Put nils in front of array - ruby

I have a couple of arrays that I want to put nils into so that my indexing will
be further into the array based on how I use the aray. Is there a faster, more efficient and elegant way ?
(1..#epgroup_overide_count.to_i).each do

#unshift takes a splatted arg list to prepend multiple elements, so:
This will do it (similar for your second one)
Breaking down the one liner:
[nil] * #epgroup_override_count.to_i
Multiplying an array by a number duplicates the array that many times, but as a single flat array ([1,2,3]*3 #=> [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]). One thing to be aware of is that if the array has variable references, it creates multiple references to the same objects, not duplicates.
using the splat operator to spread the array into the args of the method
arr.unshift(multiple, args, here)
By using the splat operator, we spread the array into multiple args to #unshift. When #unshift is given multiple args, it prepends all of them to the array, which is the desired result.

You can do like below:
#grp['Overides'] +=([nil]*#epgroup_override_count.to_i).flatten
#grp['channel_overides'] += ([nil]*#epgroup_override_count.to_i).flatten
nil_array = ([nil]*#epgroup_override_count.to_i).flatten
#grp['Overides'] += nil_array
#grp['channel_overides'] += nil_array


How to sort an array in Ruby

Persoane = []
Nume = gets
Persoane.push Nume.split(",")
puts Persoane.sort
I am trying to get an user to input carachters that get split into substrings which get inserted in an array, then the program would output the strings in alphabetical order. It doesnt seem to work and I just get the array's contents, like so:
PS C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\Ruby> ruby "c:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\Ruby\ruby-test.rb"
Scrie numele la persoane
PS C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\Ruby>
you can do this :
Nume = gets
puts Nume.split(",").sort
or in 1 line
array = gets.chomp.split(",").sort
The error is because of your use of push. Let's assume that you define the constant Nume by
Then, Nume.split(',') would return the Array ['Andrei', 'Codrin', 'Bradea']. When you do a Persoane.push, the whole array is added to your array Persoane as a single element. Therefore, Persoane contains only one Element, as you can verify when you do a
p Persoane
If you sort a one-element array, the result will also be just that one element - there is nothing to sort.
What you can do is using concat instead of push. This would result in Persoane being a 3-element array which can be sorted.
I'm not sure you need use constants here
If you don't need keep user input and use it somewhere, you can just chain methods like this
persons = gets.chomp.split(",").sort
For something a little different, let's not split at all.
people = gets.scan(/[^,]+/).map(&:strip).sort
This will avoid problems like multiple commas in a row yielding empty strings. Of course, you could also avoid that with:
people = gets.split(/\,+/).map(&:strip).sort

In Ruby is there a way to get the index of an item in an array that consists of structs?

With a normal array, I can use the arrayname.find_index('whatimlookingfor') to get the position within the array.
I can't figure out how to do this when the elements of the array are Struct's.
Scenario: I have a struct that consists of an ID and the Filename. In one function I need to find within that array the ID of a different file than the one I'm currently processing. I know the other filename, so what I was hoping that I could do something like:
But this obviously fails. Without iterating through the entire array is there a way to quickly reference the index of where the match happens? Or am I out of luck because the array is a collection of structs?
index (same as find_index) takes a block in which you can code up any true/false logic for your finder. To find the index of the first item whose filename does not match parsedfilename...
found_index = items.index { |item| item.filename != parsedfilename }
Many methods which work with Arrays and Enumerables also take blocks.

Ruby: Array each loop, save other elements of original array in new array

I am currently trying to compare every element of an array with the others (in Ruby). Those elements are objects of a class. I need to find similarities between them. My idea was to loop through the original array and in this loop creating a new array containing the other elements (not the one of the outer loop) and then loop through this second array and compare every item with the one in the outer each loop.
Here is some pseudocode:
tempArray = createNewArray from original array without origElement
Compare origElement with differentElement
How can I create that tempArray?
I think you should use Array#permutation for this
original_array.permutation(2) { |elements| Compare elements[0] with elements[1] }
First, I want to say bjhaid's answer is beautiful and for your specific instance, it is the one that should be used.
However, I wanted to provide a more general answer that answers the direct question you asked: "How can I create that tempArray?"
If you wanted to delete all values that are equal to the element in the original array, you could simply do:
tempArray = originalArray - [origElement]
However, if you only want to delete that element, you could do:
originalArray.each_with_index {
|origElement, index|
tempArray = originalArray.dup
Compare origElement with differentElement
Also, a note on styling. You probably want to use underscores instead of CamelCase for all methods/variables. In the Ruby community, CamelCase is typically reserved for class / module names. You also probably want to keep the "piped-in" variables (called block arguments) on the same line as the beginning of the block. It is certainly not a requirement, but it is an almost universal convention in the Ruby community.
This code snippet would be much more familiar and readable to your typical Ruby dev:
original_array.each_with_index do |orig_element, index|
temp_array = original_array.dup
temp_array.each do |different_element|
Compare orig_element with different_element

Add all Arrays with an Main Array without duplicates

I need to add an array of array in to a single array without duplicates
array = [[1,2,3],[2,3,4],[7,8,9]]
new_array [1,2,3,4,7,8,9]
What is the best possible way to do IT in Ruby.
Try this:
flatten! takes any sub-arrays and adds their elements to the enclosing array (recursively), so it "flattens out" arrays of arrays.
uniq! removes duplicate elements from the array.
Note that ! methods modify the original array. Use the non-! methods (flatten and uniq) if you wish to return a new array instead.

itration behaviour when list length = 1

I'm quite new to python and am having issues with for loop behaviour. In my code I'm reading config from a file using configobj. The contents of the config file are variable and that is where I'm seeing issues.
Here's my test code:
if webconf.has_key(group):
scenario_list = webconf[group]['Scenarios']['names']
for scenario in scenario_list:
print "Scenario name = %s\n" % scenario
The "scenario_list" variable will contain any number of strings. When 'names' has multiple elements "scenario" is set to the value of each element, which is fine. When "names" has only 1 element then the loop iterates over each character of the first entry, breaking my code.
So, how do I get the for loop simply to return the value of the entry in "scenario_list" when list length is 1?
Thankyou in advance for any advice offered.
Are you using tuples rather than lists?
aTuple = (1,2,3)
aList = [1,2,3]
The big difference between tuples and lists are that tuples are immutable and lists are mutable. That is, with a list you may change the element of a list, or even add and remove elements.
The problem that you are likely encountering is related to a concept called tuple unpacking.
aList = [0] # aList is now [0]
notATuple = (0) # notATuple is now 0
# there was exactly one element in the tuple, so it was unpacked in the variable
aTuple = (0,) # aTuple is now (0,) - a tuple with one element
# the comma indicates that you wish that the tuple should not be unpacked
The only other problem I think of is that you are not putting the scenario string in a list or tuple when you have only one scenario. Python treats strings like lists (well, more like tuples) of characters. As such, if you iterate over a string you get the individual characters (the behaviour you experienced). Hence, you must put your scenario string in a list (or tuple) if want to iterate over your one string, and not its characters. Had you not been using strings you would have seen a runtime error.
