My application work fine on every device for APNs notification on plug-in using development provisioning profile. When i change to ad-hoc provisioning and upload to to send to tester for testing, just my own device can registered APNs device token using ad-hoc provisioning profile but the rest of the device cannot register APNs device token. How should i check on this? Any idea?
I've tried to send push notification using "Development SSL Certificate" or the sandbox .p12 cert the iphone is able to receive notification sent from MobileFirst Operations Console.
However, when I replace the sandbox .p12 cert with the production one, I couldn't receive push notification. I even deleted the device app, remove the device from the registered list and re-register the device. But I'm still getting the same result.
Are there any additional settings needed?
MFP server version is "Product version:"
From this MobileFirst tutorial Link
"The APNS production certificate can only be tested once the application that utilizes it has been successfully submitted to the Apple App Store."
What about in house distribution app/"save for Enterprise Deployment" outside of the app store?
Please make sure the push notification capability is enabled from the capabilities tab of the project target if you are deploying your application from xcode 8.0 or later.
This should be on if you deploy your application from xcode 8 or later.
For push notifications to be sent, the following servers must be accessible from a MobileFirst Server instance:
Sandbox servers:
Production servers: 5223
During the development phase, use the apns-certificate-sandbox.p12 sandbox certificate file.
During the production phase, use the apns-certificate-production.p12 production certificate file.
Reference :
I have an app in the App Store with APNS.
Now, my distribution profile is broken and I can't add my device to the distribution profile. It is a generated profile by apple with the prefix XC:.
So one solution is to create a new distribution profile for a new version of my app and submit it to the App Store.
But do I then also need to create a new APNS certificate? Or will this also work with the new distribution profile?
Perhaps my actual question is: is there a relationship between the distribution profile and the APNS certificate? Or is it the app ID that is important to let the APNS work?
As outlined in the push notification guide, the SSL certificate used for push notifications is independent from the distribution provisioning profile used by your app.
However, you need to ensure that your new provisioning profile provides the correct entitlements for using push notifications and their production/development environment, as described here. Good luck.
I'm building an app that uses Parse to send push notifications. Currently I am in beta and have uploaded both a development and production push certificates. Client side, I add a bool to the Installation object to designate if the client is running a beta version.
When I send a push notification with Cloud Code how do I specify which certificate to use? Is it automatically selected for me? What happens when my app is in production simultaneously with my beta?
I don't use Parse, but I found this in their tutorial :
Note that once you have uploaded a production push certificate to Parse, you will only be able to target devices using a distribution provisioning profile. Devices running an app signed with a development provisioning profile will need to install the newly provisioned build again.
Based on this quote, you can't use Parse simultaneously for both development and production push notifications.
In development everything works fine:
my app (built with Phonegap) sends the device token to the server
my server sends the notification to the Apple servers
I receive the notification on my iPhone
But, when I switched to production (enabled push notifications and created a new SSL certificate for production) I keep getting "(8) Invalid token" from Rapns (which is installed on my push notification server).
I have read that this message is probably caused because I use a development device token in production (i.e. my server use a production certificate, but the app is running in development and sends a development device token to the server).
How can I run the app in production mode, so that I get a valid device token for production?
I think I should use an Ad Hoc Distribution Provisioning profile, but even if I have changed the "Code Signing Identity" properly in Build settings, I still get the same token I was getting in development! And this obviously doesn't work.
Solved by creating an archive - instead of run - and signing it with an Ad Hoc Distribution Provisioning profile.
You may have to delete the already installed application on the device - do a xcode clean up(for a safer side) - reinstall the application.
When i test Push Notification with apn_development_cer, it works with the loaded app on the iPhone device from Xcode.
But, when I am downloading the same application from App Store or with the Ad Hoc Distribution on the same iPhone device from Xcode, it just stops sending Push Notification with apn_production_cer.
For the sandbox instance we are using, port 2195 while for the production build we are using, port 2195. We have verified that the port 2195 is not blocked by the firewall.
Thanks in advance!