Kendo grid resize shrinks all the columns in IE - kendo-ui

I'm using Kendo grid in my application. When I try to resize a column in IE, all the other columns in the table disappear.
This does not happen in Firefox or Chrome, just IE 9 and 10.
Can someone please help on this as I'm breaking my head over this issue from a day?

The issue is with mixing percentages and px for your column width.
One solution is to make sure you assign a specific width to EVERY column in your grid (120px).
Do NOT use percentages, unless your parent has a specific width (not 100%, but 800px or something like that).

There is a good chance this is to do with IE not inheriting CSS properties the same way as the other browsers. The Kendo widget will be output in its own div (check the kendo CSS, might be something like k-container or k-widget), so look at its CSS and that of any parent divs and you might have some luck.


sort icon is not working well

I use kendo grid sorting.
but, I think my grid`s sorting image is not cropped.
this occurs some pages not all. I don`t know what is different.
below is my case.
What can I do ?
I found why it occurs.
If span containing kendo icon img is applied css like width:100%, several icon shows.

Probably Javascript conflicts

I am not pro developer and have small knowledge of html and css only. I am trying to work on a joomla website. I tried to add Google charts to my page. Actually it's a module that I am inserting to an article through load module function. But there seems to have a conflict and the chart is not displayed correctly. It seems that there are some conflicts with the issues but I am not sure how to figure.
if you go to above link and go to tabs and open trekking map tab you will see the bug. The width of chart is very small. I want to display 100% so that it can be responsive. I tried changing the width to px as well but no luck.
Please help me. ..
The width of elements that are hidden is zero. Therefore, the chart thinks your window has a width of zero and ends up using its smallest width.
Try triggering a resize event on the window when the tab is shown, this should cause the responsive code to run.
I never used Google charts, but what you are experiencing also happens on Google Maps.
You have two options, either you use opacity (or maybe visibility hidden) instead of display: none, this will make the chart to resize automatically when the page opens.
The other option is to trigger the resize event, something like this... Google chart redraw/scale with window resize
Hope it helps
Even though the outer wrapper div#ja-google-chart-wrapper-404 is set to 100% width, two child elements are fixed at 400px. Specifically, the <svg width="400"> element that sets the image at a fixed width, plus the div that wraps it has the width set to 400px. Even though you have their parent set to 100%, if the image itself has a fixed width it won't expand to fill the space.
Check to see if there's a setting in your module or in the Google Chart itself that lets you set a different width (or none at all) on the inserted image.
One solution would be to resize the SVG element when the a#tab1-trekking-map is clicked. I just tested this in the Chrome console and it worked to trigger the map to resize to the full width of the container:
jQuery("#ja-google-chart-wrapper-404 svg").resize();
Add this (or something like it) to your other scripts that are called when your tabs are clicked. If the ID of the chart wrapper is generated dynamically you may need to adjust a bit, but triggering resize() (as stated by Niet and miguelmpn) should do the trick nicely.

JqGrid add vertical scroll with horizontal scolling

jqGrid offers a bunch of fantastic features, but there is one feature missing that my customer keeps on complaining about (OK, he is never really satisfied with what he gets ) and that's proper vertical and horizontal scrolling. The grid I had to set up contains about 20 columns with some columns containing longer text so the grid won't even fit a 24″ screen. To properly layout the grid and the rest of the visual components (i.e. additional search and filter functions above the grid) I moved the grid to a scrolling div being about 95% of the screen width with a horizontal scrollbar to scroll the oversized grid, the problem with that workaround is that you won't see the vertical scrollbar of the grid itself, it only becomes visible if you first scroll to the right and that's not really comfortable.
Hope my explanation is comprehendible? If someone knows a good workaround, I would be eager to know it! Otherwise a "dual scrolling grid" would be a nice feature in 4.5
Thanks a lot!
Video example
jqGrid have many many options. It could be a problem with usage of jqGrid. The grid with many columns could be displayed in different ways.
One way is just to display full grid on the page and to use scrollbars of the browser windows. If you have simple page layout then the way could be really the best.
Another way could be to use shrinkToFit: false option. In the case you should specify the exact width values for columns in colModel. If you use shrinkToFit: false option you can set width option of jqGrid. In the case horizontal scrollbars will be placed in jqGrid.
In many cases the grid with many columns contains not always really interesting information for every user. So it can be helpful if you would provide columnCooser in the grid. Additionally you can save the users preferences in localStorage (see the answer and another one). It could improve user experience.
You don't wrote about the height of the grid, but the usage of height: "auto" produced typically good results.

KendoUI Combobox responsivenes

I am working with the Kendo UI beta (v. 2013.1.226) and I found that there are some glitches when you change the font size of a combobox.
The drpodown arrow doesn't seem right - it is a bit up while it shouold perfectly position itself in the center of the dropdown button.
To illistrate - I am attaching a screenshot.
Anyone know if there's a way to fix this?
I am thinking of somehow change the x and y position of the background to be relative.
Any help will be appreciated.
Update: Not quite sure if it's only me but found another problem changing the font size, the list seems to overlap the input field as shown in the second image:
I am using IE 9. Anyone have those problems or is it just me?
As far as I know Kendo shouldn't be interfering with other styles on the page (the styles start with k- prefix) so I am wondering if the issues only occur for me or are common.
The KendoUI Combobox is made up of multiple components and has its own styling for all the parts including the arrow. The arrow is actually two nested spans in the version I am using (2013.1.514).
I changed my textbox heights and got different alignment problems:
I would not expect the supplied KendoUI CSS to survive a font-size change as they are tweaked to look good at its own default font size. Your best bet is to use Chrome's F12 tools to determine what CSS styles are affected and tweak the Kendo styles (or your overrides) to match your requirements.

Controlling the drop down list width in IE8 on select

Is it possible to control the drop down list width on select in IE8?
When the page loads I want the drop down list to be small enough to only contain the word SELECT, but when the user clicks on it to make the selection, it should expand enough to make sure all the choices are fully visible, widthwise.
FF does it, IE9 does it. But IE8 cuts off the width.
Any fixes?
Just try to include below CSS.
select:focus{width:auto !important;}
I hope it solves your problem.
For IE8 you will need to use some JavaScript for this. There are JQuery plugins that do this too, but I think there is no work around without using js.
Take a look at this other SO thread for different approaches and js libraries you might use.
In my experience, the best solutions involve replacing the select element with some other HTML, CSS and JavaScript combination, as trying to change the width of the original select on certain events will move the content on the right of it.
