EmberJs: nested views - view

I have this view which can rotate a div element. Something like
<div class="rotatable">
<div class="front">
{{outlet front}}
<div class="back">
{{outlet back}}
Now I have this index template which contains two of these rotatable elements. Each rotatable elements has a different front and back. So it could look like this
<div id="index">
{{outlet front App.FrontView1}}
{{outlet back App.BackView1}}
<div>This should show up inside {{outlet front}}</div>
{{outlet back App.BackView2}}
This doesn't work of course, but how should this be done ?

I guess this question was a little bit unclear. Anyway, the answer is given in this post
EmberJs: how to use connectOutlet


Polymer paper-dropdown menu does not overlay iron-list

My issue is similar to the one here: paper-menu-button's dropdown (paper-menu) not overlaying other iron-list items, but no adequate solution is proposed there.
The problem is that I have a <paper-dropdown-menu>, which opens up correctly inside the <iron-list> item it is in, but goes underneath the following <iron-list> items:
I have a simple <paper-dropdown-menu> like this:
<paper-dropdown-menu-light class="custom" label="Languages" no-label-float>
<paper-listbox class="dropdown-content" selected="1">
which is inserted into another element with an <iron-list> (which loads a JSON file with <iron-ajax>):
<iron-list id="list" items="[[bookList.books]]" as="item">
<div class$="[[getClassForItem(item, selected)]]" tabindex$="[[tabIndex]]" style="z-index: 1;">
<div class="avatar">[[item.id]]</div>
<div class="pad">
<div class="primary">[[item.titleen]]</div>
<div class="shortText">[[item.slug]]</div>
<div class="longText">[[item.blurb]]</div>
<div class="languagedrop">
I tried setting the z-index for each <iron-list> item to 1, but that did not work. I tried working with <iron-overlay>, but I did not manage to get that done. I'm very new to Polymer, so if anybody has a solution or workaround that would be great.
That's because iron-list is using transform: translate3d for each list item.
The workaround that I have found is working is to add z-indexto the current list item (<div class="item"></div>) on which you have the dropdown expanded, or to all items from top to bottom in descending order, programatically.

Laravel 4 View Nesting Main Layout Subviews Content and Sidebar

This is my first post so please be gentle with me.
I have set my master layout to call "main"
<div class="row">
and I have a view called home.blade
<div class="col-md-9">
<div class="content">
<div class="col-md-3">
<aside class="sidebar">
and in my controller I have:-
$this->layout->main = View::make('home')->nest('content', 'property.viewmany', compact('properties'));
This works for the content variable, but at this point I'm stumped at how to get the sidebar variable to work. Is there a way to nest the two variables into the home.blade from the controller?
I've attempt various, albeit, shots in the dark, but I always get either content not defined or sidebar not defined.
You can put a first variable in the first view like this:
$this->layout->main = View::make('home', compact('sidebar'))->nest('content', 'property.viewmany', compact('properties'));

Make use of XPath Axes to extract sibling elements' text

Given the following html, how to get a list of tuple (TIME, COMMENT, OOXX) by XPath? I think I need to make use of XPath Axes but not sure how to use that. Furthermore, the OOXX seems not to belong to any tags!
<div class="contents">
<div class="meta">TIME</div>OOXX
<div class="comment">COMMENT</div>
<div class="meta">TIME</div>OOXX
<div class="comment">COMMENT</div>
<div class="meta">TIME</div>OOXX
<div class="comment">COMMENT</div>
<div class="meta">TIME</div>OOXX
<div class="comment">COMMENT</div>
How you'll want to deal with multiple such tuples in the input XML will depend on your requirements and the facilities of the context of the XPath evaluation.
However, here's how to get the first TIME:
Here's how to get the first COMMENT:
And here's how to get the first OOXX:

Center image within div

I've looked around and tried the suggestions to center an image, and it usually works just fine, but I've got a situation where something isn't right.
If you go to the test page:
http://www.503rephotography.com/_temp/ - you will see the image is pushed to the right a little bit, and if you increase or decrease the size of your screen, you will see it may shift a little further away from the center position.
I'm new to CSS and may have something messed up that is making this not work; I used some tips on here to make the div with the content on the page be somewhat centered. Now I'm just trying to center an image within that div box. Any help is much appreciated!!
You have to create a div container with margin-left:auto: and margin-right:auto; to center the content.
<div id="container">
<div id="header">
<h1 id="logo">
<a href="http://www.503rephotography.com">
<img src="images/logo.png" alt="503 rephotography">
<ul class="navbar">
<li class="button">SERVICES</li>
<li class="button">PORTFOLIO</li>
<li class="button">CONTACT 503</li>
<div id="topbar"></div>
<div id="content">
<img src="http://www.503rephotography.com/_temp/slides/1.jpg">
<div class="sub">
<p>Content will go here....why can't I get this div box to be centered???</p>
Try this fiddle see if it's what you need: http://jsfiddle.net/ftPa3/

xPath strange behaviour - selecting ALL elements even if [1] set

today I stumbled upon a very interesting case (at least for me). I am messing around with Selenium and xPath and tried to get some elements, but got a strange behaviour:
<div class="resultcontainer">
<div class="info">
<div class="title">
some text
<div class="resultcontainer">
<div class="info">
<div class="title">
some other text
<div class="resultcontainer">
<div class="info">
<div class="title">
some even unrelated text
This is my data.
When i run the following xPath query:
I get as a result ALL instead of only the first one. But if I query:
I get only the first , not all.
Is there some divine reason behind that?
Best regards,
I think you want
selects all (<a> elements that are children of) <div> elements that have a #class of 'title', that are the first children of their parents (in this context). Which means: it selects all of them.
The working XPath selects all <div> elements that have a #class of 'title' - and of those it takes the first one.
The predicates (the expressions in square brackets []) are applied to each element that matched the preceding location step (i.e. "//div") individually. To apply a predicate to a filtered set of nodes, you need to make the grouping clear with parentheses.
Consequently, this:
would select all <div> elements, take the first one, and then filter it down futher by checking the #class value. Also not what you want. ;-)
