kohana 3.2 gets wrong session issue - session

When using kohana driven site from 2 different devices I randomly get both session data on each device. I'm using native sessions to store few objects, but they should be private on each device. What am I doing wrong?
for example:
public function load()
$session = Session::instance();
$this->dialog = $session->get('dialog');
public function save()
$session = Session::instance();
$session->set('dialog', $this->dialog);
it looks like some kind of caching problem. I tried to regenerate session id every time. I've got 1st id, then 2nd, then 3rd and when i clicked a link a got 1st id again.

Make sure caching is turned off in your bootstrap file. And the cookie variables are set correctly, especially the Cookie::$domain.
Also verify your session config file too. You can find more info here: http://kohanaframework.org/3.2/guide/kohana/sessions


Is it ok to use $_SESSION['variables'] in Drupal 8?

I need a way to store temporary data for anonymous users.
Apparently this is not possible with:
Unless you write a custom constructor for the session management and stuff, which seems a little far-fetched to me?
I tried using
But that saves the temp data for all anonymous users. So it's not linked to a single user.
Using raw $_SESSION['data'] works fine, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be doing this in Drupal and how safe/unsafe it is to do this?
Sessions (Drupal 8) are used via the simple Session implementation of SessionInterface interface. See Complete Tutorial of Sessions (Drupal 8).
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session;
$session = new Session();
// set and get session attributes
$session->set('name', 'Yash');
// set flash messages
$session->getFlashBag()->add('notice', 'Profile updated');
// retrieve messages
foreach ($session->getFlashBag()->get('notice', array()) as $message) {
echo '<div class="flash-notice">'.$message.'</div>';
I am not answering your specific question (regarding $_SESSION) because I have successfully used:
$session = \Drupal::service('user.private_tempstore')->get('your_module');
$session->set('whatever', $whatever);
from within procedural code (i.e. hooks, themes) without problems.
Pay attention that this private tempstore has to be assigned to a module (for the lack of a better way of saying this) which is the purpose of this line
$session = \Drupal::service('user.private_tempstore')->get('your_module')
After you get the private tempostore you can now set and get the session values:
$session->set('whatever', $whatever);
Sorry, you explained correctly. I didn't get the critical part 100% ;)
You can always access the Session object from the request.
$session = \Drupal::request()->getSession();
$session->set('whatever', 'hello');
$value = $session->get('whatever', 'default');
I've been using plain PHP $_SESSION variables for a while now.
Did some research on them and they should be perfectly safe to use.
They're working correctly everywhere I use them and they have been working correctly for a while.
Don't think there's any issue using them in Drupal 8.

Newbie on express.js session: who initializes the session

saw this example
var sess;
//Session set when user Request our app via URL
* This line check Session existence.
* If it existed will do some action.
//In this we are assigning email to sess.email variable.
//email comes from HTML page.
my tiny understanding is: when user login, server generates session id to him/her, assuming this is the login for the 1st time.
But in the above login code,
1. sess = req.session,sounds like client creates a session object at first ?
or client is creating a session storage space ?
2. who sets session.id or sessionID ?
3. any better example ?
The original sample is here
I am also learning node just like you. If you continue your journey, you will encounter so many similar curiousness because way node works behind the modules.
I also had so many question marks but I couldn't afford to search for right answer everytime. what I suggest is get node-inspector, a node debugger tool, and actually follow through.
That way you will actually understand what each module is doing.
instruction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03qGA-GJXjI
Big tip that this instruction doesnt tell is fact that node breakpoint is bit weird.
I would definitely use "debugger;" code which puts breakpoint, rather than breakpointer that provided by tool.

Real Dilemma when using Sessions, Cookies in Yii

I have set sessions for my properties/methods in WebUser like following
public function getRole(){
$user = $this->loadUser(Yii::app()->user->id);
$this->setState('roleId', $user->roles_id);
return $user->roles_id;
In the config, I have set autostart sessions to 'true', cookieMode to 'only'. I understand that when i 'setState', the cookie with the same name is also created along with the session variable. Currently I am calling these variables using Yii::app()->user->roleId;
My question is this:
a) To utilize from the cookies and/or the session variables already set, should i call them using Yii::app()->request->cookies['roleId']; or Yii::app()->session['roleId']?
b) Will calling Yii::app()->user->roleId get me the value if it is already set as Cookie or Session instead of running the whole method again?
I appreciate your support!
I would only use sessions for that. Cookies can be easily tampered with and a user could probably assign himself another role id. Session is somewhat safer.
Use your WebUsers getRole() for that, which caches it in the session like you have above. This is fine. Just put a check at the top, if there is a session var roleId instantly return it. If not, load the user and get it there like you already have.

How do I get Magento to serve up the cached version of the page when I have unique URL parameters?

It's a simple question with no answer in search(google/bing/stackoverflow). The answer of course could be complicated.
I've read a couple articles on FPC within Magento, and have yet to really nail down where I need to add or create code so that when certain URL parameters are sent it serves up cached version of the page and not try and re-cache with the URL parameters.
So for example, when you go to http://www.example.com/shoes it loads the correct cached version. however, with google analytics and any other type of 3rd party reporting, especially with unique identifiers, it will reload the page as if it wasn't cached. So http://www.example.com/shoes?utm_key=A1537BD94EF07 would create a new cached version of that page and so on.
I would like to be able to exclude certain URL parameters and not all. Mainly any parameter I am using for tracking of customers.
As far as code, I have not come up with anything, due to the fact of the complexity of FPC and not having a dev site currently setup to test on.
Any leads as to where I can add this exception would be helpful, thanks!
EDIT: I would like to add that I am working with the Enterprise Edition. And using the Redis for cache.
I developed my own extension on the fix.
In short the get parameters are used in the cache ID. So in order to bypass this, I created an extension that changed the following:
Two functions where changed
protected function _getQueryParams()
public function getPageIdWithoutApp(Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Processor $processor)
One function was changed
public function getPageIdWithoutApp(Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Processor $processor)
Once changed, it no longer created the cache ID with my specified tracking parameters.
public function getPageIdWithoutApp(Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Processor $processor)
$queryParams = $_GET;
* unset known tracking codes
/** End Edit */
$queryParamsHash = md5(serialize($queryParams));
return $processor->getRequestId() . '_' . $queryParamsHash;

CodeIgniter session not saved

I have controller example name by test.
In index method I will make session, it will store in database successfully, but when I want to read them in other method, it will make another session in database.
For example:
public function index(){
public function test(){
echo $this->session->userdata('test');
It will echo nothing. And when I check the database, it made new row.
I've seen elsewhere (for example here) that Codeigniter has problems with cookies on localhost and that will cause the problems that you are describing because if the cookie is not valid Codeigniter won't be able to recognize the session and collect that information from the database. In order to verify this hypothesis you can upload your application to a real server and try it there.
i face a similar issue and just found that the System's session library had some problem setting the cookie the it looks like
i just re wrote it with
and it worked out fine
