libstk.a undefined symbol for architecture x86_64 (or i386) - xcode

I try to use the library libstk.a (from The Synthesis ToolKit in C++ (STK))in a XCode 4.5.1 application project to build for Standard(32/64 bit Intel) architectures.
I just drop the file libstk.a and stk.h into my project.
First I made the library of stk-4.4.4 following the instructions given in the doc of stk (./configure with --with-core and --enable-debug) and then make in the src directory. It gives the libstk.a file without errors.
In the xcode project, no syntax error, but link errors : undefined symbol for architecture x86_64 for different methods (maybe all) + the same for i386
It looks like libstk.a was not build for i386 or x86_64.
I used command lines to make the library and i am not familiar with this. How can I ensure that the library will be build for i386 and i86_64 archs ? Do I have to do something different to include the library in my project than just drop it in the files list ? I need help !

Use -arch i386 or -arch x86_64 gcc option..


Issue when linking lapack and fftw3 libraries

I have a Fortran 90 program which uses lapack subroutines, and is successfully running on my Ubuntu system. Now I want to run it on Mac (OS X Version 10.11.4). I am using gfortran compiler as a part of gcc, installed from homebrew repositories, and lapack library, installed in /usr/local/lib/.
When I try to compile my code, I get the following error:
gfortran my_prog.f90 -L/usr/local/lib/ -llapack
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_daxpy_", referenced from:
_zggbal_ in liblapack.a(zggbal.o)
"_ztrmv_", referenced from:
_zlarft_ in liblapack.a(zlarft.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
After some google search I understood that the problem is because the linking. When I compile it like this, everything works well:
gfortran my_prog.f90 -llapack
Also when llapack from framework accelerate is used, the compiler doesn't complain.
gfortran my_prog.f90 -framework accelerate
The libraries are of x86-64 architecture:
lipo -info *.a
input file libfftw3.a is not a fat file
input file liblapack.a is not a fat file
Non-fat file: libfftw3.a is architecture: x86_64
Non-fat file: liblapack.a is architecture: x86_64
LAPACK is not the only one which gives me an error, later the same problem appears with FFTW3. Could you please give me a hint to the solution to this problem?
FFTW is not part of the accelerate framework. If you want to use it, you need to add -lfftw3 to the compile options as well.
If the libraries are not in the default LIBRARY_PATH, you might need to specify -L/path/to/fftw/libs as well. The same holds for the include path if you are using its modules -I/path/to/fftw/includes.
Note that the vDSP part of the library also provides FFT implementations. You might not need FFTW at all.

Mac cross compiling (or alternatives) with golang

Ok so I'm trying to compile my Awesomium go wrapper on my mac (everything works fine on linux). My problem is, when I try to compile I get
ld: warning: ignoring file /Library/Frameworks//Awesomium.framework/Awesomium, file was built for i386 which is not the architecture being linked (x86_64): /Library/Frameworks//Awesomium.framework/Awesomium
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
Fine. But that raises a few questions. First, I didn't have the option to download a x86_64 version for Mac, it was "the mac version" no architecture. Second, I checked a few other libraries and it seems like nothing is built x86_64.
Now I thought maybe I could make a i386 version just for osx but it seems it's extremely difficult, some say impossible, to cross compile cgo.
What are my options?
I'm not sure if you're going to run into any other problems with the universal binary, but building an i386 go toolchain is fairly easy.
You can then set the GOHOSTARCH and GOARCH environment variables, e.g.
GOHOSTARCH=386 GOARCH=386 ./all.bash

OpenCV complie bug about " cvloadimage" ,referenced from:_main in main.o

I have a problem.
Here's the error:
undefined symbols for architecture x86_64
" cvloadimage" ,referenced from:_main in main.o
How can I solve it?
The function is named cvLoadImage(). Remember: C is a case-sensitive programming language.
This function is implemented in libopencv_highgui.dylib, you better link your application with it. Make sure your OpenCV libraries are also x86_64, else the linking won't work. To check their architecture execute a command-line tool named file on them.
You can force the build of your application to be 32bits by specifying -arch i386 -m 32, if you are using gcc.

How can I compile and use Haskell as a C library using Xcode LLVM compiler?

I want to set up a project to take my .hs code, and my main .c program, and result in a statically linked executable through the use of LLVM compiler. I can get things working via ghc command line options to build a .hs, produce the stubs, and compile and link a driver application using ghc entirely. However, I get various issues within Xcode.
My first issue was that I of course need to use 32 bit compiling environment in Xcode. That solved, I had to fiddle with paths to explicitly include the HsFFI.h. That solved, I get a linker error:
Ld "build/Debug/FFI Test" normal i386
cd "/Users/rcl/TestXCodeProjects/FFI Test"
/Developer/usr/bin/clang -arch i386
-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk
"-L/Users/rcl/TestXCodeProjects/FFI Test/build/Debug"
"-L/Users/rcl/TestXCodeProjects/FFI Test/FFI Test"
"-F/Users/rcl/TestXCodeProjects/FFI Test/build/Debug"
-filelist "/Users/rcl/TestXCodeProjects/FFI Test/build/FFI
Debug/FFI Test.LinkFileList"
-mmacosx-version-min=10.6 -framework Cocoa
"/Users/rcl/TestXCodeProjects/FFI Test/FFI Test/ForeignExportCost.a"
-o "/Users/rcl/TestXCodeProjects/FFI Test/build/Debug/FFI
Contents/MacOS/FFI Test"
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_hs_init", referenced from:
-[FFI_TestAppDelegate applicationDidFinishLaunching:] in FFI_TestAppDelegate.o
"_simpleFunction", referenced from:
-[FFI_TestAppDelegate applicationDidFinishLaunching:] in FFI_TestAppDelegate.o
"_hs_exit", referenced from:
-[FFI_TestAppDelegate applicationDidFinishLaunching:] in FFI_TestAppDelegate.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
The "simpleFunction" is in "ForeignExportCost.a" library which I compile using ghc like this:
ghc -no-hs-main -fPIC -c ForeignExportCost.hs
ghc -no-hs-main -shared ForeignExportCost.o -o ForeignExportCost.a
What am I missing or doing wrong?
Ugh - it looks like the answer to my question is detailed here, telling me how to painfully add a ton of .a's to my project. And this blog post gave some helpful tips to getting on the way.
Although if someone tells me "hey wait, there's an easier way than iteratively figuring out failed deps" that would be awesome. Because I want to reuse this framework several times and this is a real pain of a way to get things up and going!

How to build mach-0 for different architectures?

I have some dylibs to load from python with ctypes. I can load libbass.dylib without problem, but I can't load the self-compiled libmp3lame.dylib. Here is the error I get.
OSError: dlopen(libmp3lame.dylib, 6):
no suitable image found. Did find:
libmp3lame.dylib: mach-o, but wrong
Then, I inspect the file type of those libs. Here is the result of libbass.dylib:
libbass.dylib: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
libbass.dylib (for architecture i386): Mach-O dynamically linked shared library i386
libbass.dylib (for architecture ppc): Mach-O dynamically linked shared library ppc
And here is the self-compiled one:
libmp3lame.dylib: Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library x86_64
I did compile the lame library with the install instructions:
make install
I'm new to mac system, here comes the problem: how to build the libmp3lame.dylib so that it supports different architecture I want?
Just run:
CFLAGS="-arch i386 -arch x86_64 -arch pcc" ./configure
For further information, see
