Positioning a UIView between two other views. Autolayout - xcode

I'm using Autolayout to set up quite a lot of labels and buttons in a view. One button needs to be exactly betwwen 2 UILabels and I don't know how to accomplish that. I try to get the position on one label, the position of the other, do the math, etc. But since it's using autolayout, it turns out that the frame.origin.x property is always 0.
So any clues on how to do that?
thanks in advance,

One possible way to do this using the designer is to place a container that will fill the space between the two labels. Just drag a View onto the design surface and make sure that you have the following constraints: Top Space to the top label with default value and Bottom Space to the bottom label with default value.
Once you have this container simply place the button as a child of this container and centre the button horizontally and vertically in the container. That should do it.
This could also be done with code. Let me know if sample code is needed.


How to add a background image

I have a Image View on my storyboard, and when I am trying to use it as a background. No matter what I do, it always stays on top. How would I change it so that it would be a background image, I don't care weather I do it programmatically through swift or through another way.
In the Xcode Interface Builder, you can adjust which views are in the front by selecting the view and going to Editor -> Arrange -> Send to Front, Back, etc.
This can also be done programmatically using UIView methods like bringSubviewToFront:
By moving any of item up/down you can set their layer state. The first one will be on back then second will appear on the first one then.... last one will appear on top most.
I hope this will help you.
If you decide to do it programmatically, you can modify the zPosition property of the view:
myImageView.layer.zPosition = 1
Higher numbers are closer to your face, lower numbers are closer to the screen. So to set your image view as a background, make sure the other views have higher z-positions than it.

Using storyboard and auto-layout to position buttons by screen percentage

I'm trying to set up some constraints inside a view via storyboard (im not a fan of contrasting via code).
My main goal is kinda simple, but tricky :
How can i align 3 buttons by PERCENTAGE using Multiplier inside a view?
Example :
What do we see? 3 buttons inside a view. The left button is 10% from the view width(from his left side). The second one is centered , and the third one is 10% from the right side.
What am i trying to do?
I want to accomplish this using only Horizontal Center in Container and Vertical Center in Container through their Multiplier
What have i done so far?
Until now i tried using trailing and leading spaces constraints, the problem is that its not relative to the view size.
Any suggestions guys? I'm trying to figure this out for the last few days.
The easiest way to do this is with a spacer view.
Add a view and add a constraint setting the width to 10% of the container width. But make this view hidden.
Now add constraints pinning it in between the container and your button.
This will act as scaffolding for your button keeping it 10% of the way in from the edge.
However, I must persuade you not to do his. It isn't standard at all. Just choose a space value and use it.

Superview not resizing with subviews

I have a window into which I horizontally add two subviews. Into each subview, I place a variable number of subviews made up of a vertical slider, a text field rotated 90 degrees and placed to the left of the slider and another textfield, placed just under the slider. The slider subview's constraints are done in code, the parent views are both done in IB. When I add more slider views to the left window than the subview can handle in its default size, it resizes horizontally and forces the window's content view (and window) to also resize horizontally. Great, that's just what I want. But if I add more slider subviews than can fit in the right subview, they just get squeezed together and the subview does not expand as the left. I layout the slider views using code with this category converted to support NSViews, instead of UIVews:
UIView+AutoLayout1: https://github.com/jrturton/UIView-Autolayout
The constraints for the left and right subviews are more or less the same. I can't figure out why the right view does not resize as the left view does.
Here is a link to a sample project that demonstrates the problem:
Some someone help me out with this?
Also, a secondary question as I think my slider view could use a little work:
When a view is rotated using setFrame(Center)Rotation, do the top, right, bottom and top edges remain along the same edges or do they reflect the new orientation of the rotated view?
I found the problem. The constraint between the left view and right edge of the window was fixed at 233 instead of >= 233. I had this at some point in the past, as I was adjusting the constraints to achieve the desired behavior and just overlooked this one through the troubleshooting process.

Center an object between two objects with auto layout

I am laying out a calculator using Interface Builder and I ran into some issues with the layout of buttons.
I have 3 columns of number buttons, similar to most calculators, and I had no problem placing the left and right columns as the auto-layout feature of Xcode snapped them in the correct distance away from the edge of the window on the left and the operator buttons on the right; however, there was no automatic help for centering the middle column of buttons between those two.
I can eyeball it pretty well but I really prefer to have everything perfectly aligned. Is there any way to center a button between two other UI objects like this? here is a picture of the layout:
You can place all the buttons in their own View. Place the view where you want the buttons. Then you could align the left buttons to the left of the view, align the right buttons to the right of the view, and finally center the middle buttons. Then adjust your view you made accordingly. I did something very similar. Hope this helps.

NSOutlineView badges in NSSplitView

I have an NSOutlineView which I draw badge numbers to the right side of cells using drawAtPoint:, NSAttributedString, and of course NSBezierPath. My problem exists when resizing of the outline view occurs when within a subview of an NSSplitView. The badges move along with the resize to the left or right. When they get to the text of the cells themselves they do not stop or truncate the text under them. It just flies right over.
Is there a way to have the cell recognize the custom drawn view next to it and truncate text accordingly? I have tried the solution PXSourceList already, but that did not help either.
"PXSourceList solution" working good. You subclass NSOutlineView and overload frameOfCellAtColumn for this particular task. At this function you need to decrease width of cellFrame, returned from super call, by the width of your badge plus padding.
