Database url in jmeter? - jdbc

I have a database stored at a server. I want to load test the server using jmeter.It requires a field called database url? Now what i am supposed to fill in that?
Also it is asking for jdbc driver class? What will be the values of these two?

JMeter uses JDBC.
What is your db ? Oracle, mysql ...
Each Db provides drivers you need to put in jmeter/lib folder.
For url each driver has a syntax, examples:
Then you need to add login/password

your database url should be -jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/
database url is the host address of the database u can see that when you connect mysql from gui using SQl yog
is the database name that you have created in mysql
Your driver class should be -com.mysql.jdbc.driver
user name and password of the database


Getting schemas from all the available database in snowflake

I am trying to get all the schema from a database which I passed in the connection url in snowflake jdbc driver.
Observation :
I am getting all the schema from all the databases even though I pass wrong database.
wrong database/schema/warehouse does not validate during the connection creation time.
Why Snowflake JDBC driver does not validate the wrong warehouse/database/schema during connection creation time or query execution time?
What I see is that there is no check on the DB name parameter being passed in the connection url.
The only check that is done is for Role and if the role is existent then all the db's for that will be listed.
statement.executeQuery("show databases;");
And check if the list contains the requested database

Can't find tables and data of my H2 database

A webapp is using following configuration to store some data in DB:
I was trying to reach this DB using H2 Console, but something is wrong. There are no tables even though I know they were created. I can also access any made up JDBC:URL like jdbc:h2:mem:fakeXYZ just as well with same result. What is goning on here? How can I see this DB tables and data?
Your JDBC URL specifies a named in-memory database which by default only will be available for connections from within the same virtual machine.
You can either change the URL to use a file-based database, or you will have to start a TCP server to allow for connections from other processes.

Hive JDBC fails to connect configured schema

I am able to connect to Hive using hive-jdbc client and also using the beeline.Typical url is,
Unfortunately the connection is always established to the 'default' schema of Hive , and it is not considering the configured schema name in the url. I use the org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver class
It always takes me to the tables of the default schema. Still I am able to access the tables from other schema using the schema name prefix to the tables, like custom_schema.test_table
Kindly let me know if I missed any property or configuration in the connection creation part which will help me in getting the session exclusively for the schema that configure in the url.
Many thanks.

How do I connect to oracle apex database through JDBC?

I have got a workspace in , Now , I want to connect to that database through JDBC from ubuntu-14.04 machine. please explain the steps , From where should I download the drivers and what should be the arguments in
step by step please. Thank you
You will not be able to connect to the database that's supporting the APEX instance on If you are hosting your own instance, it's no different than connecting to any other Oracle database.A quick code snippet can be found here: You will need a password for the user/schema that you wish to connect to. If you don't have one, then talk to your DBA.
BTW, please remember that no production-type application and data should be used on the public APEX instance.
Maybe your problem is (or was) that you cannot connect via JDBC using the users you administered in your APEX workspace.
It seems to me that APEX users are not regular users for DB connections via JDBC. If my assumption is right, then you need to create database user with sufficient privileges to access the workspace tables.

connecting JDBC

Hi guys:)
I am new to servlet.I dont know how to connect oracle database to the servlet application. Can anyone paste Oracle JDBC coding
Register Database Connection parameters:
To include your application specific connection parameters of your database, edit the file data-sources.xml under \config directory. Add the following lines to create a data source. Change the hostname, port, username/password, database name, driver type to suit your application. Make changes for url after # symbol. Save the file. This will register the data-source which can be used across your application.
That is taken from:
There are a lot of articles discussing this, but I'll give you the basic steps:
download Oracle JDBC driver from Oracle's homepage, it's called ojdbc6.jar if you're using Java 6
make sure your application can find it on its classpath
since you are using servlets, you're also using a Java application server; read relevant documentation about setting up a JNDI binding to your database (usually this binding will be called jdbc/connectionName)
inside of your application, use this code:
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/connectionName");
Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
This should be enough to get you started.
For more information, Google is your friend. Check out Wikipedia's JDBC page. Google "Oracle JDBC connection" for more info.
One thing that might give you headaches if you've never done stuff like this: when defining Oracle's URL for your app. server, it's format is as follows:
So you have to substitute appropriate values when defining the connection for a JNDI binding.
check this You need to modify driver class name and connection url to connect to Oracle DB. Check for Oracle DB connection details
