Jquery mobile changePage after Ajax call - ajax

I have a probleme with ah changePage.
I want to switch the Page after an Ajax call.
If the form get submit, this function will be executed, but after the ajax call the page does not switch.
If I wanna set a Breakpoint on this call, it do not stop.
What can I do, that I can switch the page after the ajax call.
$("#serialNumber").submit(function() {
type: "POST",
url: "mobilemain.do",
data: "serialNumberInput=" + $("#serialNumberInput").val(),
success: function(msg)
$.mobile.changePage("#machine_manuals", "slide");
I found some hint to my Problem.
The SAP-Server call is from the form-submit and not from my ajax-call.
He never goes in the method above.
On my Server, I made that:
l_view = create_view( view_name = 'main.htm').
call_view( l_view ).
But I does not wanna call the main.htm .
I wanna call the second page in the jquery mobile project. (main.htm#machine_manuals)
How does that work?

Other than the page you are changing to, all options for $.mobile.changePage are passed as a key-value pair in an object.
Your changePage should look like this:
$.mobile.changePage("#machine_manuals", {transition: "slide"});
The documentation for the method, and the options available can be found here:


Do I sent two requests to the ActionResult?

I have an ASP.net MVC project and depending on the filter options chosen by the user I am sending different ajax requests to the same actionresult, for example:
$(document).on("click", "#filter_reset_button", function () {
var url = "/Admin/Index";
url: url,
type: "get",
data: { reset: true },
successCallback: function () {
window.location.href = url;
Other listeners sent different data, something like:
data: { page: 2, filterUpdate: true }
and so on. The Index ActionResult returns different lists of items, depending on different options chosen in the data and the code works completely fine.
A colleage of mine told me, that my code is actually sending two get requests to the AR everytime, so its not efficient. Is that true? And if its the case, how can I refactor it. to make it just one request? If I let window.location.href = url part out, the site actually doesnt load the server response.
Yes you are doing 2 request in button click. First in Ajax Get, Second in Success Call Back.
But Why are you calling window.location.href = url; success call back. ?
If you want update the page after click, you can do partial updates to page. Check this post.
That is correct 2 request called.
First request when you call AJAX get to Action Index in Admin Controller.
Second request when you set window.location.href = url, it will same as you enter /Admin/Index in browser.
In this case you only need window.location.href = '/admin/index?reset=true' in click function
You can see the post here at this post
Actually on success callback you must change your code accordingly to the above post

angularjs changes in data not affected in views ajax

I am developing an application with angular js
Question: When I have an ajax call to server and I need to change the views based on the result of ajax call, the views don't get affected by this call, I think it the page renders before ajax call is finished but I don't know how to resolve it
For example the following piece of code
$scope.addItem = function() {
method :'GET',
url : 'addItem',
headers : {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
}).success( function(data) {
$scope.allItems = data;
the allItems changed after the ajax call but the view is not changed
how should I solve this?

How to use RedirectToAction when posting to an action with ajax

I have the following jQuery:
type: 'POST',
url: "MyController/MyAction",
data: $("form").serialize(),
dataType: "json"
And here is MyAction:
return RedirectToAction("OtherAction", new {id = 5});
I have this setup in three different places(three different actions). In two actions I can redirect just fine. However in one action I cannot redirect. Nothing happens, I just stay on the same page. I stepped through my code and all the lines are getting hit in MyAction, but my breakpoint in OtherAction never gets hit.
Is there something special I should be doing? In the two instances that work I am posting from/to the same controller. In the Instance above the jQuery is in a page under HomeController posting to an action in MyController
This won't affect the main page since the redirect to action will just do a redirect and return the redirected response to the Ajax call.
The page that made the ajax request will not be redirected since the response is just seen as any other response. There was just one extra step (redirect) to arrive at the AJAX result.
If you want the main page to be redirected, you can handle that in the callback for the ajax request

dynamicly fill table using zpt and ajax as update

I'm creating a webproject in pyramid where I'd like to update a table every few secondes. I already decided to use ajax, but I'm stuck on something.
On the client side I'm using the following code:
function update()
var variable = 'variable ';
type: "POST",
url: "/diagnose_voorstel_get_data/${DosierID}",
dataType: "text",
data: variable ,
success: function (msg) {
error: function(){
alert(msg + 'error');
Pyramid side:
#view_config(route_name='diagnose_voorstel_get_data', xhr=True, renderer='string')
def diagnose_voorstel_get_data(request):
dosierid = request.matchdict['dosierid']
dosieridsplit = dosierid.split
Diagnoses = DBSession.query(Diagnose).filter(and_(Diagnose.code_arg == str(dosieridsplit[0]), Diagnose.year_registr == str(dosieridsplit[1]), Diagnose.period_registr == str(dosieridsplit[2]), Diagnose.staynum == str(dosieridsplit[3]), Diagnose.order_spec == str(dosieridsplit[4])))
return {'Diagnoses ' : Diagnoses }
Now I want to put this data inside a table with zpt using the tal:repeat statement.
I know how to use put this data in the table when the page loads, but I don't know how to combine this with ajax.
Can anny1 help me with this problem ? thanks in adance.
You can do just about anything with AJAX, what do you mean "there's no possibility"? Things become much cleaner once you clearly see what runs where and in what order - as Martijn Pieters points out, there's no ZPT in the browser and there's no AJAX on the server, so the title of the question does not make much sense.
Some of the options are:
clent sends an AJAX request, server does its server-side stuff, in the AJAX call success handler the client reloads the whole page using something like window.location.search='ts=' + some_timestamp_to_invalidate_cache. The whole page will reload with the new data - although it works almost exactly like a normal form submit, not much sense using AJAX like this at all.
client sends an AJAX request, server returns an HTML fragment rendered with ZPT which client then appends to some element on your page in the AJAX success handler:
function update()
var variable = 'variable ';
.done(function (data) {'
$('#mytable tbody').append(data);
client sends an AJAX request, server returns a JSON object which you then render on the client using one of the client-side templating engines. This probably only make sense if you render your whole application on the client and the server provides all data as JSON.

jQuery .ajax 'success' function never runs

I am trying to use jQuery for the first time, and my POST function using .ajax is giving me grief.
The POST is successful; my PHP page runs the MySQL query correctly and the newly created user ID is returned. The only problem is that instead of running the 'success' function; it simply loads the PHP page that I called, which simply echoes the user ID.
Here's the jQuery function:
function register() {
type: "POST",
url: 'sendRegistration.php',
data: dataString,
datatype: 'html',
success: function(response){alert(response);},
complete: function(response,textStatus){console.log(textStatus);},
error: function(response){alert(response);}
... and the PHP return stuff:
// Create a new send & recieve object to store and retrieve the data
$sender = new sendRecieve();
$custId = $sender->submitUser($userVars);
if ($custId != 0) {
echo $custId;
} else {
echo "Database connection problems...";
The database object is created, and then the php page from the 'url' parameter loads, displaying the id that the $sender->submitUser() function returns.
Ideally, I would like it to never display the 'sendRegistration.php' page, but run another js function.
I'm sure there's a simple solution, but I've not been able to find it after hours of searching.
Thanks for your help.
You are likely handling this from a form. If you don't prevent the default form submittal process of the browser, the page will redirect to the action url of the form. If there is no action in form, the current page will reload, which is most likely what is happening in your case.
To prevent this use either of the following methods
/* this method before AJAX code*/
/* OR*/
/* this method after all other code in handler*/
return false;
The same methods apply if you are sending the AJAX from a click handler on the form submit button
how are you calling the register() function? It could be the form is being submitted traditionally, you might need to prevent the default action(standard form submit).
