirit, we are making all of our code open source as well. We hope to collaborate with the entire community to help drive the web forward.
Answering to my own question:
Since they don't seem to have a working Mac version up for the general public, I would assume that this does not exist unless you happen to be a Google employee.