Primefaces: dynamic content refresh issue - ajax

I have a webapp where I select some content to be deleted. A modal pops-up displaying a preview of the image/flash selected. I hit a button and everything works fine. But, when I select another content to be deleted, the modal pops-up and, for a microsecond, it displays the previously deleted file which is then replaced by the new content I want to delete.
The code for showing the dynamic content is as follows:
For images:
<p:graphicImage value="#{controller.tempImage}" height="110"
id="imageID" />
For flash:
<p:media value="#{controller.tempImage}" width="110" height="110"
id="imageID" player="flash" />
public StreamedContent getTempImage() {
try {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
if (context.getRenderResponse() ) {
return new DefaultStreamedContent();
else {
tempImage = new DefaultStreamedContent(new FileInputStream("pathToFile"), "image/jpeg");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
tempImage = new DefaultStreamedContent();
return tempImage;
I tried setting tempImage to null before loading and autoUpdate=true in the modal but no luck.
Delete button (the one that shows the delete modal):
<p:commandButton id="btnDelete" value="Delete" onclick=";" actionListener="#{controller.initDelete}" update=":deleteForm">
Delete form (xhtml):
<h:form id="deleteForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
<p:dialog id="deleteDialog" widgetVar="deleteModal" modal="true" resizable="false" draggable="false" autoUpdate="true">
<p:outputPanel autoUpdate="false" >
<p:panelGrid id="panelId">
<p:panelGrid id="bannerPanel">
<p:graphicImage value="#{controller.tempImage}" height="110" id="imageID" />
<f:facet name="footer">
<p:commandButton id="doDeleteBtn" value="Delete"
actionListener="#{controller.delete}" >

Change from:
This will ensure that your dialog is viewed after AJAX request is completed, not before it is started.
You should use onclick, when you are creating so called push buttons, the buttons with type="button", which are just executing some JavaScript. Default type of buttons in Primefaces is submit.


How to refresh a p:dataTable after closing a dialog in PrimeFaces?

I need your help in refreshing the whole dataTable with pagination once I closed the dialog. With the current code after closing the dialog, the dataTable will be refreshed if the selected item is in the first page and I can see the updates.
However, if I have searched for a particular item using the filter and then I clicked on the view icon to view the dialog and then close the dialog. The dataTable will not be refreshed unless I deleted the searched item from the filter and then I tried to search for it again, I will find the updates.
The code for the page is:
<h:form id="Requests">
<p:dataTable id="PendingRequests"
paginatorTemplate="{RowsPerPageDropdown} {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {CurrentPageReport} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink}"
<p:column headerText="Req. No." sortBy="#{hr.reqNo}" filterMatchMode="contains" filterBy="#{hr.reqNo}">
<h:outputText value="#{hr.reqNo}"/>
<p:column headerText="Print Count" filterMatchMode="contains" filterBy="#{hr.printCount}">
<h:outputText value="#{hr.printCount}"/>
<f:facet name="header">View</f:facet>
<p:commandButton id="submitbutton"
update=":Requests:#{hr.dialogueName} "
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{hr}" target="#{hrd.selectedRequest}"/>
And the code for the dialog is:
<p:dialog id="employmentCertificateDialog"
<p:ajax event="close"
And the UpdateDatatable() method has the code:
public void UpdateDatatable(CloseEvent event) {
listPendingRequests = new ArrayList<PendingRequests>();
try {
//Select Statement
while ( {
PendingRequests pendingList = new PendingRequests();
reqNo = result.getString("REQ_SEQ_NO");
printCount = result.getString("DOC_PRINTED_CNT" + 1);
} catch (Exception e) {
Add the widgetvar to the dataTable widgetVar="dtWidgetVar"
and then:
<p:ajax event="close" listener="#{hrd.UpdateDatatable}" update=":Requests:PendingRequests" onComplete="PF('dtWidgetVar').filter()" />
I hope this helps:
<p:dialog id="dialog-test" onHide="refreshTable();">
Place at the end of your page:
<p:remoteCommand name="refreshTable" action="#{hrd.UpdateDatatable}"
partialSubmit="true" process="#this" update="Requests" />
If you need send information from your dialog to backBean maybe you need change the process, adding the dialog id or the element id what you want to send:
<p:remoteCommand name="refreshTable" action="#{hrd.UpdateDatatable}"
partialSubmit="true" process="#this, dialog-test" update="Requests" />
Good Luck!

Open PrimeFaces Dialog located in another .xhtml file

I have a number of questions that are related to each other so the title of question may not be appropriate. Sorry for this.
I want to have a p:inputText and p:commandButton in a p:dialog such that when the user presses that button or presses enter key the value entered in the
p:inputText will be saved in the database. To do this I followed this example and it worked fine when I tried it in a seperate .xhtml file in which there were no other dialogs or command buttons.
<h:form id="form">
<p:commandButton id="showDialogButton" type="button" value="Show" onclick="PF('dlg').show()" />
<p:dialog header="Enter FirstName" widgetVar="dlg" resizable="false">
<h:panelGrid columns="2" style="margin-bottom:10px">
<h:outputLabel for="firstname" value="Firstname:" />
<p:inputText id="firstname" value="#{subjectController.attributeValue}" />
<p:commandButton id="submitButton" value="Submit" update=":form:display :form:firstname" action="#{subjectController.saveUpdateSubjectAttributeValue}" oncomplete="PF('dlg').hide();"/>
<p:defaultCommand target="submitButton"></p:defaultCommand>
<p:outputPanel id="display" style="display:block;margin-top:10px;">
<h:outputText id="name" value="Hello #{subjectController.attributeValue}" rendered="#{not empty subjectController.attributeValue}"/>
The .xhtml file that I originally have contains a number of other dialogs and command buttons. When i used the same code in that file it does not work properly. By not working properly I mean to say that when enter key or submit button is pressed the value entered by the user is not set in the corresponding setter of the inputText in the managed bean. To call the setter before pressing the enter key or button I need to use p:ajax inside p:inputText tag. I tried to use p:ajax events such as "mouseout", "blur", "change" etc. They work for the submit button but not for the enter key. Then I tried "keypress" and "keyup" etc. They worked for both but the setter for the value in the p:inputText was called on each key press which was not desired.
My first question:
If the sample code is working fine in a separate file why doesn't it work when I have other dialogs or commandbuttons in the same file. In both the cases I am using the same managed bean. What is the difference?
Assuming that the problem may be caused using more than one dialogs in the same file, I thought of declaring these dialogs in separate files such that I have
A.xhtml , B.xhtml, C.xhtml pages which contain the actual content and whenever I need to open a dialog the required dialog is located in file such as dialog.xhtml. Being a beginner in JSF, Primefaces and Ajax I was confused about how to do this. Searching on the internet I found this post relevant PrimeFaces dialog lazy loading (dynamic="true") does not work?. But in this case, p:dialog is located on the same page but the content contained in this dialog is located in another file which is included using ui:include. I tried this but it shows the same behavior.
My Second Question:
Is there any way to programmatically open a dialog from another file e.g. if I have a p:commandButton in A.xhtml and p:dialog in the same file I can do this using
<p:commandButton id="submitButton" value="Submit" update=":form:display :form:firstname" action="#{subjectController.saveUpdateSubjectAttributeValue}" oncomplete="PF('dlg').hide();"/>
and in the corresponding subjectController I have
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
// or
But what if the "openDialog" is located in B.xhtml?
What I understand, I can use enclose p:dialog in a ui:composition (in B.xhtml) and and use ui:include in A.xhtml. But I am confused in how and where to call or openDialog.hide()?
I've tried to replicate the behavior you posted here and I believe that the cause is probably somewhere else as mentioned by Yipitalp.
Anyway, here are the sample code I used that might do what you expect (Primefaces 4):
The Managed Bean
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped;
import org.primefaces.context.RequestContext;
public class DialogBean implements Serializable {
private String attribute1;
private String attribute2;
private String attribute3;
private String dlg;
public void openDialog() {
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
context.execute("PF('" + dlg + "').show()");
public String getAttribute1() {
return attribute1;
public void setAttribute1(String attribute1) {
this.attribute1 = attribute1;
public String getAttribute2() {
return attribute2;
public void setAttribute2(String attribute2) {
this.attribute2 = attribute2;
public String getAttribute3() {
return attribute3;
public void setAttribute3(String attribute3) {
this.attribute3 = attribute3;
public String getDlg() {
return dlg;
public void setDlg(String dlg) {
this.dlg = dlg;
The view
Note that I use a different form for every dialog in the view.
<h:panelGrid columns="2" style="margin-bottom:10px">
<h:outputLabel for="dlg" value="Dlg:" />
<p:selectOneMenu id="dlg" value="#{dialogBean.dlg}" >
<f:selectItem itemLabel="dlg1" itemValue="dlg1" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="dlg2" itemValue="dlg2" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="dlg3" itemValue="dlg3" />
<p:commandButton id="submitButton" value="Submit" action="#{dialogBean.openDialog}"/>
<p:defaultCommand target="submitButton" />
<p:button id="showDialogButton1" value="Show 1" onclick="PF('dlg1').show();
return false;" />
<p:button id="showDialogButton2" value="Show 2" onclick="PF('dlg2').show();
return false;" />
<p:button id="showDialogButton3" value="Show 3" onclick="PF('dlg3').show();
return false;" />
<br />
<p:dialog header="Enter FirstName" widgetVar="dlg1" resizable="false">
<h:panelGrid columns="2" style="margin-bottom:10px">
<h:outputLabel for="firstname" value="Firstname:" />
<p:inputText id="firstname" value="#{dialogBean.attribute1}" />
<p:commandButton id="submitButton" value="Submit" oncomplete="PF('dlg1').hide();"/>
<p:defaultCommand target="submitButton" />
<p:dialog header="Enter FirstName" widgetVar="dlg2" resizable="false">
<h:panelGrid columns="2" style="margin-bottom:10px">
<h:outputLabel for="firstname" value="Firstname:" />
<p:inputText id="firstname" value="#{dialogBean.attribute2}" />
<p:commandButton id="submitButton" value="Submit" oncomplete="PF('dlg2').hide();"/>
<p:defaultCommand target="submitButton" />
<p:dialog header="Enter FirstName" widgetVar="dlg3" resizable="false">
<h:panelGrid columns="2" style="margin-bottom:10px">
<h:outputLabel for="firstname" value="Firstname:" />
<p:inputText id="firstname" value="#{dialogBean.attribute3}" />
<p:commandButton id="submitButton" value="Submit" oncomplete="PF('dlg3').hide();"/>
<p:defaultCommand target="submitButton" />
<p:outputPanel autoUpdate="true" style="border: 1px solid black; margin-top:10px;">
Value 1:
<h:outputText id="v1" value="#{dialogBean.attribute1}" />
<br />
Value 2:
<h:outputText id="v2" value="#{dialogBean.attribute2}" />
<br />
Value 3:
<h:outputText id="v3" value="#{dialogBean.attribute3}" />
I hope that will give you some clue!
I was able to solve major part of my problems using DialogFramework. I have a Menu.xhtml page, it contains p:tieredMenu in p:layoutUnit with position="north" using which I select which page to open. Depending on the selection, the p:layoutUnit with position="center" includes that page using ui:include. The Menu.xhtml page contains a h:form with id="form" inside h:body and everything else is placed inside this h:form. There are a number of pages that can be included inside the <p:layoutUnit position="center"> depending upon the selection. One of them is Person.xhtml(containing everything enclosed inside a ui:composition ). It contains a p:fieldset. Inside p:fieldset there are 3 p:dataTable. Outside this p:fieldset I have placed 3 p:contextMenu one for each of those datatables. Inside one of those p:contextMenu I have placed
<p:menuitem value="Update" actionListener="#{controller.updateAttributeValue}" />
and the corresponding function contains
public void updateAttributeValue(){
System.out.println("update attribute value");
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
this.attributeValue = null;
selectCar2.xhtml contains the following code
<h:panelGrid id="updateAttributeValuePanel" columns="2" style="margin-bottom:10px">
<h:outputLabel value="Attribute Value " />
<p:inputText id="attributeValue" value="#{controller.attributeValue}" required="true" />
<p:commandButton id="saveUpdateAttributeValue" value="Submit" actionListener="#{controller.saveUpdateAttributeValue}"
<p:commandButton id="cancelUpdateAttributeValue" value="Cancel "
<p:defaultCommand target="saveUpdateAttributeValue" />
The corresponding save function is as follows
public void saveUpdateAttributeValue(){
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
System.out.println("this.attributevalue = " + this.attributeValue);
////save value in database
this.attributeValue = null;
//also tried context.update("resourceAttributeValueDataTable");
public void cancelUpdateAttributeValue(){
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
System.out.println("cancel update attribute value");
this.attributeValue = null;
System.out.println("this.attributevalue = " + this.attributeValue);
The dialog opens and the value is successfully saved in the database. The only problem now is that the corresponding datatable is not updated and I need to refresh the page to see the updated value. previously my dialog was also in the same page outside the p:fieldset and I was not using h:form inside dialog so I was updating the datatable as
<p:commandButton id="saveUpdateAttributeValue" value="Submit" actionListener="#{controller.saveUpdateAttributeValue}"
update = ":form:attributeValueDataTable "/>
But now they are in two different files and two different forms so I am not sure how to update in this case? I have tried to use
but the datatable is not updated. Any help will be highly appreciated.

Keep <p:dialog> open when validation has failed

I have a CRUD page which shows data from a query (a List of domain objects) in a Primefaces datatable.
<p:column headerText="Field1">
<h:outputText value="#{n.f1}" />
<p:column headerText="Field2">
<h:outputText value="#{n.f2}" />
<p:column style="width:4%">
value="Edit" />
By clicking on the edit button a dialog will be shown:
header="Edit N"
<h:form id="formDialog">
<h:panelGrid id="editDialogTable" columns="2" cellpadding="10" style="margin:0 auto;">
<p:outputLabel for="field1" value="F1:" />
<p:inputText id="field1" value="#{nController.selected.f1}" />
<p:outputLabel for="field2" value="F2:" />
<p:inputText id="field2" value="#{nController.selected.f2}" />
rendered="#{!=null}" />
It works. Now I want to make F1 a required field.
I add the "required" attribute to the inputText field and what happens?
When I try to confirm the form without the required field, the entity is not edited (that's right) but the dialog is closed (that's NOT right!)
When I reopen the dialog I can see the red highlight on the required (and invalid) field.
What I want is to prevent the dialog closing if the form is invalid.
Do I have to write some JS or will JSF help me?
The PrimeFaces ajax response puts an args object in the scope which has a validationFailed property. You could just make use of it.
oncomplete="if (args && !args.validationFailed) PF('editDialog').hide()"
(the args precheck is necessary to not cause a JS error when an exception is thrown during request)
You could refactor it to a reusable JS function as follows.
oncomplete="hideDialogOnSuccess(args, 'editDialog')"
function hideDialogOnSuccess(args, dialogWidgetVar) {
if (args && !args.validationFailed) {
this post is now three years old, but I have found helpful, so my findings may help others.
In PF 5.x at least, it seems that the solution provided by BalusC has to be modified in two ways. (1) add the "args" argument to the call in oncomplete event hander, and (2) use the PF primefaces primitive to identify the widget in PF tables. Here is the code I am using:
oncomplete="hideDialogOnSuccess(args, PF('editDialog'))"
function hideDialogOnSuccess(args, dialogWidgetVar) {
if (args && !args.validationFailed) {
I believe this is the cleanest solution.
Doing this you don't need to change your buttons code.
This solution overrides the hide function prototype.
$(document).ready(function() {
PrimeFaces.widget.Dialog.prototype.originalHide = PrimeFaces.widget.Dialog.prototype.hide; // keep a reference to the original hide()
PrimeFaces.widget.Dialog.prototype.hide = function() {
var ajaxResponseArgs = arguments.callee.caller.arguments[2]; // accesses oncomplete arguments
if (ajaxResponseArgs && ajaxResponseArgs.validationFailed) {
return; // on validation error, prevent closing
This way, you can keep your code like:
<p:commandButton value="Save" oncomplete="videoDetalheDialogJS.hide();"
actionListener="#{videoBean.saveVideo(video)}" />
to keep the dialog Open on validation Failed, you just need set the commandButton as follows:
<p:commandButton value="save"
oncomplete="if (!args.validationFailed) PF('yourDialogWidgetVar').hide()"/>
I gonna leave here a complete example:
<h:form id="ad-form">
<p:dialog id="ad-dialog" widgetVar="adDialog" modal="true" width="400"
closeOnEscape="true" resizable="false" header="Addreass">
<p:messages id="a-msgs" closable="true" />
<h:panelGrid columns="2" id="ad-painel-dialog" width="100%">
<p:outputLabel value="Country" for="country" />
<p:inputText id="country" style="width:100%"
value="#{}" />
<p:outputLabel value="City" for="city" />
<p:inputText id="city"
value="#{}" />
<p:outputLabel value="Zip-Code" for="zipcode" />
<p:inputText id="zipcode"
value="#{clientSaverBean.editableAddress.zipCode}" />
<p:outputLabel value="Street" for="street" />
<p:inputTextarea id="street"
value="#{clientSaverBean.editableAddress.street}" />
<p:outputLabel value="Number" for="number" />
<p:inputText id="number"
value="#{clientSaverBean.editableAddress.number}" />
<h:panelGroup />
<f:facet name="footer">
<p:commandButton value="save"
update=":ad-form:a-msgs :ad-form:ad-painel-dialog :client-form:ad-table"
oncomplete="if (!args.validationFailed) PF('adDialog').hide()"/>

primefaces ajax update element

i have a behaviour here i don't understand. I am using Spring 3.1, Primefaces 3.3.1 and JSF 2.
I am using a datatable and want to add a row via a dialog within a form.
This is my table, including the button to call the dialog:
<h:form id="form">
<!-- open the dialog on click -->
<p:commandButton value="New" onclick=""
update="taskList" />
<p:dataTable var="task" value="#{taskBean.tasks}" id="taskList"
widgetVar="taskList" editable="true" rowkey=""
paginator="true" rows="50"
paginatorTemplate="{CurrentPageReport} {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {PageLinks} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink} {RowsPerPageDropdown}"
<p:ajax event="rowEdit" update="#this" listener="#{}" />
<p:column headerText="Name" style="width:125px">
<f:facet name="output">
<h:outputText value="#{}" style="width:100%" />
<f:facet name="input">
<p:inputText value="#{}" style="width:100%" />
<p:column style="width:20px">
<p:rowEditor />
This is my dialog with the relevant javascript (it's in the same form as the table is):
<p:dialog id="dlgAddTask" header="Add New Task" widgetVar="dlgAddTask">
<h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="5" width="500">
<h:outputLabel for="name" value="Name" />
<p:inputText value="#{}" id="name" required="true"
label="name" />
<h:outputLabel for="description" value="Description:" />
<p:inputTextarea value="#{addTaskBean.description}"
id="description" label="description" />
<h:outputLabel for="dueTo" value="Due To:" />
<p:calendar value="#{addTaskBean.dueTo}" id="dueTo" label="dueTo" />
<h:outputLabel for="done" value="Done:" />
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{addTaskBean.done}" id="done"
label="done" />
<f:facet name="footer">
<p:commandButton id="addButton" value="Add"
oncomplete="handleLoginRequest(xhr, status, args)" />
<p:commandButton value="Cancel" onclick="dlgAddButton.hide()" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function handleLoginRequest(xhr, status, args) {
if (args.validationFailed || !args.taskAdded) {
jQuery('#dialog').effect("shake", {
times : 3
}, 100);
} else {
And this is my Bean (leaving out the getter and setter):
public class AddTaskBean {
TaskDao taskDao;
private boolean done;
private String name;
private String description;
private Date dueTo;
public void addTask() {
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
FacesMessage msg = null;
Task task = new Task();
boolean taskAdded = false;
if (taskDao.persist(task) != null) {
taskAdded = true;
msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "Task",
getName() + " added.");
} else {
taskAdded = false;
msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN, "Task Error",
"Something went wrong on adding task.");
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);
context.addCallbackParam("taskAdded", taskAdded);
Now, if i open the dialog, add a task, it works up to the update point. So i have a new task in the database, the dialog closes, but the table does not get updated.
Hitting F5 shows me the new task in the table.
But (please read carefully as it is a bit tricky to explain for me), if i dont close the dialog after adding a task (by not calling the javascript via oncomplete="handleLoginRequest(xhr, status, args)"), the task will be added too, but the dialog remains open of course.
If i press cancel then, the dialog closes and the table get's updated and i can see the new task.
I cannot explain this, maybe one of you can?
Thanks in Advance

Removing a single row from DataTable using Ajax

I have a JSF view that lists items in a collection in a Primefaces DataTable. The rightmost columns contain remove buttons. When a remove button is clicked, it is supposed to make an Ajax call, remove the corresponding item from the session variable Cart and update the view in-place. I would like the request and the view change to be as minimal as possible.
Here is what I have for this purpose:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""
<title>Register user</title>
<h:form id="itemsForm">
<p:outputPanel id="items">
<p:dataTable value="#{cart.itemList}" var="item">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="name" />
<h:outputText value="#{item.product.description}" />
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="quantity" />
<h:outputText value="#{item.quantity}" />
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="" />
<p:commandButton icon="ui-icon-close" title="remove from cart">
<p:ajax listener="#{cart.removeItem}"
process="#this" />
<f:facet name="footer">
Total amount: ${cart.totalAmount}
Accordingly, I have the following method in
public void removeItem() {
System.out.println("REMOVE REQUEST ARRIVED");
However, the removeItem method isn't even executing when I click a remove button.
So my questions are:
1) What is wrong with my Ajax call? What changes should I make to my XHTML?
2) How do I handle the request in the removeItem method and return a response?
3) How do I update the footer, which displays the totalAmount?
You can pass #{item} as a parameter of your method call in the actionListener.
Your .xhtml page should look like this:
<p:dataTable id="cartTable" value="#{cart.itemList}" var="item">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="" />
<p:commandButton icon="ui-icon-close" title="remove from cart"
actionListener="#{cart.removeItem(item)}" update="cartTable" />
And this is the method removeItem of your ManagedBean:
public class Cart {
private List<Item> itemList;
public void removeItem(Item item) {
1) <p:commandButton uses ajax by default , so instead placing the p:ajax use the action or actionListener of the <p:commandButton
2) I would use the action of the button and return null
3) update="#form" should update the entire form and this will update the entire table
here an example of a working button (link) from my page , i used the f:setPropertyActionListener to "pass" some data to the delete method
<p:commandButton action="#{cart.removeItem}" icon="ui-icon-close" title="remove from cart" update="#form" process="#this" >
value="#{item}" />
in your class add this
private Item selectedItem;
public Item getSelectedItem() {
return selectedItem;
public void setSelectedItem(Item selectedItem) {
this.selectedItem = selectedItem;
