Wrong encoding for partial - compass-sass

I am running compass watch my_project on Windows XP.
#charset "UTF-8";
#import 'partial';
// ...
p:before {
content: '•';
encoding = "utf-8"
Generated index.css:
#charset "UTF-8";
/* line 1, ../sass/_partial.scss */
p:before {
content: 'ÔÇó';
// ...
How do I make Compass/Sass interpret the partial as UTF-8? Is there
perhaps an environment variable that I can set to change default
character encoding used by Ruby (compass is a Ruby app)?

On my Windows 7 machine, it worked to add the following line to my project's config.rb
Encoding.default_external = 'utf-8'
Also found a great GUI for compass / less / JS compression: http://koala-app.com/

Maybe it is not a direct answer, but even if you can't make Compass/Sass interpret UTF as you want, you may simply try to use unicode escape:
p:before {
content: "\2022";
Where 2022 is hexadecimal code for your symbol. To get this code I executed this in irb:
irb> "•"[0].ord.to_s(16)
=> "2022"
Probably not a good solution if you have a lot of unicode chars, but at least a workaround. For example, FontAwesome uses it in its stylesheets.

Apart from escaping the character (predictable, but tedious) as suggested by #NIA, there are two other ways around this:
Add #charset "utf-8"; to the top of _partial.scss
Save _partial.scss as "UTF-8 with BOM".
Judging by what I've read so far, this seems to be a generic Ruby/WIN issue with incorrect encoding detection/fallback when building strings read from files on disk.


ASCII incompatible encoding with normal run, not in debug mode

I'm really confused on this one, and maybe it's a bug in Ruby 2.6.2. I have files that were written as UTF-8 with BOM, so I'm using the following:
filelist = Dir.entries(#input_dirname).join(' ')
filelist = filelist.split(' ').grep(/xml/)
filelist.each do |indfile|
filecontents_tmp = File.read("#{#input_dirname}/#{indfile}", :encoding =>'bom|utf-8')
puts filecontents_tmp
If I put a debug breakpoint at the puts line, my file is read in properly. If I just run the simple script, I get the following error:
in `read': ASCII incompatible encoding needs binmode (ArgumentError)
I'm confused as to why this would work in debug, but not when run normally. Ideas?
Have you tried printing the default encoding when you run the file as opposed to when you debug the file? There are 3 ways to set / change the encoding in Ruby (that I'm aware of), so I wonder if it's different between running the file and debugging. You should be able to tell by printing the default encoding: puts Encoding.default_external.
As for actually fixing the issue, I ran into a similar problem and found this answer which said to add bin mode as an option to the File.open call and it worked for me.

Setting expanded output style in sass doesn´t work

I want to change output style in my sass file to expanded but setting :
sass --watch style.scss:style.css --style expanded
doesn´t work for me. Instead it return me this
Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: CP852 and UTF-8
Use --trace for backtrace.
Is there any possible to fix it? I´m not quite sure about it too because I´m new in Sass.But when I tried first , things went well in my single line selector in compresed style .I did some changes in sass file, I have here now more selectors formated in expanded output style , but it seems that problem is that compiler still want to see my sass file in compresed output style because it gives me back this:
Compilation Error
Error: Invalid CSS after "body {": expected "}", was "{"
on line 1 of sass/c:\Users\Doma\Desktop\Nové webovky\Javascript
& webovky\alfabeta\pionyr.sass
body { {
Can someone please help? Maybe is some basic thing but I really didn´t find solution to this and I searched in many sources
Thank you very much
that happening because you use native language not english for your operation system to change that and make sure sass compiler working without errors write this in terminal/command line before you use sass compiling command chcp 1252 after code activated use sass compile as expected sass --watch style.scss:style.css --style expanded
sometimes this error happening because silly mistake try this may help some causes this solution with helpfully change the path name from c:\Users\Doma\Desktop\Nové webovky\Javascript & webovky\alfabeta\pionyr.sass to c:\Users\Doma\Desktop\Nov webovky\Javascript & webovky\alfabeta\pionyr.sass
just take out é form the folder path and try again.

Reading a JSON file in Ruby prepending unknown characters

I have a simple JSON file like this:
"env": "Development",
"app_host": "https://localhost:3455",
"server_host": "localhost",
"server_port": "3455"
When I read this file using the below code, the output contains some unknown characters in the beginning.
contents = IO.read('config.json')
puts contents
"env": "Development",
"app_host": "https://localhost:3455",
"server_host": "localhost",
"server_port": "3455"
Can someone let me know how to fix this?
These characters are the bytes of a UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM), being displayed as code page 437 characters.
From your comment, it seems Visual Studio is inserting a BOM into the files. When you then read the file in and try to display it in your console it is displaying as ∩╗┐, since your console’s encoding is set to CP437, and the three bytes that make up the BOM in UTF-8 (0xEF,0xBB,0xBF) correspond to those characters in that encoding.
You should probably look into changing the encoding your console is using, as well as seeing if you can configure VS not to add the BOM (I’m not on Windows so I don’t know how you would do either of those).
From the Ruby side, you could specify the encoding in your call to IO.read like this:
IO.read('config.json', :encoding => 'bom|utf-8')
This will strip the BOM when reading the file.

File.exist? not working when directory name has special characters

File.exist? in not working with directory name having special characters. for something like given below
path = "/home/cis/Desktop/'El%20POP%20que%20llevas%20dentro%20Vol.%202'/*.mp3"
it works fine but if it has letters like ñ its returns false.
Plz help with this.
Try the following:
Make sure you're running 1.9.2 or greater and put # encoding: UTF-8 at the top of your file (which must be in UTF-8 and your editor must support it).
If you're running MRI(i.e. not JRuby or other implementation) you can add environment variable RUBYOPT=-Ku instead of # encoding: UTF-8 to the top of each file.

Does Ruby auto-detect a file's codepage?

If a save a text file with the following character б U+0431, but save it as an ANSI code page file.
Ruby returns ord = 63. Saving the file with UTF-8 as the codepage returns ord = 208, 177
Should I be specifically telling Ruby to handle the input encoded with a certain code page? If so, how do you do this?
Is that in ruby source code or in a file which is read with File.open? If it's in the ruby source code, you can (in ruby 1.9) add this to the top of the file:
# encoding: utf-8
Or you could specify most other encodings (like iso-8859-1).
If you are reading a file with File.open, you could do something like this:
File.open("file.txt", "r:utf-8") {|f| ... }
As with the encoding comment, you can pass in different types of encodings here too.
