Can't adapt the airbrake gem to a Sinatra app - ruby

I am using the airbrake gem like so:
require 'airbrake'
Airbrake.configure do |config|
config.api_key = 'XXXXX'
config.development_environments = ["development", "test", "cucumber"]
use Airbrake::Rack
enable :raise_errors
but it still sends airbrake notifications in development.
My environment is saved in ENV['RACK_ENV'].
I don't want to hack my way into this, is there an "outside" solution?
Also, I do want to raise exceptions in development - I just don't want them to be sent to airbrake..

You could use a configure block to only setup Airbrake in production:
configure :production do
require 'airbrake'
Airbrake.configure do |config|
config.api_key = 'XXXXX'
use Airbrake::Rack
If you have more than one environment you want Airbrake enabled in, you can specify a list, e.g.:
configure :production, :staging do

#matt's answer should work well, but if you want to do this in the rackup file when setting up the middleware instead of inside the Sinatra app, you could do:
use Airbrake::Rack if ENV['RACK_ENV'] == "production"
I quite often do this with middleware.


How to pass Puma::Configuration to Sinatra?

This is my web app:
class Front < Sinatra::Base
configure do
set :server, :puma
get '/' do
'Hello, world!'
I start it like this (don't suggest to use Rack, please):
Here is my configuration object for Puma, which I don't know how to pass to it:
require 'puma/configuration'{ log_requests: true, debug: true })
Seriously, how?
Configuration is tightly connected to a way in which you run puma server.
The standard way to run puma - puma CLI command. In order to configure puma config file config/puma.rb or config/puma/<environment>.rb should be provided (see example).
But you asked how to pass Puma::Configuration object to puma. I wonder why you need it but AFAIK you need to run puma server programmatically in your application code with Puma::Launcher(see source code)
conf = do |user_config|
user_config.threads 1, 10 do |env|
[200, {}, ["hello world"]]
end, events: Puma::Events.stdio).run may be any callable object (compatible with Rack interface) like Sinatra application.
Hope it's helpful.
Do you want to pass exactly an object or just a configuration in general? For the last option it's possible, but Puma will not log anything anyway (I'm not sure, but seems like you worry exactly about logging settings for Puma).
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'bundler/inline'
gemfile(true) do
gem 'sinatra'
gem 'puma'
gem 'openssl'
require 'sinatra/base'
class Front < Sinatra::Base
configure do
set :server, :puma
set :server_settings, log_requests: true, debug: true, environment: 'foo'
get '/' do
'Hello, world!'

How to enable redis for Dashing?

I use free heroku instance to run my Dashing project. In result, it looses the value passed previously, when my instance sleeps. I was recommended to use Redis to keep history. I tryed to follow the instruction given here. In result I got the following (as part of my dashing project):
require 'dashing'
require 'redis-objects'
require 'yaml'
configure do
set :auth_token, 'my-token'
set :default_dashboard, 'def' #
helpers do
def protected!
# Put any authentication code you want in here.
# This method is run before accessing any resource.
def redis?
if redis?
redis_uri = URI.parse(ENV['REDISTOGO_URL'])
Redis.current = =>,
:port => redis_uri.port,
:password => redis_uri.password)
set :history,'dashing-history')
elsif File.exists?(settings.history_file)
set history: YAML.load_file(settings.history_file)
set history: {}
map Sinatra::Application.assets_prefix do
run Sinatra::Application.sprockets
run Sinatra::Application
and the following Gemfile:
source ''
gem 'dashing'
gem 'redis-objects'
## Remove this if you don't need a twitter widget.
gem 'twitter', '>= 5.9.0'
But it didn't help. What I did incorrectly?
I also tried to use this tutorial. But it was giving me an error at line redis_uri = URI.parse(ENV["REDISTOGO_URL"]) (something like wrong url is given).
The problem was that the app requires the add-on Redis To Go
If Redis To Go is configured, REDISTOGO_URL is added to environment variables, it will work
For more information on how to setup Redis To Go, read the heroku article
Adding Redis to an application provides benefits, you may be using RedisToGo to power simple Resque or Sidekiq jobs, or using the raw power of Redis 2.6 Lua Scripting to do some crazy fast operations. Redis can be used a database, but it’s often used as a complementary datastore. With over 140 commands, the possibilities are endless.

Sidekiq web panel shows forbidden

I have mounted the Sidekiq panel in my Sinatra app like this:
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
require 'sidekiq/web'
env = ENV['RACK_ENV'].to_sym || :development
Bundler.require(:default, :sinatra, env)
disable :run
Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8
set :environment, env
use Rack::ShowExceptions
use Rack::Session::Pool
use Rack::MethodOverride
Sidekiq::Web.use Rack::Session::Pool
require File.expand_path '../app/my_app.rb', __FILE__
run"/" =>, "/sidekiq" =>
This means my app is accessible through / and the sidekiq web panel through /sidekiq.
Now when I try to delete a job, I always get Forbidden. I read here and here but wether upgrading to rack-protection > 1.5.1 nor setting a session for Sidekiq::Web has solved the problem so far.
I'm starting my server with rackup using WEBrick, so I think this shouldn't be a server problem.
I'm using sinatra 1.4.2 with sidekiq 3.5.1. Any ideas on how to solve this?
I've found a solution. First I updated from sidekiq 3.4.2 to 4.0.1 and from sinatra 1.4.2 to 1.4.6. No problems so far.
The problem with the Forbidden message was a missing authenticity token for sidekiq's web panel. By adding the following lines, it worked:
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
require 'sidekiq/web'
# added a require for rack/protection
require 'rack/protection'
env = ENV['RACK_ENV'].to_sym || :development
Bundler.require(:default, :sinatra, env)
disable :run
Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8
set :environment, env
use Rack::ShowExceptions
use Rack::Session::Pool
use Rack::MethodOverride
# tell sinatra to use rack's protection methods
use Rack::Protection
require File.expand_path '../app/my_app.rb', __FILE__
run"/" =>, "/sidekiq" =>
Also have a look at where all the protection methods are listed.
You may need to add this to application.rb (or an initializer like config/initializers/sidekiq.rb):
Sidekiq::Web.instance_variable_get(:#middleware).delete_if do |middleware|
middleware.first == Rack::Protection
That comes from a recent commit, but it's only applied to production and staging environments.
Detailed explanation about this problem.

Sinatra does not start with twitter gem

when i try to start sinatra, i'm getting following error
/var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/sinatra-1.4.4/lib/sinatra/base.rb:1488:in start_server': undefined methodrun' for HTTP:Module (NoMethodError)
require 'sinatra/base'
require_relative "twt.rb"
class SinatraApp < Sinatra::Base
set :static, true
set :public_folder, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/static'
get '/getuserinfo' do
#user = twit.getuserinfo
erb :userInfo
in "twt.rb" i require twitter (5.7.1)
require 'twitter'
class Twit
attr_accessor :client
def initialize(consumer_key,consumer_secret,access_token,access_token_secret)
#client = do |config|
config.consumer_key = consumer_key
config.consumer_secret = consumer_secret
config.access_token = access_token
config.access_token_secret = access_token_secret
def getUserInfo
return user = {
"id" =>
def showAllFriends
client.friends.each { |item| puts }
def showFollowers
client.followers.each { |item| puts item.screen_name }
def showAllTweets
client.user_timeline.each {|item| puts item.text}
def showAllUserTweets(userScreenName)
client.user_timeline(userScreenName).each {|item| puts item.text}
def sendTweet(content)
if i remove require_relative "twt.rb" line sinatra works fine.
When you run a Sinatra app using the built-in web server (as you do with!), Sinatra tries to determine which server to use by checking a list of servers in turn to see which is available. The actual list depends on the version of Ruby you are using, but one server that it always checks is net-http-server, which is simply named HTTP.
The way Sinatra checks for the availability of a server is by using a rack method that calls const_get to try and find the constant Rack::Handler::<server-name>. However, due to the way const_get works, if that constant is not available, but a top level constant with the same name as server-name is, then that will be returned, whatever class it is. (This is arguably a bug in Rack).
The Twitter gem depends on the http gem, and that in turn defines a HTTP module. (Naming a top-level module with something as generic as HTTP is arguably not a good idea).
So what is happening in this case is Sinatra is checking to see if the HTTP server is available, but Rack is returning the HTTP module from the http gem, which isn’t a server. Not being a Rack server it doesn’t have a run method, so when Sinatra tries to use it as one you get the error start_server': undefined method `run' for HTTP:Module.
One workaround is not to use the built-in server, such as the way you have discovered using a file and starting the app with rackup.
Another solution is to explicitly specify the server to use in your Sinatra app. For example you could install Thin, and then use:
set :server, 'thin'
In fact simply installing Thin would be sufficient as Thin is searched for before HTTP, but you are probably better explicitly setting the server to use. If you cannot install any other server for any reason you could use Webrick instead:
set :server, 'webrick'
i found the solution.
i launch sinatra with and it works now.

Why do I need to run my sinatra app again when making changes and my environment is not :development?

I just implemented Compass configuration for my Sinatra app but when I change the environment to :test or :production and modify my files like screen.sass or index.haml my changes are not reflected when I reload the page so I need to run my app again?
Is it normal? Is is just me?
This is how my app.rb file looks like:
require 'sinatra'
require 'haml'
require 'sass'
require 'compass'
require './helpers.rb'
configure do
set :environment, :test
Compass.configuration do |config|
settings.environment == :production ?
config.output_style = :compressed :
config.output_style = :nested
settings.environment == :development ?
config.line_comments = true :
config.line_comments = false
set :sass, Compass.sass_engine_options
before do
#js = 'javascript:;'
get '/scripts/jquery.js' do
# Downloads the latest jQuery 1.x version when needed. Requires to reload the page after done.
`curl "" >> public/scripts/jquery.js`
get '/styles/:name.css' do
sass :"styles/#{params[:name]}"
get '/?' do
haml :index
get '/:page/?' do
haml params[:page].to_sym
Any idea?
Generally, if you make a change to a running Sinatra application, you have to restart the application, as the program has already been loaded to memory.
There are options for automatically detecting changes and restarting the application on the Sinatra FAQ.
Since Shotgun fix the issue partially (reloading the files for your at production, maybe try with Sinatra::Reloader which, IMHO, works better than Shotgun.
Maybe something like (not tested)
require "sinatra"
configure(:production) do |c|
require "sinatra/reloader"
c.also_reload "*.sass", "*.haml"
That being said, are you sure you do need this kind of behavior on a production/test environment for updating? Development env. should be (at least, for what I use it for) for this kind of hot testing.
I used to use sinatra::reloader
but I didn't like the huge dependencies incurred (as should we all be mindful how many gems get activated)
pistol ( at a tender age of ver 0.0.2) and I think does the required job nicely
I use shotgum gem for this.
gem install shotgun
shotgun app.rb
from within the app dir
this then reloads the app per request, rather than holding the whole thing in memory. you access the site on localhost:9393
