How to set up Dreamweaver to use CodeIgniter? - codeigniter

I am using dreamweaver cs5 and xampp. I created a folder name CI in htdoc, where all my codeigniter files and folders are , i.e application, system , user_guide, license.txt, index.php and .htaccess(which is blank).
My dreamweaver set up is :
Site Name: codeIgniter Local Site Folder: C:\xampp\htdocs\CI
ServerName: codeIgniter Connect using: Local/Network
Server Folder: c:\xampp\htdocs\CI\ Web URL: http://localhost/site/
and i unticked remote server and ticked testing server.
My codeigniter set up is:
$config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/site/';
$autoload['libraries'] = array('database');
and created site.php in the controller.
Error i am getting in dreamweaver is :
Dynamically-related files could not be resolved because the site defination is not
correct for this server.Retry|Setup.
Also when i am trying to view it as Live View or in browser it is taking me to
localhost/site/application/controllers/site.php , which saying object not found
But everything is fine using notepad++ though and i can see nothing is wrong in setting up codeigniter

Your weburl must match your site root, change your weburl and $config['base_url'] to http://localhost/CI/ and also check that your server model is set to php/mysql.


move codeigniter project from localhost to live server

Trying to move the codeigniter project from laptop server to live server. Uploaded the files in Public_HTML and I modified the config.php, base_url, .htaccess as needed and also upgrade the Database... when i run project default controller called correctly when other controller can not call this message show 404 Page Not Found. config.php and .htaccess files update as correct information. This same project run successfully on Local or Desktop server but produce Error on live server 404 Page Not Found home controller (default controller) call but other controller not call.
What is your server? And whats your configuration file?
Make sure you enable mod rewite if you are using apache
a2enmod rewrite
Have you removed index.php from url? Try to access another controller like this.

What is url in ajax

I am developing a cross platform application using cordova. I have to send data from a form in app to a database which is on the on a local server created using XAMPP. MY .php file is in htdocs in xampp. I have tried many different things but nothing worked, the problem seems to be with ajax url. What value is given in ajax url. Now, my database is on my laptop using xampp server.
You should give webserver ip adresse and path to you'r PHP file.
Don't forget you will test from an Android or IOS apps and so there havent access to localhost.
So if you'r PHP file path is : localhost/hello.php you have to check you'r ip adress (cmd -> ipconfig) and then use this url on you'r ajax request : 192.168.XXX.XXX/hello.php

How to change base_url() path from localhost to hosted site?

I have hosted CodeIgniter project in hostgator. In localhost project was working fine and I took that project and hosted in my domain and there I have set
base_url like this:
$config['base_url'] = '';
But it is not working in server.
go to your config.php file and set your base_url there and make sure your model first letter is capitalized and dont forget to autoload your model or manually load it. if still not working try the link below
try this link and see if this would help you.

Trouble accessing a custom form on magento(multiple website) from url

I created a custom web form for a magento website, on a local server which has only one website setup, i could access the form using the URL but when i upload the module to the server which has multiple website setup, i cannot access the form using the URl ,
for e.g on my local server i could access the form as
but when i upload the module e.g on the server(it has multiple website setup, more than 50 sites ) i could not access the form (gives me a 404 error)
how would i access the module, how would i find out about the url to access the form.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanking you in advance.
1) clean cache to make sure that module installed (check it in admin or database)
2) check that url rewrites enabled and works (can you access some category or product page without index.php ?)
If your default URL is then to access multiple sub domain you should enable from your domain panel by providing host stetting
Hostname=*, address=, Record Type=A(address)
Also, on your server add sub domain
It will create dev folder in the public_html folder in file manager.
You should copy index.php and .htaccess file in that follows the magento multiple web site steps see the link

Codeigniter in shared ssl

I am not able to get codeigniter to work on my shared ssl url.
for example, on
i get a 404 error
aaa is just a demo controller that should echo test
only the homepage - with no controller in the url - works
btw, i am using .htaccess
It looks like your provider is disabling .htaccess for the https server.
I am able to see your website here:
But it won't work here:
My guess is that their setup allows or disallows .htaccess based on the virtual domain, and since you are not using your virtual domain, it is being disabled. You should contact your hosting provider and see if they know or can provide more information.
You can also double check your .htaccess file, in case there is something about it specifying the virtual domain.
Also, as an FYI, you are going to have to modify your CodeIgniter configuration so that it dynamically the full path and turns on or off the index.php part of your URL based on whether or not the user is arriving via HTTPS:
$is_https = !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']);
$config['base_url'] = $is_https ?
'' :
$config['index_page'] = $is_https ? 'index.php' : '';
This should toggle the modes as necessary.
