How to detect Windows XP using Ruby? - ruby

Working on a game atm using Ruby, but due to the nature of how the game is coded Windows XP is proving to be a issue, as various tweaks can be done to make you faster than other players
so my intentions are to upon loading of the game detect if you are running windows XP, and if so fail to load any further.
This may seem harsh, but the advantages XP gives over Vista or Win7 etc is vast and is unbalanced.
Can any one help?

Here you find some solutions on how to detect the operating system:
How can I find which operating system my Ruby program is running on?
But I think, it only tells you, if it is Windows or not. So you have to do a second step:
If it is Windows, you could call the system command ver to detect the Windows Version (As you might know, system commands can be called using the `-Symbol).
More information about this command are found here:


Ollydbg 1.10 "Back to user mode" doesn't work

I tried to learn "Lena's reversing for newbies", when some trouble arise.
I start Pixtopian Book with ollyDbg, then try to have MessageBox with message about uregistered version.
Then i switch to OllyDbg, stop program executing and press "Alt+F9" for "Back to user mode" which stop the program after it exit from DLL.
But after this program does not work, it's frozen and does not respond to my actions.
If i turn off "Back to user mode" program normally work.
What's the problem? Can i try to use "Back to user mode" in IDA (uses WinDbg) or some other debugger and How i can do this? Can i repair it function in OllyDbg?
P.S. It's like the program stopped and didn't run after use "ALT+F9".
/Sorry for my English, i'm just learning ;-)/
First of all, Ollydbg is meant for 32 bit platform. It means that it will run only on a 32 bit OS and can only debug 32 bit apps.
In x64 Operating Systems (specifically Windows) there is a feature called compatibility mode that lets you run 32 bit apps. The 32 bit code is either run by emulation or natively (when the hardware itself implements the instruction set and then it is called x86-64).
So, when you try to run Ollydbg in a x64 environment it will run, but you will experience problems like the one you are facing. It occurs because Ollydbg is run in an emulation mode. Being a debugger it needs access to the registers and other system structures, which it is denied. What it can see is a virtual image of the system.
So the solution to the problem is using a Virtual Machine.
You would install a 32 bit OS in it and debug the app using Ollydbg. As far as Virtual Machines are concerned, I would recommend VMWare. You can use either the workstation or player version. The latter is free but does not support snapshots.
Other solutions are Virtual Box, Parallels Workstation and Microsoft Virtual PC.
The disadvantages of them are that Virtual Box does not support hardware breakpoints, Parallels Workstation is no longer supported as of 2014 and moreover there you would get a BSOD if you try to single step through FPU instructions. I have not tested Virtual PC though.
Note : Ollydbg does not supports x64 but its author is working on a x64 version.
I just learned how to update changes to the exe file for ollydby v 2.01e.
suppose I wished to change a jl command to a jmp; do this by clicking the executable modules button, choose the file and right click to view the file. then record the changes and save file. The saved file also has a backup in case something goes wrong.
I just did a thorough learning of the pixtopian file. When I downloaded
that tutorial I get the file pixtopian107.exe only. Since it didn't agree with the tutorial I investigated further. That file is an installation file. It produces a regular pixtopian.exe file which is the file you wish to play with.
I also noticed that in running the file it never enters the main module.
this is because of the TLS callback. right now I am trying to learn how
to overcome this which is how i came to this site in the first place.
I am using ollydbg vs2.01e very effectively.
Another thing, in vs 2.01e I am still trying to save changed data. Until I succeed I am recording the changes in the exe files using hex editor.
From my experience I can tell that this functionality won't work on Windows 7.
On Windows 7 64bit --> Won't work at all.
On Windows 7 32bit --> Will work partially, but only when using option "File>Attach" in OllyDbg.
For me, best solution was to use Windows XP 32bit, then it worked fine.

Delphi program & Windows 64-bit compatibility issue

I have some customers/candidate who complained that my program doesn't work on their Windows 7 64 bit version (confirmed with screenshots). The errors were strange, for example:
in the trial version i am
getting a error message whenever i
click on \"mark\" \"delete\" \"help\".
error msg is: Access violation at
address 0046C978 in module
\'ideduper.exe.\' read of address
windows 7 ultimate 64bit. i7 920
#2.67GHz 9gb or ram
'Mark', 'delete' and 'help' are just standard TToolButton on TToolbar.
The other example is failing to get a thumbnail from IExtractImage.
I have told them to try Compatibility mode but still doesn't work.
The problem is when I tested it on Windows 7 HP 64-bit on my computer (which I've done it before released it actually) it just works fine! So I don't know what causing it
Do you have any advice ?Are different Windows package (home basic,premium,ultimate,etc) treating 32 bit prog differently ?Are the newer version of Delphis (I use 2006) more compatible with 64 bit Windows ? Do I need to wait until 64 bit compiler out?
Thanks in advance
Your best bet in my opinion is to add MadExcept or EurekaLog or something similar to your application and give it to the customer to try again. MadExcept will generate log with stack trace, which will give you a clearer view of what is happening there.
To answer 2nd part of the question, 32bit Delphi programs work fine on 64bit Windows 7. I think it's more likely you have some memory management problems and the customer just happens to stumble upon them while you don't. Use FastMM4 to track those down.
Your applications is trying to access an invalid pointer. Changing environment may surface issues that are hidden in others. Check your application, and use FastMM + JCL+JCVL/MadExcept/EurekaLog to get a detailed trace of the issue. Some Windows APIs may have some stricter call requisites under 7 and/or 64 bit, but we would have to know what your app actually cals.
A free alternative to MadExcept is JCL Debug stuff. However it is less thorough and doesn't include the cool dialog box to send the stack trace to you via email, or as a file you can attach and manually email.
MadExcept is worth the money, and it is free for non-commercial use. You could try it first on your own PC, observe its functionality, and be sure it functions the way you want, and then buy it.
If buying Delphi is worth it (and it is!) then buying mad Except is a no brainer. But if you insist on rolling your own, JCLDebug (part of jedi code library) is also pretty nice.
Give them a stripped down version of your app and see when the problem goes away. I am betting it is your code as I never had any problems with my (hundreds of) W7/64 clients.
I'd be willing to bet it's an issue in your code. The reason it's failing on your customer's machine and not yours is that your machine probably has the default Data Execution Protection (DEP) enabled (which is turned on only for essential Windows programs and services), while your customer's computer is actually using DEP as intended (turned on for all programs and services).
The default setting (which is compatible with older versions of Windows, like 95/98/ME), allows software to execute code from what should be data segments. The more strict setting won't allow this, and raises a system-level exception instead.
You can check the settings between the two by looking at System Properties. I'm not at a Win7 machine right now, but on WinXP you get there by right-clicking on My Computer, choosing Properties, clicking on Performance Options, and then selecting the "Data Execution Prevention" tab. Find it on Vista/Win7 by using the Help; search for Data Execution Protection.
The solution, as previous answers have told you, is to install MadExcept or EurekaLog. You can also get a free version as part of JEDI, in JCLDebug IIRC. I haven't used it, so I can't vouch for it personally. I've heard it's pretty good, though.
If you don't want to go that route, set a breakpoint somewhere in the startup portion of your app (make sure to build with debugging info turned on). Run your app until the breakpoint is hit, and then use the IDE's Search->Goto Address (which is disabled until the breakpoint is hit). Enter the address from the exception dialog (not the one that's almost all zeros, but the 0046C978 address, prefixed with $ to indicate it's in hex) as in $0046C978. You'll probably end up in the CPU window looking at assembly code, but you can usually pick out a line of Delphi code of some sort that can sometimes give you a place to start looking.
In addition to all previous suggestions, I'll add the difference in accessing Registry under WOW64 compared to Win32. If your application is accessing Registry to read or write some settings, you should be aware of this. First, take a look at this and this page in the MSDN. On this page you will find 2 flags that determine the access you get to Registry from 32- or 64-bit application. KEY_WOW64_64KEY is the one that you should use.
In any case, I agree with others about using madExcept (or any other similar tool) to be able to find the exact cause of your problems.

Dosbase application on windows xp problems

all dos base application experts here is one thread i am creating.
i would like your opinion for this issues
i found one problem in windows xp or any windows system higher to windows 98
i have a dos base application which runs perfect on windows 98 but when i am running it on windows xp or other system it is showing me following error message
16 bit Ms-Dos Subsystem
An application has attemped to directly access the hard disk, which cannot
be supported. This may cause the application to function incorrectly.
Choose close to terminate the application
as i can run it by pressing ignore but want to remove this error message
second thing i found is dos base printing
printing is not working properly
as it prints some part then it pause for some time and then resume printing
so how to solve these problems.
An application has attemped to directly access the hard disk, which cannot be supported.
This error means exactly what it says. Older versions of Windows including 95/98/Me gave DOS programs full control over the system, meaning they could access hardware as they wished -- while this maintained compatibility with older programs, it could also cause the entire OS to crash if this one program did something wrong.
The Windows NT family (including XP and all newer versions) runs DOS programs in an NTVDM (NT virtual DOS machine) which does not have direct access to hardware, and any attempt by programs to access such things will cause the program to be terminated. Of course, you can ignore the error, but your program will likely not work correctly.

Will a C program for Windows 98 run in Windows 7?

I am performing this project but there is problem of program .
we chose a program based on the 'C' language that runs on window 98.
But we need to run this program in window 7. So same program will run or not?
if not then what to do.
Just try it:
.. at worst it won't work and shouldn't harm anything
.. at best it will function as it does in 98 and you're golden.
Whether or not it will have any real problems working as intended depends upon too many unprovided details.
One thing I can say: if it's a 16-bit application and your Windows7 installation is 64-bit (vice 32-bit), you're far less likely to succeed in getting it running. In that situation I recommend finding a modern program that supports the functionality you're after.
Maybe it will or maybe it won't. Windows 7 can run 16 bit applications in XP mode , but unless you can provide more information about the application or the source code there is no way to tell without simply testing.

hibernating a single process in Windows

Is there any library or software or any way of saving the state of a single process in Windows to a file, then restoring the running process to a running state with all the memory already loaded at a later time?
I am aware that open handles will have to be re-opened, threads may have to started, etc, but can the heap and a single thread stack at least be restored?
I saw this question, but the answers are all for linux and most of them say it can't be done.
I know I can make all of my data structures serializable and do it myself, but I'd like to know if it is possible without that.
Raymond Chen (who may even kick Jon Skeet's ass when it comes to obscure Windows knowledge) says it isn't possible.
Essentially, unless your process uses absolutely no system resources (e.g. handles of any kind), there's always going to be some OS state which you can't save and restore.
The most practical way of solving this problem is to create a VM running another instance of Windows and run your process inside that:
You can make the guest OS as lightweight as possible by using nLite.
You can then use the VMWare VIX API to suspend/resume the VM programmatically.
This of course suspends the guest OS, and your process with it, solving the OS state problem.
>> •You can make the guest OS as lightweight as possible by using nLite.
To add to the above statement - The official lightweight version of Windows XP is "XP Embedded" or "Windows Embedded Standard". It is a heavily componentized version of XP that lets you slim down the XP image as small as 40 MB.
The "light weight" version of Windows 7 is Windows Embedded Standard 2011 , which is currently in Beta and available for download (
Of course , it is not a freeware unlike NLite.
