VC6: List compiler errors - visual-c++-6

I need to update an old dll file that was written in VC6 by a former collegue.
I have never worked with VC6.
I don't want to update the project to VC2010 because I am afraid that I might get into real trouble in regards of dependencies.
I tried to compile the old project in VC6 now, but the compiler states that there 20 errors.
So far so good, but I just don't see where the errors are, and the info that there are 20 errors do not get me any further.
Is there a way to have VC6 tell me where exactely the compilation errors are?
Thank you.

I got it now.
I played around with Clean, Compile All, then Clean again and Compile All again, and finally (after a few rounds) the compiler did not only state that there WERE errors but also which errors/where they are.


How to make CLion stop flagging PlatformIO dependencies with "file not found"?

I'm experimenting with using PlatformIO and the CLion IDE. I'm pretty new to C++ and writing for embedded hardware. I got PlatformIO working and my simple program compiles and runs but CLion highlights my PlatformIO dependencies as not being found.
I've seen it said that CLion looks where cmake looks, but CMakeLists.txt says
That URL seems like a dead end in terms of helping me solve my problem.
I was playing a little bit more with CLion and PlatformIO and wanted to use the library manager as well.
The installed libraries are located in {PROJECT_DIR}/.pio/libdeps/
I was not able to detect all libraries automatically, but with the method described below, I could get rid of the CLion warninings by explicitly defining the dependencies in the CMakeListsUser.txt likes this
For the few dependencies I got, this is sufficient. But of course it is not ideal to add every dependency manually. So if somebody has a better solution, please share it.
Original Answer
I stumbled on a similar issue, but maybe this could help you or others.
In my case, I added the ArduinoLog library in the "lib" folder. Although I was able to compile my code, the import showed up as an error and I had no code completion.
As described in the XMakeList.txt, I was able to resolve this issue, by adding a "CMakeListsUser.txt" in the root project directory with the following content.
After a rebuild and a restart I got no more errors and the code completion worked as expected. Maybe you can add the folder of your PlatformIO libraries there as well.
Seems like the best way to do it is to go to Tools->PlatformIO->Re-Init. New dependencies should stop showing up as missing.
It worked for me.

How to develop for PIC32MM without either MPLABX or XC32

While working for just one month with the MPLABX5.5 + XC32 3.01 I've already had 3 separate instances where code compiled incorrectly, causing my program to fail after either the stack or frame pointer began using an incorrect address. I would like to dump these tools and try something else as tracking down compiler errors is sucking up too much of my time. Is there anything else available that I can use to work with a PIC32MM? Even access to a different compiler than XC32 might help.
I would like to do the same thing. Maybe we can collect the best options for how to get there, as after many many tries, I haven't yet been successful. As one starting point, I'd also like to be able to recompile xc32-gcc from source to understand exactly what it's doing, and to be able to compile xc32 binaries for other architectures (like, as insane as it may sound, I'd like to compile some code for the pic32mm platform with clang or gcc running on a raspberry pi.)
I would love to be able to even just compile xc32-gcc from source. I know this is possible, but I've not been successful. Some links and starts:
This seems to be the most recent grouping of source I've found, but I haven't yet figured out how to compile it.
ChipKit is cited a lot, but, I haven't gotten to the bottom of getting that to build for me either. There are numerous projects here, and I'm not sure how they all fit together yet:
I suspect somebody (maybe someone who will see this post) knows the formula or script or docker file, or whatever to make this simple.
This project seems close to what we're talking about, but, the
recommended way to install is with podman and gentoo. I'm not a
gentoo person (yet?), and the docker version failed for me. It's
probably a simple fix to the dockerfile for a gentoo person, but.. I
didn't get there yet. (I did try installing gentoo and started down
the path but holy cow, talk about being down a rabbit hole when what
I'm trying to do is get a pic cross-compiler working.. when emerge on my new gentoo install failed with a python error, I gave up.)
This project also says some of the "right things" about building pic32 code using llvm, and has references to llvm2pic32 in this project:
I've also not yet managed to get this to make viable intel hex files that I can use on a pic just yet, but there's promise.
Use clang/llvm to generate code. I think it will compile C and generate mips out of the box and I've gotten that far, but I can't get it to link and produce a valid hex file yet. The linker scripts from microchip seem sort of ok, but the hex files end up putting the code in the wrong place, I think. I should probably put together a blinky-light example and try to push it farther, and share it with others to figure out what the deal is, but even stepping one step further back and just trying to get a super simple mips assembly program to get linked and be uploadable to a PIC32MM part would be a great success to me.
Maybe others have better references and links?

Typescript and VS2013: How to force build despite ts errors

I am getting some mysterious compiler type related errors in my ts code. I have another thread addressing them.
But I know there will be no adverse reactions to my code, so I would like to force it to compile and make my js files anyway so I can do some run-time debugging.
I have seen a comment or two about the project compiling despite some build errors. How do I do that? If I use the command line compiler it seems to do this, but apparently I am spoiled VS programmer who wants a to build in one step, not two.
I have VS2013 and TS 1.5.
Thanks, Brad
How do I do that? If I use the command line compiler it seems to do this, but apparently I am spoiled VS programmer who wants a to build in one step, not two.
Make sure that in your csproj you have noEmitOnError set to false.

Why does the Swift compiler mark errors pessimistically?

I find that Swift is quick to mark down changes i make as compiler errors in the side panel, and then when i compile, it decides i am right after all. Is Swift just pessimistic about my code?
Can I get the compiler to wait for me to finish the line before declaring it wrong?
There is nothing pessimistic. Xcode uses the same tool - the compiler - to get the errors. However, it usually compiles only one file, using cached compiled objects for the other files. It also doesn't invoke the compiler after every change in your code, so errors that are already fixed can stay there in the side panel.
Building the project fully forces Xcode to refresh the cache and get the current list of errors from the compiler. I do agree that Xcode has many imperfections and this is one of them. When you can't find an error, just rebuild the project.
Note that IDEs for other languages often rebuild the project automatically to solve such problems. This is currently not an option in Swift because it would take too much time.

Can certain compile errors be suppressed in the Error List Dialog?

When compiling a solution with many projects, if I make a compile time error in a project that many other projects use I'll get a flood of errors in the Error List window of visual studio:
Error 80 Metadata file
could not be found C:\trunk\Projects\TradeAiTeacher\CSC
These errors indicate that a project couldn't be built due to another project not being built. These types of errors cascade and don't really tell me anything useful as I know that its all due to a core project failing to build.
These errors often make it harder to find the actual error in the window.
Is there a way to tell visual studio to suppress this type of output and just show me the compile errors in cases like this to make it easy to find what actual code is broken?
Ideally it once the compile error has been fixed we can toggle this hiding off so I see all errors.
I had originally left this version agnostic but visual-studio 2013 is the version I am most concerned with.
No. The C# compiler categorically refuses to consider one error more "important" than another one. It cannot know how important an error can be, it doesn't know enough about the reason it had to produce the error. A missing reference assembly can produce a lot of errors because type definitions are missing. Of course the compiler cannot know the difference between them being undefined because of the missing assembly reference (ignore) or you mistyping a name (don't ignore).
Interpreting the Error List requires a massively parallel computing machine that's capable of high-speed correlation inference and pattern matching. With practical quantum computing still a distant future, you need to use the one that's readily available to any programmer, the one you have between your ears. Start at the top of the list. And work your way down, feeling less inclined to fix them as you progress down the list.
Never hesitate to rebuild before getting to the end of the list when you fixed a gross error. Like a missing assembly reference.
I've found the best way to work with existing the visual studio behavior is to use the advice in this link: and make the compiler stop after the first compile error.
This seems to get as close to solving my problem as you currently can.
