Does it matter where I submit hadoop jobs from? - hadoop

Does it have any measurable effect on resources whether I submit a bunch of hadoop jobs from different client servers or all from the same one? I would think not since all the work is done in the cluster. Is this correct?

The only thing which is resource intensive on the client submitting to the Hadoop cluster is the calculation of the input splits. When the input data is huge or when too many jobs are submitted from the same client then because of the input split calculations, the job submission might become a bit slow.
I am not able to recall the Hadoop release or the parameter, but a configurable parameter was included to move the calculation of the input splits from the client submitting a job to the Hadoop cluster.

It really shouldn't matter where you submit your jobs from. The client itself doesn't do much, it uses RPC protocol to contact the services, and then just sits idle until the job is finished.
Also, the most important is what kind of scheduler you use to allocate resource, which is probably going to make the most significant difference and decide which resources to allocate to which job. More on job scheduling here.

I don't think you can move the input split calculation into Job Tracker in 'Classic' version. In YARN, you can move it using
I am guessing, Hadoop people didn't want to overload Job tracker with input split creation. Similar to the design decision of not assigning too much work for Namenode in HDFS.
In YARN, every job gets its own Application Master, so no worries about overloading a SPOF/bottleneck master like job tracker.
In reference to the original question, the client job would have to reach out to the namenode to get the block locations (I have see parts of code on block storage class calling data node for some meta data...not sure whether these happen during input split creation or in task tracker node) . This can become an issue if you are handling a lot of jobs on the same client node.
If you are using YARN, there would be a slight performance increase if all these communications happen inside the cluster.
Need to check how Oozie handles this issue.
Hopefully, this helps!


How to write rows asynchronously in Spark Streaming application to speed up batch execution?

I have a spark job where I need to write the output of the SQL query every micro-batch. Write is a expensive operation perf wise and is causing the batch execution time to exceed the batch interval.
I am looking for ways to improve the performance of write.
Is doing the write action in a separate thread asynchronously like shown below a good option?
Would this cause any side effects because Spark itself executes in a distributed manner?
Are there other/better ways of speeding up the write?
// Create a fixed thread pool to execute asynchronous tasks
val executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2)
dstream.foreachRDD { rdd =>
import org.apache.spark.sql._
val spark = SparkSession.builder.config(rdd.sparkContext.getConf).getOrCreate
import spark.implicits._
import spark.sql
val records = rdd.toDF("record")
val result = spark.sql("select * from records")
// Submit a asynchronous task to write
executorService.submit {
new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = {
1 - Is doing the write action in a separate thread asynchronously like shown below a good option?
No. The key to understand the issue here is to ask 'who is doing the write'. The write is done by the resources allocated for your job on the executors in a cluster. Placing the write command on an async threadpool is like adding a new office manager to an office with a fixed staff. Will two managers be able to do more work than one alone given that they have to share the same staff? Well, one reasonable answer is "only if the first manager was not giving them enough work, so there's some free capacity".
Going back to our cluster, we are dealing with a write operation that is heavy on IO. Parallelizing write jobs will lead to contention for IO resources, making each independent job longer. Initially, our job might look better than the 'single manager version', but trouble will eventually hit us.
I've made a chart that attempts to illustrate how that works. Note that the parallel jobs will take longer proportionally to the amount of time that they are concurrent in the timeline.
Once we reach that point where jobs start getting delayed, we have an unstable job that will eventually fail.
2- Would this cause any side effects because Spark itself executes in a distributed manner?
Some effects I can think of:
Probably higher cluster load and IO contention.
Jobs are queuing on the Threadpool queue instead of on the Spark Streaming Queue. We loose the ability to monitor our job through the Spark UI and monitoring API, as the delays are 'hidden' and all is fine from the Spark Streaming point of view.
3- Are there other/better ways of speeding up the write?
(ordered from cheap to expensive)
If you are appending to a parquet file, create a new file often. Appending gets expensive with time.
Increase your batch interval or use Window operations to write larger chunks of Parquet. Parquet likes large files
Tune the partition and distribution of your data => make sure that Spark can do the write in parallel
Increase cluster resources, add more nodes if necessary
Use faster storage
Is doing the write action in a separate thread asynchronously like shown below a good option?
Yes. It's certainly something to consider when optimizing expensive queries and saving their results to external data stores.
Would this cause any side effects because Spark itself executes in a distributed manner?
Don't think so. SparkContext is thread-safe and promotes this kind of query execution.
Are there other/better ways of speeding up the write?
YES! That's the key to understand when to use the other (above) options. By default, Spark applications run in FIFO scheduling mode.
Quoting Scheduling Within an Application:
By default, Spark’s scheduler runs jobs in FIFO fashion. Each job is divided into “stages” (e.g. map and reduce phases), and the first job gets priority on all available resources while its stages have tasks to launch, then the second job gets priority, etc. If the jobs at the head of the queue don’t need to use the whole cluster, later jobs can start to run right away, but if the jobs at the head of the queue are large, then later jobs may be delayed significantly.
Starting in Spark 0.8, it is also possible to configure fair sharing between jobs. Under fair sharing, Spark assigns tasks between jobs in a “round robin” fashion, so that all jobs get a roughly equal share of cluster resources. This means that short jobs submitted while a long job is running can start receiving resources right away and still get good response times, without waiting for the long job to finish. This mode is best for multi-user settings.
That means that to make a room for executing multiple writes asynchronously and in parallel you should configure your Spark application to use FAIR scheduling mode (using spark.scheduler.mode property).
You will have to configure so-called Fair Scheduler Pools to "partition" executor resources (CPU and memory) into pools that you can assign to jobs using spark.scheduler.pool property.
Quoting Fair Scheduler Pools:
Without any intervention, newly submitted jobs go into a default pool, but jobs’ pools can be set by adding the spark.scheduler.pool "local property" to the SparkContext in the thread that’s submitting them.

Spark Health check scripts

I planning for spark streaming on on multi node cluster. What kind of health check scripts do i need to on spark cluster.Can any one provide any sample?
Like to check if spark is running well or not or any node goes down etc..
Well not all the things you wanted to do comes in one piece.
For spark jobs - you need to make a decision on how you want to handle the failures. This is based on your business requirements like - should the entire job fail for one bad row, or just continue job and accumulate bad records. This would be on assumption that all worker nodes are good
Based on which distribution you used, you can manage the node health. Cloudera Distribution gives lot of details about the health, and when you see red signals regarding the memory etc.
With oozie or any workflow management, you can also configure email alerts for your jobs when they fail

Map-reduce via Oozie

If I am using Oozie to run MapReduce job, is there a specific number about how many mappers will be started?
Is it:
one for Oozie and one for map-reduce job or
one for Oozie and one mapper for every 64MB block(default block size)
The above answers focus on how many maps and reduces a mapreduce job needs. However as you specifically ask about oozie, I will share my experience on mapreduce (in pig) via Oozie.
When you kick off an oozie workflow, you need 1 yarn application for this. I am not sure what the logic is, but it appears that these applications usually require 1 map, and occasionally 2.
Besides the above, you still need the same amount of mappers and reducers to do the actual work as if you did not use oozie. (If you see a different number than you expected, this may be because you passed specific parameters on map or reduce properties when calling the script).
The above means, that if you were to have 100 available containers, and kickoff 100 workflows (for example by starting a daily job with a startdate of 100 days in the past), it is likely that the workflows take up all available containers, and the actual work is suspended indefinitely.
Short answer : Oozie launches mapreduce job by submitting one maponly job to the cluster called Oozie launcher. Agree with #Dennis Jaheruddin.
Detail answer after my research : Oozie's execution model
Oozie’s execution model is different from
the default approach users take to run Hadoop jobs. When a user
invokes the Hadoop, Hive, or Pig CLI tool from a Hadoop edge node, the
corresponding client executable runs on that node which is configured
to contact and submit jobs to the Hadoop cluster. When the same jobs
are defined and submitted via an Oozie workflow action, things work
Let’s say you are submitting a workflow job using the Oozie CLI on the
edge node. The Oozie client actually submits the workflow to the Oozie
server, which typically runs on a different node. Regardless of where
it runs, it’s the Oozie server’s responsibility to submit and run the
underlying MapReduce jobs on the Hadoop cluster. Oozie doesn’t do so
by using the standard client tools installed locally on the Oozie
server node. Instead, it first submits a MapReduce job called the
“launcher job,” which in turn runs the Hadoop, Hive, or Pig job using
the appropriate client APIs.
Imp Note : The Oozie launcher is basically a map-only job running a single mapper
on the Hadoop cluster. This map job knows what to do for the specific
action it’s supposed to run and does the appropriate thing by using
the libraries for Hadoop, Pig, etc. This will result in other
MapReduce jobs being spun up as required. These Oozie jobs are called
“asynchronous actions” in Oozie parlance. Oozie doesn’t run these
actions in its own server, but kicks them off on the Hadoop cluster
using a launcher job. The reason Oozie server “outsources” the
launcher to the Hadoop cluster is to protect itself from unexpected
workloads and also to isolate user code from its own services. After
all, Oozie has access to an awesome distributed system in the form of
a Hadoop cluster.
Coming to Mapreduce actions you can set number of maptasks but there is no guarantee, it will depend as described below.
The number of maps is usually driven by the total size of the inputs,
that is, the total number of blocks of the input files.
setting number of maps - Suggestion (actually based on inputsplits)
setting number of reducer - Demand
Number of Maps
The number of maps is usually driven by the number of DFS blocks in the input files. Although that causes people to adjust their DFS block size to adjust the number of maps. The right level of parallelism for maps seems to be around 10-100 maps/node, although we have taken it up to 300 or so for very cpu-light map tasks. Task setup takes awhile, so it is best if the maps take at least a minute to execute
Number of mapper depend on number of logical input splits it do not depends on number of blocks. You can control number of input splits by your programme.
Refer this for more information about how input splits effects number of mapper and how to create input splits.

How to find the right portion between hadoop instance types

I am trying to find out how many MASTER, CORE, TASK instances are optimal to my jobs. I couldn't find any tutorial that explains how do I figure it out.
How do I know if I need more than 1 core instance? What are the "symptoms" I would see in EMR's console in the metrics that would hint I need more than one core? So far when I tried the same job with 1*core+7*task instances it ran pretty much like on 8*core, but it doesn't make much sense to me. Or is it possible that my job is so much CPU bound that the IO is such minor? (I have a map-only job that parses apache log files into csv file)
Is there such a thing to have more than 1 master instance? If yes, when is it needed? I wonder, because my master node pretty much is just waiting for the other nodes to do the job (0%CPU) for 95% of the time.
Can the master and the core node be identical? I can have a master only cluster, when the 1 and only node does everything. It looks like it would be logical to be able to have a cluster with 1 node that is the master and the core , and the rest are task nodes, but it seems to be impossible to set it up that way with EMR. Why is that?
The master instance acts as a manager and coordinates everything that goes in the whole cluster. As such, it has to exist in every job flow you run but just one instance is all you need. Unless you are deploying a single-node cluster (in which case the master instance is the only node running), it does not do any heavy lifting as far as actual MapReducing is concerned, so the instance does not have to be a powerful machine.
The number of core instances that you need really depends on the job and how fast you want to process it, so there is no single correct answer. A good thing is that you can resize the core/task instance group, so if you think your job is running slow, then you can add more instances to a running process.
One important difference between core and task instance groups is that the core instances store actual data on HDFS whereas task instances do not. In turn, you can only increase the core instance group (because removing running instances would lose the data on those instances). On the other hand, you can both increase and decrease the task instance group by adding or removing task instances.
So these two types of instances can be used to adjust the processing power of your job. Typically, you use ondemand instances for core instances because they must be running all the time and cannot be lost, and you use spot instances for task instances because losing task instances do not kill the entire job (e.g., the tasks not finished by task instances will be rerun on core instances). This is one way to run a large cluster cost-effectively by using spot instances.
The general description of each instance type is available here:
Also, this video may be useful for using EMR effectively:

Chain of events when running a MapReduce job

I'm looking for some specific information regarding the chain of events when running a MapReduce job on a Hadoop cluster.
Let's assume that my Reduce tasks are on the verge of completion. After my last reducer has written its output to the output file, how many replicas of the output file are there?
What exactly happens after the last reducer has finished writing to the output file. When does the NameNode request the respective Data Nodes to replicate the output file? And how is the Name Node informed that the output file is ready? Who conveys that information to the NameNode?
Thank you!
The Reduce tasks write output to HDFS. They do this by first communicating with the name node to request a block. The name node then tells the reducer which data nodes to write to, and then the reducer actually sends the data directly to the first data node, which then sends it to the second data node, which sends it to the third node. Typically the name node will keep things local, so the first data node is probably the same machine that is running the reduce task.
Once the reducer has finished writing outputs, and the data nodes have confirmed this, the reducer itself will tell the job tracker that it has finished via periodic heartbeat communication.
To understand the basics of HDFS replication, have a read over replica placement in the HDFS architecture document. In a nutshell, the NameNode will try to use the same rack to minimize latency.
