Is there a way to get a stack trace from rspec when a method is unexpectedly called more times than specified? - ruby

I setup a mock object and told it to expect a check for nil and to return false:
status = double('status')
I only expect the call to nil? to occur once, but I got an error in my rspec test, saying that status received nil? twice.
Is there a way to get rspec to show where/how each call occurred?
adding the '--backtrace' option did not work.

Try something like this:
status.should_receive(:nil?).twice { puts caller; false }
This tells rspec to allow two invocations and call the associated block each time. Thecaller method generates a full backtrace which you should be able to analyze onstdout. We also returnfalse to stay on the code-path we're testing.
If the two backtraces are hard to distinguish and you're only interested in the second (unexpected) invocation, then set up two successive expectations:
status.should_receive(:nil?) { puts caller; false }
Here the double will return false on the first invocation and call the block on the second.
Reference for setting responses on expectations:


RSpec: Expecting a method to be called causes that method to not actually be called

I have some code that could be represented in very simple terms as:
def method_a(key)
hash = method b(key)
def method_b(key)
return { key => 1 }
and then an rspec test like
it 'calls method_b'
expect(someClass).to receive(:method_b).with(key)
However I then get an error in the second line of method_a because it's trying to call delete on a nil object. When I debug, I can see that the logic inside method_b is never actually being invoked. It's not failing somewhere in method_b, it's literally not calling it at all. If I get rid of the expect statement in the test, this error goes away. It seems like the expect statement is causing it to just skip over the actual call to method_b, leaving me with a nil value instead of the hash I'm expecting.
Is there a way I can stop it from skipping over method_b, or at least terminate execution once the expect statement is successful, so I don't run into the error on the next line?
When you set a message expectation, it overrides the original code, unless you explicitly tell RSpec not to:
expect(someClass).to receive(:method_b).with(key).and_call_original

RSpec spy match_array on hash value

I have a simple test in an RSpec controller spec that checks to see if the correct message was passed to a delayed job:
it 'sends a message to NotifyFollowersJob with relevant person and split_time data' do
allow(NotifyFollowersJob).to receive(:perform_later)
post :import, params: request_params
split_time_ids = SplitTime.all.ids
person_id = SplitTime.first.effort.person_id
expect(NotifyFollowersJob).to have_received(:perform_later)
.with(person_id: person_id,
split_time_ids: split_time_ids)
The test usually passes, but sometimes it fails because the split_time_ids (an Array) are sometimes reversed. I do not care what order the split_time_ids are passed to NotifyFollowersJob, so the test should pass regardless of the order.
If I were testing the contents of the Array alone, I could write:
expect(split_time_ids).to match_array(SplitTime.all.ids)
But I can't figure out how to get similar functionality where the Array is a value of one of several arguments.
Any RSpec masters out there care to give me some guidance?
One idea is to make a block to check the message and pass it to your allow method.
Like this:
allow(NotifyFollowersJob).to receive(:perform_later) do |arg|
# Handle your args to avoid fails because of its order
And you should keep the expect(NotifyFollowersJob).to have_received(:perform_later) (without the with verification) just to make sure it is still being called.
It looks like your controller action runs SplitTime.all.ids query and passes them to the worker as args.
If you don't care about the order, maybe you can stub this query, to get the same result all the time?
In addition, it'll make your test faster.

Rspec test - keep executing a method until the error message is no longer raised

I'm new to Rspec, so sorry if this is a bad question. In one of the test tests I'm running, I have code which uses a random number generator to determine whether or not a method should be executed. If it cannot be executed, the method raises an error message.
So I need to write a test which continually runs the method on a small array of class objects until it no longer receives the error message. So in effect each class object will eventually successfully execute that method after a few tries.
The array has 6 items. I'm hoping that I need to loop through each one and then use a while loop which then tests whether the error message has been executed, but I haven't got a clue how. Any help gratefully appreciated.
I have something like this at the moment...
def create_planes
6.times do
it 'should land each plane' do
i = 0
while i<planes.count
expect(airport.plane_count).to eq(6)
Generally with RSpec, you'll set up your inputs and test your outputs. You wouldn't execute until an error occurs, you'd execute a known number of lands and then check that the airport's plane changed to what you expect.
it "should maintain a list of landed planes" do
expect {
3.times { airport.plane_land }
}.to change { airport.plane_count }.from(0).to(3)

Alternative to rspec double that does not fail test even if allow receive is not specified for a function

Many times one outcome may have two different consequences that need to be tested with a test double. For example if a network connection is successful I'd like to log a message, and also pass the resource to another object that will store it internally. On the other hand it feels unclean to put these two in one test. For example this code fails:
describe SomeClass do
let(:logger) { double('Logger') }
let(:registry) { double('Registry') }
let(:cut) { }
let(:player) { }
describe "#connect" do
context "connection is successful" do
it "should log info" do
logger.should_receive(:info).with('Player connected successfully')
cut.connect player
it "should register player" do
cut.connect player
I could specify in each test that the function in the other one might get called, but that looks like unnecessary duplication. In that case I'd rather make this one test.
I also don't like that it's never explicit in the test that a method should NOT be called.
Does anyone know about an alternative that has an explicit 'should_not_receive' message instead of automatically rejecting calls that are not explicitly specified?
RSpec supports should_not_receive, which is equivalent to should_receive(...).exactly(0).times as discussed in this message from the original author of RSpec.

Ruby on Rails Exceptions

I am a junior rails developer and was advised to use Class.find(id) to query the database instead of Class.find_by_id(id) which I previously had. The reason I was told is because the former would raise an exception while the latter would return nil. I realize this happens but I am wondering what the high level conceptual logic is for doing it this way. Why do I want the exception? Is this a rails standard where I would always prefer a method that returns an exception as opposed to nil?
You typically want the exception because you're typically doing Foo.find(id) based on data input coming from the user, such as clicking on a link.
For example, you show the user a list of items. There are links like this:
The user clicks the first link, and expects to see item 100.
Your code does this:
You expect to find the item, because app created the item link. You'd be surprised if the item didn't exist.
(Corner case surprises are possible: perhaps the item was deleted, or perhaps a hacker is sending in missing ids, etc. Using exceptions helps you handle this as an exceptional circumstance.)
Exceptions are preferred to nil for this, because you want the code to fail immediately so you don't accidentally send the nil on to some other method.
Ruby nil objects can be confusing because they evaluate to falsey and also because == 4 because of how Ruby uses C. Error messages show up like "Warning: Object#id will be deprecated" or "undefined method for 4:Fixnum".
Nils are problematic as a return type in Ruby in general. There's a great (paid) screencast by Gary Bernhardt that explains why you want to avoid returning nil from methods, but in a nutshell: when a method returns nil, and that nil gets passed up through a chain of method calls and something goes wrong somewhere, it can be extremely difficult to figure out where the actual problem occurred.
Say, for example, you have something like this:
foo_model = MyModel.find_by_name('foo')
# some more lines of code
and a method:
def do_something(model)
# some stuff stuff
Now, if MyModel.find_by_name('foo') returns nil, that nil will be carried along without any errors until it actually has to do something. Say, in some_other_method, you actually try to call something on model, say, you will get an error:
undefined method 'save' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
The trace will carry you back up the method calls, but it will not mention the line that was actually problematic, where you assign MyModel.find_by_name('foo') (which evaluates to nil) to foo_model.
You can imagine that in a real application, the code can be much more complex, and returning nil can make it much more difficult to figure out the source of an error.
An exception, in contrast, tells you immediately where the problem is, and the trace will go back to the line where it occurred. That's one reason (there are others, I imagine) why in general, returning nil is not a good idea.
Hope that helps.
