Joomla Module rendering Clarification - joomla

I am rendering many instances of the same module type ,each time giving it a different id and parameters through code(through get module and render module). This rendering happens whenever a person visits a page. It means the modules are created then and there itself..Does this slow down the website? Please clarify. Thanks a lot in advance..

depends on how the cache is configured, if it's properly cached you shouldn't see a noticeable delay.
Try to put the site in debug mode and load the page, it will give you detailed times for each module.


Issue in OAF during page load

Actually I want to load the page again because for the first time when I am loading the page one of my VO is not getting initialized (fetchedrowcount is coming as 0),but when we go to home and then navigate to that page again then the rowcount is coming as 1. Can you please help me how can I achieve this on first time page load itself. Please do reply,I am stucked badly. Thanks
It sounds like an ordering issue - VO is likely being queried after the page is rendered.
Have you tried querying the VO explicitly in the PageRequest() method? The Oracle Application Framework Developer's Guide is a good resource if you don't know how to do that.

Need guide on Joomla

Its my first time to work with Joomla and I need to make a plugin that basically stores/updates a name and a City the thing is that I want this functionality only in admin panel not in the front end.
Its a bit confusing to me weather I should create a component or a module or a plugin ?
Does anyone has a good guide on how to create such functionality?
Thanks in advance.
If you don't know when to use a module, a plugin, or a component, then a good starting point would be here.
Typically, a module is essentially used for displaying content on specific pages in a specific location. A plugin usually works in the background (modifies displayed content, computes stuff, alters the database, processes payments, etc...). A component is like the Joomla articles component (com_content), in most cases, a component occupies the biggest part of the page (while a module occupies a smaller part).

Page load time issue

Please help me in knowing answer for following question:
I'm struggling with page load time? Need to improve performance on page load time? How to do this with the website developed in Orchard CMS? Please describe results.
Look forward to hearing on this.
Since you are not specifying which specific "page" within Orchard you are looking at it is hard to provide any real answers. However, to add to the comment above I would suggest that you look at installing the MiniProfiler module, which can be found in the Module Gallery page of your Orchard Site.
When enabled this tool will show you how long any page is taking to load - with details on how long each specific shape/template is taking to load ( as opposed to the page itself) as well as underlying SQL queries.
Bertrand has a simple blog post that talks about how to make this tool work for admin pages, which helped me greatly in trying to improve load times for content authoring

Drupal 6 caching and blocks

I've read all over the place and I'm trying to figure out if I am understanding the way caching happens in Drupal 6. We have a site that has a real time stock ticker in it. We have Drupal caching enabled so the stock price ends up getting cached and frozen at a specific spot. I figured a way I could handle it would be to put the ticker in a block I make in a custom module and set BLOCK_NO_CACHE, but if I'm understanding this correctly, if you have site caching enabled, then the ENTIRE page gets cached including any and all blocks on it regardless of their individual cache settings. Is this correct? So am I unable to take advantage of site caching then if I have certain spots that should not cache? Does anyone know of another solution I might be able to use to have the best of both worlds? To be able to have site caching, but also have a real time stock ticker? By the way, the stock ticker is making a JSON request to the Yahoo finance API to get the quote.
You are correct, the directive BLOCK_NO_CACHE is only applicable to block level. However when page caching is enabled then Drupal will cache the entire page (which includes the block as well). But this is only applicable to anonymous users. Drupal's philosophy is that the content for anonymous users is always the same so they get served the cached page. But this is not applicable to authenticated users. Since different users might have different access to certain parts of the page (e.g. the links block will look different for an admin than a regular user).
You might want to have a look at this discussion: BLOCK_NO_CACHE not working for anonymous users
And there is a solution, which you'll stumble upon this discussion. It's this module: Ajax Blocks. Extract from the module description:
Permits to load some blocks by additional AJAX request after loading
the whole cached page when the page is viewed by anonymous user. It is
suitable for sites which are mostly static, and the page caching for
anonymous users is a great benefit, but there are some pieces of
information that have to be dynamic.

cakephp website confusing load times

I have a website that uses CakePHP 1.3.10. This CakePHP app it's pretty big, not in the amount of models or controllers (like 5 of each), but in the amount of plugins. I use the plugins as places of the website where users can access (or can't access) depending on if they have logged in already or not (well there's more reasons, but it's not important now, it's how it works). I also use a global Auth component in the app_controller.php
My issue is the following: I've noticed that the website is getting really slow when trying to access any of the pages of a plugin (when accessing the "home" page - which is not in a plugin - all is good).
The thing is that I was going to run some performance tests to figure out what's going on. I decided to create another website, exactly like the one I described, with the only difference that I removed all the plugins with the exception of one.
Amazingly (for me), when I access one of the pages of this plugin that I didn't delete, it goes super fast, like it should normally go.
So my question is: does the number of plugins really have a direct impact on the loading times of a page inside those plugins? Is there any way to "fix" this? Or is it just a coincidence and something else is going on that I missed?
Thanks so much in advance for any advise!
Reducing the amount of files and folders of my application has increased significantly the load times. I don't know what is the relation between amount of files/folders and loading speed in CakePHP, but it's a fact, at least in my website.
I've changed my cake installation to an advanced installation (as it explains in the cakephp boo) to have my files more spread out in different sub-apps, instead of having one huge app, and this has helped a lot!
