Makefile as a dependency for a make target - makefile

Is it ever a bad idea to include a Makefile as a dependency for a make target?
hello.o: hello.cxx Makefile
$(CXX) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $#
That way anytime the Makefile is modified the target is recompiled.

No its not a bad idea. Conventionally we never do that but if you have makefile calling other makefile then including it would be a great idea though.

I believe what you're trying to do is run clean (or other equivalent target) whenever the Makefile gets modified.
This can be achieved so. (I've been using this recipe in couple of my C/C++ projects).
CLEANUP_TRIGGER := .makefile
FINAL_TARGET := hello.o
hello.o : hello.c
$(CXX) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $#
if [ -f $(CLEANUP_TRIGGER) ]; then $(MAKE) clean; fi
touch $#
rm -rf *.o
.PHONY: all clean
The essence is to make sure CLEANUP_TRIGGER is part of the rules which get invoked commonly, run make clean whenever Makefile is newer than CLEANUP_TRIGGER.


Makefile - a command in a command?

I have an embarrassingly simple makefile question but I can't google it due to lack of knowledge - I don't know the words for things I don't know.
Basically, I want to run the makefile in the current directory, look into the ./SRC directory for source files and when everything is finished, move the object files into the ./OBJ directory.
mv -f -t ./OBJ_DIR ./$(OBJ_FILES)
file.o: other_file.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c file.c
I want to call "move_obj" after compiling the source files but since I don't know what
result: dependency
actually represents (and all makefile introduction guides I've found state "This is what a makefile looks like, off you go then"), I don't know why this isn't working. I assume I need some evaluate command or need to define a function or...?
Thanks for any help in advance.
You can do this by creating another rule for example move, like below
all: $(EXECUTABLE) move
$(CC) -o $# $<
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# -I $(INCLUDE_PATH) $<
# Move the .o to Object directory #
But by doing the above, you will defeat the purpose of the Makefile.
Since your rule is dependent on .o, Make will look for .o in current directory and not find it (because you've moved it) and thus rebuild.
To avoid this, you should output it to ./obj directory and use it from there.
Something like
gcc -g -Wall -o obj/foo.o -c src/foo.c -I ./include
gcc -g -Wall -o obj/main.o -c src/main.c -I ./include
gcc -o exe obj/foo.o obj/main.o -lanylibrary
Below is the makefile doing the same.
C_FLAGS := -g -Wall -Wextra
CC := gcc
RM := rm
LINKFLAGS := -lanylibrary
.PHONY: $(TARGET) clean
VPATH:= ./src/ ./obj/ ./include/
# Path for .c , .h and .o Files
SRC_PATH := ./src/
OBJ_PATH := ./obj/
INC_PATH := -I ./include
# Executable Name
TARGET := exe
# Files to compile
OBJ1 := foo.o \
OBJ := $(patsubst %,$(OBJ_PATH)%,$(OBJ1))
# Build .o first
$(OBJ_PATH)%.o: $(SRC_PATH)%.c
#echo [CC] $<
#$(CC) $(C_FLAGS) -o $# -c $< $(INC_PATH)
# Build final Binary
#echo [INFO] Creating Binary Executable [$(TARGET)]
#$(CC) -o $# $^ $(LINKFLAGS)
# Clean all the object files and the binary
#echo "[Cleaning]"
#$(RM) -rfv $(OBJ_PATH)*
#$(RM) -rfv $(TARGET)
Refer to this answer for a better understanding
You can also output your executable to directory, add the following changes to your Makefile.
Ensure that the bin directory is created beforehand, and not deleted by clean.
# Path for .c , .h and .o Files, and ./bin directory
BIN_PATH := ./bin
# Executable Name
# Clean all the object files and the binary
#echo "[Cleaning]"
#$(RM) -rfv $(OBJ_PATH)*
#$(RM) -fv $(TARGET)
If you want to build a target(move_obj) after another(file.o), add the move_obj to the dependency list of file.o so that the commands under the move_obj will be executed.
So your Makefile should be:
file.o: other_file.h move_obj
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c file.c
mv -f -t ./OBJ_DIR ./$(OBJ_FILES)
As Colonel Thirty Two mentioned in the comment section, instead of compiling and then move, you can build the object files in the required directory
file.o: other_file.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c file.c -o ./$(OBJ_FILES)/$#
This is flawed in various ways.
result normally is an actual file that should be present after the recipe is executed. If the file is already there and is not older than any of its dependencies, make does nothing. So instead of creating a file somewhere and then moving it around with another rule, make sure the rule creates it where it should FINALLY be. Otherwise make can never check whether it has to rebuild it (and always will). In this case, use the -o flag of the compiler to directly create it where it should be (e.g. -o $(OBJ_DIR)/file.o)
dependency should list ALL files that are needed to build the result, so make really rebuilds it if ANY of these files changed. In your case, at least file.c is missing from the dependency list
In order to place files in a directory, you should make sure it exists. you could do it like this:
mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR)
$(OBJ_DIR)/file.o: $(OBJ_DIR) file.c other_file.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c file.c -o $(OBJ_DIR)/file.o
Your move_obj recipe, although not suitable in this case, would be a PHONY target, meaning it does not create a file. If you need such rules, mark them accordingly by mentioning them as dependency of the special target .PHONY:
.PHONY: move_obj
The reason for this is that you could (by accident) have a file named move_obj in your working directory. In that case, make would decide there's nothing to do for move_obj, and this is not what you want. Marking it as phony tells make that this rule does not create its target and the recipe must be executed no matter what.
All in all, your question comes down to misunderstanding a Makefile as kind of a script. It is not. It's a declarative file that tells make what has to be done in order to build files (your evaluation block) and when this needs to be done (your dependency block). It's better not to try to misuse a Makefile as a script.

Fortran90 Makefile with pre-compilation and modules

I'm trying to write a Makefile to compile a Fortran90 project that consists of several source files containing subroutines and modules. To make things more complicated, I'm using pre-compilation (creating *.for files from *.F files). I could not find any answer to this, but this may be because I get confused by the different styles of Makefile syntax.
I created a stripped-down version for reproducing my problem (available on This contains a main program (sayhello.F), two subroutines in separate source files (schleppe.F and schnuppi.F), and two modules in separate source files (words_schleppe.mod.F and words_schnuppi.mod.F). The executable is hello.
I am able to build it with a simple Makefile and avoiding the pre-compilation. This file (Makefile_simple) looks like this:
EXE = hello
$(FCOM) -c words_schleppe.mod.F
$(FCOM) -c words_schnuppi.mod.F
$(FCOM) -c schleppe.F
$(FCOM) -c schnuppi.F
$(FCOM) words_schleppe.mod.o words_schnuppi.mod.o schleppe.o schnuppi.o sayhello.F -o $(EXE)
.PHONY: clean
rm $(EXE) *.o *.mod
However, my project will be a bit bigger than this so I want to make use of the cryptic features of a more complex Makefile for defining rules. And crucially: I want to pre-compile source files *.F into .for. This is where I haven't managed to define the rules to create the .mod files from the modules and build the whole thing. Disregarding the modules, I do get it running with the following Makefile (Makefile_complex on my github repository):
SOURCES=sayhello.F schleppe.F schnuppi.F
all: $(OBJS)
# this may also be replaced by the ar command (creating archive)
$(FCOM) $(OBJS) -o $(EXE)
%.for: %.F
rm -f $*.for
$(FCOM) $(CPPFLAGS) $*.F > $*.for
$(OBJS): %.o: %.for
$(FCOM) -c -o $# $(COMPFLAGS) $*.for
# clean: remove .for, .o, .do, and .stb files
.PHONY: clean
-rm -f *.for *.o *.stb *.mod
What do I have to add to this in order to include the modules in the build? The dependencies are as follows: subroutine schleppe <- module words_schleppe; and subroutine schnuppi <- module words_schnuppi.
Help, anyone?
Thanks a bunch!
I FOUND THE SOLUTION! Simply, the rule for all: must include the module source files, and these must precede the other source files. Plus, rules of creating the object files from the module source files have to be added. The working Makefile looks like this:
SOURCES=sayhello.F schleppe.F schnuppi.F
MODS=words_schleppe.F words_schnuppi.F
# this may also be replaced by the ar command (creating archive)
all: $(MODOBJS) $(OBJS)
$(FCOM) $(OBJS) $(MODOBJS) -o $(EXE)
%.for: %.F
rm -f $*.for
$(FCOM) $(CPPFLAGS) $*.F > $*.for
$(MODOBJS): %.o: %.for
$(FCOM) -c -o $# $(COMPFLAGS) $*.for
$(OBJS): %.o: %.for
$(FCOM) -c -o $# $(COMPFLAGS) $*.for
# clean: remove .for, .o, .do, and .stb files
.PHONY: clean
-rm -f *.for *.o *.stb *.mod

Two targets with no dependencies

Consider the following makefile:
fmake: $(TARGET2).c foo.c\
$(TARGET).c test.h clean
$(CC) -o $(TARGET) $(TARGET).c foo.c
$(CC) -o $(TARGET2) $(TARGET2).c
echo Some text
rm -f fmake test_second
After the make bash command the following display
rm -f fmake test_second
gcc -o fmake fmake.c foo.c
gcc -o test_second test_second.c
As said here foo.c doesn't processed because there is no dependencies for this target. But both foo.c and clean have no dependencies, but clean is processed. Why?
Because a file called foo.c exists, whereas no file called clean exists. So Make thinks that one needs to be made. Note that clean should really be declared as a phony target.

How to place object files in separate subdirectory

I'm having trouble with trying to use make to place object files in a separate subdirectory, probably a very basic technique. I have tried to use the information in this page:
I get the following output from make:
make: *** No rule to make target `ku.h', needed by `obj/kumain.o'. Stop.
However ku.h is a dependency not a target (although it's obviously #included within the c source files). When I don't try to use a subdirectory for object files (i.e. miss out the OBJDIR parts) it works fine. Why does make think ku.h is a target?
my makefile is this: (the style is after reading various sources of information)
.SUFFIXES: .c .o
VPATH=%.c src
VPATH=%.h src
VPATH=%.o obj
objects= $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, kumain.o kudlx.o kusolvesk.o kugetpuz.o kuutils.o \
kurand.o kuASCboard.o kuPDFs.o kupuzstrings.o kugensud.o \
kushapes.o )
ku : $(objects)
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -o ku $(objects) $(LDLIBS)
$(objects) : ku.h kudefines.h kuglobals.h kufns.h | $(OBJDIR)
mkdir $(OBJDIR)
.PHONY: clean
clean :
rm $(objects)
I applied the change to use the vpath directive. My version was a bad mixture of VPATH=xxx and vpath %.c xxx. However I now get another problem (which was the original problem before I added the wrong vpath). This is now the output:
gcc -o ku -lhpdf obj/kumain.o obj/kudlx.o obj/kusolvesk.o ..etc
gcc: obj/kumain.o: No such file or directory
gcc: obj/kudlx.o: No such file or directory
gcc: obj/kusolvesk.o: No such file or directory
gcc: obj/kugetpuz.o: No such file or directory
gcc: obj/kuutils.o: No such file or directory
gcc: obj/kurand.o: No such file or directory
gcc: obj/kuASCboard.o: No such file or directory
gcc: obj/kuPDFs.o: No such file or directory
gcc: obj/kupuzstrings.o: No such file or directory
gcc: obj/kugensud.o: No such file or directory
gcc: obj/kushapes.o: No such file or directory
make: *** [ku] Error 1
It appears that make is not applying the implicit rule for an object file although the manual says
"Implicit rules tell make how to use customary techniques so that you do not have to specify them in detail when you want to use them. For example, there is an implicit rule for C compilation. File names determine which implicit rules are run. For example, C compilation typically takes a .c file and makes a .o file. So make applies the implicit rule for C compilation when it sees this combination of file name endings." and also "The search through the directories specified in VPATH or with vpath also happens during consideration of implicit rules (see Using Implicit Rules)."
Again here "For example, when a file foo.o has no explicit rule, make considers implicit rules, such as the built-in rule to compile foo.c if that file exists. If such a file is lacking in the current directory, the appropriate directories are searched for it. If foo.c exists (or is mentioned in the makefile) in any of the directories, the implicit rule for C compilation is applied."
Any assistance in getting implicit rules to work for my makefile would be greatly appreciated.
Edit no 2:
Thanks to Jack Kelly I have made an explicit rule to compile the .c files since I couldn't get anywhere trying to use implicit rules. Also thanks to al_miro for the vpath info.
Here is the working makfile:
.SUFFIXES: .c .o
vpath %.c src
vpath %.h src
objects = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, kumain.o kudlx.o kusolvesk.o kugetpuz.o kuutils.o \
kurand.o kuASCboard.o kuPDFs.o kupuzstrings.o kugensud.o \
kushapes.o )
ku : $(objects)
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -o ku $(objects) $(LDLIBS)
$(OBJDIR) obj/%.o : %.c ku.h kudefines.h kuglobals.h kufns.h
$(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $< -o $#
.PHONY : clean
clean :
rm $(objects)
Since you're using GNUmake, use a pattern rule for compiling object files:
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
This is the makefile that I use for most of my projects,
It permits putting source files, headers and inline files in subfolders, and subfolders of subfolders and so-forth, and will automatically generate a dependency file for each object This means that modification of headers and inline files will trigger recompilation of files which are dependent.
Source files are detected via shell find command, so there is no need to explicitly specify, just keep coding to your hearts content.
It will also copy all files from a 'resources' folder, into the bin folder when the project is compiled, which I find handy most of the time.
To provide credit where it is due, the auto-dependencies feature was based largely off Scott McPeak's page that can be found HERE, with some additional modifications / tweaks for my needs.
Example Makefile
#Compiler and Linker
CC := g++-mp-4.7
#The Target Binary Program
TARGET := program
#The Directories, Source, Includes, Objects, Binary and Resources
SRCDIR := src
INCDIR := inc
RESDIR := res
SRCEXT := cpp
#Flags, Libraries and Includes
CFLAGS := -fopenmp -Wall -O3 -g
LIB := -fopenmp -lm -larmadillo
INC := -I$(INCDIR) -I/usr/local/include
SOURCES := $(shell find $(SRCDIR) -type f -name *.$(SRCEXT))
OBJECTS := $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,$(BUILDDIR)/%,$(SOURCES:.$(SRCEXT)=.$(OBJEXT)))
#Defauilt Make
all: resources $(TARGET)
remake: cleaner all
#Copy Resources from Resources Directory to Target Directory
resources: directories
#Make the Directories
#mkdir -p $(TARGETDIR)
#mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)
#Clean only Objecst
#$(RM) -rf $(BUILDDIR)
#Full Clean, Objects and Binaries
cleaner: clean
#$(RM) -rf $(TARGETDIR)
#Pull in dependency info for *existing* .o files
-include $(OBJECTS:.$(OBJEXT)=.$(DEPEXT))
$(CC) -o $(TARGETDIR)/$(TARGET) $^ $(LIB)
#mkdir -p $(dir $#)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INC) -c -o $# $<
#cp -f $(BUILDDIR)/$*.$(DEPEXT) $(BUILDDIR)/$*.$(DEPEXT).tmp
#sed -e 's|.*:|$(BUILDDIR)/$*.$(OBJEXT):|' < $(BUILDDIR)/$*.$(DEPEXT).tmp > $(BUILDDIR)/$*.$(DEPEXT)
#sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/\\$$//' < $(BUILDDIR)/$*.$(DEPEXT).tmp | fmt -1 | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/$$/:/' >> $(BUILDDIR)/$*.$(DEPEXT)
#rm -f $(BUILDDIR)/$*.$(DEPEXT).tmp
#Non-File Targets
.PHONY: all remake clean cleaner resources
The VPATH lines are wrong, they should be
vpath %.c src
vpath %.h src
i.e. not capital and without the = . As it is now, it doesn't find the .h file and thinks it is a target to be made.
In general, you either have to specify $(OBJDIR) on the left hand side of all the rules that place files in $(OBJDIR), or you can run make from $(OBJDIR).
VPATH is for sources, not for objects.
Take a look at these two links for more explanation, and a "clever" workaround.
Build from the output directory
Instead of building from the top-level directory, build from the output directory. You can access the source directories by setting the vpath. This option has the advantage that the built-in rules can be used.
mkdir -p obj
cp Makefile.template obj/Makefile
cd obj
make "$*"
.SUFFIXES: .c .o
VPATH=%.c ../src
VPATH=%.h ../src
objects=kumain.o kudlx.o kusolvesk.o kugetpuz.o kuutils.o \
kurand.o kuASCboard.o kuPDFs.o kupuzstrings.o kugensud.o \
ku : $(objects)
$(objects) : ku.h kudefines.h kuglobals.h kufns.h
.PHONY: clean
clean :
rm $(objects)
The disadvantage is that error messages do not match the CWD. This can be solved by skipping and directly building from the obj directory.
Another advantage of this approach is that it's somewhat popular. cmake works in a similar fashion.
Create Rule based on output option
The following solution isn't nice in my opinion, as I really love the built-in rules. However, GNU make doesn't support something like vpath for output directories. And the built-in rules cannot match, as the % in %.o would match obj/foo of obj/foo.o, leaving make with a search in vpath %.c src/ for stuff like src/obj/foo.c, but not src/foo.c.
But this is as close to the built-in rules as you can get, and therefore to my best knowledge the nicest solution that's available.
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c
Explanation: $(COMPILE.c) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $< actually is how .c.o is implemented, see (and it's even mentioned in the manual)
Besides, if $(OBJDIR) would only ever contain auto-gererated files, you could create it on-the-fly with an order-only prerequisite, making the clean rule slightly simpler:
mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c | $(OBJDIR)
.PHONY: clean
$(RM) -r $(OBJDIR)
This requires that the feature order-only is available, which you can check using $(filter order-only, $(.FETAURES)). I've checked on Kubuntu 14.04 GNU make 3.81 and OpenSUSE 13.1 GNU make 3.82. Both were built with order-only enabled, and am now left puzzled why Kubuntu 14.04 comes with an older version of GNU make than OpenSUSE 13.1. Anyways, gonna download make 4.1 now :)
For anyone that is working with a directory style like this:
> src
> pkgA
> pkgB
> bin
> pkgA
> pkgB
The following worked very well for me. I made this myself, using
the GNU make manual as my main reference; this, in particular, was extremely helpful for my last rule, which ended up being the most important one for me.
My Makefile:
PROG := sim
CC := g++
ODIR := bin
SDIR := src
MAIN_OBJ := main.o
MAIN := main.cpp
PKG_DIRS := $(shell ls $(SDIR))
CXXFLAGS = -std=c++11 -Wall $(addprefix -I$(SDIR)/,$(PKG_DIRS)) -I$(BOOST_ROOT)
FIND_SRC_FILES = $(wildcard $(SDIR)/$(pkg)/*.cpp)
SRC_FILES = $(foreach pkg,$(PKG_DIRS),$(FIND_SRC_FILES))
OBJ_FILES = $(patsubst $(SDIR)/%,$(ODIR)/%,\
$(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(filter-out $(SDIR)/main/$(MAIN),$(SRC_FILES))))
vpath %.h $(addprefix $(SDIR)/,$(PKG_DIRS))
vpath %.cpp $(addprefix $(SDIR)/,$(PKG_DIRS))
vpath $(MAIN) $(addprefix $(SDIR)/,main)
# main target
#$(PROG) : all
$(CC) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $(PROG) $(SDIR)/main/$(MAIN)
# debugging
all : ; $(info $$PKG_DIRS is [${PKG_DIRS}])#echo Hello world
%.o : %.cpp
$(CC) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
# This one right here, folks. This is the one.
$(OBJ_FILES) : $(ODIR)/%.o : $(SDIR)/%.h
$(CC) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
# for whatever reason, clean is not being called...
# any ideas why???
.PHONY: clean
clean :
#echo Build done! Cleaning object files...
#rm -r $(ODIR)/*/*.o
By using $(SDIR)/%.h as a prerequisite for $(ODIR)/%.o, this forced make to look in source-package directories for source code instead of looking in the same folder as the object file.
I hope this helps some people. Let me know if you see anything wrong with what I've provided.
BTW: As you may see from my last comment, clean is not being called and I am not sure why. Any ideas?
For all those working with implicit rules (and GNU MAKE). Here is a simple makefile which supports different directories:
#Start of the makefile
VPATH = ./src:./header:./objects
OUTPUT_OPTION = -o objects/$#
CXXFLAGS += -Wall -g -I./header
Target = $(notdir $(CURDIR)).exe
Objects := $(notdir $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(wildcard src/*.cpp)))
all: $(Target)
$(Target): $(Objects)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $(Target) $(addprefix objects/,$(Objects))
#Beware of -f. It skips any confirmation/errors (e.g. file does not exist)
.PHONY: clean
rm -f $(addprefix objects/,$(Objects)) $(Target)
Lets have a closer look (I will refer to the current Directory with curdir):
This line is used to get a list of the used .o files which are in curdir/src.
Objects := $(notdir $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(wildcard src/*.cpp)))
#expands to "foo.o myfoo.o otherfoo.o"
Via variable the output is set to a different directory (curdir/objects).
OUTPUT_OPTION = -o objects/$#
#OUTPUT_OPTION will insert the -o flag into the implicit rules
To make sure the compiler finds the objects in the new objects folder, the path is added to the filename.
$(Target): $(Objects)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $(Target) $(addprefix objects/,$(Objects))
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This is meant as an example and there is definitly room for improvement.
For additional Information consult:
Make documetation. See chapter 10.2
Oracle: Programming Utilities Guide
You can specify the -o $# option to your compile command to force the output of the compile command to take on the name of the target. For example, if you have:
sources: cpp/class.cpp and cpp/driver.cpp
headers: headers/class.h
...and you want to place the object files in:
objects: obj/class.o obj/driver.o
...then you can compile cpp/class.cpp and cpp/driver.cpp separately into obj/class.o and obj/driver.o, and then link, with the following Makefile:
${OBJ}/class.o: ${SRC}/class.cpp
${CC} ${FLAGS} ${INCS} -c $< -o $#
${OBJ}/driver.o: ${SRC}/driver.cpp ${SRC}/class.cpp
${CC} ${FLAGS} ${INCS} -c $< -o $#
driver: ${OBJ}/driver.o ${OBJ}/class.o
${CC} ${FLAGS} ${OBJ}/driver.o ${OBJ}/class.o -o ${EXE}/driver
None of these answers seemed simple enough - the crux of the problem is not having to rebuild:
# make will look in VPATH to see if the target needs to be rebuilt
test: moo
touch $(OBJDIR)/$#
example use
touch moo
# creates out/test
make test
# doesn't update out/test
make test
# will now update test
touch moo
make test

depending on directories in make [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
how to prevent "directory already exists error" in a makefile when using mkdir
(12 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
This is a followup to my earlier question: SO 4403861 because the suggested solutions broke the dependencies, making the makefile useless. I can't figure out why.
I am using gnu make 3.82
I have a rule that works if the obj directory has been created:
$(objdir)/%.o: %.C
$(COMPILE) -MM -MT$(objdir)/$(notdir $#) $< -o $(DEPDIR)/$(notdir $(basename $<).d )
$(COMPILE) -o $(objdir)/$(notdir $# ) -c $<
However, if the obj directory isn't there, make fails. I wanted make to automatically create ../obj on demand, so I added what I thought was very simple:
$(objdir)/%.o: %.C $(objdir)
$(COMPILE) -MM -MT$(objdir)/$(notdir $#) $< -o $(DEPDIR)/$(notdir $(basename $<).d )
$(COMPILE) -o $(objdir)/$(notdir $# ) -c $<
if [ ! -d $(objdir) ] ; then mkdir $(objdir) ; fi
When I do so, make always forces the compile, every time. Why? The mkdir should not happen unless there is no directory? Why are dependencies destroyed by this simple change?
You also can try with Order-only prerequisites.
There is a similar example, of your question, available.
OBJDIR := objdir
OBJS := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,foo.o bar.o baz.o)
$(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.c
all: $(OBJS)
$(OBJS): | $(OBJDIR)
mkdir $(OBJDIR)
As others have said, the problem is that a directory is considered "changed" whenever directory members are added or removed, so make sees your output directory changing all the time, and reruns all the compilations which you have told it depend on the output directory.
As an alternative to the workarounds described by others, recent GNU make versions have support for "order-only prerequisites". The description of order-only prerequisites in the manual includes an example of how to use them for directory creation.
Some sort of sentinel file will solve this quite nicely. Allows you to write a single pattern rule to create all folders, does not have any rogue recompilation issues, and is -j safe.
OBJDIR := objdir/
OBJS := $(addprefix ${OBJDIR},foo.o bar.o baz.o)
all: ${OBJS}
${OBJDIR}%.o : %.c ${OBJDIR}.sentinel
# A single pattern rule will create all appropriate folders as required
.PRECIOUS: %/.sentinel # otherwise make (annoyingly) deletes it
mkdir -p ${#D}
touch $#
As answered already, you cannot put a directory with output files as a dependency, because it is updated every time.
One solution (stated above) is to put a mkdir -p before each build, like this:
$(objdir)/%.o: %.C
#mkdir -p $(objdir) $(DEPDIR) ...
$(COMPILE) -MM -MT$(objdir)/$(notdir $#) $< -o $(DEPDIR)/$(notdir $(basename $<).d )
$(COMPILE) -o $(objdir)/$(notdir $# ) -c $<
But I don't love this solution, because it forces running an extra process lots and lots of times. However, knowing the reason for the error, there is another way:
exe: dirs $(OBJ)
In the primary target, the one building the executable, just insert a target dirs before the objects. Since it's hit in order:
#mkdir -p $(objdir) $(DESTDIR) ...
and this is only done once for the entire build, rather than once per file.
