how to internationalize a delphi application [duplicate] - windows

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Translate application
What is the best way to internationalize my application written in delphi xe2 ?
I've seen the stringtable resource but I'm worried because I've got the feeling that the implementation could be time consuming and laborious.
Are there other equally valid methods to do this?

Maybe not the best tool for translations, but I'm using GNU Gettext for many years.
The process is quite simple:
You run dxgettext to extract strings
You translate or give for translation the files
I personally love poEdit tool to translate and manage translation repository
Optional : You merge your translation files into the final EXE
OR you put the translation files in subdirectories and that's it !
1/ GNU Gettext is included in JCL/JVCL library, you just need to activate this option at startup.
2/ Gnu Gettext can translate everything in the library, as VCL, JCL/JVCL also ! It's not just limited to your code !

One option is to use the Integrated Translation Environment in Delphi:

Here you can find two articles about this theme:
Multilingua application with GNU gettext
Multilingua application with standard method (IDE)
You can find other methods and commencial components (i have used TsiLang components -excellent library-)
A Greeting.

I don't know is this the best way of internationalize an application, but for me it worked. It's a kind of home made.
I created an xml file, which is the dictionary containing the translations, but you can use any other format, from json, to xls (maybe this is the best). Than implemented a class which read the translations from this file, and a way to register procedures in case of the language is changed runtime, which is I think a good feature.
TDictionary = class
fOnChanged: TSignal;
fLanguage: String;
procedure setLanguage( const Value: String );
procedure loadFromFile( filename: string );
function getTranslation( id: string; lang: string = '' ): string;
property language: String read fLanguage write setLanguage;
property onChanged: TSignal read fonChanged;
function TDictionary.getTranslation( id: string; lang: string = '' ): string;
if lang = '' then
lang := Language; // use the default lang.
// read the translation from the file.
procedure TDictionary.setLanguage( const Value: String );
fLanguage := Value;
TSignal is a class which register methods, and if you call Execute executes all the registered methods, Maybe in xe2 you have something built in for this, in delphi7 I had to create this class myself, but it's fun to implement.
in a form's createForm:
procedure TMyClass.doTranslate( dictionary: TObject );
with dictionary as TDictionary do
caption := dictionary.getTranslation( 'myclass.caption' );
button.caption := dictionary.getTranslation( 'some id' );
// or you can go through Controls array, and automate the assignment.
procedure TMyClass.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Dictionary.onChanged.register( doTranslate );
doTranslate( dictionary );
procedure TMyClass.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
Dictionary.onChanged.deregister( doTranslate );
As you can see, this is not a working example what you can copy and paste, I just wanted to show you the idea behind. if something is not clear, comment it, and I can extend my answer.
Some notes:
I think it's important to have the translations in utf8 format.
using xls makes the localizers live easier, and your too, if they ruin your xml file (If the translator is not prof., It can happen that you get back your xml file in microsoft word format)
you can put your dictionary file into resource, and load from there.
This way you can change the language runtime
if you need another language, you just need to edit the dictionary file.
If you have many forms, it's a nightmare to connect all the labels, buttons, etc, but you can automate it in smart ways.
It slows down your app a little, but not much, if changing your app language is not happening so often.

There is a product called sisulizer, it works after you have build the executable fies I think. Haven't tried it but I've read a lot about it.
Have a look at this


How do I save a picture from a open picture dialogue to a file

Hi I'm currently using Delphi 2010.
I basically have a form where a user has to enter information about themselves and upload a picture. I have an Image component on my form. I did some research and many of the websites I looked at said to use a OpenPictureDialogue to allow the user to select an image and display it in the Image component.
My question is, how can I save this image to a file on my computer? Keeping in mind I will have multiple users adding their picture and that I will have to use the picture later on again, basically I want to use the LoadFromFile procedure to display the picture in my program later on.
I also read many websites saying to use the SavePictureDialogue, but that allows the user to select the file they want the image to be saved to and I don't want that, I want it to save to a file that only I can access.
I have this so far, I know it is very limited.
if opdAcc.Execute then
if opdAcc.FileName <> '' then
I am a student and my knowledge is quite limited and I would appreciate any help. :)
First of all, there is no place on the hard drive that only you can access. But you can create a folder to store your files and copy users' pictures there. This reduces the likelihood that the user will have access to these files. The usual folder for storing such files is the AppData folder. It is better to create a folder with the same name as your application in AppData and store such files there.
Suppose the GetPicturesDirectoryPath function generates the address of such a folder and ensures that this folder has already been created or will be created. The next step is to generate a unique name for the file you want to store. Note that multiple users may select files with the same name. In this case, after copying the picture selected by the second user, the image file will be written over the previous user's file. If a unique identifier is assigned to each user, this identifier is the best choice for the picture file name. But you can use the GetGUIDFileName function to create a unique address. Make sure the generated address is kept with the rest of the user information, or the connection between the copied file and the user will be lost. The implementation of all these will be something like the following:
uses IOUtils;
function GetAppDataDirectoryPath: string;
function GetPicturesDirectoryPath: string;
Result := TPath.Combine(GetAppDataDirectoryPath, 'MyApp');
function GetUniqueFilePath(const Extension: string): string;
Result := TPath.ChangeExtension(
TPath.Combine(GetPicturesDirectoryPath, TPath.GetGUIDFileName),
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
DestPath: string;
OpenPictureDialog1.Options := OpenPictureDialog1.Options +
[ofFileMustExist]; // make sure that selected file exists
if OpenPictureDialog1.Execute then
DestPath := GetUniqueFilePath(TPath.GetExtension(OpenPictureDialog1.FileName));
TFile.Copy(OpenPictureDialog1.FileName, DestPath);
if TFile.Exists(DestPath) then
ShowMessage('Well, something went wrong!');
Read this to implement GetAppDataDirectoryPath.

SelectDirectory does not include drives on some machines

The following code gets different results on different machines. One machine just gives the desktop folder (not desired) the other gives the desktop folder and Computer, mapped drives (desired).
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Directory : String;
FileCtrl.SelectDirectory('Caption', 'Desktop', Directory, [sdNewUI, sdShowEdit]);
One one machine it gives:
On another it gives:
This feels like a windows setting, but I am not sure where to start. Using Delphi XE, Windows 10.
Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks for your time.
Use a TFileOpenDialog instead*.
Set FileOpenDialog1.Options:= [fdoPickFolders,fdoPathMustExist]
Now you have a dialog that:
Always works.
Allows copy paste
*) Not to be confused with the TOpenDialog, which does not allow you to only select folders.
Solution for Windows XP
Note that the new TFileOpenDialog only works for Vista and above.
Your program will not work on XP if you include this control.
If you start the dialog on XP it will generate an EPlatformVersionException.
You may want to use the following code instead if you want to be backward compatible:
uses JclSysInfo; //because you have XE use JCL.
WinMajorVer: Integer;
Directory: string;
FileDialog: TFileOpenDialog;
WinMajorVer:= GetWindowsMajorVersionNumber;
if WinMajorVer < 6 then begin //pre-vista
//To show the root Desktop namespace, you should be setting the Root parameter to an empty string ('') instead of 'Desktop'
FileCtrl.SelectDirectory('Caption', '', Directory, [sdNewUI, sdShowEdit]);
end else begin
FileDialog:= TFileOpenDialog.Create(self);
FileDialog.Options:= [fdoPickFolders,fdoPathMustExist];
if FileDialog.Execute then Directory:= FileOpenDialog1.FileName;
Result:= Directory;
Recommended reading:
detect windows version
FileCtrl.SelectDirectory('Caption', 'Desktop', Directory, [sdNewUI, sdShowEdit]);
The 'Desktop' goes into the Root parameter, which is handled like so:
IDesktopFolder.ParseDisplayName(Application.Handle, nil,
Root, Eaten, RootItemIDList, Flags);
Here's what MSDN for IDesktopFolder.ParseDisplayName has to say:
pszDisplayName [in]
A null-terminated Unicode string with the display name. Because each Shell folder defines its own parsing syntax, the form this string can take may vary. The desktop folder, for instance, accepts paths such as "C:\My Docs\My File.txt". It also will accept references to items in the namespace that have a GUID associated with them using the "::{GUID}" syntax.
Note that the documentation states that the desktop folder will accept paths and guids. It does not accept 'Desktop'. Because that's neither.
The fact that 'Desktop' as a root works on one system but not another is some undocumented fix made in an older/newer version of the IDesktopFolder interface.
Technical solution
Use '' as a 'root' as shown in my code above.
Obviously SelectDirectory is a really bad design by Microsoft that should never be used. It just sucks in so many ways. I recommend it not be used whenever possible.

How to fill "waveInGetDevCaps" function parameters in Delphi?

I'm using the Window's API, in particular the 'WaveIn' functions. I want to know the format that my laptop's input audio device supports.
Therefore, I used the function "waveInGetDevCaps." This function call , once called, fills in a WAVEINCAPS structure with the information about the audio device.
This is my code so far:
procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
wc : WAVEINCAPS; // structure to be filled with audio device info
waveInGetDevCaps(WAVE_MAPPER, &wc, sizeof(WAVEINCAPS));
Showmessage (wc.dwFormats);
However I keep getting an error:
"E2010 Incompatible types: 'PWaveInCapsA' and 'tagWAVEINCAPSA2"
I would appreciate any help please.
Information on "waveInGetDevCaps" and "WAVEINCAPS" can be found:
You are using the wrong operator to take the address. You use & in C and C++. In Delphi the operator is #. This operator is documented here:
In Delphi, & is used to escape keywords. It has no effect here, because wc is not a keyword, and is essentially ignored, treated as whitespace.
Replace & with # and your code will compile. Don't forget to check the return value of the function call for errors, as described in the function documentation.
The Delphi header translations introduce Pascal-case type names so instead of the WAVEINCAPS type it would be idiomatic to use the TWaveInCaps type.

Open file in OS X

In Delphi, I would like to open a file in OS X. My approach is as follows:
Filename = 'test.bmp';
procedure SaveAndOpen;
ShellExecute(0, 'open', Filename, '', '', SW_Normal);
But nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
This article from Embarcadero's Malcolm Groves covers this topic: Opening files and URLs in default applications in OS X.
In summary, all you need is this:
Macapi.Appkit, // for NSWorkspace
Macapi.Foundation; // for NSSTR
Workspace: NSWorkspace; // interface, no need for explicit destruction
Workspace := TNSWorkspace.Create;
For sake of completeness, should you wish to open a URL rather than a file, then you call openURL instead:
Regarding your Windows code, I would recommend not using ShellExecute. That function does not have reasonable error reporting. Use ShellExecuteEx in its place.
And finally, you should probably abstract this functionality away so that it can be re-used by other parts of your program. You want to write that IFDEF as few times as possible.
You must add the open verb like so
_System(PAnsiChar('open ' + Filename));

How to use windows IME in delphi?

I have several keyboards and they type in different TMemos. In english, everything works fine, but in Korean the keystrokes get sent to the IME before it sends it to my onKeypress (which handles/identifies the different keyboards), so I can't exactly tell which keyboard it came from before that.
I don't exactly know how to use WinApi, but I need to learn to use the part that deals with the IME. There is a lot of information HERE, but I need to know how to apply it in delphi. I need to store each users keystrokes and send them to the IME.
Perhaps someone can help me learn to use IMM.PAS
Got it to work. Using ImmGetContext, ImmSetCompositon, ImmGetComposition and NormalizeString.
procedure TForm1.IMEFUNCTION(var msg: TMsg);
buf: array [0..20] of char;
hHimc: HIMC;
i, j: integer;
str: string;
temporary: PWideChar;
hHimc:= ImmGetContext (msg.hwnd);
if hHimc = 0 then
fillchar (buf, 20, 0);
ImmSetCompositionStringW (hHimc, SCS_SETSTR, PChar (''), Length(''), nil, 0);
ImmGetCompositionString (hHimc, GCS_COMPSTR, #buf, 20);
temporary:= PWideChar(Edit1.Text+buf[0]);
NormalizeString(5 , temporary, -1, buf, 20);
end;//end if
end;//end for
ImmReleaseContext (handle, hHimc);
Side note: I didn't really use TEdit, I used a StringGrid and a for-loop. (but the general idea is there)
I doubt that Windows supports what you want to do, and I doubt that you can make Windows work differently. It sounds like you are trying to use two physical keyboards on a single computer.
IMM.PAS is a wrapper for the Windows IME API, and does not appear to have been written to help you do exactly what you want to do.
Why aren't you using two computers, with two keyboards?
