I have an array, fullset(24), containing plot data for the last 24h, by the hour. This array i feed to jqPlot to create a bar graph. Works fine. But I want to show only a subset of the data, say the business hours (8-17). I do this, rather clumsily, by creating a new array containing a subset and some additional trickery with the ticks, like so:
var ticks = [];
var subset = [];
for (i = 8; i < 17; i++)
subset[i - 8] = fullset[i][1];
ticks.push(sprintf("%d-%d", i, i + 1));
But is there a better way? Is it possible to somehow tell jqPlot to show only a subset of the full set?
On the axes settings, I have set a minimum and maximum, but not sure if this will do the same as you are looking for.
axes: {
xaxis: {
I am working in the Google Earth Engine Javascript API and have defined grid cells covering my region of interest. It is:
var lat_start = 32.31644;
var lat_end = 37.31914;
var lon_start = 35.61394;
var lon_end = 42.38504;
// 2) Decide no. of (in this case: equally sized) cells
var num_cells = 10;
var lon_edge = (lon_end-lon_start)/Math.sqrt(num_cells);
var lat_edge = (lat_end-lat_start)/Math.sqrt(num_cells);
// 3) Create the grid
var polys = [];
var polys_line = [];
var cell_id = 0;
for (var lon = lon_start; lon < lon_end; lon += lon_edge) {
var x1 = lon;
var x2 = lon + lon_edge;
for (var lat = lat_start; lat < lat_end; lat += lat_edge) {
cell_id = cell_id + 1;
var y1 = lat;
var y2 = lat + lat_edge;
polys.push(ee.Feature(ee.Geometry.Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2), {label: cell_id}));
var grid = ee.FeatureCollection(polys);
I am using Worldpop population estimates data, an Image Collection with years as layers (2000-2016).
var pop = ee.ImageCollection("WorldPop/GP/100m/pop").filterBounds(grid);
My goal is to obtain a feature collection at the grid cell level that identifies the total population in each grid for a given year. I don't think I can use the "reduce" function over the image collection, since that would sum population across years for the cells defined by the image collection (my grid cells are larger).
My approach so far has been to isolate image layers with the hope of piecing them back together in a dataframe. Which so far, for each year, looks like this:
pop_01 = pop.filterDate('2001');
var pop_01_img = pop_01.reduce(ee.Reducer.sum());
var pop_grid_01 = pop_01_img.reduceRegions({collection: grid,reducer:
ee.Reducer.sum(), scale: 6000,});
This results in a series of feature collections and I can use inner joins to merge two feature collections. But how do I merge more? I was working off of the following basic inner join function:
var toyFilter = ee.Filter.equals({
leftField: 'system:index',
rightField: 'system:index'
var innerJoin = ee.Join.inner('primary', 'secondary');
var toyJoin = innerJoin.apply(pop_grid_00, pop_grid_01, toyFilter);
If you were trying to complete the task I described above, how would you approach it? Do you think it's most efficient to create the separate images and corresponding feature collections and put them back together, and if yes, how do we conduct inner joins for what would be 10 separate feature collections? Or is there a way for me to calculate the sum within my defined grid cells for each year layer in the image collection? If yes, how?
Thank you!!
I think I figured it out, using information from this blog. The key is to transform the image collection into a stack of images.
I am trying to plot some flow diagrams using d3's sankey.js.
I am stuck at arranging nodes x positions in the diagrams.
t2_a should be in same column as t2_b as they represent quantity from same time period. However by default this is placed at the end which gives wrong interpretation.
I can arrange manually for small number of nodes but its really difficult when number of nodes increase. Any help or suggestion would be highly appreciated.
In sankey.js comment the moveSinksRight call in computeNodeBreadths:
function computeNodeBreadths() {
var remainingNodes = nodes,
x = 0;
while (remainingNodes.length) {
nextNodes = [];
remainingNodes.forEach(function(node) {
node.x = x;
node.dx = nodeWidth;
node.sourceLinks.forEach(function(link) {
remainingNodes = nextNodes;
// moveSinksRight(x); <-- comment this
scaleNodeBreadths((width - nodeWidth) / (x - 1));
I have a working jsfiddle that I made using JSXGraph, a graphing toolkit for mathematical functions. I'd like to port it to D3.js for personal edification, but I'm having a hard time getting started.
The jsfiddle graphs the value of -ke(-x/T) + k, where x is an independent variable and the values of k and t come from sliders.
// y = -k * e(-x/t) + k
function(x) { return -k.Value()*Math.exp(-x/t.Value()) + k.Value(); },
The three things I'm most stumped on:
Actually drawing the graph and its axes - it's not clear to me which of the many parts of the D3 API I should be using, or what level of abstraction I should be operating at.
Re-rendering the graph when a slider is changed, and making the graph aware of the value of the sliders.
Zooming out the graph so that the asymptote defined by y = k is always visible and not within the top 15% of the graph. I do this now with:
function getAestheticBoundingBox() {
var kMag = k.Value();
var tMag = t.Value();
var safeMinimum = 10;
var limit = Math.max(safeMinimum, 1.15 * Math.max(k.Value(), t.Value()));
return [0, Math.ceil(limit), Math.ceil(limit), 0];
What's the right way for me to tackle this problem?
I threw this example together really quick, so don't ding me on the code quality. But it should give you a good starting point for how you'd do something like this in d3. I implemented everything in straight d3, even the sliders.
As #LarKotthoff says, the key is that you have to loop your function and build your data:
// define your function
var func = function(x) {
return -sliders.k() * Math.exp(-x / sliders.t()) + sliders.k();
// your step for looping function
step = 0.01;
function drawPlot() {
// avoid first callback before both sliders are created
if (!sliders.k ||
!sliders.t) return;
// set your limits
var kMag = sliders.k();
var tMag = sliders.t();
var safeMinimum = 10;
var limit = Math.max(safeMinimum, 1.15 * Math.max(kMag, tMag));
// generate your data
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < limit; i += step) {
x: i,
y: func(i)
// set our axis limits
[0, Math.ceil(limit)]
[0, Math.ceil(limit)]
// redraw axis
// redraw line
.attr('d', lineFunc(data))
I am new to d3, learning a lot. I have an issue I cannot find an example for:
I have two y axes with positive and negative values with vastly different domains, one being large dollar amounts the other being percentages.
The resulting graph from cobbling together examples looks really awesome with one slight detail, the zero line for each y axis is in a slightly different position. Does anyone know of a way in d3 to get the zero line to be at the same x position?
I would like these two yScales/axes to share the same zero line
// define yScale
var yScale = d3.scale.linear()
.range([height, 0])
.domain(d3.extent(dataset, function(d) { return d.value_di1; }))
// define y2 scale
var yScale2 = d3.scale.linear()
.range([height, 0])
.domain(d3.extent(dataset, function(d) { return d.calc_di1_di2_percent; }))
Here is a link to a jsfiddle with sample data:
(the x-axis ticks look horrible in the jsfiddle example)
In general, there's unfortunately no way to do this neatly. D3 doesn't really have a concept of several things lining up and therefore no means of accomplishing it.
In your particular case however, you can fix it quite easily by tweaking the domain of the second y axis:
.domain([d3.min(dataset, function(d) { return d.calc_di1_di2_percent; }), 0.7])
Complete example here.
To make the 0 level the same position, a strategy is to equalize the length/proportion of the y axes.
Here are the concepts to the solution below:
The alignment of baseline depends on the length of the y axes.
To let all value shown in the bar, we need to extend the shorter side of the dimension, which compares to the other, to make the proportion of the two axes equal.
// dummy data
const y1List = [-1000, 120, -130, 1400],
y2List = [-0.1, 0.2, 0.3, -0.4];
// get proportion of the two y axes
const totalY1Length = Math.abs(d3.min(y1List)) + Math.abs(d3.max(y1List)),
totalY2Length = Math.abs(d3.min(y2List)) + Math.abs(d3.max(y2List)),
maxY1ToY2 = totalY2Length * d3.max(y1List) / totalY1Length,
minY1ToY2 = totalY2Length * d3.min(y1List) / totalY1Length,
maxY2ToY1 = totalY1Length * d3.max(y2List) / totalY2Length,
minY2ToY1 = totalY1Length * d3.min(y2List) / totalY2Length;
// extend the shorter side of the upper dimension with corresponding value
let maxY1Domain = d3.max(y1List),
maxY2Domain = d3.max(y2List);
if (maxY1ToY2 > d3.max(y2List)) {
maxY2Domain = d3.max(y2List) + maxY1ToY2 - d3.max(y2List);
} else {
maxY1Domain = d3.max(y1List) + maxY2ToY1 - d3.max(y1List);
// extend the shorter side of the lower dimension with corresponding value
let minY1Domain = d3.min(y1List),
minY2Domain = d3.min(y2List);
if (minY1ToY2 < d3.min(y2List)) {
minY2Domain = d3.min(y2List) + minY1ToY2 - d3.min(y2List);
} else {
minY1Domain = d3.min(y1List) + minY2ToY1 - d3.min(y1List);
// finally, we get the domains for our two y axes
const y1Domain = [minY1Domain, maxY1Domain],
y2Domain = [minY2Domain, maxY2Domain];
I'm using a single kendoChart to display up to 10 lines of data.
Each line represents process data that may have widely different context and min/max ranges, but all lines are related in time, the categoryAxis. When displayed, each valueAxis correctly shows the scale for the corresponding line.
However, with 10 lines, the 10 valueAxes take up far too much of the screen to be usable for my requirements.
I tried hiding all axes except one with the expectation that the chart would expand to fill up the space taken by the hidden axes, but that does
not happen. I get a lone axis surrounded by blank space and the chart's plot area remains the same size.
I tried setting all of the series to use the same valueAxis and then varying the valueAxis min/max per the active channel as chosen by clicking
a legend item. This expands the plot area as needed, but removes the ability to see all lines since the scale is specific to one line.
Is it possible for kendoChart to show multiple plots independently from a single valueAxis (e.g. a line with values between 0.5 and 0.7 would appear scaled to the full chart area, and so would a line with values between 25 and 100, but the valueAxis might display either scale.)
The solution I used for this problem is more code than I expected to need. Perhaps Telerik's other products have an API for this.
Essentially, I maintain a structure outside of the kendoChart that stores the real data for each series, and this real data is mapped to the expected scale of the currently visible valueAxis. The mapping function is the standard transform from one scale into another.
The valueAxis is 'swapped' depending on which legend item is clicked, and that event triggers a redraw on the chart where all the series data is mapped to the 'active' axis.
Some code snippets. A series is also described as a channel.
// The data structure.
fullName: ch.fullName || "",
axisTitle: (ch.fullName + axisEUString) || "",
axisFont: ch.axisFont || "",
axisColor: ch.color || "#000000",
realData: [],
minData: Number.MAX_VALUE,
maxData: Number.MIN_VALUE
// This event causes the switching of valueAxis for all members of the series.
$("#" + chartID).kendoChart({
// Other kendoChart configurations
legendItemClick: function (e) {
var idx = e.seriesIndex;
tooltip: {
visible: true,
template: "#=series.name# : #=kendo.format('{0:N4}', dataItem.realValue)#<br />#=kendo.format('{0:MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff}', dataItem.Time)#",
// Other kendoChart configurations
// All code snippets are members of a wrapper object.
updateAxis: function (ch) {
if (this.series[ch].visible) {
// Every series is set to the same valueAxis via the selected series' valueAxis.name property.
setAxis: function (ch) {
var i,
channel = this._channelDescriptors[ch];
this._currentChannel = ch;
for (i = 0; i < this.series.length; i++) {
this.series[i].axis = this._channelDescriptors[ch].fullName;
// Set the active valueAxis properties. This is the only axis visible maintained for the chart.
this.valueAxis.name = channel.fullName;
this.valueAxis.title.text = channel.axisTitle;
this.valueAxis.title.font = channel.axisFont;
this.valueAxis.line.color = channel.axisColor;
// The mapping occurs here, and the transform calculation is this line
// Y: (yRange * (chDesc.realData[k].realValue - newMin) / newRange) + this.valueAxis.min,
updateChart: function (allTrends) {
// ...
timeStamps = trendDataResponse.curve.Timestamp;
t1 = trendArgs.t1;
t2 = trendArgs.t2;
xValues = trendDataResponse.curve.X;
yValues = trendDataResponse.curve.Y;
pointCount = xValues.length;
min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
max = Number.MIN_VALUE;
categoryTimes = [pointCount];
newData = [];
for (l = 0; l < pointCount; l++) {
min = Math.min(min, yValues[l]);
max = Math.max(max, yValues[l]);
ts = new Date(timeStamps[l]);
categoryTimes[l] = ts;
// The Y data will be plotted on the chart, but the cursor tooltip will
// use the realValue data. In this way, the series can be visible regardless of
// the valueAxis scaling, but the actual data is also available. Refer to the
// tooltip template.
newData.push({ X: xValues[l], Y: yValues[l], realValue: yValues[l], Time: ts });
// Real data for each channel is stored in channelDescriptors.
chDesc = this._channelDescriptors[channelID];
chDesc.realData = newData;
chDesc.minData = min;
chDesc.maxData = max;
// The valueAxis min/max is set only for the 'active' series.
if (this._currentChannel === channelID) {
this.categoryAxis.categories = categoryTimes;
yRange = max - min;
scaleAdjustment = yRange * SNC.CONST_yAxisScaleAdjustmentFactor;
this.valueAxis.min = min - scaleAdjustment;
this.valueAxis.max = max + scaleAdjustment;
// Scale curves to current axis.
// Use real data for the current series.
for (j = 0; j < this.series.length; ++j) {
chDesc = this._channelDescriptors[j];
if (j === this._currentChannel) {
this.series[j].data = chDesc.realData;
// Use mapped data for all other series.
recalcData = [];
newMin = chDesc.minData;
newMax = chDesc.maxData;
newRange = newMax - newMin;
rangeAdjustment = newRange * SNC.CONST_yAxisScaleAdjustmentFactor;
newMin = newMin - rangeAdjustment;
newMax = newMax + rangeAdjustment;
for (k = 0; k < chDesc.realData.length; ++k) {
X: chDesc.realData[k].X,
Y: (yRange * (chDesc.realData[k].realValue - newMin) / newRange) + this.valueAxis.min,
realValue: chDesc.realData[k].realValue,
Time: chDesc.realData[k].Time,
this.series[j].data = recalcData;