How to know whether a FileUtils command was successful? - ruby

I don't see any return value from FileUtils commands.
I'd like to do something like:
if really
success = FileUtils.rm_rf "./PROJECT_#{#name}" #does not work
puts "./PROJECT_#{#name} deleted" if success
I read the documentation for FileUtils, and also read a "Getting executed command from ruby FileUtils", but I cannot figure how to use the answer.

According to the documentation ( ) calls to #rm_rf will not echo anything relevant to the task they are taking. #rm_rf actually calls #rm_r with option :force => true. This options enables the method to ignore the StandardError Exception (which would then communicate you something about the operation or why it is not working). Now, back to why it is failing. As somebody already commented, try with the option :secure => true. More info about this here: . This is probably a permission issue.

I think you need to check the return value:
irb(main):006:0> FileUtils.rm_rf 'test'
=> ["test"]
and check if an exception is raised in case of the directory doesn't exist.
If you need the return value, maybe your only option is to run the command inside ruby, please take a look at this blog post.


How do you use test-unit?

My test/run_test.rb is exactly as the docs have it here. My test/spec.rb has simply puts 'hello', yet running ruby test/run_test.rb outputs nothing at all.
I can't find any other documentation on test-unit.
Rename test/spec.rb to test/foo_test.rb, as your test files need to end with _test.rb.

Forcing a copy with a Thor action

I'm using the Thor built-in action "copy_file" to copy a file from my template source, overwriting an existing file.
I always want to overwrite, and don't want to have to confirm this interactively.
The documentation doesn't suggest there is a force option in the config hash for this action, but does indicate that config[:behavior] can be set to force, but I can't see how to do this.
If anyone has an example of doing this that they could share, I'd be most grateful.
Look at the source of copy_file action at it uses create_file and passes config Hash to it. Ok, let us see specs for create_file . Search the file for 'force', action can be invoked with:
create_file("doc/config.rb", :force => true)
Try that with your copy_file action, append :force => true at the end, it is treated as config hash, passed to create_file and it should work.

How to get rspec-2 to give the full trace associated with a test failure?

Right now if I run my test suite using rake spec I get an error:
1) SegmentsController GET 'index' should work
Failure/Error: get 'index'
undefined method `locale' for #
# ./spec/controllers/segments_controller_spec.rb:14:
in `block (3 levels) in '
This is normal as I do have an error :)
The problem is that the trace isn't very helpful. I know it broke in segments_controller_spec.rb, line 14, but this is just where I call the test:
### segments_controller_spec.rb:14
get 'index'
I would prefer to have the actual line breaking and the complete trace, not the part in the spec folder.
Running with --trace doesn't help.
You must run rspec with -b option to see full backtraces
Another (easier) alternative is to edit the .rspec file, and add the backtrace option.
It should look somewhat like this:
That will give you the full backtrace.
Hope this helps.
This will also work:
# rails_helper.rb
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.full_backtrace = true
Another approach is to clear all backtrace exclusion patterns in spec_helper.rb. I like this solution most as I'm able to keep all RSpec settings in one place and get rid of .rspec file or explicit --backtrace in .travis.yml.
# spec_helper.rb
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.backtrace_exclusion_patterns = []
I don't know how to get the controller error to show up in rspec. Sometimes it shows up but I don't know what conditions cause it to show up. Here is a way to see the error fairly quickly though:
Open another terminal session and run:
tail -f log/test.log
Then go back to the terminal session and run just the spec that had the error:
bin/rspec -b spec/requests/posts/index_spec.rb
Go back to the tail of the log and you should see the error, hopefully without too much other stuff surrounding it (because you ran the failing test by itself).
One more option when all else fails is to just add a rescue block and print out the stack try or add a binding pry statement there and use show-stack.
rescue Exception => e
puts ""
puts e.backtrace
puts ""

Why am I getting NoMethodError from IRB for my own Module and method

I have taken this example exactly from the Ruby Cookbook. Unfortunately for me, like a whole lot of the examples in that book, this one does not work:
my file (Find.rb - saved both locally and to Ruby\bin):
require 'find'
module Find
def match(*paths)
find(*paths) { |path| matched << path if yield path }
return matched
module_function :match
I try to call it this way from IRB, according to the example the book provides:
irb(main):002:0> require 'Find'
=> false
irb(main):003:0> Find.match("./") { |p| ext = p[-4...p.size]; ext && ext.downcase == "mp3" }
It SHOULD return a list of mp3 files in my recursive directory. Instead, it does this:
NoMethodError: undefined method `match' for Find:Module
from (irb):3
from C:/Ruby192/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
What gives? I'm new at this (although I MUST say that I'm farther along with Python, and much better at it!).
How can I get IRB to use my method?
I ran into this with irb on a Mac running Snow Leopard while using the default version of ruby (and irb of course) installed with OS X. I was able to get past it by including the module in IRB after loading the module or in the file after the module definition.
include module_name
I'm not sure if this is a defect or known behavior.
The only explanation is that the code you posted is not the code you are running, since both carefully reading it and simply cut&paste&running it shows absolutely no problems whatsoever.
What directory are you calling IRB from? Try calling it from the directory where your find.rb file is located. Also, I don't know if it makes any difference but convention is to name the file the lowercase version of the module / class. So the module would be Find and the file name would be find.rb. You shouldn't need the require call in the file itself.
So, start your command prompt window, cd into the directory that contains find.rb and run irb. In IRB you should be able to require "find" and it should return true. From there you should be able to call Find.match.
I know this question is already 3 years old, but since this is the first hit on google for the problem, and I had been banging my head against the wall all afternoon with the same problem doing the tutorial here:, here goes: the function definition in the module should read
module Find
def Find.match(*paths)

How can I use Ruby to check if a domain exists?

Something along the lines of:
def domain_exists?(domain)
# perform check
# return true|false
puts "valid!" if domain_exists?("")
require 'socket'
def domain_exists?(domain)
rescue SocketError
return false
If you want to check whether a domain is registered or not, then you need to perform a Whois query.
With ruby-whois is pretty easy:
Install gem and require.
a = Whois.whois("")
=> false
There is also a CLI bundled if you install it via ruby gems: ruby-whois
web page at:
You could shell out to nslookup like this:
`nslookup #{domain}`
and parse the results as text with regexes etc.
Or you can use the Socket class, specifically Socket.getaddrinfo. See previous StackOverflow answer on this very question.
