Is it possible to write 2 URIs to 1 NFC Tag? - nfc

I am working with a company that has already defined a URI in the filter handling/android manifest ex "brand://start" - the challenge is that they didn't anticipate the need to call a URL if the handset doesn't have their app installed. I am wondering what I would encode on an NFC tag to handle their URI and a backup URL if their app is not found.
I would prefer to write a second NDEF record (url
so, all that said (assuming i have no access to their manifest file) how can i encode a tag to handle both options?

In case of an Android device, you can simply add an Android Application Record to the NDEF message. This will ensure that when the app is not installed the user is redirected to the Play Store to install it.


Send file via Teams (like MAPISendMail)

My (editor-like) Windows desktop program can create a new e-mail with the current project attached using MAPISendMail. A customer wants the same functionality for Microsoft Teams.
For the web version, I think I can probably do that with Graph API.
But I can't find anything for the desktop app version. Is there a way to do that?
It would be great if the user could manually specify recipient + body text in Teams (and not in my program).
So you can't actually attach files to messages directly - you basically upload the file to a web location, and then provide a link to the file in the message. As an example, you can upload to the SharePoint document library that exists in the "Files" tab (something like this). Then, in terms of sending the message, you can send to a Team/Channel quite easily using a Webhook. This does not support #mentions the moment though. Another option is to use Graph to send the message.
If you're wanting instead to send a kind of 'private' message to the user, you'd need to look into creating a bot, and sending a 'Proactive' message

How to define a webcal route in NancyFx, Web API, etc?

I have a route in nancy that currently returns an .ics file. But it's an http route and I would like it to be webcal so that devices will know it's a subscription and handle it automatically.
How can I get nancy to respond to a webcal route?
It's simple. Webcal isn't a real protocol.
When you click a link that's a "webcal://" address, the browser resolves that to an http request, but because it was a "webcal://" address, the browser knows it's a calendar subscription and will try add the subscription to whatever software you have that supports that (for example Outlook).
So to get this to work, you just need to change the link address from "" to "webcal://" and let the browser or device handle the rest!
More information from wikipedia...
The Webcal protocol prefix is used to trigger an external protocol handler which is passed the URL of the .ics file rather than being passed the downloaded contents of the file, in much the same way feed is sometimes used to trigger external RSS readers. The idea is that with this protocol prefix the target file should be subscribed to rather than imported into the calendar application as would happen with a simple download.

Xcode 4.5 -iOS- Read email/update text field inside app

Is it possible to read the content of lets say the last email in a specific email inbox? I´m developing an app for a company and I would like for anyone to be able to send an email to a specific address, and then the content of that email would be visible in a text field inside the app. But for that to work the app will have to be able to have access to a specific email. I bet there are other ways of updating a textfield inside an app but this would make it so easy for everyone to be able to update this news feed.
Third-party apps have no access to the system Mail app’s database. If you want to access the contents of an email, you’ll need to connect to that server and retrieve its mail yourself.

OS X: open e-mail client, create new mail and add file as attachment

We want to make it for users of our (Java) application as easy as possible to send bug-logs to us. First, we imagined to open a bug-report page of our website and prefill an up-load-input field with the path of the file to upload, but this does not work for security reasons.
Is it possible on OS X (command line call, Apple Script, what ever) to open a new e-mail in the default e-mail client and add a certain file as attachment?
You can do this from the command line (terminal). Here's an example:
open -a Mail filetosend.ext
This opens the Mac Mail app, creates a message and attaches the file, ready to send.
Unfortunately there's no standard way to attach a file; you'd have to write a separate script for any of the many email clients the user has installed, and that's assuming they actually use an email client—many people use Gmail, for example.
If you can't encode the information in text, you can just submit the report by HTTP(S) yourself. There are several open source frameworks that can help with this, such as FeedbackReporter (which uses HTTP) and UKFeedbackProvider (for email).
Does it necessarily have to be an attachment? You could inline text based info in the message body using the bog standard mailto: URL which would work in any OS and any email client.

How to send email with an attachment using Windows Phone 7 API?

My WP7 application requirement is to send the email with an attachment and use device default SMTP settings.
I have tried EmailComposeTask class but it doesn't have any member for attachment.
The other idea, i am thinking is to upload the file on server and then send the email from that server.
What you think if there is no way to send the email with an attachment using WP7 API?
Your observation is correct, at this point in time EmailComposeTask doesn't support attachments and this is the only facility to send email programatically from the device at the moment.
As you note, you can communicate with a server which can perform this task on behalf of your app.
I found a wp7 and wp8 library that does it:
Try to create web service to send mail in your webserver. so, we can call the from your app to send mail.
I hope upcoming version it will be possible!
Please check this URL for more details
I've found this article, but I did not make any test yet.
From the author:
EmailComposeTask won’t allow you to send attachments, but this doesn’t mean that you cannot send files through it. .NET Framework has these two amazing methods: Convert.ToBase64String and Convert.FromBase64String. The first will allow the developer to convert a byte array (byte[]) to a Base64-encoded string, the other one will do the same operation in reverse.
Pushing the Limits of the Windows Phone SDK and Sending Files via EmailComposeTask
