Is there a tool or plugin to create a graphical representation of spring bean injections? - spring

I've been asked as part of our project handover documentation to come up with a diagram/chart of our spring bean injection relationships. For reasons too long to go into here, we're not using auto wiring but have defined a large number of beans in an application context XML file.
Before I dust off my copy of Visio and slog my way through this task, is there a tool/eclipse plugin that can do this? Google searches have not turned anything up.

IntelliJ IDEA has pretty good support for Spring, including automatic generation of diagrams based on XML:


What is difference between autowiring vs dependency injection in Spring?

I am new to Spring can anyone tell me What is difference between autowiring vs dependency injection in Spring ?
I tried to search on internet but I dont find things much helpful.
There is no difference. When the concept was new, there were several names used, and "dependency injection" ended up becoming the most common. Spring's configuration system used "autowire", and that's stuck around there, and the GoF term "inversion of control" is sometimes used, usually in a more academic setting. They're all synonyms.

Is there a complete reference / documentation of Spring annotations?

For instance, if I open the Spring Framework Reference Documentation and open 5.9.2. #Autowired, I get this explanation: As expected, you can apply the #Autowired annotation to "traditional" setter methods:.
Not very informative. Actually, the explanation assumes prior knowledge given that I'm expected to have certain expectations.
So is there complete reference of annotations somewhere?
DZone had a refcard about Spring Annotations a good while back so its not the most up to date but this might still be useful to you -
You will need to quickly create an account if you dont have one (free by the way) but its worth it for all the other refcards anyway.
I think the official spring documentation is very good but ya you cant just jump into a section like 5.2.9 without prior knowledge of the how the dependency injection framework works etc.
And btw, the refcard was written by Craig Walls who is the author of the Spring in Action book series so you can be confident that the document is correct (albeit dated).

Is it possible to integrate OSGi with Spring Data?

I'm currently working on an OSGi application running under apache Karaf that uses JPA and QueryDSL.
I was wondering if I could use Spring Data with QueryDSL instead of the current approach.
The reason for this is that I find Spring repositories to be quite useful and having a template for NoSQL database accesses might be useful in the future.
I have tried to start a normal spring application without a web context with OSGi but I get a ClassNoutFoundException when it tries to load the applicationContext.xml or the ApplicationContext.class.
I don't want to use Spring DM since it is discontinued.
Basically the sole reason for wanting to try this integration is for the Spring Repositories, but if you think this is not necessary please tell me. Any information regarding how to achive this or if it's ok to persue this would be more than welcome.
Thank you
I've managed to make spring work by starting the application context with The applicationContext is exported in OSGi as a service and I can get all the beans that I need by calling it.
The problem I'm having right now is that when I declare <jpa:repositories base-package="x.y.z" /> I get the following exception:
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'org.springframework.dao.annotation.PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor#0' defined in URL [bundle://251.13:0/META-INF/spring/applicationContext.xml]: Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: No persistence exception translators found in bean factory. Cannot perform exception translation.
at org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.util.internal.PrivilegedUtils.executeWithCustomTCCL([193:org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.core:1.0.0.RELEASE]
at org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.extender.internal.dependencies.startup.DependencyWaiterApplicationContextExecutor$[194:org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.extender:1.0.0.RELEASE]
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No persistence exception translators found in bean factory. Cannot perform exception translation.
at org.springframework.dao.annotation.PersistenceExceptionTranslationAdvisor.<init>([195:org.springframework.transaction:3.1.4.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.dao.annotation.PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor.setBeanFactory([195:org.springframework.transaction:3.1.4.RELEASE]
As a JPA provider I'm using OpenJPA. The entityManagerFactory is a service which I can get by using the blueprint. I think I need to reference it in <jpa:repositories base-package="x.y.z" />, but how do I do that since the applicationContext.xml is read by spring and not the blueprint?
I would really appreciate any hint in the right direction.
Thank you
Use Querydsl-SQL directly in your code and
it will work well within OSGi as it does not use class loading, weaving, enhancing, caching and other tricks that sound really good but causes chaos
your code will run much faster than with any of the "cache-enhanced" JPA engines
others will be able to understand your code (not like JPA Criteria API queries)
you will know exactly what SQL commands run on the Database Server that minimizes problem-solving time
your code will be as database independent as with any ORM tool
Do not use Spring, spring-data, JPA and other monoholitic technologies together with OSGi as
they were designed to work within monoholitic systems where everything is in one application context, not in separate bundles
by using these technologies together with OSGi you will spend most of your time to fix bugs like this and looking for workarounds
People who argue with this, already spent lots of time on finding such workarounds. They managed to implement some business logic. They hope that they now truly found workarounds for every conceptual issue and they do not have to spend the same amount of work next time. They are in a bidding fee auction. Be honest guys! Somewhere deep you know I am right ;-).
I am saying this with the experience that I
tried the perfect stack based on Hibernate and Don't repeat the DAO article of IBM (much before Spring-Data hype began). Twice
wrote hibernate-osgi-adapter for Hibernate 4.1.x
Re-implemented the complete JPA chapter of OSGi Enterprise specification
Well you have a couple of choices here, try to get it to run with blueprint (probably the hardest - since you need to call spring beans, but I think could still be done), use Karaf 3.0.0.RC1 it also supports Blueprint Geminin which does have a tighter support for Spring and last but not least use Spring-DM, even if it is discontinued you are able to use and probable the best approach is to use spring-dm for certain Spring specific parts and std. Blueprint for the rest. Because you just use services through both frameworks everything will work, just don't mix the spring and blueprint descriptors in one bundle.

How to smoothly discover the Spring Framework?

I am starting to learn the Spring Framework. I came across this link but I can't understand in which order to learn from these?
Can anybody help me out?
The order of the entries on that page isn't organized so that you can gradually learn the concepts.
I'd rather advise you to try and go through the official Spring documentation first and take a look at the samples that come together with Spring. It'll give you an idea of the possibilities. Also, don't forget to make sure that you understand what the Inversion of Control (IoC) pattern is and why it's useful.
Here's what I'd recommend to someone starting out with Spring and IoC:
You should first try to use Spring in a very simple command-line application (hello world style).
Create an application context in xml and load it from your main method
Define a bean and retrieve it from your freshly loaded application context
Try to add a second bean definition in the application context and play with the bean definitions
Learn how to inject beans in properties, in constructors, ...
Play with those for a while in order to get a good feeling of what Spring core actually does for you (the IoC container) and how it can help you to decouple components in your code
Once you have a clear understanding of that, you can move on and read about Spring annotations and how you can either use xml or annotations (or even combine both approaches) to wire up your beans
You should only start using Spring in a Web application after having played around enough with the above. Once you have all that under control, then it'll be time to discover more advanced stuff and other Spring portfolio projects such as Spring Security, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, ...
The following are nice to have on the desk:
- Spring Configuration Refcard
- Spring Annotations Refcard
In any case, have fun! :)
I suggest you to learn from a books
I use Spring Recipes Second Edition to learn spring, the books is very technical and explain a good concept about spring

How to separate spring contexts in intelliJ IDEA

I have a problem configuring IntelliJ IDEA for developing spring and maven powered application.
App has two separate spring configurations for production and test purposes. In spring facet props in IDEA I created two different file sets but when configuring one of contexts IDEA shows variants for both ones in code completion. How can I deal with this?
The only option is to create two different filesets of spring config. If the beans are defined in both the filesets, it would links the beans to both filesets. Obviously I don't think it (or any IDE) is capable of resolving if it has to use main/test filesets based on your code path. Hope they would enhance the sprint context(fileset) resolution based on the code path (source/test). But it would be difficult for the IDE as the main business logic falls in both main/test context during the flow.
IDEA 2016.2 has checkbox: Check test files:
After check on IDEA stop complain, that test files not included in Spring Facet.
Try to play with it.
