How do they do this, ajax, json - ajax

I have been tasked with adding some functionality to a site similar to this screen on flickr.
Does anyone have any idea how they do the photostream on the right. The images are not in the javascript, json or there is no ajax request.
It would be really useful if anyone had an idea how they did this.

There is an AJAX request performed as you scroll.
Open the console in your browser and look at the network tab. It will show a link similar to this:
This is the restful link which returns JSON data. This JSON data contains the urls for the thumbnails of each of the photos, plus other information.

1st There is ajax request when you scroll thumbnails on the right.
And I think that they make an ajax request with the last photo ID in the stream, the next pic in database or prev and the user who uploaded pics and surely others params...
You want a script file that will give you picture thumb encoded in base64, url of the picture and next pictures id in database..
$("#photostream > .scroll").click(function(){
leftOrRight = $(this).attr("id"); // Assume that there is two buttons to get next or previous img with id #next and #prev
type: "GET",
url: urlOfTheScriptFileThatWillProvideYouData.php, //aspx, jsp ...
dataType: "json",
data: "userId, photoId, leftOrRight",
success: function(yourJson) {
//... Do something with your data and append it in the slider etc..;
error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
Look at URL


Wordpress Custom Table Ajax Receiver

I'm fairly new to using WordPress AND AJAX for that matter. I need to have a Table in my admin area which is populated with enquiries to my site.
I have set up a custom table in the admin panel which is populated by an external database. This works fine. Once this has been populated I want to be able to change a select box to keep track of the status of certain enquiries.
I have inserted the select boxes and all seems well. At this point however, I want to use AJAX to post the changed state (in particular the index no. of the new selected option) back to my database to be populated.
I have found a number of examples to do with this and have spent a wee while trying to get my head around it but once the AJAX post is sent, I am not sure how OR where to deal with the receipt of this and have it update the database.
At the moment the url which the AJAX post points towards is the .php file in which my custom table is stored.
Could someone please explain what each aspect of the following code does, and what steps I seem to missing:
jQuery(function( $ ) {
$(".select-status").on( 'change', function() {
var $currentSelect = $(this);
var currentId = $currentSelect.attr('id');
var url = "/wp-content/plugins/custom-list-table-example/list-table-example.php"; // the script where you handle the form input.
type: 'POST',
url: url,
data: $currentSelect.serialize(),
success: function(data) {
error: function() {
alert('There was an error: Failed to update database');
Where select-status is the class given to each select box.
Any help would be massively appreciated.
This site gave me hope but I can't see if this is relevant or where I would implement the different parts within WordPress.

$.ajax().success not working only in firefox

I have an ajax function like so:
function RunSubmit() {
url: '#Url.Action("Contact", "Public")',
type: "POST",
data: $('#contactForm').serialize(),
dataType: 'jsonp',
crossDomain: true,
success: function (result) {
alert("hit success function");
if (result.validForm) {
alert("At redirect. Url is: " + result.url);
//console.log("valid form");
} else {
//console.log("BAD FORM");
alert("ELSE CALLED");
error : function(ob1, ob2, ob3)
complete: function(val)
//This is being hit but it appears no value is being returned from the controller (FireFox)
Strange thing is it works in IE and Chrome but not FF. I have tried running the post with dataType: 'json' without the dataType and without the crossDomain property. Looking at the console on FF I can see that we are having numerous cross domain request errors mainly coming from google fonts. (This does not happen on chrome or ie). In our controller we are making a hardcoded http request to another server on a different host so I can see where the issue might be arising. The way we have dealt with this issue before is by adding a crossdomain.xml file to the root of our project. Something like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<allow-access-from domain="*"/>
<allow-access-from domain="*"/>
<allow-access-from domain="*"/>
<allow-access-from domain=""/> //this is the site we are sending a request to in our controller
So I have searched and come across multiple posts on SO where the success function was not being called on an ajax post. Check my error objects the only information I am getting back is "error". This javascript should be receiving a url back and redirecting; however, what it is doing is rendering the JSON return value to the screen.
This is the line of code that returns our Json from our controller.
return Json(new { validForm = true, url = "/Public/ContactComplete" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
The line looks fine to me and the Json being returned is perfect json so it should not be a parsing error on the jquery side.
This was an interesting situation. I'm adding this to my list of reasons as to why a form may not post back in MVC. The outside firm we hired to develop our product created a 'hack' to get around an issue where Chrome would not post back if you wished to disable the submit button (to prevent double post) on the click of the button itself. To get around this the developer wrote an ajax script submitting the form manually on click. This in turn blew up functionality in firefox. There was some weird double posting going on and for whatever reason FF would render JSON to the screen instead of catching the Json back and running the success function.
Long story short:
If you are disabling a submit button to prevent double post then disable it on the form submit event.
pseudo code
$('#submit-button').on('click', function() { this.attr('disabled', true);}
Is not the way to go. The below is what fixed it for me
$('form').on('submit', function() { $('#submit-button').attr('disabled', true);}

why browser request for image after ajax?

I'm using backbone and nodejs for a single page webapp.
I got a view, which has a model(a blog post) in it. when user click on 'like' button, the view will start ajax send the user'id to server to let the like number +1.
it looks like this:{
likedBy: userModel.get('_id')
}, {
url: '/posts/' + this.model.get('_id') + '/like',
success: function() {
// do something
patch: true
my problem is, when this code got run. browser start http request to retrieve all the images on the screen, and re-render them. so the screen got a "shake" after user clicked the like button.
this is not happening everywhere, but what caused this? how to stop the "shake"?
thanks for any advance.
When you call the model will update his data in the server and will call your view's render function. The render method will create a new DOM element and replace the old DOM element, that's what causing the flickering (it requests the images again).
I assume you have an API call for Like action (if not it's better to have one) so you can make a sperate AJAX call for like action on your model by adding a function like so:
addLike : function(data) {
url: '/api/like/'+ this.get('id'),
method: 'POST',
data: data,
success: options.success,
error: options.error

How to properly clear the content of an Ember.Enumerable?

I was looking at Emberjs recently and found this useful article written by one of its main contributors: Advice on & Instruction in the Use Of Ember.js
It walked me through an example which fetch a list of user data from a server and render them on screen. I'll briefly explain how it worked:
The app contacts the server to fetch a list of user data though ajax
At the end of the ajax call an empty enumerable is returned
immediately, which is later used as a property of a controller.
Once the ajax call is completed, it populates the enum with data which
in turns update the controller's property, and finally triggers an
automatic re-rendering.
This works fine as long as the list is not revisited. As a user revisit the list, say he/she navigates to another state and then comes back, the logic will be triggered again, fetching the data from server and populates the list. However, the list this time is not empty! Thus we have a list of duplicated data. I would like to resolve this by clearing the content of the list when the ajax call is successful. Below is the code for the ajax call:
allAwesomebergs: [],
fetch: function(){
url: '',
dataType: 'jsonp',
context: this,
success: function(response) {{
}, this);
return this.allAwesomebergs;
The above code does not clear the content of the list. I tried adding a line "allAwesomebergs = []" at the beginning of the success function, but what I got was just a blank screen. I thought I may not be doing this correctly, but I looked at the document from Ember and didn't see anything about clearing the content of an Enumerable.
Thus the question is: what is the easiest way to resolve this duplicate loading issue? Clearing the content before hand seems the most obvious but I can't make it work.
You can call clear() before you start adding the new objects. See this documentation.
New code would be:
allAwesomebergs: [],
fetch: function(){
url: '',
dataType: 'jsonp',
context: this,
success: function(response) {
}, this);
return this.allAwesomebergs;
I think your approach was ok, but it should have been:
this.allAwesomebergs = []
It is all about the this in front of it. So clear is not needed here.

Jquery Ajax - response should replace html

I'm beginning in Ajax and I have a couples of problems. I have a page with a list containning some video thumbnails, when you rollover on them, there's a "I dislike this" icon showing. That's done. Now where iam having problem is:
When you click that icon, the video title, thumbnail & info should disapear and another video must show.
Here's my Ajax code
function ThumbsDown(id,sort,page) {
url: "/change/videos/"+id+"/thumbsdown/",
type: "POST",
data: {
"sort": sort?sort:"",
"page": page?page:""
complete: function(result) {
// Instead of calling the div name, I need to be able to target it with $(this) and .parent() to make sure only 1 video change, but for now I only want the response to replace the video
$("#content .videoList ul li.videoBox").html(result);
The request is working, im gettin a (200 OK) response. And it's returning me the HTML code block for the new video.
The problem is, when I click the icon, all the html in the div is gone. I have an empty tag, so I guess its interpreted as "empty". But in my firebug .Net tab, I can see clearly that there IS a response.
Any help please? ALREADY FIXED, THANKS
** EDIT **
Now im having problems to target the specific div with$(this) and parents(). Can someone help?
I want to target the li #videoBox
<li class="videoBox recommended">
<div class="spacer" style="display: block;"></div>
<div class="features">
<a class="dislike_black" title="I dislike this" onclick="ThumbsDown(30835, 'relevance', '1');"></a>
I tried this, and its not working.
success: function(data) {
$("#content .videoList ul li.videoBox").html(data); // this IS WORKING, but replacing ALL the thumbs
$(this).parents("li.videoBox").html(data); // THIS IS NOT
What Im I doing wrong?
The problem you're having, is that you are using the "complete" callback function. This can be misleading, but that callback is meant to be called after a success or a failure. It's more for cleanup, and doesn't receive the response data as you would expect. Basically, all you need to do is change "complete" to "success", and you should receive your expected result.
However, I personally don't suggest using the Ajax function, since it looks like it's entirely unnecessary. The Ajax function exists mostly for complex transactions, and it looks like you have a fairly simple one. What I suggest, is using the "shortcut" function that jQuery provides, like so:
$.post(`/change/videos/${id}/thumbsdown/`, {sort:'', page:''}, function(result){
// Instead of calling the div name, I need to be able to target it
// with $(this) and .parent() to make sure only 1 video change,
// but for now I only want the response to replace the video
$('#content .videoList ul li.videoBox').html(result);
}, 'html');
Change from complete to success
function ThumbsDown(id,sort,page) {
url: "/change/videos/"+id+"/thumbsdown/",
type: "POST",
data: {
"sort": sort?sort:"",
"page": page?page:""
success: function(result) {
// Instead of calling the div name, I need to be able to target it with $(this) and .parent() to make sure only 1 video change, but for now I only want the response to replace the video
$("#content .videoList ul li.videoBox").html(result);
the complete callback unlike the success doesn't get the data parameter, only the jqXHR parameter.
