How does Inline view differ from Inline table in oracle? - oracle

Could anyone tell the difference between Inline view and Inline table ?
Explanation with SQL code might be good to understand the concept easily.

"this question has been asked to me in an interview."
We hear this a lot. The problem with these type of questions is you're asking the wrong people: you should have have the courage to say to your interviewer, "I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the term 'inline table' could you please explain it?"
Instead you ask us, and the thing is, we don't know what the interview had in mind. I agree with Alex that the nearest thing to 'inline table' is the TABLE() function for querying nested table collections, but it's not a standard term.
I have been on the opposite side of the interviewing table many times. I always give credit to a candidate who asked me to clarify a question; I always mark down a candidate who blusters.

The world is struggling to optimize the database query, so am I. Well if I say I have something which can speed the application by factors to 80%, if used at right situations, what will you say...
Here I give you a problem, suppose you want to calculate the lowest and highest salary across the department with the name of employees with their respective manager.
One way to do it is to create a temp table which contain the aggregated salary for the employees.
create table tmp_emp_sal as select t.emp_id,max(t.sal) as maxsal,min(t.sal) as minsal,avg(t.sal) as avgsal from sal t group by t.emp_id
and then use it in query further.
select concat(e.last_nm, e.first_nm) as employee_name,concat(m.last_nm,m.first_nm) as manager_name,tt.maxsal,tt.minsal,tt.avgsal from emp e,emp m,dept d,tmp_test tt where e.dept_id = d.dept_id and s.emp_id = tt.emp_id and e.mgr_id = m.emp_id order by employee_name, manager_name
Now I will optimize the above code by merging the two DML and DDL operations in to a single DML query.
select concat(e.last_nm, e.first_nm) as employee_name,concat(m.last_nm, m.first_nm) as manager_name,tt.maxsal,tt.minsal,tt.avgsal from emp e,emp m, dept d,(select t.emp_id, max(t.sal) as maxsal, min(t.sal) as minsal, avg(t.sal) as avgsal from sal t group by emp_id) tt where e.dept_id = d.dept_id and s.emp_id = tt.emp_id and e.mgr_id = m.emp_id order by employee_name,manager_name
The above query saves user from the following shortcomings :-
Eliminates expensive DDL statements.
Eliminates a round trip to the database server.
Memory usage is much lighter because it only stores the final result rather than the intermediate steps as well.
So its preferable to use inline views in place of temp tables.


Oracle 11 joining with view has high cost

I'm having some difficulty with joining a view to another table. This is on an Oracle RAC system running 11.2
I'll try and give as much detail as possible without going into specific table structures as my company would not like that.
You all know how this works. "Hey, can you write some really ugly software to implement our crazy ideas?"
The idea of what they wanted me to do was to make a view where the end user wouldn't know if they were going after the new table or the old table so one of the tables is a parameter table that will return "ON" or "OFF" and is used in the case statements.
There are some not too difficult but nested case statements in the select clause
I have a view:
create view my_view as
select t1.a as a, t1.b as b, t1.c as c,
sum(case when t2.a = 'xx' then case when t3.a then ... ,
case when t2.a = 'xx' then case when t3.a then ... ,
from table1 t1
join table t2 on (t1.a = t2.a etc...)
full outer join t3 on (t1.a = t3.a etc...)
full outer join t4 on (t1.a = t4.a etc...)
group by t1.a, t1.b, t2.c, and all the ugly case statements...
Now, when I run the query
select * from my_view where a='xxx' and b='yyy' and c='zzz'
the query runs great and the cost is 10.
However, when I join this view with another table everything falls apart.
select * from my_table mt join my_view mv on (mt.a = mv.a and mt.b=mv.b and mt.c=mv.c) where ..."
everything falls apart with a cost though the roof.
What I think is happening is the predicates are not getting pushed to the view. As such, the view is now doing full tables scans and joining everything to everything and then finally removing all the rows.
Every hint, tweak, or anything I've done doesn't appear to help.
When looking at the plan it looks like it has the predicates.
But this happens after everything is joined.
Sorry if this is cryptic but any help would be greatly appreciated.
Since you have the view with a "GROUP BY", predicates could not be pushed to the inner query
Also, you have the group by functions in a case statement, which could also make it worse for the optimizer
Oracle introduces enhancements to Optimizer every version/release/patch. It is hard to say what is supported in the version you're running. However, you can try:
See if removing the case from the GROUP BY function will make any difference
Otherwise, you have to take the GROUP BY and GROUP BY functions from the view to the outer most query
After many keyboard indentations on my forehead I may have tricked Oracle into pushing the predicates. I don't know exactly why this works but simplifying things may have helped.
I changed all my ON clauses to USING clauses and in this way the column names now match the columns from which I'm joining to. On some other predicates that were constants I added in a where clause to the view.
The end result is I can now join this view with another table and the cost is reasonable and the plan shows that the predicates are being pushed.
Thank you to everybody who looked at this problem.

Use of index in multiple join condition oracle

I have two tables: tableA and tableB
TableA have millions of record and tableB have around 1000 records
Table A {
city, (city is indexed)
Table B {
Now my query is
and A.state=B.state
group by X,Y
This query is running very slow. However when we had join only on city everything was working very quickly.
Now my query is
group by X,Y
So I went to the explain plan and in the first case(slow) the query plan is not using the index whereas in the second case it was using the city index. I tried adding state index in A table which did not help as expected. Also i tried to use the index hint like /*+ INDEX(A,city_idx) */ after select which did not help much. Can you help me out in this case?
Creating indexes for both tables on city and state is likely to help.
Create a composite index on the table A that has all the four columns: city, state, X, Y:
CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (city, state, X, Y);
In this way, your query won't need to access the table A, only the newly created index. Of course, the downside of yet another index -> insert/update/delete in this table will be slower.
TableA have millions of record and tableB have around 1000
In this case using nested loops seems like the most suited access path for the job.
you are requesting a aggregation based on two columns from table A meaning oracle will have to access pretty much all the blocks in the table anyway. In this case creating an index on the big table will be useless. creating an index on the small, inner table of the join, will make sense.
WHERE = and A.state=B.state
Can the same city exist in two states ? sounds unlikely... if a city cannot exists in more then one state then any index on state (in either table) will be redundant.
As #Florin Ghita noted in his comment you can use the hint USE_NL to force oracle to use nested loops but personally, I highly recommend avoiding hints (for so many reasons - mostly maintenance).
my suggestions are
gather stats on both tables to make sure oracle knows the
proportions and have sufficient data to estimate cardinality
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'tableX').
Test the query with parallel execution - parallel is great at
speeding NL between small and big tables by broadcasting the entire
small table to the slave process working the big table chunk (get
even further with compression on the small table).
Cities and states are related but the optimizer does not understand that. Oracle can probably accurately predict each condition separately but not together.
For example, assume that 10% of all states match and 10% of all cities match. When both conditions are present Oracle will estimate 0.1 * 0.1 = 0.01. The real number is probably closer to 0.1. If the city name matches the state name will almost always match.
Adding extended statistics tells Oracle about this column relationship. And these statistics can help any query, not just the current problem query.
v_name varchar2(100);
v_name := dbms_stats.create_extended_stats(user, 'A', '(city, state)');
v_name := dbms_stats.create_extended_stats(user, 'B', '(city, state)');
dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user, 'A');
dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user, 'B');
Without the plans we can't accurately predict whether this will solve the problem or not. But giving the optimizer more accurate information usually helps and almost never hurts.

ORACLE db performance tuning

We are running into performance issue where I need some suggestions ( we are on Oracle 10g R2)
The situation is sth like this
1) It is a legacy system.
2) In some of the tables it holds data for the last 10 years ( means data was never deleted since the first version was rolled out). Now in most of the OLTP tables they are having around 30,000,000 - 40,000,000 rows.
3) Search operations on these tables is taking flat 5-6 minutes of time. ( a simple query like select count(0) from xxxxx where isActive=’Y’ takes around 6 minutes of time.) When we saw the explain plan we found that index scan is happening on isActive column.
4) We have suggested archive and purge of the old data which is not needed and team is working towards it. Even if we delete 5 years of data we are left with around 15,000,000 - 20,000,000 rows in the tables which itself is very huge, so we thought of having table portioning on these tables, but we found that the user can perform search of most of the columns of these tables from UI,so which will defeat the very purpose of table partitioning.
so what are the steps which need to be taken to improve this situation.
First of all: question why you are issuing the query select count(0) from xxxxx where isactive = 'Y' in the first place. Nine out of ten times it is a lazy way to check for existence of a record. If that's the case with you, just replace it with a query that select 1 row (rownum = 1 and a first_rows hint).
The number of rows you mention are nothing to be worried about. If your application doesn't perform well when number of rows grows, then your system is not designed to scale. I'd investigate all queries that take too long using a SQL*Trace or ASH and fix it.
By the way: nothing you mentioned justifies the term legacy, IMHO.
Just a few observations:
I'm guessing that the "isActive" column can have two values - 'Y' and 'N' (or perhaps 'Y', 'N', and NULL - although why in the name of Fred there wouldn't be a NOT NULL constraint on such a column escapes me). If this is the case an index on this column would have very poor selectivity and you might be better off without it. Try dropping the index and re-running your query.
#RobVanWijk's comment about use of SELECT COUNT(*) is excellent. ONLY ask for a row count if you really need to have the count; if you don't need the count, I've found it's faster to do a direct probe (SELECT whatever FROM wherever WHERE somefield = somevalue) with an apprpriate exception handler than it is to do a SELECT COUNT(*). In the case you cited, I think it would be better to do something like
INTO strIsActive
bActive_records_found := TRUE;
bActive_records_found := FALSE;
bActive_records_found := TRUE;
As to partitioning - partitioning can be effective at reducing query times IF the field on which the table is partitioned is used in all queries. For example, if a table is partitioned on the TRANSACTION_DATE variable, then for the partitioning to make a difference all queries against this table would have to have a TRANSACTION_DATE test in the WHERE clause. Otherwise the database will have to search each partition to satisfy the query, so I doubt any improvements would be noted.
Share and enjoy.

Increment Variable/Counter in PL/SQL Select result

A rather silly question. I have a Oracle Db with Products and now read out the first 10 Products.
I now want the following display
1 Product A
2 Product XY
3 Product B
Stupid questions, but how to get the counter in front? I obviously have to increment, but I don't understand how that works. I also thought to work with WITH and tmp table, but can not figure out how that needs to be set up.
I am not very familiar with PL/SQL. Can someone give me a hint? Thanks so much.
ROWNUM is one approach as shown by Bob, but if you are using more complicated queries -- especially if you are ordering the rows explicitly -- it may not give the results you want.
Nowadays, analytic functions are generally a better approach as you have explicit control over the ordering:
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY productname), productname
FROM tableproduct
ORDER BY productname
Note that the ordering of the rows which determines the row numbers is separate from the ordering of the overall result set. In this example I've used the same ordering as that's what you're likely to want, but it's worth noting that this gives you more flexibility.
(And apologies for being a little pedantic, but this has nothing to do with PL/SQL, which is the procedural language embedded in Oracle. This is simply about Oracle's implementation of SQL.)
Use ROWNUM, as in
Share and enjoy.

oracle-inline view

Why inline views are used..??
There are many different reasons for using inline views. Some things can't be done without inline views, for example:
1) Filtering on the results of an analytic function:
select ename from
( select ename, rank() over (order by sal desc) rnk
from emp
where rnk < 4;
2) Using ROWNUM on ordered results:
select ename, ROWNUM from
( select ename
from emp
order by ename
Other times they just make it easier to write the SQL you want to write.
The inline view is a construct in Oracle SQL where you can place a query in the SQL FROM, clause, just as if the query was a table name.
Inline views provide
Bind variables can be introduced inside the statement to limit the data
Better control over the tuning
Visibility into the code
To get top N ordered rows.
SELECT name, salary,
FROM (SELECT name, salary
FROM emp
WHERE rownum <= 10;
An inline view can be regarded as an intermediate result set that contributes to the required data set in some way. Sometimes it is entirely a matter of improving maintainability of the code, and sometimes it is logically neccessary.
From the Oracle Database Concepts document there are the inline view concept definition:
An inline view is not a schema object.
It is a subquery with an alias
(correlation name) that you can use
like a view within a SQL statement.
About the subqueries look in Using Subqueries from the Oracle SQL Reference manual. It have a very nice pedagogic information.
Anyway, today is preferred to use the Subquery Factoring Clause that is a more powerfull way of use inline views.
As an example of all together:
dept_costs AS (
SELECT department_name, SUM(salary) dept_total
FROM employees e, departments d
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id
GROUP BY department_name),
avg_cost AS
SELECT * FROM dept_costs
WHERE dept_total >
(SELECT avg FROM (SELECT SUM(dept_total)/COUNT(*) avg
FROM dept_costs)
ORDER BY department_name;
There you can see one of all:
An inline view query: SELECT SUM...
A correlated subquery: SELECT avg FROM...
A subquery factoring: dept_costs AS (...
What are they used for?:
To avoid creating an intermediate view object: CREATE VIEW ...
To simplify some queries that a view cannot be helpfull. For instance, when the view need to filter from the main query.
You will often use inline views to break your query up into logical parts which helps both readability and makes writing more complex queries a bit easier.
Jva and Tony Andrews provided some good examples of simple cases where this is useful such as Top-N or Pagination queries where you may want to perform a query and order its results before using that as a part of a larger query which in turn might feed a query doing some other processing, where the logic for these individual queries would be difficult to achieve in a single query.
Another case they can be very useful is if you are writing a query that joins various tables together and want to perform aggregation on some of the tables, separating group functions and the processing into different inline views before performing the joins makes managing cardinality a lot easier. If you want some examples, I would be happy to provide them to make it more clear.
Factored subqueries (where you list your queries in the WITH clause at the start of the query) and inline views also often bring performance benefits. If you need to access the results of the subquery multiple times, you only need to run it once and it can be materialized as a Global Temporary Table (how the optimizer acts isn't totally black and white so I won't go into it here but you can do your own research - for example, see
