Write heavy dml-operations in MongoDB - performance

I'm running MongoDB (2.2) on Linux, and I have a few questions.
I have schema with many fields + sub-fields and one index for this fields.
How fast are updates/delete done on the index -- I have about 3 Updates/Deletes etc. a second.
Is there a rule, like after 10,000 updates you have to compact or rebuild the index?
Are changes in the fields immediately visible in the index? If not is there a delay or a temporary table for this updates/deletes?
Thanks in advance - Brandon

Indexes are updated at the time of insert/update/remove. About performance the best answer would be to just test it.
Not that I would know of. If you need to do regular compaction or repair you should have replication too (but you can have it on the same host if resources permit)
Yes (well, on the same DB connection - on other it might take a bit more time. But if you're having that problem I'm not the right person to answer you anyway ;)
Having said that, I strongly suggest you take a look at some of the presentations at http://www.10gen.com/presentations - I'm sorry i can't point out the ones that were particularly interesting and usable, I suggest you browse and pick the ones that seem interesting to you.
Note that MongoDB does things VERY differently and has quite a few gotchas for the unprepared. It is however a great DB once you know how to use it.


XPages performance - 2 apps on same server, 1 runs and 1 doesn't

We have been having a bit of a nightmare this last week with a business critical XPage application, all of a sudden it has started crawling really badly, to the point where I have to reboot the server daily and even then some pages can take 30 seconds to open.
The server has 12GB RAM, and 2 CPUs, I am waiting for another 2 to be added to see if this helps.
The database has around 100,000 documents in it, with no more than 50,000 displayed in any one view.
The same database set up as a training application with far fewer documents, on the same server always responds even when the main copy if crawling.
There are a number of view panels in this application - I have read these are really slow. Should I get rid of them and replace with a Repeat control?
There is also Readers fields on the documents containing Roles, and authors fields as it's a workflow application.
I removed quite a few unnecessary views from the back end over the weekend to help speed it up but that has done very little.
Any ideas where I can check to see what's causing this massive performance hit? It's only really become unworkable in the last week but as far as I know nothing in the design has changed, apart from me deleting some old views.
Try to get more info about state of your server and application.
Hardware troubleshooting is summarized here: http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/dx/Domino_Server_performance_troubleshooting_best_practices
According to your experience - only one of two applications is slowed down, it is rather code problem. The best thing is to profile your code: http://www.openntf.org/main.nsf/blog.xsp?permaLink=NHEF-84X8MU
To go deeper you can start to look for semaphore locks: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21094630, or to look at javadumps: http://lazynotesguy.net/blog/2013/10/04/peeking-inside-jvms-heap-part-2-usage/ and NSDs http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/dx/Using_NSD_A_Practical_Guide/$file/HND202%20-%20LAB.pdf and garbage collector Best setting for HTTPJVMMaxHeapSize in Domino 8.5.3 64 Bit.
This presentation gives a good overview of Domino troubleshooting (among many others on the web).
Ok so we resolved the performance issues by doing a number of things. I'll list the changes we did in order of the improvement gained, starting with the simple tweaks that weren't really noticeable.
Defrag Domino drive - it was showing as 32% fragmented and I thought I was on to a winner but it was really no better after the defrag. Even though IBM docs say even 1% fragmentation can cause performance issues.
Reviewed all the main code in the application and took a number of needless lookups out when they can be replaced with applicationScope variables. For instance on the search page, one of the drop down choices gets it's choices by doing an #Unique lookup on all documents in the database. Changed it to a keyword and put that in the application Scope.
Removed multiple checks on database.queryAccessRole and put the user's roles in a sessionScope.
DB had 103,000 documents - 70,000 of them were tiny little docs with about 5 fields on them. They don't need to be indexed by the FTIndex so we moved them in to a separate database and pointed the data source to that DB when these docs were needed. The FTIndex went from 500mb to 200mb = faster indexing and searches but the overall performance on the app was still rubbish.
The big one - I finally got around to checking the application properties, advanced tab. I set the following options :
Optimize document table map (ran copystyle compact)
Dont overwrite free space
Dont support specialized response hierarchy
Use LZ1 compression (ran copystyle compact with options to change existing attachments -ZU)
Dont allow headline monitoring
Limit entries in $UpdatedBy and $Revisions to 10 (as per domino documentation)
And also dont allow the use of stored forms.
Now I don't know which one of these options was the biggest gain, and not all of them will be applicable to your own apps, but after doing this the application flies! It's running like there are no documents in there at all, views load super fast, documents open like they should - quickly and everyone is happy.
Until the http threads get locked out - thats another question of mine that I am about to post so please take a look if you have any idea of what's going on :-)
Thanks to all who have suggested things to try.

How to deactivate safe mode in the mongo shell?

Short question is on the title: I work with my mongo Shell wich is in safe mode by default, and I want to gain better performance by deactivating this behaviour.
Long Question for those willing to know the context:
I am working on a huge set of data like
stringdate:"2008-03-08 06:36:00"
and some other fields and there are about 250M documents like that (whole database with the indexes weights 36Go). I want to convert the date in a real ISODATE field. I searched a bit how I could make an update query like
db.data.update({},{$set:{date:new Date("$stringdate")}},{multi:true})
but did not find how to make this work and resolved myself to make a script that take the documents one after the other and make an update to set a new field which takes the new Date(stringdate) as its value. The query use the _id so the default index is used.
Problem is that it takes a very long time. I already figured out that if only I had inserted empty dates object when I created the database I would now get better performances since there is the problem of data relocation when a new field is added. I also set an index on a relevant field to process the database chunk by chunk. Finally I ran several concurrent mongo clients on both the server and my workstation to ensure that the limitant factor is the database lock availability and not any other factor like cpu or network costs.
I monitored the whole thing with mongotop, mongostats and the web monitoring interfaces which confirmed that write lock is taken 70% of the time. I am a bit disappointed mongodb does not have a more precise granularity on its write lock, why not allowing concurrent write operations on the same collection as long as there is no risk of interference? Now that I think about it I should have sharded the collection on a dozen shards even while staying on the same server, because there would have been individual locks on each shard.
But since I can't do a thing right now to the current database structure, I searched how to improve performance to at least spend 90% of my time writing in mongo (from 70% currently), and I figured out that since I ran my script in the default mongo shell, every time I make an update, there is also a getLastError() which is called afterwards and I don't want it because there is a 99.99% chance of success and even in case of failure I can still make an aggregation request after the end of the big process to retrieve the single exceptions.
I don't think I would gain so much performance by deactivating the getLastError calls, but I think itis worth trying.
I took a look at the documentation and found confirmation of the default behavior, but not the procedure for changing it. Any suggestion?
I work with my mongo Shell wich is in safe mode by default, and I want to gain better performance by deactivating this behaviour.
You can use db.getLastError({w:0}) ( http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/method/db.getLastError/ ) to do what you want but it won't help.
This is because for one:
make a script that take the documents one after the other and make an update to set a new field which takes the new Date(stringdate) as its value.
When using the shell in a non-interactive mode like within a loop it doesn't actually call getLastError(). As such downing your write concern to 0 will do nothing.
I already figured out that if only I had inserted empty dates object when I created the database I would now get better performances since there is the problem of data relocation when a new field is added.
I did tell people when they asked about this stuff to add those fields incase of movement but instead they listened to the guy who said "leave them out! They use space!".
I shouldn't feel smug but I do. That's an unfortunately side effect of being right when you were told you were wrong.
mongostats and the web monitoring interfaces which confirmed that write lock is taken 70% of the time
That's because of all the movement in your documents, kinda hard to fix that.
I am a bit disappointed mongodb does not have a more precise granularity on its write lock
The write lock doesn't actually denote the concurrency of MongoDB, this is another common misconception that stems from the transactional SQL technologies.
Write locks in MongoDB are mutexs for one.
Not only that but there are numerous rules which dictate that operations will subside to queued operations under certain circumstances, one being how many operations waiting, another being whether the data is in RAM or not, and more.
Unfortunately I believe you have got yourself stuck in between a rock and hard place and there is no easy way out. This does happen.

Bootstrapping complex data sets

The application I am working on has "Default lists" one of which is already created in the app currently. The list has events and events touch 2-3 other models. Which would make seeding, etc very time consuming due to the complexity of the lists and the associated models the list has data in
Due to the complexity of the lists I would prefer to build the lists though the UI and then extracting it for later use.
Is there any worthwhile way of extracting the aforementioned list object and for lack of a better term "bootstrap it"
Thanks for your help in advance.
I think what you are trying to get at is seed data. Take a look at this railscats on just that.
Solution: https://github.com/rhalff/seed_dump
I highly enjoy the comments on the github page
It mainly exists for people who are too lazy writing create statements
in db/seeds.rb themselves and need something (seed_dump) to dump data
from the table(s) into seeds.rb
My response to that is "work smart, not hard" no need for me to spend a day or 2 writing out long seeds instead of doing actual work.
Unless i'm hungover then i'll just pretend seed_dump is on the fritz ;)

Improving NHibernate performance with too many objects in session

Our app was originally built with NHibernate and its limitations of batch processing in mind. However, over time it has transformed into a data cruncher and we are observing a significant performance decay.
The session ends up having to maintain about 1000 objects or more and our profiling has revealed that auto flushing and dirty checking are the biggest offenders here. We tried shutting auto flush and managing it ourselves on Save/Update operations but that led to disastrous performance for a batch save/update.
We're now looking at the option of evicting unrequired objects from the session.
I came across 2nd level-cache eviction method (sessionFactory.Evict(typeof(Cat));) which lets us evict by type but we do not use a 2nd level cache. Can I still use this method to evict objects from the 1st level cache?
I also read about one pattern of fetching objects, evicting them from session, and then reassociating them, if needed, with session by calling Update() on them. Is this a recommended and accepted pattern cause I also read that NH3 has put up a wall to this? (We can still use it as we have not upgraded to NH3)
While we realize that we are not using NHibernate in the best way, we are just looking to improve the current situation somehow. Answers to the above questions and any other suggestions/recommendations are greatly appreciated. Thanks.
After looking at NH documentation and code, I realize that 1 is probably not possible. I'm still looking at some pointers or tips on using Evict(). I was able to drastically reduce the number of objects in a session. But still do not know if there is a price to pay while updating or deleting evicted objects. Thanks for your help in advance.
It's hard to say without knowing more about your requirements but maybe you could use IStatelessSession. It doesn't have a 1st level cache to worry about.
Ayende has a good post on using it for bulk operations
Why not use more sessions, instead of one large one? That, in conjunction with turning off autoflush has helped me in the past. Also, you should really think about using HQL for bulk updates if possible.
I know that this is old, but I just came across this while looking for something else -- having just solved this. I did solve as Trent mentioned, by using more than one session. I would create one session to fetch all of the objects I wanted, then closed that session. The case I had, was iterating through the list and operating on each object and trying to commit on each iteration. I would then create the foreach over my list, creating and disposing of a new session inside the loop, reattaching my object from the list to the new session. That took a process that was taking about 2.5 hours down to 2 minutes 40 seconds!
See this article for the inspiration to how I solved it -- although not exactly as I have unit of work wrappers around NHibernate:

efficient serverside autocomplete

First off all I know:
Premature optimization is the root of all evil
But I think wrong autocomplete can really blow up your site.
I would to know if there are any libraries out there which can do autocomplete efficiently(serverside) which preferable can fit into RAM(for best performance). So no browserside javascript autocomplete(yui/jquery/dojo). I think there are enough topic about this on stackoverflow. But I could not find a good thread about this on stackoverflow (maybe did not look good enough).
For example autocomplete names:
names:[alfred, miathe, .., ..]
What I can think off:
simple SQL like for example: SELECT name FROM users WHERE name LIKE al%.
I think this implementation will blow up with a lot of simultaneously users or large data set, but maybe I am wrong so numbers(which could be handled) would be cool.
Using something like solr terms like for example: http://localhost:8983/solr/terms?terms.fl=name&terms.sort=index&terms.prefix=al&wt=json&omitHeader=true.
I don't know the performance of this so users with big sites please tell me.
Maybe something like in memory redis trie which I also haven't tested performance on.
I also read in this thread about how to implement this in java (lucene and some library created by shilad)
What I would like to hear is implementation used by sites and numbers of how well it can handle load preferable with:
Link to implementation or code.
numbers to which you know it can scale.
It would be nice if it could be accesed by http or sockets.
Many thanks,
Optimising for Auto-complete
Unfortunately, the resolution of this issue will depend heavily on the data you are hoping to query.
LIKE queries will not put too much strain on your database, as long as you spend time using 'EXPLAIN' or the profiler to show you how the query optimiser plans to perform your query.
Some basics to keep in mind:
Indexes: Ensure that you have indexes setup. (Yes, in many cases LIKE does use the indexes. There is an excellent article on the topic at myitforum. SQL Performance - Indexes and the LIKE clause ).
Joins: Ensure your JOINs are in place and are optimized by the query planner. SQL Server Profiler can help with this. Look out for full index or full table scans
Auto-complete sub-sets
Auto-complete queries are a special case, in that they usually works as ever decreasing sub sets.
'name' LIKE 'a%' (may return 10000 records)
'name' LIKE 'al%' (may return 500 records)
'name' LIKE 'ala%' (may return 75 records)
'name' LIKE 'alan%' (may return 20 records)
If you return the entire resultset for query 1 then there is no need to hit the database again for the following result sets as they are a sub set of your original query.
Depending on your data, this may open a further opportunity for optimisation.
I will no comply with your requirements and obviously the numbers of scale will depend on hardware, size of the DB, architecture of the app, and several other items. You must test it yourself.
But I will tell you the method I've used with success:
Use a simple SQL like for example: SELECT name FROM users WHERE name LIKE al%. but use TOP 100 to limit the number of results.
Cache the results and maintain a list of terms that are cached
When a new request comes in, first check in the list if you have the term (or part of the term cached).
Keep in mind that your cached results are limited, some you may need to do a SQL query if the term remains valid at the end of the result (I mean valid if the latest result match with the term.
Hope it helps.
Using SQL versus Solr's terms component is really not a comparison. At their core they solve the problem the same way by making an index and then making simple calls to it.
What i would want to know is "what you are trying to auto complete".
Ultimately, the easiest and most surefire way to scale a system is to make a simple solution and then just scale the system by replicating data. Trying to cache calls or predict results just make things complicated, and don't get to the root of the problem (ie you can only take them so far, like if each request missed the cache).
Perhaps a little more info about how your data is structured and how you want to see it extracted would be helpful.
