what is the maximum number of packets that can be received? [closed] - windows

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I am developing a P2P application which I am making it scalable to tens of millions of users. I am broadcasting a packet to each of these other peers and expecting a response. Before I go ahead with my coding I wanted to confirm if I can send a packet to 10s of millions of different IP addresses in less than a minute. and if they all respond back then will my application or even my PC be able to handle that many connections and packets in such small time ?
Using TCP and Windows.
Maximum CPU usage allowed : 20%
Internet bandwidth : assume 2Mbps
Application based on C programming using WinSock2
Assume a normal PC with 2 GB Ram, Core 2 Duo, 2.8 GHz

Um, yes you can, but you might need to use UDP. However the responses backc will be a self DoS as well.

Generally applications which need to directly communicate with tens of millions of users within the space of a minute will be based on clusters of servers that have the available internet bandwidth and computational power such that they don't DoS themselves. A P2P application shouldn't require a single host to communicate with that many users, especially not within that short of a time frame.
Ray is correct that, even if you were able to send the message, you will end up DoSing yourself with the response unless you put a lot of varied-length intentional delays in the client programs to space out their responses. He's also correct that you should use UDP if you were to attempt this. I find it very unlikely that your operating system supports maintaining 10,000,000 concurrent TCP connections.
In order to send a notification to tens of millions of hosts from a single host, the original host should notify some small subset of size n of the list of tens of millions of hosts. Each of those hosts would, in turn, notify n more hosts and so on. This would require on the order of n log_n_(total number of hosts) time vs. on the order of the number of hosts time.
If the response message is simply an acknowledgement of the receipt of the original message, a system opposite this can be used for the acknowledgements. Each host can send an ack to the one that sent it the message, then once that host has received all of the acks or a timeout occurs, it sends an ack to the host that sent it the message which includes the information of which hosts have already sent it an ack. This process continues back up the tree until it the combined acks reach the original host. This means you receive on the order of n responses back to the original host, not on the order of tens of millions.
If the response is more than just an ack, then your application is probably not scalable for anything remotely close to the hardware you describe as that's going to be way too much incoming data in too short of a time. Most likely you'll DoS yourself and quite possibly get a nastygram from your ISP.


Socket.io: How to reduce emit delay with many concurrent connections?

Im running a 4-core Amazon EC2 instance(m3.xlarge) with 200.000 concurrent connections with no ressouce problems(each core at 10-20%, memory at 2/14GB). Anyway if i emit a message to all the user connected first on a cpu-core gets it within milliseconds but the last connected user gets it with a delay of 1-3 seconds and each CPU core goes up to 100% for 1-2 seconds. I noticed this problem even at "only" 50k concurrent users(12.5k per core).
How to reduce the delay?
I tried changing redis-adapter to mongo-adapter with no difference.
Im using this code to get sticky sessions on multiple cpu cores:
The test was very simple: The clients do just connect and do nothing more. The server only listens for a message and emits to all.
EDIT: I tested single-core without any cluster/adapter logic with 50k clients and the same result.
I published the server, single-core-server, benchmark and html-client in one package: https://github.com/MickL/socket-io-benchmark-kit
OK, let's break this down a bit. 200,000 users on four cores. If perfectly distributed, that's 50,000 users per core. So, if sending a message to a given user takes .1ms each of CPU time, that would take 50,000 * .1ms = 5 seconds to send them all.
If you see CPU utilization go to 100% during this, then a bottleneck probably is CPU and maybe you need more cores on the problem. But, there may be other bottlenecks too such as network bandwidth, network adapters or the redis process. So, one thing to immediately determine is whether your end-to-end time is directly proportional to the number of clusters/CPUs you have? If you drop to 2 cores, does the end-to-end time double? If you go to 8, does it drop in half? If yes for both, that's good news because that means you probably are only running into CPU bottleneck at the moment, not other bottlenecks. If that's the case, then you need to figure out how to make 200,000 emits across multiple clusters more efficient by examining node-cluster-socket.io code and finding ways to optimize your specific situation.
The most optimal the code could be would be to have every CPU do all it's housekeeping to gather exactly what it needs to send to all 50,000 users and then very quickly each CPU does a tight loop sending 50,000 network packets one right after the other. I can't really tell from the redis adapter code whether this is what happens or not.
A much worst case would be where some process gets all 200,000 socket IDs and then goes in a loop to send to each socket ID where in that loop, it has to lookup on redis which server contains that connection and then send a message to that server telling it to send to that socket. That would be a ton less efficient than instructing each server to just send a message to all it's own connected users.
It would be worth trying to figure out (by studying code) where in this spectrum, the socket.io + redis combination is.
Oh, and if you're using an SSL connection for each socket, you are also devoting some CPU to crypto on every send operation. There are ways to offload the SSL processing from your regular CPU (using additional hardware).

What additional overheads are there to sending a packet over a websocket connection?

When performing AJAX requests, I have always tried to do as few as possible since there is an overhead to each request having to open the http connection to send the data. Since a websocket connection is constantly open, is there any cost outside of the obvious packet bandwidth to sending a request?
For example. Over the space of 1 minute, a client will send 100kb of data to the server. Assuming the client does not need a response to any of these requests, is there any advantage to queuing packets and sending them in one big burst vs sending them as they are ready?
In other words, is there an overhead to the stopping and starting data transfer for a connection that is constantly open?
I want to make a multiplayer browser game as real time as possible, but I don't want to find that 100s of tiny requests per minute compared to a larger consolidated request is causing the server additional stress. I understand that if the client needs a response it will be slower as there is a lot of waiting from the back and forth. I will consider this and only consolidate when it is appropriate. The more smaller requests per minute, the better user experience, but I don't know what toll it will have on the server.
You are correct that a webSocket message will have lower overhead for a given message transmission than sending the same message via an Ajax call because the webSocket connection is already established and because a webSocket message has lower overhead than an HTTP request.
First off, there's always less overhead in sending one larger transmission vs. sending lots of smaller transmissions. That's just the nature of TCP. Every TCP packet gets separately processed and acknowledged so sending more of them costs a bit more overhead. Whether that difference is relevant or significant and worth writing extra code for or worth sacrificing some element of your user experience (because of the delay for batching) depends entirely upon the specifics of a given situation.
Since you've described a situation where your client gets the best experience if there is no delay and no batching of packets, then it seems that what you should do is not implement the batching and test out how your server handles the load with lots of smaller packets when it gets pretty busy. If that works just fine, then stay with the better user experience. If you have issues keeping up with the load, then seriously profile your server and find out where the main bottleneck to performance is (you will probably be surprised about where the bottleneck actually is as it is often not where you think it will be - that's why you have to profile and measure to know where to concentrate your energy for improving the scalability).
FYI, due to the implementation of Nagel's algorithm in most implementations of TCP, the TCP stack itself does small amounts of batching for you if you are sending multiple requests fairly closely spaced in time or if sending over a slower link.
It's also possible to implement a dynamic system where as long as your server is able to keep up, you keep with the smaller and more responsive packets, but if your server starts to get busy, you start batching in order to reduce the number of separate transmissions.

Spread waiting time among connection requests and performance issues

I developed a server for a custom protocol based on tcp/ip-stack with Netty. Writing this was a pleasure.
Right now I am testing performance. I wrote a test-application on netty that simply connects lots (20.000+) of "clients" to the server (for-loop with Thread.wait(1) after each bootstrap-connect). As soon as a client-channel is connected it sends a login-request to the server, that checks the account and sends a login-response.
The overall performance seems to be quite OK. All clients are logged in below 60s. But what's not so good is the spread waiting time per connections. I have extremely fast logins and extremely slow logins. Variing from 9ms to 40.000ms spread over the whole test-time. Is it somehow possible to share waiting time among the requesting channels (Fifo)?
I measured a lot of significant timestamps and found a strange phenomenon. I have a lot of connections where the server's timestamp of "channel-connected" is way after the client's timestamp (up to 19 seconds). I also do have the "normal" case, where they match and just the time between client-sending and server-reception is several seconds. And there are cases of everything in between those two cases. How can it be, that client and server "channel-connected" are so much time away from each other?
What is for sure is, that the client immediatly receives the server's login-response after it has been send.
I think I read most of the performance-articles around here. I am using the OrderMemoryAwareThreadPool with 200 Threads on a 4CPU-Hyper-Threading-i7 for the incoming connections and also do start the server-application with the known aggressive-options. I also completely tweaked my Win7-TCP-Stack.
The server runs very smooth on my machine. CPU-usage and memory consumption is ca. at 50% from what could be used.
Too much information:
I also started 2 of my test-apps from 2 seperate machines "attacking" the server in parallel with 15.000 connections each. There I had about 800 connections that got a timeout from the server. Any comments here?
Best regards and cheers to Netty,
Netty has a dedicated boss thread that accepts an incoming connection. If the boss thread accepts a new connection, it forwards the connection to a worker thread. The latency between the acceptance and the actual socket read might be larger than expected under load because of this. Although we are looking into different ways to improve the situation, meanwhile, you might want to increase the number of worker threads so that a worker thread handles less number of connections.
If you think it's performing way worse than non-Netty application, please feel free to file an issue with reproducing test case. We will try to reproduce and fix the problem.

How do udp sockets actually work internally?

I am trying to reduce packets manipulation to its minimum in order to improve efficiency of a specific program i am working on but i am struggling with the time it takes to send through a udp socket using sendto/recvfrom. I am using 2 very basic processes (applications), one is sending, the other one receiving.
I am willing to understand how linux internally works when using these function calls...
Here are my observations:
when sending packets at:
10Kbps, the time it takes for the messages to go from one application to the other is about 28us
400Kbps, the time it takes for the messages to go from one application to the other is about 25us
4Mbps, the time it takes for the messages to go from one application to the other is about 20us
40Mbps, the time it takes for the messages to go from one application to the other is about 18us
When using different CPUs, time is obviously different and consistent with those observations. There must be some sort of setting that enables some queue readings to be done faster depending on the traffic flow on a socket... how can that be controlled?
When using a node as a forwarding node only, going in and out takes about 8us when using 400Kbps flow, i want to converge to this value as much as i can. 25us is not acceptable and deemed to slow (it is obvious that this is way less than the delay between each packet anyway... but the point is to be able to eventually have a greater deal of packets to be processed, hence, this time needs to be shortened!). Is there anything faster than sendto/recvfrom (must use 2 different applications (processes), i know i cannot use a monolitic block, thus i need info to be sent on a socket)?

Low-latency, large-scale message queuing

I'm going through a bit of a re-think of large-scale multiplayer games in the age of Facebook applications and cloud computing.
Suppose I were to build something on top of existing open protocols, and I want to serve 1,000,000 simultaneous players, just to scope the problem.
Suppose each player has an incoming message queue (for chat and whatnot), and on average one more incoming message queue (guilds, zones, instances, auction, ...) so we have 2,000,000 queues. A player will listen to 1-10 queues at a time. Each queue will have on average maybe 1 message per second, but certain queues will have much higher rate and higher number of listeners (say, a "entity location" queue for a level instance). Let's assume no more than 100 milliseconds of system queuing latency, which is OK for mildly action-oriented games (but not games like Quake or Unreal Tournament).
From other systems, I know that serving 10,000 users on a single 1U or blade box is a reasonable expectation (assuming there's nothing else expensive going on, like physics simulation or whatnot).
So, with a crossbar cluster system, where clients connect to connection gateways, which in turn connect to message queue servers, we'd get 10,000 users per gateway with 100 gateway machines, and 20,000 message queues per queue server with 100 queue machines. Again, just for general scoping. The number of connections on each MQ machine would be tiny: about 100, to talk to each of the gateways. The number of connections on the gateways would be alot higher: 10,100 for the clients + connections to all the queue servers. (On top of this, add some connections for game world simulation servers or whatnot, but I'm trying to keep that separate for now)
If I didn't want to build this from scratch, I'd have to use some messaging and/or queuing infrastructure that exists. The two open protocols I can find are AMQP and XMPP. The intended use of XMPP is a little more like what this game system would need, but the overhead is quite noticeable (XML, plus the verbose presence data, plus various other channels that have to be built on top). The actual data model of AMQP is closer to what I describe above, but all the users seem to be large, enterprise-type corporations, and the workloads seem to be workflow related, not real-time game update related.
Does anyone have any daytime experience with these technologies, or implementations thereof, that you can share?
Re 'message queue':
RabbitMQ's default operation is exactly what you describe: transient pubsub. But with TCP instead of UDP.
If you want guaranteed eventual delivery and other persistence and recovery features, then you CAN have that too - it's an option. That's the whole point of RabbitMQ and AMQP -- you can have lots of behaviours with just one message delivery system.
The model you describe is the DEFAULT behaviour, which is transient, "fire and forget", and routing messages to wherever the recipients are. People use RabbitMQ to do multicast discovery on EC2 for just that reason. You can get UDP type behaviours over unicast TCP pubsub. Neat, huh?
I am not sure if UDP would be useful here. If you turn off Nagling then RabbitMQ single message roundtrip latency (client-broker-client) has been measured at 250-300 microseconds. See here for a comparison with Windows latency (which was a bit higher) http://old.nabble.com/High%28er%29-latency-with-1.5.1--p21663105.html
I cannot think of many multiplayer games that need roundtrip latency lower than 300 microseconds. You could get below 300us with TCP. TCP windowing is more expensive than raw UDP, but if you use UDP to go faster, and add a custom loss-recovery or seqno/ack/resend manager then that may slow you down again. It all depends on your use case. If you really really really need to use UDP and lazy acks and so on, then you could strip out RabbitMQ's TCP and probably pull that off.
I hope this helps clarify why I recommended RabbitMQ for Jon's use case.
I am building such a system now, actually.
I have done a fair amount of evaluation of several MQs, including RabbitMQ, Qpid, and ZeroMQ. The latency and throughput of any of those are more than adequate for this type of application. What is not good, however, is queue creation time in the midst of half a million queues or more. Qpid in particular degrades quite severely after a few thousand queues. To circumvent that problem, you will typically have to create your own routing mechanisms (smaller number of total queues, and consumers on those queues are getting messages that they don't have an interest in).
My current system will probably use ZeroMQ, but in a fairly limited way, inside the cluster. Connections from clients are handled with a custom sim. daemon that I built using libev and is entirely single-threaded (and is showing very good scaling -- it should be able to handle 50,000 connections on one box without any problems -- our sim. tick rate is quite low though, and there are no physics).
XML (and therefore XMPP) is very much not suited to this, as you'll peg the CPU processing XML long before you become bound on I/O, which isn't what you want. We're using Google Protocol Buffers, at the moment, and those seem well suited to our particular needs. We're also using TCP for the client connections. I have had experience using both UDP and TCP for this in the past, and as pointed out by others, UDP does have some advantage, but it's slightly more difficult to work with.
Hopefully when we're a little closer to launch, I'll be able to share more details.
Jon, this sounds like an ideal use case for AMQP and RabbitMQ.
I am not sure why you say that AMQP users are all large enterprise-type corporations. More than half of our customers are in the 'web' space ranging from huge to tiny companies. Lots of games, betting systems, chat systems, twittery type systems, and cloud computing infras have been built out of RabbitMQ. There are even mobile phone applications. Workflows are just one of many use cases.
We try to keep track of what is going on here:
http://www.rabbitmq.com/how.html (make sure you click through to the lists of use cases on del.icio.us too!)
Please do take a look. We are here to help. Feel free to email us at info#rabbitmq.com or hit me on twitter (#monadic).
My experience was with a non-open alternative, BizTalk. The most painful lesson we learnt is that these complex systems are NOT fast. And as you figured from the hardware requirements, that translates directly into significant costs.
For that reason, don't even go near XML for the core interfaces. Your server cluster will be parsing 2 million messages per second. That could easily be 2-20 GB/sec of XML! However, most messages will be for a few queues, while most queues are in fact low-traffic.
Therefore, design your architecture so that it's easy to start with COTS queue servers and then move each queue (type) to a custom queue server when a bottleneck is identified.
Also, for similar reasons, don't assume that a message queue architecture is the best for all comminication needs your application has. Take your "entity location in an instance" example. This is a classic case where you don't want guaranteed message delivery. The reason that you need to share this information is because it changes all the time. So, if a message is lost, you don't want to spend time recovering it. You'd only send the old locatiom of the affected entity. Instead, you'd want to send the current location of that entity. Technology-wise this means you want UDP, not TCP and a custom loss-recovery mechanism.
FWIW, for cases where intermediate results are not important (like positioning info) Qpid has a "last-value queue" that can deliver only the most recent value to a subscriber.
