Facebook tests users with user to user requests - ruby

I asked this question last week but only got 8 views.
A part of the application I'm working on requires creating a ton of user-to-user requests and validating they all get processed correctly in the application. This requires countless hours of QA work and could be automated with a simple script like
users_api = Koala::Facebook::TestUsers.new(config)
users = test_users.create_network(10, true, "email,user_likes,publish_actions")
users.permutations(2) do |u1, u2|
graph = Koala::Facebook::API.new(u1['access_token'])
requests_types.each do |req|
graph # .user_to_user_request(u2, req) Oh noes I can't do this part
Everything I've seen points to the fact that it's impossible to create user-to-user requests in a script, even for test users. Is there any other (automated) way to do this?
What I'm trying to find is a way to create user-to-user requests. The validation would still be manual by the QA team. The problem we're facing is that they need to create 90 requests and make sure they didn't skip a single one, then validate the data.

Solution to this is tricky one. You probably have two solutions, depending on what you need.
First one is to manually provide access tokens for tests. That would require creating several fictional users or gathering access tokens from friends via Api Explorer. This is of course very inconvenient, but probably needed for second idea so I'm mentioning it. The question is how much users will you need to test? In most situations 3-4 users should be enough to provide test case.
Second idea will require actually running tests suite once using first idea and recording results using gems like webmock or fakeweb. This will allow you to remember what API response will serve and using it in later tests without need to regenerate tokens. This should also speed up your tests significantly as will avoid waiting for each request from FB API.


Reuse Cucumber steps across features files in Cypress

Is there a way to reuse steps in our features from "other" step files?
I.e. I have a project with login page, and topbar that I want to test after login:
Got LoginPage.feature and LoginPage.js step file, everything works fine, all tests run correctly.
I would like reuse steps “Given user open TestPage login page” and “When user login using valid credentials” from LoginPage.js in TopBarCmp.feature:
But it always ends with error:
Long time ago I used Specflow(Cucumber for .net) and it was normal to ruse steps with same singatures across all features.
What is correct way of handling that kind of situations, where we would like to use some part that was already automated?
Looks like you can put them either on cypress/integration/common or in cypress/support/step_definitions and they will be available to share across features
this article explains it better https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/part-2-hands-on-test-automation-project-cypress-reis-fernandes

cy.visit() failed because while attempting to visit a second unique domain/location/url in a single test case

I need to navigate two different urls in a single Test but when am navigating second one , it giving me error
1.FirstUrl- "https://app.ca-test.com/Public/Login?ReturnUrl=%2F"
2.SecondUrl -"https://www.mailinator.com/"(location and origin is change)
"cy.visit() failed because you are attempting to visit a URL that is of a different origin."
I used cy.request() also but didn't work
so how can we do this??
But i have to navigate two urls in single test, and can not divide test case. This is my TestCase
Cypress is preventing going cross origin since always forever. This was kinda covered in this question, but only kinda.
To sum up:
Different domains in one test are not officially supported, at least not yet. There is a whole section regarding this in the Cypress documentation
There is a feature request on their board to support more than
one, but I don't see it being implemented anytime soon, there are some workarounds posted in that ticket, maybe one of them will work for you.
You could disable chrome cross-origin security by adding chromeWebSecurity: false to the cypress.json config file
If you want to use Mailinator to check/send emails, why do you have to visit the site? Just use their API and cy.request()
Never link your test environment directly here.

Rerun Postman Test without re-submiting the API Request

Is it possible to rerun the tests created in the post response test without
resubmitting the request?
For example you submit an API request in Postman, then it comes back with
some data.
I want to just re-run the scripts against this data.
Could be really useful in debugging these post-response scripts.
I want to rerun Tests in area 1 without hitting the Send button
(area 2). That way I can test the javascript correctness of my Test scripts without having to wait for server responses.
You can use https://postman-echo.com/post and their API will echo the request you send. So basically you create the actual request once and then use the result in the ECHO call to do the development.
More info here:
I'm afraid there is no better way at the moment.
I was looking for the same thing and came across this tip on the PostMan Community.
Basically you:
Make your request
Save your response as an example
Create a PostMan mock from that response
Rerun and build up your test against the mock (and any variants, like failure cases)
Run against the original and verify everything is good.
While this workaround helps get the job done, I do wish that they could just make it so that you could hold the original state of the response and the env, run your tests, reset to the original state, rerun your tests and tweak until it all works.
You can write test entire test or the part you want to execute twice in a function and call that function 2 times, that the easy and low effort and maintenance way I am looking

Is this issue due to bots?

In our MVC website log I can see lot of errors with message "A public action method was not found". Requests are coming with junk action method name.
For example if I have action name "GetProducts" then requests are coming with actiona name as "GetProducts AND 1=1" , "GetProducts;id'" , "GetProductswhscheck".
is this because of internet bots are trying to access my website with junk values?
It may be bots, it may be script kiddies, or it may be crackers. Either way - somebody is trying to find vulnerabilities on your site.
Let's look at the first one:
GetProducts AND 1=1"
This looks like an attempt at SQL Injection. There was probably a longer query after the "1=1", trying to get information out of your database - like usernames, e-mail addresses, and so on.
To defend yourself, make sure your queries are parameterized. You may also want to add some form of rate-limiting on your system; if possible, see if you can add captchas.
You may also want to look at this answer on Information Security Stack Exchange, and the OWASP top 10 security vulnerabilities.
Do this as soon as possible, because somebody's trying to break in to your system.

Automated spider test

I'm looking to add a very simple layer of automated integration testing to our current Continuous Integration setup. (CI currently only checks for build breaks).
Is there a product that will:
From a base URL, spider a site &
report back any 404/500 error codes?
Allow me to add a step to logon, to
be able to spider the authorized
Bonuses / would-be-nice:
Report JS errors
Report 404s linked from CSS
I've had a quick look at SilkTest & Selenium, and they don't seem to feature quite such a site-agnostic approach. (The logon step is obviously something they can do...)
We're simply wanting to cull out the simplest/dumbest of regression errors, and we have an absolute minimum of time to implement such an automated check - hence the spidering. Ideally the solution can be run on the command line, and output its results in something I can parse into TeamCity (continuous integration package).
Much appreciated.
Here is a list of utilities to look at.
SilkTest should be able to handle your use case, you'll need to write a script that navigates through your page, depending on the complexity of your page, a simple recursive descent might be sufficient. If it gets more complex, you might need some sort of already visited URLs to avoid infinite loops.
As for the results, if you use either Silk4J or Silk4Net which both use xUnit runners to drive the tests, I assume you should be able to get the results into TeamCity.
