Elegant Loop Elsing in Ruby - ruby

I have to write a Ruby method that:
Iterates through an array, doing Foo if one of the elements matches a certain condition.
If none of the array elements matched the condition, do Bar thing.
In any other language, I'd set a Boolean variable before entering the loop and toggle it if I did Foo. The value of that variable would tell me whether I needed to Bar. But that feels unRubyishly inelegant. Can anybody suggest a better way?
Edit Some really good answers, but they don't quite work because of a detail I should have mentioned. The something that Foo does is done to the array element that matches the condition. Also, it's guaranteed that at most one element will match the condition.

Do any of the items match? If yes, then do something, not involving the matching item.
if items.any? { |item| item.totally_awesome? }
foo "we're totally awesome!"
bar "not awesome :("
Grab the first matching item. If it exists, then do something, with the matching item.
awesome_item = items.find { |item| item.totally_awesome? }
if awesome_item
foo "#{awesome_item.name} is totally awesome!"
bar "no items are awesome :("
Grab all matching items. If the array has anything in it, then do something with all matching items.
awesome_items = items.find_all { |item| item.totally_awesome? }
if awesome_items.any?
foo "#{awesome_items.size} totally awesome items!"
bar "no items are awesome :("

You could do it like this:
if array.any? { |elem| elem.condition }
From the doc, Enumerable#any does the following:
Passes each element of the collection to the given block. The method returns true if the block ever returns a value other than false or nil.

What you want is Enumerable#find
element = array.find { |x| x.passes_requirements? }
element ? element.foo! : bar

idx = the_array.index { |i| conditional(i) }
if idx

Edit: modified based on new question criteria.
found_index = nil
my_array.each_with_index.detect { |elem, i| elem.condition? && found_index = i }
if found_index.nil?
my_array[found_index] = some_conversion(elem)
This isn't as pretty, but it gets the job done and still short-circuits on the first match.

Thanks to everybody who tried to answer the question. None of you supplied an answer I found appropriate, but you all forced me to think about how you do things the Ruby way (which was the main point of this exercise!) and helped me come up with this answer:
I need to make use of the fact that iterators in Ruby are just methods. All methods return a value, and (oddly enough) each returns a useful value. If the iteration completes, it returns the collection you were iterating over; if you use break to terminate iteration early it returns nil (or an optional argument).
So, in a Boolean context, the whole loop is true if it completes and false if you break out. Thus
bar if array.each do |element|
if fooable(element) then


Why isn't my print_linked_list_in_reverse function working?

One challenge in a Ruby course I'm doing is to print the :data values of the following linked list, in reverse:
{:data=>3, :next=>{:data=>2, :next=>{:data=>1, :next=>nil}}}
So when my method is passed the above code, it should return
Here's my attempt, which doesn't work for the above code. I can't figure out why, and I'd appreciate it if someone could explain what I'm doing wrong:
def print_list_in_reverse(hash)
if hash[:next].nil? #i.e. is this the final list element?
print "#{hash[:data]}\n"
return true
#as I understand it, the next line should run the method on `hash[:next]` as well as checking if it returns true.
print "#{hash[:data]}\n" if print_list_in_reverse(hash[:next])
Here's a solution, in case it helps you spot my mistake.
def print_list_in_reverse(list)
return unless list
print_list_in_reverse list[:next]
puts list[:data]
Thank you.
Your solution relies on return values, and you don't explicitly provide one in your else clause. In fact, you implicitly do because Ruby returns the result of the last statement evaluated, which for a print statement is nil. In Ruby false and nil are both logically false, causing the print to get bypassed for all but the last two calls. Your choices are to add a true at the end of the else, or make a solution that doesn't rely on return values.
To negate the need for return values, just check what logic is kosher based on info in the current invocation. You can simplify your life by leveraging the "truthiness" non-nil objects. Your basic recursive logic to get things in reverse is "print the stuff from the rest of my list, then print my stuff." A straightforward implementation based on truthiness would be:
def print_list_in_reverse(hash)
print_list_in_reverse(hash[:next]) if hash[:next]
print "#{hash[:data]}\n"
The problem with that is that you might have been handed an empty list, in which case you don't want to print anything. That's easy to check:
def print_list_in_reverse(hash)
print_list_in_reverse(hash[:next]) if hash[:next]
print "#{hash[:data]}\n" if hash
That will work as long as you get handed a hash, even if it's empty. If you're paranoid about being handed a nil:
def print_list_in_reverse(hash)
print_list_in_reverse(hash[:next]) if hash && hash[:next]
print "#{hash[:data]}\n" if hash
The other alternative is to start by checking if the current list element is nil and returning immediately in that case. Otherwise, follow the basic recursive logic outlined above. That results in the solution you provided.
Better to iterate over every value in your hash, and push the values until there's no any other hash as value inside the main hash.
def print_list_in_reverse(hash, results = [])
hash.each_value do |value|
if value.is_a? Hash
print_list_in_reverse(value, results)
results << value unless value.nil?
p print_list_in_reverse(data)
=> [1, 2, 3]
The problem in your code is in the else-case. You need to return true to print the hash[:data].
Your method always print the last 2 elements.

Ruby best practice : if not empty each do else in one operator

1.I can't find an elegant way to write this code:
if array.empty?
# process empty array
array.each do |el|
# process el
I'd like to have one loop, without writing array twice. I read this, but there is no solution good enough.
I am actually in an HAML template. Same question.
- if array.empty?
%p No result
- else
- array.each do |el|
%li el
What about?
array.each do |x|
puts "x",x
end.empty? and begin
puts "empty!"
The cleanest way I've seen this done in HAML (not plain Ruby) is something like:
- array.each do |item|
= item.name
- if array.empty?
Nothing here.
As mentioned by other answers, there is no need for the else clause because that's already implied in the other logic.
Even if you could do the each-else in one clean line, you wouldn't be able to achieve the markup you're trying to achieve (<p> if array.empty?, <ul> if array.present?). Besides, the HAML you show in your question is the best way to tell the story behind your code, which means it will be more readable and maintainable to other developers, so I don't know why you would want to refactor into something more cryptic.
I think there is no much more elegant or readable way to write this. Any way to somehow combine an iteration with a condition will just result in blackboxed code, meaning: the condition will just most likely be hidden in an Array extension.
If array is empty, then it will not be iterated, so the each block does not need to be conditioned. Since the return value of each is the receiver, you can put the each block within the empty? condition.
if (array.each do |el|
# process el
# process empty array
Assuming that "process empty array" leaves it empty after processing, you can leave out the else:
if array.empty?
# process empty array
array.each do |el|
# process el
or in one line:
array.empty? ? process_empty_array : array.each { |el| process_el }
An if the array is nil then we can enforce to empty array
if (array || []).each do |x|
puts "x",x
puts "empty!"
I saw some people asking how to handle this for nil cases.
The trick is to convert it to string. All nils converted to string becomes a empty string, all empty cases continue being empty.
both will return true

Is there an implicit keyword in this Ruby Array map code?

Is there a keyword I can use to explicitly tell the map function what the result of that particular iteration should be?
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
a.map do |element|
In the above example element.to_s is implicitly the result of each iteration.
There are some situations where I don't want to rely on using the last executed line as the result, I would prefer to explicitly say what the result is in code.
For example,
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
a.map do |element|
if some_condition
Might be easier for me to read if it was written like:
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
a.map do |element|
if some_condition
result_is element.to_s
result_is element.to_f
So is there a keyword I can use in place of result_is?
return will return from the calling function, and break will stop the iteration early, so neither of those is what I'm looking for.
The last thing left on the stack is automatically the result of a block being called. You're correct that return would not have the desired effect here, but overlook another possibility: Declaring a separate function to evaluate the entries.
For example, a reworking of your code:
def function(element)
if (some_condition)
return element.to_s
a.map do |element|
There is a nominal amount of overhead on calling the function, but on small lists it should not be an issue. If this is highly performance sensitive, you will want to do it the hard way.
Yes, there is, it's called next. However, using next in this particular case will not improve readability. On the contrary, it will a) confuse the reader and b) give him the impression that the author of that code doesn't understand Ruby.
The fact that everything is an expression in Ruby (there are no statements) and that every expression evaluates to the value of the last sub-expression in that expression are fundamental Ruby knowledge.
Just like return, next should only be used when you want to "return" from the middle of a block. Usually, you only use it as a guard clause.
The nature of map is to assign the last executed line to the array. Your last example is very similar to the following, which follows the expected behavior:
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
a.map do |element|
result = if some_condition
No, there is no language keyword in ruby you can use to determine the result mapped into the resulting array before executing other code within the iteration.
You may assign a variable which you then return when some other code has been executed:
a.map do |element|
result = some_condition ? element.to_s : element.to_f
#do something else with element
Keep in mind the reason for ruby not providing a keyword for this kind of code is that these patterns tend to have a really low readability.

Find value in an array of hashes

taglist = [{:name=>"Daniel_Xu_Forever", :tag=>["helo", "world"]},
{:name=>"kcuf", :tag=>["hhe"]},
{:name=>"fine", :tag=>[]},
{:name=>"how hare you", :tag=>[]},
{:name=>"heki", :tag=>["1", "2", "3"]},
{:name=>"railsgirls", :tag=>[]},
{:name=>"_byoy", :tag=>[]},
{:name=>"ajha", :tag=>[]},
{:name=>"nimei", :tag=>[]}]
How to get specified name's tag from taglist
For example , I want to extract user "fine"'s tag?
Could this be achieved without do iterator?
This will return the contents of the :tag key for any users name which == 'fine'
taglist.select { |x| x[:name] == 'fine' }.map { |u| u[:tag] }
First you select out only the users you are interested with .select.
And then use .map to collect an array of only what you want.
In this case the end result will be: []
Is do really an iterator?
taglist.find{|tl| tl[:name] == 'fine'}[:tag]
Just to be silly how about:
eval taglist.to_s[/:name=>"fine", :tag=>(.*?)}/, 1]
#=> []
No, it cannot be done without a loop.
And even if you find a solution where your code avoids a loop, for sure the library function that you're calling will include a loop. Finding an element in an array requires a loop. Period.
For example, take this (contrived) example
pattern = "fine"
def pattern.===(h); self == h[:name]; end
which does not seem to use a loop, but calls grep which is implemented using a loop.
Or another, equally contrived, example
class Hash; def method_missing(sym); self[sym]; end; end
which again does seem to call group_by without a loop, but actually it does.
So the answer is, no.
So my first answer missed the no do rule.
Here is an answer that doesn't use a do block.
if taglist[i][:name] == 'fine'
tag = taglist[i][:tag]
end while i < taglist.length - 0
Technically I think this is still using a block. But probably satisfies the restriction.

Ruby equivalent for Python's for / else

I've always been searching for something like Python's while / else struct in Ruby to improve my code.
That means that the loop is executed and if the condition in the loop hasn't been true any time, then it returns the value in the else statement.
In ruby, I can do like this :
if #items.empty?
#items.each do |item|
So is there a way to improve this ?
Thank you in advance.
Remember that the iterator block returns what you put into it, which can be tested for further use.
if arr.each do |item|
Hm, you could write it as a ternary:
#items.empty? ? 'Empty' : #items.each { |item| item }
You may want to do something more useful in your block though, since each is executed for its side effects and returns the original receiver.
Update as per your comment: I guess the closest you could get is something like
unless #items.empty?
#items.each { |item| p item }
Since we are in Ruby, let's have fun. Ruby has powerful case construct, which could be used such as this:
case items
when -:empty? then "Empty"
else items.each { |member|
# do something with each collection member
But to make the above code work, we have to modify the native class Symbol first. Modification of native classes is Ruby specialty. This needs to be done only once, typically in a library (gem), and it helps you ever after. In this case, the modification will be:
class Symbol
def -#
.define_singleton_method :=== do |o| o.send self end
This code overloads the unary minus (-) operator of Symbol class in such way, that saying -:sym returns a new empty object monkey patched with :=== method, that is used behind the scenes by the case statement.
A more or less functional way:
empty_action = { true => proc{ "Empty"},
false => proc{ |arr| arr.each { |item| item }} }
