Instrumentation of ARM Binaries - gcc

Lets say I've an Linux system running on a ARM processor. What are the current available tools for doing dynamic binary analyze/instrumentation? I was wondering if there is something like Pin but for ARM binaries.

Valgrind supports ARM. There also was PIN for ARM but it's been discontinued. You might be able to find an old copy, but it's likely won't support anything above ARMv5.


How Go compiled file works on different OS or CPU architectures?

Since I have started to learn Golang since yesterday :) I have a question about the compiled file.
Let's assume that I compile my project. It generates an .exec file in /bin folder.
Now my question is Since the file has been compiled on Mac with Intel based CPU, should it be compiled on other OS and other CPU architectures such as AMD, ARM, etc. if I want to publish it to public?
I guess this should not be problem if I'm using GO lang for my backend since I run it on a server. However, what happens if I publish my .exec file, let's say on AWS, with lots of instances that they are automatically increases/decreases based on load? Does it problem?
This is nice solution for those how are looking Go cross compiling tool
The answer to the first question is yes. The current implementations of Go produce a native binary, so you will probably need a different one for Linux x86 (32-bit), Linux x64 (64-bit), and Linux ARM. You will probably need a different one for Mac OS X also. You should be able to run the 32-bit executable on a 64-bit system as long as any libraries you depend on are available in 32-bit form on that system, so you might be able to skip making a 64-bit executable.
In the future, there may be other implementations of Go that compile for a virtual machine (such as JVM or .NET), in which case you wouldn't need to compile multiple versions for different architectures. Your question is more about existing Go implementations than the language itself.
I don't know anything about AWS, but I suggest you ask that as a separate question.

Is it possible to generate native x86 code for ring0 in gcc?

I wonder, are there any ways to generate with the gcc some native x86 code (which can be booted without any OS)?
Yes, the Linux kernel is compiled with GCC and runs in ring 0 on x86.
The question isn't well-formed. Certainly not all of the instructions needed to initialize a modern CPU from scratch can be emitted by gcc alone, you'll need to use some assembly for that. But that's sort of academic because modern CPUs don't actually document all this stuff and instead expect your hardware manufacturer to ship firmware to do it. After firmware initialization, a modern PC leaves you either in an old-style 16 bit 8086 environment ("legacy" BIOS) or a fairly clean 32 or 64 bit (depending on your specific hardware platform) environment called "EFI Boot Services".
Operations in EFI mode are all done using C function pointers, and you can indeed build for this environment using gcc. See the gummiboot boot loader for an excellent example of working with EFI.

can gcc cross compile for different CPU?

Is it possible for gcc, installed on fedora 16, to cross compile for a different CPU, say SPARC?
I have build a certain understanding, need some expert to correct me if I am wrong. Different operating systems differ by the system calls they use to access the kernel or entirely by the kernel they use. IS THIS CORRECT? different kernels understands different systems calls for accessing underlying hardware. binaries or executables or programs are nothing but a bunch of system calls only. therefore every OS has its own executable. an executable meant to run to on windows wound not run on linux. by cross compiling the source code of any windown's executable we can generate executable for other OSs. word PLATFORM means operating system. POSIX are certain design standards for UNIX-like OSs.
we usually cross compile for different OSs. BUT can we cross compile for different hardware too? for example, in case of a microcontroller which does not have an OS?
No. You can't use native machine (x86) gcc for compiling program files for a different architecture. For that you require a cross-compiler-gcc that is specific to that processor architecture.
Your understanding about system calls for OS is correct. Each OS has its own set of system call which is been used by library. These libraries at the end will be translated into machine language for the processor.
Each Processor Architecture has its own set of instruction know as Instruction Set Architecture(ISA). So when a program written in high-level-language (like C) is compiled, it should be converted into machine language from its ISA. This job is done by the compiler(gcc). A compiler will be specific to only one processor architecture. For example gcc is for x86 processor. So if you want a compiler for different processor in you x86 machine you should go for a cross-compiler of that processor.
You would have to build such a version. That's part of the process of porting gcc to a new platform. You build a version that cross-compiles, then you cross-compile that version, then you test that version on the new platform, debug, rinse, and repeat.

Low level qemu based debugging

I've to test some low level code on an ARM architecture. Typically experimentation is quite complicated on the real board, so I was thinking about QEMU.
What I'd like to get is some kind of debugging information like printfs or gdb. I know that this is simple with linux since it implements both the device driver for the QEMU Integrator and the gdb feature, but I'm not working with Linux. Also I suspect that extracting this kind of functionality from the Linux kernel source code would be complicated.
I'm searching from some simple operating system that already implements one of those features. Do you have some advice?
You don't need a target OS to debug code that's running inside QEMU -- QEMU already does that for you.
Specifically, QEMU supports remote debugging from GDB -- you can run QEMU with the appropriate command-line options and it will export an interface that a copy of GDB (running on the host machine) can connect to. At that point, you can debug the program in GDB pretty much just as if you were running it on the host machine. appears to have a bit more basic information; possibly not enough to completely get you started, but at least give you the basic idea and some terms to look for in the QEMU and GDB documentation. Skip over the bit about "Implementing GDB Stubs", which doesn't apply here since QEMU has one already, and start at the section on "Using Emulator Stubs". The short form is simply that you start QEMU with the -s option (export a GDB connection on localhost:1234) and the -S option (wait for a GDB "continue" command before starting execution), and then in GDB on your host you say target remote :1234 instead of run. Also, of course, you need to be using an ARM version of GDB rather than a native-x86 one.
(In addition, if you're willing to pay for a commercial solution, CodeSourcery's ARM toolchain has the IDE integration to set all of this up automatically, including support for "printf" to print into the debugger console. That works on a physical board, too, if you've got a hardware debugger. Usual disclaimer about me being a CodeSourcery employee applies -- but I do find it very easy to use.)
Update, 2012: CodeSourcery's toolchain is now called Mentor Graphics Sourcery CodeBench, but all the above still applies.
I realise that I am addressing your original problem here rather than your proposed solution (perhaps that's better?), but to use GDB (or Insight/GDB) directly on the target, use a low-cost JTAG tool and OpenOCD. An example of such a set-up and how to implement it can be found here.
If you have a larger budget, a more fully featured JTAG debugger may be useful, such as the Abatron BDI3000 with bdiGDB firmware which allows remote debugging and device programming over Ethernet with GDB and no special drivers or target debug agent.
Maybe a microkernel like OKL4 would suit your needs?

Cross compiler for embedded platform in Windows

I wish to build a compiler (GCC port) for Linux, so that the built GCC runs on Windows and creates executables for an embedded platform.
Is the above possible?
Yes, it is possible.
It also utterly painful to try to do this yourself -- it is OK on Linux, mostly, but very tricky on Windows. My suggestion is to see if some ready-built compiler from a place like, CodeSourcery, or the manufacturer of your embedded platform is available.
I have become a huge fan of the CodeSourcery compilers for platforms like MIPS and Power Architecture. They tend to come with variants for big- and little-endian, various Libc flavors, and to have both bare-metal and linux-target versions available. See their pages about their Lite edition
Building your own cross-compiler and toolset is a right pain.
If your target is running Linux, I suggest doing your cross-work on a Linux box as well, saving you plenty of pain. I use VmWare for that express purpose. You cannot expect to build a Linux for a target on Windows, for example.
In embedded systems compilers are referred based on processor architecture and not on OS. What you probably want is to build a "cross compiler" for a processor other than the one running in your Windows machine. This is of course possible. See for example the WinAVR and WinARM projects. These are compilers for AVR and ARM processor architectures, based on GCC and running in Windows machines. Another example is yagarto. These aren't just a compiler, but a full tool chain that will allow you to built Linux executables (for ARM processors), if the requires libraries are available.
Because GCC relies on POSIX functionality that is not available in Windows natively, you need a Linux-like environment for Windows (such as Cygwin or MinGW).
If you are satisfied to running it on Windows then at you can donwload ready GCC cross toolchain for free. There are many target platforms.
You have to build GCC on Windows using MinGW or Cygwin for your target platform (e.g. ARM little endian).
