Debugging VS2012 Service on Windows 2003 - debugging

I'm trying to attach a debugger to a windows service running on a Windows 2003R2 box using VS2012. I've installed the VS2012 SP1 debugging tools and set to 'No Authentication', but I just get a 'Connection request was rejected by the remote debugger. Ensure that the remote debugger is running in "No Authentication" mode.
Is it possible to debug with this setup?


Visual Studio debugging .net core app on ubuntu via ssh

I would like to debug .NetCore application which is running on remote Ubuntu server. Workstation from which application is debugged runs on Windows 10 and I would like to debug application in Visual studio 2019 using ssh tunel.
I can successfully connect using ssh as you can see in attached screenshot
Visual Studio - Attach process window
I can see my process running and when I choose it I get operation canceled exception
Operation was canceled error window
There is no clue why this error occured even in visual studio output window
Visual studio output window
I tried to install this versions of VS:
.Net app is running on:
Ubuntu 18.04.5 .Net 3.1.404

Cannot connect to remote debugger

I'm not able to connect to Visual Studio remote debugger on remote machine (in the same network). The MSVSMON is running on the remote machine. When I try to list the process, there is a entry (in the remote machine) in the VS Remote Debugging Monitor saying the "username" connected. But the on the host, machine it times out and displays an error.
I'm running Windows Server 2012. Visual Studio 2010. x64.
Any leads on how to get this working?

VMWare Remote debugging using Visual Studio 2010 Vista host and Win2000 guest

I have Visual Studio 2010 in a Vista host and I'm trying to debug a C program in a Windows 2000 guest. Apparently there is no normal way to do that because VS2010 no longer supports Windows 2000 CRT. So what I've done is I'm using the msvsmon from VS2008 instead:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x86\msvsmon.exe
I have set the right firewall settings I think. I can connect to the guest machine on the host by doing \\c$ for example with no problem.
When I click the VMWare play button in visual studio to debug msvsmon will start in Windows 2000 but that's it. There is a series of dings and then a message box. I am not logged in as the same user name on the host as I am as the guest. Is that really necessary? Does anyone have experience in this area or good diagnostics?
There is an option in the guest msvsmon where I can disable authentication but I still can't execute using the play button.
Have you tried to use no authentication and then use the attach to process option in Visual Studio? You need to start the app in the Windows 2000 box first.

Visual Studio Debugging

I just installed windows 7 64 bit I cannot debug an app in Visual studio using the Cassini web server. I have attempted to use firefox, chrome and IE and nothing will let me connect in debug mode. As anyone seen this issue before? All make it appear as though the website does just not exist.
I cant even get a aspx page to display after the Cassini web server has been spun up by visual studio. Is simply wont connect, I have read this could have something to do with IPV6?
Edit and Continue does not work when Visual Studio is running on a 64-bit Windows operating system.
You can however perform remote debugging.

"IntelliTrace debugging not available" error in Visual Studio 2010

In XP 32bit Visual Studio 2010 I get the error below when I start debugging with IntelliTrace enabled. Doesn't IntelliTrace work in Windows XP or is there some setting which causes this error?
The error occurs when I choose the second option to add call information in the IntelliTrace settings. There's nothing in the event log about this error. The question now is how to find out why VS is having trouble adding call information.
IntelliTrace works on Windows XP it just does not support collecting event and call information with IIS 5. The supported versions of IIS are 6.0, 7.0 and 7.5. Those versions are installed on Windows 2003, Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 R2, respectively.
