Magento category and attributes - magento

In Magento Community Ed., my structure of products is such that there are a set of 100 attributes that some products are assigned to and some are not. These attributes values are common to all products. So if Product A has attribute X with value 360, if Product B has that attribute, its value will also be 360. Now these attribute values would need to be updated every hour or so. Is there a way that I can update these at the back end in one csv/excel file and the changes apply to all products that have subscribed to this attribute?
Also, is there a way to create attributes for categories ?

Yes, you can create and use your own import in Magento. You find the module using System Menu ~ Import/Export ~ Import.
Oh, and refer to this question for Attributes on a Category
Good luck!


Magento Import / Add the attributes AFTER import?

I have to import 4000 products from our old CMS website to the new Magento store. Those products have only name/title/description/price.
In the Magento shop all products will have many different attributes. I want to assign corresponding attributes to products later.
I made already a CSV template with the right columns.
My question is: Is is possible to import all products without any attributes and after import add attributes and attribute sets programmatically?
I'm wondering how to deal with this situation ??
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
You must always define the attribute set when you are creating the product. The attribute set is describing which attributes are assigned to the product. Take a look into MAGMI. This tool is much faster and flexible that the default Magento importer.

Magento attribute default order on config products

Anyone knows how Magento sorts attributes order in config products frontend?
I.e.: I have two attribute "size" and "color" applied to 2000 configurable products.
On frontend it show first size then color: I want to change this default order without updating all products..
Already tried changing attribute name and attribute order field in db: nothing..
You need to given sort order to product attribute
Please refer snapshot
The only way I could manage to work is to change the attribute id: in fact seems that Magento default attributes order is by attribute ID.
For others looking for a solution (You can do this in magento admin)
Go to the configurable product, go to the tab where u connect it to simpel products.
In the box labeled "Super product attributes configuration" you can drag and drop the position of the attribute (if you have more than 1)

Display products against attributes in magento

I am working on custom module in magento.
I create two new attributes (combo box) make and location. After that I add values for these attributes using custom code against specific product. Like I add make "Sony" and location is "Australia" against product 1 (1 is id for product).
Now on admin side i want to display this product with attributes values like make is Sony and location is Australia and product is 1.
I found some tables where these values are linked like (catalog_product_entity_int,eav_attribute,eav_attribute_option,eav_attribute_option_value), but I am unable to query such records. The page where I want to display data I have attribute id and attribute code.
Can anyone knows how I can figure it out?
Very simple Dude.
inside your _prepareCollection() method of your custom module grid
Load the product collection and select these two attribute... If there is a need to filter it by these two attributes then do it.

Update magento price using custom attributes

I am a newbie to Magento Framework.
Can any one tell me how to add custom pricing to products based on custom attributes.
For example: I would not enter price or I will enter a dummy number for price in admin panel and other attributes like weight and type of item and category.
Based on the category, weight and type of item I want to calculate the actual price something
like price=weight*category+typeOfItem And also if there is any special price to the product it should also apply along with tier prices
I have created a custom module using Alan Storm's Blog but I am unable to override the pricing. Sometimes it works in the product listing page but never works with 'tier' price.
You might find it easier to use a configurable product for this, assuming you don't have a huge range of weights and products
Otherwise maybe look at overwriting the
getFinalPrice() method in the Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type_Price model.

magento - product model and product_collection items have different properties in flat catalog mode

i just know that if i have a product_collection (for example the collection generated in catalog pages)
//event catalog_product_collecion_after_load
$productCollection = $observer->getEvent()->getCollection();
if i take an item from this collection and i compare it with the relative model
$_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($item->getEntityId());
this 2 instace of the same entity have different properties!
I'm working in flat catalog mode.
Why the collection's items are not the same of product models?
I would to know if this is the right behaviour and if is it how to have same properties in both object!
sorry, but magento is very dark :(
Because Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($item->getEntityId()); loads all attributes for the product and the collection loads only specified attributes different from situation. You may find (CTRL+F) at app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/etc/config.xml something like attributes then you will see the list of all default loaded attributes for product collection. Also you able to change them in your module or directly in Catalog config.xml. But it's not the best idea to change something at app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/etc/config.xml except for debug
For the catalog_product_collection with flat_mode is more complicated add an attribute to the item's collection.
The attributes that are in product items are the join between catalog_product_flat table and the EAV attribute for product entity.
So, in product model from:
collection we have the attributes joined between catalog_product_flat table and the EAV attribute
getModel('catalog/product') we have all EAV attributes
Over these attributes we will certainly have other attributes, i think added in other point.
Now, which attributes are in catalog_product_flat?
Simple are the attributes you checked as "Used in Product Listing" in magento manage attributes! :)
But in some attributes you can't change this option, depends by kind of type you have select. Atribute type Image hasn't "Used in Product Listing" flag, so you have to modify catalog_eav_attribute if you want the new image in product listing.
Well, i spent 2 days to know this, i hope it will useful for other unlucky magento developer. :)
Magento version 1.5
