two file comparison in hdfs - hadoop

I want to write a map reduce to compare two large file in hdfs. any thoughts how to achieve that. Or if there is nay other way to do the comparison because file size is very large, so thought map-reduce would be an ideal approach.
Thanks for your help.

You may do this in 2 steps.
First make the line number to be the part of text files:
Say initial file looks like:
I am awesome
He is my best friend
Now, convert this to something like this:
1,I am awesome
2,He is my best friend
This may well be done by a MapReduce job itself or some other tool.
2. Now write a MapReduce step where in mapper emit the line number as the key and rest of the actual sentence as value. Then in reducer just compare the values. As and when it doesn't match emit out the line number (the key) and the payloads, whatever you may want here. Also if the count of the values is just 1 then also it is a mismatch.
EDIT: Better approach
Better still what you can do is, just emit the complete line read at a time in the mapper as the key and make the value a number, say 1. So taking my above example your mapper output would be as follows:
< I am awesome,1 >
< He is my best friend,1 >
And in reducer just check the count of values, if it isn't 2, you have a mismatch.
But there is one catch in this approach, if there is a possibility of exactly same line occurring at two different places then instead of checking for the length of values for a given key in reducer, you should be checking it to be a multiple of 2.

One possible solution could be, put line number as count in map job.
There are two files like below :
File 1:
I am here --Line 1
I am awesome -- Line 2
You are my best friend -- Line 3
File 2 also similar kind
Now your map job output should be like , < I am awesome, 2>...
Once you done with Map job for both the file, you have two record(key,value) which has same value to reduce.
At the time of reduce, you can either compare the counter or generate the output as , and so on. If the line is exist in the different location too than out put could be which indicates that this line is mismatch.

I have a solution for comparing files with keys. In your case if you know that your ID's are unique, you could emit the ID's as keys in the map, the entire record as value. Lets say your file has ID,Line1 then emit as key and as value from mapper.
In the shuffle and sort phase, the ID's will be sorted and you will get an iterator with data from both the files. ie, the records from both files with same ID will end up in same iterator.
Then in the reducer, compare both the values from the iterator and if they match move on with next record. Else, if they do not match write them to an output.
I have done this and it worked like a charm.
Scenario - No matching key
If there is no matching ID between two files, they will have only one iterator value.
Scenario 2 - Duplicate keys
If the files have duplicate keys, the iterator will have more than 2 values.
Note: You should compare the values only when the iterator has only 2 values.
**Tip:**The iterator will not have values in order always. To identify the value from a particular file, in the mapper add a small indicator at the end of the line like Line1;file1
Then on the reducer you will be able to identify which value belongs to which mapper.


MapReduce One-to-one processing of multiple input files

Please clarify
I have set of input files (say 10) with specific names. I run word count job on all files at once (input path is folder). I am expecting 10 output files with same names as input files. I.e. File1 input should be counted and should be stored in a separate output file with "file1" name. And so on to all files.
There are 2 approaches you can take to achieve multiple outputs
Use MultipleOutputs class - refer this document for information about multipleclassoutput ( , for more information about how to implement refer this
Another option is using LazyOuputFormat, however, this is used in conjunction with multipleoutputs, for more information about its implementation refer this ( ).
I feel using LazyOutputFormat in conjunction with MultipleOuputs class is better approach.
Set the number of reduce tasks to be equal to the number of input files. This will create the given number of output files, as well.
Add a file prefix to each map output key (word). E.g., when you meet the word "cat" in file named "file0.txt" you can emit the key "0_cat", or "file0_cat", or anything else that is unique for "file0.txt". Use the context to get each time the filename.
Override the default Partitioner, to make sure that all the map output keys with prefix "0_", or "file0_" will go to the first partition, all the keys with prefix "1_", or "file1_" will go to the second, etc.
In the reducer, remove the "x_" or "filex_" prefix from the output key and use it as the name of the output file (using MultipleOutputs). Otherwise, if you don't want MultipleOutputs, you can easily do the mapping between outputfiles and input files by checking your Partitioner code. (e.g., part-00000 will be the partition 0's output)

Hadoop strange behaviour: reduce function doesn't get all values for a key

In my Hadoop project, I am reading lines of text file with a number of names for each line. The first name represents my username, and the rest are a list of friends.
Then I am creating pairs of (username, friend) , in the map function, each pair has a key "Key[name1][name2]" where name1,2 are the username and the friend name ordered alphabetically.
Normally, after reading the line of userA and line of userB , and they both have each other in their friends list, I would get 2 identic keys with different values, which in this case is: KeyUserAUserB : "UserA,UserB" and KeyUserAUserB : "UserB,UserA".
What I expect in the reduce function is to get, at one point, KeyUserAUserB as a key and a pair of "UserA,UserB","UserB,UserA" as values . So the values iterator would have 2 elements.
However, in the reducer function, I get twice KeyUserAUserB with a single value respectively. This is not what I am expecting from Hadoop....
I also noticed in my userlogs , I have 4 "m" folders, and in the first 2 of them I have the logs which helped me identify the above. In both "m" logs the output (System.out) of the map function is intertwined with the output of reduce function . I don't know if that has anything to do with my anomaly, but I expected the reduce output to stay in the "r" folder.
Also, for the above example, one log for KeyUserAUserB is printed in one "m" log file, and the other KeyUserAUserB in the other... Although for some cases it happens that a KeyUserAUserB comes to the reducer with both values, i found at least one case when it never comes with both values (and also those 2 pairs key-value with identical key reside in different "m" log files).
Another thing I noticed, the output collect from the Reduce function doesn't send the values directly to the output file, but passes them again as an input for the the same Reduce function...
What do you think about this behavior, what can be the possible causes?
Finally. The whole unexpected behavior is because I am using a combiner class = the reducer class. After commenting that line, everything worked as expected.

Mapreduce without reducer function

I have a file of data and my task is to use map reduce to create a new data from each line of the file because the data is huge in the file.
ex: the file contains: expression (3 -4 *7-4) and I need to create a new expression randomly from this expression (3+4/7*4). When I implement the task using map reduce I use map to do the change, and reduce to just to receive data from mapper and sort them Is it correct to use just map to do the main task?
If you do not need sorting of map results - you set 0 reduced, ( by doing
in your driver code )
and the job is called map only.
Your implementation is correct. Just make sure the keys output from the mapper are all unique if you don't want any expressions that happen to be identical being combined.
For example, since you said you have a huge data file, there may be a possibility that you get two expressions such as 3-4*7-4 and 3*4/7+4 and both new expressions turn out to be 3+4*7-4. If you use the expression as the key, the reducer will only get called once for both expressions. If you don't want this to happen, make sure you use a unique number for each key.

Getting output files which contain the value of one key only?

I have a use-case with Hadoop where I would like my output files to be split by key. At the moment I have the reducer simply outputting each value in the iterator. For example, here's some python streaming code:
for line in sys.stdin:
data = line.split("\t")
print data[1]
This method works for a small dataset (around 4GB). Each output file of the job only contains the values for one key.
However, if I increase the size of the dataset (over 40GB) then each file contains a mixture of keys, in sorted order.
Is there an easier way to solve this? I know that the output will be in sorted order and I could simply do a sequential scan and add to files. But it seems that this shouldn't be necessary since Hadoop sorts and splits the keys for you.
Question may not be the clearest, so I'll clarify if anyone has any comments. Thanks
Ok then create a custom jar implementation of your MapReduce solution and go for MultipleTextOutputFormat to be the OutputFormat used as explained here. You just have to emit the filename (in your case the key) as the key in your reducer and the entire payload as the value, and your data will be written in the file named as your key.

Hadoop sort input order

If the input to my job is the fileset [a, b, c, d], is the input to the sort strictly [map(a.0), map(a.1), map(b.0), map(b.1), map(c.0), map(c.1), map(d.0), map(d.1)]?
My motivation is having a series of files (which will of course be broken up into blocks) whose rows are [key, value]; where each of key and value are a simple string. I wish to concatenate these values together in the reducer per key in the order they are present in the input, despite there not being an explicit order-defining field.
Any advice much appreciated; this is proving to be a difficult query to Google for.
Input format
A First
A Another
A Third
B First
C First
C Another
Desired output
A First,Another,Third
B First
C First,Another
To reiterate, I'm uncertain if I can rely on getting First-Third in the correct order given files are being stored in separate blocks.
No, you have no guarantee that the values will be in that order using the standard data flow in Hadoop (i.e the standard sorter, partitioner, grouper). The only thing which is guaranteed is the order of the keys (A, B, C).
In order to achieve what you want you have to write your own sorter and to include the values (First, Second, Third) in the key => the new keys will be:
"A First"
"A Second"
But, the problem in this case is that these keys will end up in different partitions (it's very likely that the standard hash partitioner will distribute "A first" to one partition and "A second" to another one) so , to avoid this problem you should also plug in your own partitioner which will use only the first part of the key (i.e A) to do the partitioning.
You should aslo define the grouper, otherwise the "A first","A second" will not be passed together to the same reduce call.
So the output of your map function should be :
"A First" First
"A Second" Second
In other words, the values output by the mapper should be let as they are. Otherwise you won't be able to get the values in the reducer.
One solution to this issue is to make use the TextInputFormat's byte offset in the file as part of a composite key, and use a secondary sort to make sure the values are sent to the reducer in order. That way you can make sure the reducer sees input partioned by the key you want in the order it came in the file. If you have multiple input files, then this approach will not work as each new file will reset the byte counter.
With the streaming API you'll need to pass -inputformat TextInputFormat -D to the job so that you actually get the byte offsets as the key (by default the PipeMapper won't give you keys if the inputformat is TextInputFormat.. even if you explicitly set the TextInputFormat flag so you need to set the additional ignoreKey flag).
If you're emitting multiple keys from a mapper, be sure to set the following flags so your output is partitioned on the first key and sorted on the first and second in the reducer:
-partitioner org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.KeyFieldBasedPartitioner
-D mapred.text.key.partitioner.options="-k1,1"
-D mapred.output.key.comparator.class="org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.KeyFieldBasedComparator"
-D mapreduce.partition.keycomparator.options="-k1 -k2n"
