Simplest way to solve a maze without mutability - algorithm

After learning some Scala and the benefits of FP, I am reimplementing some of my previous CS assignments to better understand FP. However, I got to one assignment that seems impractical to implement with FP (or at least trivially translate).
When solving a simple 2D maze it is necessary to remember which nodes have been visited. However, without shared state, how can each recursive call know what nodes the other recursive calls have examined? I could pass the maze as a parameter to each recursive call and return a new maze containing the places visited, but that seems too computationally intensive to copy an entire maze each recursive call. Would a more advanced approach be required to implement an immutable maze solver?

You can pass around a set containing the visited nodes (or their ids/names if nodes themselves are comparable for equality in your setup). Adding items to an immutable set generally takes O(log n), so does checking whether an element is contained in the set. So that's significantly cheaper than copying the maze.

Perhaps you noticed that my earlier answer was deleted. Although I was poking fun, by suggesting only that the "computer display in red all the dead-ends and in green the path that connects the entrance to the exit," at the same time, it was a metaphor for what I understand of the functional paradigm - a kind of encompassing precomputed certainty. Given my limited understanding and knowledge, I worked on an example in Haskell that avoids a recursive depth search, computing paths for a 4x5 maze, given an array where each cell in the maze (i.e., each array element) contains only the indexes of the cells it can connect to; and -1 for the entrance, -2 for the exit. (You can see an outline of the maze at the top of the code section.) I know, more experienced programmers could do much more and better. Please let me know if this seems to fit in with the spirit of this question (and thank you, Andrew, for the interesting challenge/direction).
{-M A Z E-}
[E]=[ ]=[ ]=[ ]
[ ]=[ ]=[ ]=[ ]
| |
[ ] [ ]=[ ] [ ]
| | |
[ ] [ ]=[ ]=[ ]
| |
[ ]=[ ]=[ ]=[E]
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
--Each element in the maze lists the indexes of connected cells, '-1' for entrance, '-2' for exit
maze = [[-1,1], [0,2,5], [1,3], [2],
[5], [4,6,1,9], [5,7], [6,11],
[12], [5,13,10], [9], [7,15],
[8,16], [14,9,17], [13,15], [14,11],
[12,17], [13,16,18], [17,19], [18,-2]]
maze' = [[-1,1], [0,2], [1,3], [2,7],
[8,5], [4,6], [5,7], [3,6],
[4,9], [8,10], [9,11], [10,15],
[16,13], [12,14], [13,15], [11,14],
[12,17], [16,18], [17,19], [18,-2]]
index a = fromJust $ elemIndex a maze
indexes a = map (index) a
areConnected index_a index_b = elem index_a (maze !! index_b)
isStart a --(a :: cell)
| elem (-1) a = True
| otherwise = False
isEnd a --(a :: cell)
| elem (-2) a = True
| otherwise = False
hasStart a --(a :: [cell])
| isStart (head a) = True
| otherwise = False
hasEnd a --(a :: [cell])
| isEnd (last a) = True
| otherwise = False
isSequenced (w:x:xs) (y:z:zs) --includes possibility of overlap since we do not know how many cells comprise the solution
| areConnected (index $ last xs) (index y)
|| last xs == y
|| let (b:c:cs) = reverse (w:x:xs) in [c,b] == [y,z] = True
| otherwise = False
removeBacktracks (x:xs)
| (x:xs) == [] = []
| xs == [] = [x]
| x == head xs = removeBacktracks xs
| length xs > 1 && x == let (y:ys) = xs in head ys = removeBacktracks (tail xs)
| otherwise = x : removeBacktracks xs
--list dead ends
dead_ends = filter (\x -> length x==1 && find (==(-1)) x == Nothing) maze
dead_ends_indexes = map (index) dead_ends
connectedToDeadEnd (x:xs)
| x `elem` dead_ends_indexes = True
| not (x `elem` dead_ends_indexes) && xs == [] = False
| otherwise = connectedToDeadEnd xs
--list first from dead ends
first_from_dead_ends = filter (\x -> length x==2 && find (==(-1)) x == Nothing && connectedToDeadEnd x) maze
--create sequences
filtered = [l | l <- maze, not (elem l dead_ends) && not (elem l first_from_dead_ends)]
sequences_3 = [[a,b,c] | a <- filtered, not (isEnd a),
b <- filtered, not (isEnd b || isStart b), areConnected (index a) (index b),
c <- filtered, not (isStart c), a /= c, areConnected (index b) (index c)]
sequences_4 = [a ++ [b] | a <- sequences_3, not (hasEnd a), b <- filtered,
last a /= b, areConnected (index $last a) (index b)]
paths = take 1 [indexes $ concat [a, b, c, d, e] | a <- sequences, hasStart a,
b <- sequences, not (hasStart b || hasEnd b),
isSequenced a b,
c <- sequences, b /= c, not (hasStart c || hasEnd c),
isSequenced b c,
d <- sequences, c /= d, not (hasStart d || hasEnd d),
isSequenced c d,
e <- sequences, hasEnd e,
isSequenced d e]
where sequences
| length filtered < 16 = sequences_3
| otherwise = sequences_4
path = removeBacktracks $ head paths
main = print path
--outputs: [0,1,5,9,13,17,18,19]


highest product of 3 implementation in haskell

I'd like the algorithm for highest product of 3 problem implemented in haskell. Here's the problem statement:
Given an array of integers, find the highest product you can get from
three of the integers.
For example given [1, 2, 3, 4], the algorithm should return 24. And given [-10, -10, 5, 1, 6], the highest product of 3 would be 600 = -10*-10*6.
My attempt (assumed no negatives for the first try):
sol2' a b c [] = a*b*c
sol2' a b c (x:xs) = sol2' a' b' c' xs
a' = if (x > a) then x else a
b' = if (x > a && a > b) then a else b
c' = if (x > a && a > b && b > c) then b else c
sol2 li = sol2' a b c li
where a = 0
b = 0
c = 0
I tested the implementation with [3, 5, 1, 2, 4, 10, 0, 4, 8, 11] but the return value is 550, which is supposed to be 880.
Positive numbers
You are on the right track in the sense that you look for the highest numbers. The problem is however that a, b and c are not always ordered.
Indeed say for instance that we have the numbers [6,2,4]. Then the way (a,b,c) will evolve through the recursion is:
(0,0,0) -> (6,0,0) -> (2,6,0) -> (4,2,6)
But now a=4, so that means that if we now encounter 3, we will not replace that value, whereas we can do this since we can remove the 2.
Although there are many ways to solve this, probably the best way to do this is to maintain order: ensure that a <= b <= c.
So we can use:
sol1 = sol2' (0,0,0)
sol2' (a,b,c) [] = a*b*c
sol2' t#(a,b,c) (x:xs) = sol2' f xs
where f | x >= c = (b,c,x)
| x >= b = (b,x,c)
| x > a = (x,b,c)
| otherwise = t
this produces the expected:
Prelude> sol1 [1,2,3,4]
Prelude> sol1 [3, 5, 1, 2, 4, 10, 0, 4, 8, 11]
Intermezzo: keep track of numbers if negative are present
Your program first takes (0,0,0) as the first three values. But in case for instance the list contains only negative numbers (i.e. [-1,-2,-3]) we of course want to keep track of these first. We can do this for instance by initializing our tuple with elements from the list:
import Data.List(sort)
sol1 (xa:xb:xc:xs) = sol2' (a,b,c) xs
where [a,b,c] = sort [xa,xb,xc]
So now we take the first three elements, sort these, and use these as the first tuple. The remaining of the list is processed. This function will error in case sol1 is not given a list with at least three elements, but in that case there probably is no answer. We can use a Maybe to handle the fact that the function is non-total.
all numbers
Of course we also want to deal with negative numbers. Multiplying two negative numbers results in a positive number. So by keeping track of the two smallest numbers as well, we can then do the math properly. So first we will use another argument (d,e) to keep track of the smallest numbers with d <= e:
sol1_all = sol2_all' (0,0,0) (0,0)
sol2_all' (a,b,c) (d,e) [] = -- ...
sol2_all' t#(a,b,c) u#(d,e) (x:xs) = sol2_all' f g xs
where f | x >= c = (b,c,x)
| x >= b = (b,x,c)
| x > a = (x,b,c)
| otherwise = t
g | x <= d = (x,d)
| x <= e = (d,x)
| otherwise = u
So now we have obtained the greatest numbers (a,b,c) and the smallest numbers (d,e). If d and e are indeed negative, then the only way to produce a large . So now we have the following possibilities to consider a*b*c and c*d*e. So we can write it as:
sol2_all' (a,b,c) (d,e) [] = max (a*b*c) (c*d*e)
sol2_all' t#(a,b,c) u#(d,e) (x:xs) = sol2_all' f g xs
where f | x >= c = (b,c,x)
| x >= b = (b,x,c)
| x > a = (x,b,c)
| otherwise = t
g | x <= d = (x,d)
| x <= e = (d,x)
| otherwise = u
Note however that this will not always produce the correct result here because we can count two numbers in both tuples. We can solve this by properly initializing the tuples:
import Data.List(sort)
sol1_all (xa:xb:xc:xs) = sol2_all' (a,b,c) (a,b) xs
where [a,b,c] = sort [xa,xb,xc]
sol2_all' (a,b,c) (d,e) [] = max (a*b*c) (c*d*e)
sol2_all' t#(a,b,c) u#(d,e) (x:xs) = sol2_all' f g xs
where f | x >= c = (b,c,x)
| x >= b = (b,x,c)
| x > a = (x,b,c)
| otherwise = t
g | x <= d = (x,d)
| x <= e = (d,x)
| otherwise = u
Rationale behind picking different (possibly equivalent) elements
How do we know that we will not use an element twice? Since we only use a*b*c or c*d*e this will - in the case of a list with three element - boils down to max(a*b*c,a*b*c) (a, b, and c here the result of sort). So uniqueness is guaranteed. Since we will only add elements in the first tuple if these are at least greater than a, and less than b, we know that in order for an x to be added in both tuples, it should be a <= x <= b. In that case we will obtain tuples (x,b,c) and (a,x). But since we evaluate in that case x*b*c and a*x*c, x will thus not occur in any expression twice.
Leetcode challenge
I submitted a Python version of this code to the Leetcode Challenge and it was accepted:
class Solution:
def maximumProduct(self, nums):
a,b,c = d,e,_ = sorted(nums[:3])
for x in nums[3:]:
if x >= c:
a,b,c = b,c,x
elif x >= b:
a,b = b,x
elif x >= a:
a = x
if x <= d:
d,e = x,d
elif x < e:
e = x
return max(a*b*c,c*d*e)
There are somewhat more efficient solutions, but I would lean toward something more straightforward like:
import Data.List (subsequences)
f :: (Num a, Ord a) => [a] -> a
f = maximum . map product . filter ((==3) . length) . subsequences
Thinking about functional algorithms as sequences of transformations on collections makes them much more idiomatic than transforming imperative loops into recursive functions.
Note if you are doing this with really long lists where efficiency is a concern, you can sort the list first, then take the lowest two and the highest three, and the algorithm will still work:
takeFirstLast xs = (take 2 sorted) ++ (drop (length sorted - 3) sorted)
where sorted = sort xs
However, my original way is plenty fast up to lists of size 100 or so, and is a lot easier to understand. I don't believe in sacrificing readability for speed until I'm told it's an actual requirement.

Haskell: shared letters between two words

I just started learning Haskell. I am trying to get the list of all common letters between two words, for example, for "hello" and "llama" that would be [ 'l', 'l' ], for "happy" and "pay", [ 'a', 'p', 'y' ].
I tried using intersect but I have trouble with duplicates, "happy" and "pay" result in [ 'a', 'p', 'p', 'y' ]. I can't just remove duplicates cause they can exist, as in the first example.
I would be grateful for any suggestions. Thanks!
You can use the multiset package:
Data.MultiSet> fromList "hello" `intersection` fromList "llama"
fromOccurList [('l',2)]
Data.MultiSet> fromList "happy" `intersection` fromList "pay"
fromOccurList [('a',1),('p',1),('y',1)]
The data-ordlist package also offers this functionality:
Data.List Data.List.Ordered> sort "hello" `isect` sort "llama"
Data.List Data.List.Ordered> sort "happy" `isect` sort "pay"
Here's a nice technique that's worth learning. Suppose you have two sorted lists:
and you want to merge them together into a single sorted list. In Haskell, there's a very elegant way to write this algorithm using pattern matching and guards:
merge (x:xs) (y:ys) | x < y = x : merge xs (y:ys)
| otherwise = y : merge (x:xs) ys
merge xs [] = xs
merge [] ys = ys
so that:
> merge [1,1,5,10,15,15,18] [2,5,8,10,15,20]
In a nutshell, when both lists are non-empty, it compares the heads of both lists and outputs the smallest head; then it uses recursion to output "the rest".
It could also have been written with the three cases (less, greater, and equal) all made explicit:
merge (x:xs) (y:ys) | x < y = x : merge xs (y:ys)
| x > y = y : merge (x:xs) ys
| otherwise = y : merge (x:xs) ys
merge xs [] = xs
merge [] ys = ys
and this general template can be used to implement a number of interesting algorithms on sorted lists. Here's one that removes common elements, for example:
uncommon (x:xs) (y:ys) | x < y = x : uncommon xs (y:ys)
| x > y = y : uncommon (x:xs) ys
| otherwise = uncommon xs ys
uncommon xs [] = xs
uncommon [] ys = ys
so that:
> uncommon [1,1,5,10,15,15,18] [2,5,8,10,15,20]
You might want to try modifying the uncommon function to create a diff function that outputs the result of removing the elements of the second list from the first. It will require modifying one of the first three guarded cases, and you'll also need to adjust one of the two "empty list" pattern matches:
> diff [1,1,5,10,15,15,18] [2,5,8,10,15,20]
Once you've figured this out, you'll find it easy to create a common function that outputs the shared elements of the two sorted lists to give:
> common [1,1,5,10,15,15,18] [2,5,8,10,15,20]
Since strings are just lists of characters, this would work for your problem, too, using sort from Data.List to pre-sort the lists:
> import Data.List
> common (sort "hello") (sort "llama")
> common (sort "happy") (sort "pay")
I think this is an ideal case to use Data.Map. I would implement this as follows;
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as M
sharedLetters :: String -> String -> String
sharedLetters s1 s2 = let cm = foldr (checkMap (\(x,y) -> (x,y+1))) charMap s2
where checkMap f c m = if M.member c m then M.adjust f c m
else M.insert c (f (0,0)) m
charMap = foldr (checkMap (\(x,y) -> (x+1,y))) M.empty s1
in M.foldlWithKey (\r k (v1,v2) -> r ++ replicate (minimum [v1,v2]) k) "" cm
main :: IO String
main = do
putStr "Enter first string :"
s1 <- getLine
putStr "Enter second string :"
s2 <- getLine
return $ sharedLetters s1 s2
Enter first string :happy
Enter second string :pay
Enter first string :pay
Enter second string :happy
Enter first string :hello
Enter second string :llama
Enter first string :llama
Enter second string :hello
How about exploiting the fact that every letter shared between the words (allowing duplicates) shows up as a pair of that letter in the set formed from the union of those words? You can find such pairs efficiently by sorting the union set and picking out duplicates -
let find_dups ([]) = []; find_dups (x:y:xs) | x == y = x:find_dups(xs); find_dups (x:xs) = find_dups(xs)
let common_letters word1 word2 = find_dups (sort (word1 ++ word2))
> common_letters "hello" "fellows"

a haskell function to test if an integer appears after another integer

I'm writing a function called after which takes a list of integers and two integers as parameters. after list num1 num2 should return True if num1 occurs in the list and num2 occurs in list afternum1. (Not necessarily immediately after).
after [] _ _=False
after [x:xs] b c
|x==b && c `elem` xs =True
|x/=b && b `elem` xs && b `elem` xs=True
This is what I have so far,my biggest problem is that I don't know how to force num2 to be after num1.
There's a few different ways to approach this one; while it's tempting to go straight for recursion on this, it's nice to
avoid using recursion explicitly if there's another option.
Here's a simple version using some list utilities. Note that it's a Haskell idiom that the object we're operating over is usually the last argument. In this case switching the arguments lets us write it as a pipeline with it's third argument (the list) passed implicitly:
after :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Bool
after a b = elem b . dropWhile (/= a)
Hopefully this is pretty easy to understand; we drop elements of the list until we hit an a, assuming we find one we check if there's a b in the remaining list. If there was no a, this list is [] and obviously there's no b there, so it returns False as expected.
You haven't specified what happens if 'a' and 'b' are equal, so I'll leave it up to you to adapt it for that case. HINT: add a tail somewhere ;)
Here are a couple of other approaches if you're interested:
This is pretty easily handled using a fold;
We have three states to model. Either we're looking for the first elem, or
we're looking for the second elem, or we've found them (in the right order).
data State =
FindA | FindB | Found
deriving Eq
Then we can 'fold' (aka reduce) the list down to the result of whether it matches or not.
after :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Bool
after a b xs = foldl go FindA xs == Found
go FindA x = if x == a then FindB else FindA
go FindB x = if x == b then Found else FindB
go Found _ = Found
You can also do it recursively if you like:
after :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Bool
after _ _ [] = False
after a b (x:xs)
| x == a = b `elem` xs
| otherwise = after a b xs
You can split it into two parts: the first one will find the first occurrence of num1. After that, you just need to drop all elements before it and just check that num2 is in the remaining part of the list.
There's a standard function elemIndex for the first part. The second one is just elem.
import Data.List (elemIndex)
after xs x y =
case x `elemIndex` xs of
Just i -> y `elem` (drop (i + 1) xs)
Nothing -> False
If you'd like to implement it without elem or elemIndex, you could include a subroutine. Something like:
after xs b c = go xs False
where go (x:xs) bFound
| x == b && not (null xs) = go xs True
| bFound && x == c = True
| null xs = False
| otherwise = go xs bFound

Leftist heap two version create implementation

Recently, I am reading the book Purely-functional-data-structures
when I came to “Exercise 3.2 Define insert directly rather than via a call to merge” for Leftist_tree。I implement a my version insert.
let rec insert x t =
match t with
| E -> T (1, x, E, E)
| T (_, y, left, right ) ->
match ( x y) with
| n when n < 0 -> makeT x left (insert y right)
| 0 -> raise Same_elem
| _ -> makeT y left (insert x right)
Same_elem -> t
And for verifying if it works, I test it and the merge function offered by the book.
let rec merge m n = match (m, n) with
| (h, E) -> h
| (E, h) -> h
| (T (_, x, a1, b1) as h1, (T (_, y, a2, b2) as h2)) ->
if ( x y) < 0
then makeT x a1 (merge b1 h2)
else makeT y a2 (merge b2 h1)
Then I found an interesting thing.
I used a list ["a";"b";"d";"g";"z";"e";"c"] as input to create this tree. And the two results are different.
For merge method I got a tree like this:
and insert method I implemented give me a tree like this :
I think there's some details between the two methods even though I follow the implementation of 'merge' to design the 'insert' version. But then I tried a list inverse ["c";"e";"z";"g";"d";"b";"a"] which gave me two leftist-tree-by-insert tree. That really confused me so much that I don't know if my insert method is wrong or right. So now I have two questions:
if my insert method is wrong?
are leftist-tree-by-merge and leftist-tree-by-insert the same structure? I mean this result give me an illusion like they are equal in one sense.
the whole code
module type Comparable = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module LeftistHeap(Elem:Comparable) = struct
exception Empty
exception Same_elem
type heap = E | T of int * Elem.t * heap * heap
let rank = function
| E -> 0
| T (r ,_ ,_ ,_ ) -> r
let makeT x a b =
if rank a >= rank b
then T(rank b + 1, x, a, b)
else T(rank a + 1, x, b, a)
let rec merge m n = match (m, n) with
| (h, E) -> h
| (E, h) -> h
| (T (_, x, a1, b1) as h1, (T (_, y, a2, b2) as h2)) ->
if ( x y) < 0
then makeT x a1 (merge b1 h2)
else makeT y a2 (merge b2 h1)
let insert_merge x h = merge (T (1, x, E, E)) h
let rec insert x t =
match t with
| E -> T (1, x, E, E)
| T (_, y, left, right ) ->
match ( x y) with
| n when n < 0 -> makeT x left (insert y right)
| 0 -> raise Same_elem
| _ -> makeT y left (insert x right)
Same_elem -> t
let rec creat_l_heap f = function
| [] -> E
| h::t -> (f h (creat_l_heap f t))
let create_merge l = creat_l_heap insert_merge l
let create_insert l = creat_l_heap insert l
module IntLeftTree = LeftistHeap(String);;
open IntLeftTree;;
let l = ["a";"b";"d";"g";"z";"e";"c"];;
let lh = create_merge `enter code here`l;;
let li = create_insert l;;
let h = ["c";"e";"z";"g";"d";"b";"a"];;
let hh = create_merge h;;
let hi = create_insert h;;
16. Oct. 2015 update
by observing the two implementation more precisely, it is easy to find that the difference consisted in merge a base tree T (1, x, E, E) or insert an element x I used graph which can express more clearly.
So i found that my insert version will always use more complexity to finish his work and doesn't utilize the leftist tree's advantage or it always works in the worse situation, even though this tree structure is exactly “leftist”.
and if I changed a little part , the two code will obtain the same result.
let rec insert x t =
match t with
| E -> T (1, x, E, E)
| T (_, y, left, right ) ->
match ( x y) with
| n when n < 0 -> makeT x E t
| 0 -> raise Same_elem
| _ -> makeT y left (insert x right)
Same_elem -> t
So for my first question: I think the answer is not exact. it can truly construct a leftist tree but always work in the bad situation.
and the second question is a little meaningless (I'm not sure). But it is still interesting for this condition. for instance, even though the merge version works more efficiently but for construct a tree from a list without the need for insert order like I mentioned (["a";"b";"d";"g";"z";"e";"c"], ["c";"e";"z";"g";"d";"b";"a"] , if the order isn't important, for me I think they are the same set.) The merge function can't choose the better solution. (I think the the tree's structure of ["a";"b";"d";"g";"z";"e";"c"] is better than ["c";"e";"z";"g";"d";"b";"a"]'s )
so now my question is :
is the tree structure that each sub-right spine is Empty is a good structure?
if yes, can we always construct it in any input order?
A tree with each sub-right spine empty is just a list. As such a simple list is a better structure for a list. The runtime properties will be the same as a list, meaning inserting for example will take O(n) time instead of the desired O(log n) time.
For a tree you usually want a balanced tree, one where all children of a node are ideally the same size. In your code each node has a rank and the goal would be to have the same rank for the left and right side of each node. If you don't have exactly 2^n - 1 entries in the tree this isn't possible and you have to allow some imbalance in the tree. Usually a difference in rank of 1 or 2 is allowed. Insertion should insert the element on the side with smaller rank and removal has to rebalance any node that exceeds the allowed rank difference. This keeps the tree reasonably balanced, ensuring the desired runtime properties are preserved.
Check your text book what difference in rank is allowed in your case.

Writing infinite list to skip every factor of p?

How can I efficiently represent the list [0..] \\ [t+0*p, t+1*p ..]?
I have defined:
Prelude> let factors p t = [t+0*p, t+1*p ..]
I want to efficiently represent an infinite list that is the difference of [0..] and factors p t, but using \\ from Data.List requires too much memory for even medium-sized lists:
Prelude Data.List> [0..10000] \\ (factors 5 0)
<interactive>: out of memory
I know that I can represent the values between t+0*p and t+1*p with:
Prelude> let innerList p1 p2 t = [t+p1+1, t+p1+2 .. t+p2-1]
Prelude> innerList 0 5 0
However, repeatedly calculating and concatenating innerList for increasing intervals seems clumsy.
Can I efficiently represent [0..] \\ (factors p t) without calculating rem or mod for each element?
For the infinite list [0..] \\ [t,t+p..],
yourlist t p = [0..t-1] ++ [i | m <- [0,p..], i <- [t+m+1..t+m+p-1]]
Of course this approach doesn't scale, at all, if you'd want to remove some other factors, like
[0..] \\ [t,t+p..] \\ [s,s+q..] \\ ...
in which case you'll have to remove them in sequence with minus, mentioned in Daniel Fischer's answer. There is no magic bullet here.
But there's also a union, with which the above becomes
[0..] \\ ( [t,t+p..] `union` [s,s+q..] `union` ... )
the advantage is, we can arrange the unions in a tree, and get algorithmic improvement.
You can't use (\\) for that, because
(\\) :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
(\\) = foldl (flip delete)
the list of elements you want to remove is infinite, and a left fold never terminates when the list it folds over is infinite.
If you rather want to use something already written than write it yourself, you can use minus from the data-ordlist package.
The performance should be adequate.
minus :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
minus xxs#(x:xs) yys#(y:ys)
| x < y = x : minus xs yys
| x == y = minus xs ys
| otherwise = minus xss ys
minus xs _ = xs
You can use a list comprehesion with a predicate, using rem:
>>> let t = 0
>>> let p = 5
>>> take 40 $ [ x | x <- [1..], x `rem` p /= t ]
If you want efficiency, why does your solution have to use list comprehension syntax?
Why not something like this?
gen' n i p | i == p = gen' (n + p) 1 p
gen' n i p = (n+i) : gen' n (i+1) p
gen = gen' 0 1
and then do
gen 5
Because you have ascending lists, you can simply lazily merge them:
nums = [1..]
nogos = factors p t
result = merge nums (dropWhile (<head nums) nogos) where
merge (a:as) (b:bs)
| a < b = a : merge as (b:bs)
| a == b = merge as bs
| otherwise = error "should not happen"
Writing this in a general way so that we have a function that builds the difference of two infinite lists, provided only that they are in ascending order, is left as exercise. In the end, the following should be possible
[1..] `infiniteDifference` primes `infiniteDifference` squares
For this, make it a left associative operator.
