Display image on TChart (Borland Delphi 7) - image

I have a TChart in my Borland Delphi 7 project. What I want to do is to use an image instead of point while plotting on chart. How can I do this?

I'm not sure to understand what do you exactly want to achieve.
See the TImagePoint series. Find an example at "All features\Welcome !\Chart styles\Other\Image Point"
See the BackWall.Brush.Image property. Find an example at "All features\Welcome !\Miscellaneous\Walls\Back Wall\Brush image". Note you may have to set the back wall gradient invisible to make the image appear.
These examples are included in the TeeChart compiled demo


Is there a way to manually scroll a large image in PowerPoint?

Preview of what I'm looking for
Hello, I'm looking for a way to manually scroll a large image in PowerPoint. In the image there's an example of what I'm looking for. I want to have a preview of the image that I can scroll through and the actual image that moves accordingly to the scrollbar.
I assume you want this in SlideShowView? For sure this can be achieved only by scripting. Essentially you would have to program buttons for up and down movements and use vba do apply this to the image. The preview is a bit more complicated since you would have to do some math too to achieve the conversion in the size differences. All in all a job for a programmer. Are you looking for programming support here?

Picture Transparency

How do I make a picture transparent in VB6.0 so that when I add image and put the picture, the background will show behind it?
From Rod Stephen's excellent VB Helper site (particularly good on graphics in VB6):
HowTo: Overlay one image on another with a transparent color by using PSet
Description from the site:
This program simply loops through the pixels in the images. For each
image in top-to-bottom order, the program looks for a color other than
the one defined as transparent. When it finds such a color, it stops
looking at the images and sets the output pixel's color using PSet.
Note that there are faster ways to access color values in V 6 and VB
.NET, and that there are faster methods for merging images if you have
an overlay mask. Note also that VB .NET provides tools for setting a
transparent color for an image so this problem is trivial in VB .NET.
i think you should use an ocx and dll library to fix it
You can use 3rd party .ocx files to get that effect.checkout this link http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?636390-vb6-Transparent-PictureBox

SLARToolkit Detect an image in a poster

I am using SLARToolkit for Windows Phone and I am aware of how the toolkit uses markers to identify objects via the camera.
However, I would like the toolkit to recognize a certain image from the poster, e.g.:
(source: burgerbusiness.com)
In this poster I would like to detect the burger on the top right of that poster. How can I do that? Also, is there a better alternative for AR in WP?
It's a duplicate of the question posted at the project site and answered by me: http://slartoolkit.codeplex.com/discussions/394101
You can create custom markers, but they need to be b/w and framed by a black square. Here's how to: http://slartoolkit.codeplex.com/documentation

How to crop only certain area using HTML5 + Javascript or server side language?

Before asking my question, I have a test page to make it everyone understand my question better. The URL is http://iamthemoon.com/crop/
You can move the red selection.
I like to crop only the area of red selection. I thought it could be done easily in HTML5 canvas, but that was my mistake. First I googled about it 2 days, but I couldn't find a solution. There are many HTML5 based cropping tools, but they only have square selection.
I then looked into PHP GD and imagemagick, but I couldn't find a solution as well.
I looked at the adobe online photoshop, but they're missing free-form lasso tool or free-form selection tool as well.
did anyone see a similar javascript/php/ruby/ or any other web-based technology?
or is this even possible?
just to answer to the question if this is possible.
I had to deal with same problem and took me a (full) weekend to solve it using HTML5 .
Have a look at a demo here.
Hope it helps.
Just a bit of pseudocode:
1.Draw the picture on canvas.
2.Record mouse clicks on canvas.
3.Draw a pattern using the mouse clicks coordinates
4.Fill pattern with original image.
5. Replace original image with pattern.
Source code released https://github.com/netplayer/crop
I'm working on the same subject. My idea now was to draw the opposite polygon(s) and make these transparent using imagecolorallocatealpha.
The polygon is then drawn with imagefilledpolygon. For the client side we will be using predefined images (thus predefined polygons in php). I have come across this as well: http://brittonkerin.com/image_region_selector/irs_demo.html.
Hope this helps somewhat.
use html5 to draw the line/ coordinates,
than just use clip() instead of stroke

How to programmatically create a 'bright' and a 'gray' version of an icon?

In a win32 application, I want to have a button with an icon which looks gray when the button is disabled and 'brighter' when the mouse hovers.
I know I can create three bitmaps with an icon editor, but since the icon can be user selected and loaded from the disk, I would like to create the other two versions programmatically.
So, starting with a handle to an image, I would like to:
- Create a new image with all colors converted to grey.
- Create a new image with all colors shifted to white or yellow.
Can this be done using win32 api calls?
Examples in any language will be appreciated.
Maybe the good old DrawState function will suffice. (For some reason it is now listed as only available from Win2000 which is not true.)
And maybe not, in which case you might want to use SetColorAdjustment function.
If the icon is user-selected do you control the format? If not you'll probably want to incorporate an image library or external process like DevIL or Imagemagick which handle more formats than Microsofts API's are likely to..
