cannot enable mysqli on joomla - joomla

I have a shared hosting account on Hostmonster, on which I just installed the Joomla CMS. I also added a plugin which I just found out requires MySQLi driver to function properly.
So I did some googling which advided me to change a few minimum required settings in PHP.ini and also added the mysqli extention with
but when I change the database setting in Joomla to MySQLi the Save button doesn't respond.
I have checked all minimum requirements and am very sure I meet all of them.

I just had a look at the hostmonster website and it looks like they only offer linux hosting.
If this is the case then your extension line should be
The '.dll' extension only applies to Windows.


Problem with migration Joomla 1.5.26 to 3.x with jUpgradePro

I need to migrate an old website witch is using Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 3.x.
I updated Joomla to 1.5.26 and I decided to buy and use tool jUpgradePro from .
I configured everything and I'm trying to start migration but there's one problem and I need Your help.
When I start using cmd of jupgradepro there's one error message after using command composer install.
Cannot update only a partial set of packages without a lock file present
What can I do with this problem, any Issue? I was trying to search something in web, but finally have to ask You for help.
One thing that I can say is that this example is a test so target domain is a subdomain ( and source site has just empty test template, is that a problem? Joomla 3.x is well configured on subdomain.
Finally I need to migrate Joomla 3.x to Wordpress but right now I have to solve this problem.
Thank you in advance for your help :)
I got same problem, and found this solution on my local machine:
In Joomla site, xxx\administrator\components\com_jupgradepro I copied the composer.json file to composer.lock
I started composer install command from command line (in Windows, not in built-in jUpgradePro). It installed all dependencies, and in jUpgradePro command line window the check site command worked fine.

How to install a "composer mode only" extension in "non-composer" TYPO3

The question says it all. I'd like to install in a non-composerified TYPO3 instance. What is the recommended procedure?
I thought I could download the source, cd into it and then do composer install on the command line and then I would get the complete extension. But I didn't see that worked.
You could ask the author to add support for the TYPO3 Classic Mode which basically means embedding dependencies for extension packages uploaded to the TER. There is no other way to achieve this in Classic Mode, thus obviously I strongly recommend switching to Composer Mode.

Magic Quotes runtime in Joomla 1.5

I have a live website on joomla 1.5 that has just gone blank. Both homepage and admin side.
The error log is showing magic quotes runtime error.
I have searched about it and as PHP new version has came out therefore it is causing problem.
How can I restore the website. So that I can upgrade to joomla 3.5
The only way to fix the problem is to ask your host to revert you to a previous PHP version since magic quotes no longer exists as of PHP 5.4. Some hosts have some .htaccess entries that will allow you to use a different version of PHP, but I'm not sure they will allow to revert to PHP 5.3 (or older) as these PHP versions are vulnerable.
Another way to fix the problem is to modify some core Joomla files (mainly the files using the magic_quotes_gpc function).

concrete5 no name no description no styling of theme

I have installed my theme in C:\xampp\htdocs\projects\c5\surreymarketingpr_gmk\packages\dotawesome_warm\themes\dotawesome
its working fine on localhost but not on live site. Also its an older version of concrete5 because this theme is not compatible with the latest versions of concrete5.
You aren't really giving enough information here. Not working is not very helpful. What do your error logs contain? What's the website URL?
There are several things that can impact uploading to an online host, such as PHP version, MySQL version, .htaccess settings, file permissions, etc.
Another very possible problem is that you didn't have this in your my.ini under XAMPP when you installed concret5:
If you'd like help with this you can contact me jasteele12 at

Can I Enable simplexml on php.ini?

I've been using Joomla 1.6 locally on my computer. Everything's been working fine. I uploaded the web files to the company's server and all of a sudden I'm getting the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function simplexml_load_file() in...
I've checked several online communities and some people are saying that simplexml should be enabled. I checked phpinfo.php and simplexml seems to be enabled on my computer; while it is disabled on the company server.
I don't have the privileges to enable this on the company server, so I was wondering if it will be possible for me to use php.ini to enable simplexml?
ext/simplexml cannot be enabled in a php.ini. It either is enabled in your PHP installation (that's the default) or it has been disabled intentionally. You should contact your responsible administrator... In my opinion it's not really the best idea to disable core extensions such as ext/simplexml, ext/dom and so on - a lot of code builds upon those extensions, and XML capabilities should be considered a core feature.
