rpmbuild - How to mark some package as conflicting at build time - gcc

I have to use different compiler (gcc) from one packaged with centos. It is also gcc, just repacked newer version which has been installed with different path.
I am using mock for build, which has in its basic setup
config_opts['chroot_setup_cmd'] = 'groupinstall build'
Group build in my case contains CentOS stock gcc. I cannot change anything in mock environment.
Is there a way how to delete gcc package before build actually proceed?
The problem is that some programs compiled by my repacked gcc tends to use system /usr/include/ instead of correct include's from repacked gcc, so I am looking for a way how to localize problem.

You can try to use the instructions provided by Fedora to complete this task, they talk about doing a build when the rpm you need to install isn't part of a repo.
If that doesn't work I would look at setting up a custom environment, or asking your admin to do so if you cannot change it as you state in your question. The configuration files are stored under /etc/mock/*.cfg. I would suggest copying one of these that matches your needs and naming it something unique. Then you need to add an additional repo line (either local or remote depending on where your custom copy of GCC lives).
This will configure the environment to pick up that version of GCC if it really is just marked as a newer release. In the event there is some unique naming convention or it's not being picked up for some reason you should look at modifying the chroot_setup_cmd to simply install all the build packages. When I review a
yum groupinstall buildsys-build
I see a list of all the associated packages. You'll obviously want to check 'build'. You can then modify your config_opts['chroot_setup_cmd'] to use 'install', instead of 'groupinstall', where you can then install all the associated build packages, as well as your custom GCC.
If that still doesn't work, you can always copy the build packages to your own personal repo where GCC lives, ensure that's the only one available to pull from, configure the repo so it supports the 'build' group, and then build the package. While not extremely helpful due to age, the Mock docs have some useful information for configuring your environment with local repos.


When you build llvm from source, how do you install it to your system?

When reading through this:
It tells you how to install to a target, but it doesn't tell you how to install to the system.
cmake --build . --target install
I am not sure what the target is in this case, nor how to properly configure it so it appears as a standard installation into my ubuntu system, insofar as it would be functionally the same as if I installed the development debian packages, and have it picked up by any other build looking to see if the libraries are installed.
Hence, how do I install all the projects under the llvm suite, from source, into Linux?
That command will install LLVM and all the configured projects (via LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS) to whatever location you specified in the first step with the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable.
If you did not set it, it takes on a platform-dependent value, most likely /usr/local on Linux. This is an appropriate place to put it. I would discourage you from trespassing on the package manager's territory. Untold misery is likely to result.
A "target" in CMake (and many other build systems) is just "something that must be done". Usually it's "compile something to a file with a corresponding name", but it can also be "run an installation script". CMake creates an install target for that purpose in every project. It's also a popular convention in Make/autotools based build systems.

glibc: Is there a way to get the used configure command line options?

I want to update the distribution version of glibc and in order to keep the distribution settings, paths, ... I need the original used configure command line options.
Running gcc -v displays under Configured with: the configure command line options.
Is there something similar for glibc?
Unlike GCC, GLIBC doesn't record its configure options anywhere, so the direct answer is no.
However, if you download the source package for your current version of glibc and build it (precise commands vary between distributions), then you'll know how your current version has been configured.
P.S. Upgrading GLIBC incorrectly is one of the easiest ways to render your system unbootable. Make sure you have a suitable system recovery disk, and know how to use it before attempting this upgrade.

Is there any package management system for MinGW+MSYS?

I am trying to compile some open source libraries in MinGW+MSYS. During the configure phase, I kept seeing some 3rd party libraries are missing.
For now, my solution is to download the source of the missing libraries and follow the GNU build process to compile and install them into my MinGW environment.
Is there any package management system for MinGW+MSYS to install packages easily? Just like apt-get.
I tried the mingw-get for the missing package. But it reports the error below.
mingw-get is the (closest equivalent to apt-get) package manager for MinGW and MSYS. However, it can only manage packages which are actually available for MinGW and/or MSYS, (either because a MinGW developer has built and packaged them, or a member of the MinGW user community has contributed them).
Arbitrarily guessing what packages may be available, and even what their correct package names may be, is unlikely to be productive. Run mingw-get in its GUI mode, (if it's properly installed, just running mingw-get without arguments should start it in this mode), to see a list of packages which are actually available; if you don't see any likely candidates for what you are looking for, then it doesn't (yet) exist. In that case, you will need to either find a non-MinGW alternative build, or build it yourself, from source. (If you choose the latter option, and your build is successful, then you may wish to consider contributing it to MinGW.org).
This works for me as a "package manager".
Install MSYS2. It comes with a package manager called pacman.

meaning of ./configure --with-ssl=openssl

I followed this install wget tutorial,
After I ran this
./configure --with-ssl=openssl
It ran so many checks, what exactly it did? Did it change anything in my system?
If it does, then, is it safer or more fault prove to use the package management tool like MacPort or such so that such 'configure' will not be done manually like this or does those tool do the same thing in order to make wget work?
Sorry, I am pretty noob on shell commands.
It's part of the build process. The configure script collects information about your system and build options into a local file, nothing more.
Typically, this script is created by autoconf and is used to figure out whether the prerequisites for a build are properly installed, etc. It will collect this into a file config.save and also possibly generate a makefile and/or other build infrastructure in order for make to be able to concentrate on compiling and linking the source files.
Neither configure nor make should be expected to change anything outside of the directory tree where you run them.
Conventionally, make install will copy the final build artefacts into place so that other parts of your system can find them and use them.
See also http://www.edwardrosten.com/code/autoconf/
A prepackaged binary will already have been built on a remote system before it was packaged (though there are package managers which allow or require you to build locally; Gentoo Linux famously uses the latter approach) and is often the simplest way to get a tool if you don't have special requirements, such as building with a specific SSL version, or disabling SSL entirely, or getting a bleeding edge version before anybody has packaged it.

How to check a makefile for dependencies?

I'm trying to install something with the following command:
make world
It takes a long time, and usually it ends up with an error saying that I'm missing some kind of package. I found out what the package is, install it, and run the thing again, only to find out after a long time that I'm missing another package. Is there a way to find out all the packages I need to install without having to go through this process?
This is generally what the configure script does. If the project you're building doesn't have one, you should write one.
The best way to deal with dependencies is with a package manager such as:
On Ubuntu: apt-get
On Red Hat / Fedora: yum
On Mac OS X: port
On Windows: cygwin
If you install software with a package manager, it will automatically fetch, download, and install any dependencies as necessary. These package managers support a huge number of popular open source projects, but not all projects are supported. Some of these package managers support creating custom package repositories, which allows them to be used for dependency management in-house, as well.
Unfortunately, there is no general way to get all the library dependencies of a Makefile (short of grepping for "lib", ".so", and "-l" which may give you spurious results); however, if you are installing an open source project, chances are that it is supported by a package manager on your system.
