Traverse a list in Prolog - prolog

I have a problem like this: find all elements in a list such that all element(s) immediately besides it is/are odd numbers.
For example
?- find([20,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10], L).
L = [20, 2, 4, 6]
Normally in other languages I would traverse the list and check the condition, but I don't know how to "think" in Prolog in this scenario. How should I approach this?

visit the list considering the pair of head elements:
find([A,B|R], [A|T]) :-
... etc etc
You'll need to add obviously the base recursion case and the case when A must be discarded.

EDIT: a better solution based on CapelliCs suggestion (this uses the isodd predicate from below):
% if N0 and N2 are odd, cut, add N1 to the result and recurse
ff([N0,N1,N2|T], [N1|R]) :- isodd(N0), isodd(N2), !, ff([N1,N2|T], R).
% for any other case where the list has at least three members, cut and recurse
ff([_,N1,N2|T], R) :- !, ff([N1,N2|T], R).
% this is reached if the list has less that three members - we're done
ff(_, []).
% append and prepend '1' to the list to deal with the edges, call ff.
find(L, R) :- append(L, [1], L1), ff([1|L], R).
My old solution which keept track of the two previous values with extra arguments:
% isodd(+N)
% helper predicate that succeds for odd numbers.
isodd(N) :- mod(N, 2) =:= 1.
% find(+I, +N1, +N2, +R, -L)
% find/5 is the predicate doing the actual work.
% I is the input list, N1 and N2 are the numbers before the current one,
% R is the intermediate result list and L the result.
% we're done if the input list is empty
find([], _, _, R, R) :- !.
% check if N0 and N2 are odd to see if N1 should be appended to the list.
% if yes, do a cut, append N1 to the result and recurse.
find([N0|T], N1, N2, R, L) :-
isodd(N0), isodd(N2), !,
append(R, [N1], R1), find(T, N0, N1, R1, L).
% if N0 and N2 are not odd (and thus the cut in the previous clause isn't
% reached) just continue the recursion.
find([N0|T], N1, _, R, L) :- find(T, N0, N1, R, L).
% find(+I, -L)
% this predicate is the entry point - initialize the result list and the first
% values for N1 and N2, and append 1 to the input list so we don't need an extra
% predicate for dealing with the last item.
find(I, L) :- append(I, [1], I1), find(I1, 1, 0, [], L).


Fill a list with N characters at the end of it Prolog

I need to fill a list with N characters at the end of it in Prolog.
Without libraries or maplist,findall commands.
I tried this code which was creating recursively more lists with "e" characters at the end but I needed one list.
N2 is E_size_loop-1,
and this one was erasing my previous list and replacing it with my desired number of e characters
N2 is E_size_loop-1,
append_e(Xs, N, Ys) :-
length(Es, N),
maplist(=(e), Es),
append(Xs, Es, Ys).
length and maplist can be combined into one definition:
append_e(Xs, N, Ys) :-
n_es(N, Es),
append(Xs, Es, Ys).
n_es(N, Es) :-
length(Es, N),
maplist(=(e), Es).
which in turn might be defined manually for the case that N is instantiated
n_es(N0, [e|Es]) :-
N0 > 0,
N1 is N0-1,
n_es(N1, Es).
n_es(0, []).
You need to copy the input list until you reach its end and then add the N copies of the given character:
fill_list([], Character, N, List) :-
fill_with_character(Character, N, List).
fill_list([Head| Tail0], Character, N, [Head| Tail]) :-
fill_list(Tail0, Character, N, Tail).
The fill_with_character/3 predicate can simply do a countdown while copying the character:
fill_with_character(_, 0, []) :- !.
fill_with_character(Character, N, [Character| Tail]) :-
N > 0,
M is N - 1,
fill_with_character(Character, M, Tail).
The cut in the first clause is a green cut that avoids a spurious choice point.
Sample call:
| ?- fill_list([a,b,c], d, 2, L).
L = [a,b,c,d,d]

Separating a list into a list of fixed length sublists

Given a list L, for instance, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] and a number N, for instance 3, I would like to make a predicate that would separate the elements of L into lists of size N.
So, the result will be: [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7]] in our case.
What I have tried:
% List containing the first N elements of given list.
takeN([X|Xs], 0, []) :- !.
takeN([X|Xs], N, [X|Ys]) :- N1 is N-1, takeN(Xs, N1, Ys).
% Given list without the first N elements.
dropN(R, 0, R) :- !.
dropN([X|Xs], N, R) :- N1 is N-1, dropN(Xs, N1, R).
% size of list.
sizeL([], 0) :- !.
sizeL([X|Xs], N) :- sizeL(Xs, N1), N is N1+1.
blockify(R, N, [R|[]]) :- sizeL(R, N1), N1 < N, !.
blockify([X|Xs], N, [Y|Ys]) :- sizeL(R, N1), N1 >= N, takeN([X|Xs], N, Y),
dropN([X|Xs], N, Res), blockify(Res, N, Ys).
It doesn't work (blockify([1,2,3], 2, R) for example returns false, instead of [[1,2], [3]]).
I can't find where I'm mistaken, though. What's wrong with this?
I think you are making thinks a bit overcomplicated. First of all let's exclude the case where we want to blockify/3 the empty list:
Now in the case there are elements in the original list, we simply make use of two accumulators:
- some kind of difference list that stores the running sequence; and
- an accumulator that counts down and look whether we reached zero, in which case we append the running difference list and construct a new one.
So this would be something like:
blockify([H|T],N,R) :-
N1 is N-1,
Now the blockify/5 has some important cases:
we reach the end of the list: in that case we close the difference list and append it to the running R:
we reach the bottom of the current counter, we add the difference list to R and we intialize a new difference list with an updated counter:
blockify([H|T],N,0,D,[],[D|TR]) :-
none of these cases, we simply append the element to the running difference decrement the accumulator and continue:
blockify([H|T],N,M,D,[H|D2],TR) :-
M > 0,
M1 is M-1,
Or putting it all together:
blockify([H|T],N,R) :-
N1 is N-1,
blockify([H|T],N,0,D,[],[D|TR]) :-
blockify([H|T],N,M,D,[H|D2],TR) :-
M > 0,
M1 is M-1,
Since in each recursive call all clauses run in O(1) and we do the recursion O(n) deep with n the number of elements in the original list, this program runs in O(n).
if your Prolog provides length/2, a compact solution could be:
blockify(R, N, [B|Bs]) :-
length(B, N),
append(B, T, R),
!, blockify(T, N, Bs).
blockify(R, _N, [R]).
Let me teach you how to debug a Prolog query:
1) blockify([1,2,3], 2, R)
2) does it match blockify(R, N, [R|[]]) ? oh yes,
it can be bound to blockify([1, 2, 3], 2, [[1, 2, 3]])
3) let's evaluate the body: sizeL(R, N1), N1 < N, !.
Replace R and N, we get: sizeL([1, 2, 3], N1), N1 < 2, !.
4) evaluate sizeL([1, 2, 3], N1): for brevity, since it's a common
list count predicate, the result should be obvious: N1 = 3
5) evaluate N1 < N: 3 < 2 => false
6) since the rest are all , (and operator) a single false
is enough to make the whole body to evaluate to false
7) there you go, the predicate is false
See where your mistake is?

Deleting first N prime numbers from a list (Prolog)

Basically I want to remove the first N numbers from a list, the function that checks whether a number is prime or not seems to work well but the program itself doesn't
For example for input [2,4,5,7,6,9,11] and N = 3 I should get [4, 6, 9, 11] but I get only [4, 6, 9].
divisible(X,Y) :-
0 is X mod Y, !.
divisible(X,Y) :-
X > Y+1,
divisible(X, Y+1).
%isPrime function check whether or not the argument is a prime number
isPrime(2) :- true,!.
isPrime(X) :- X < 2,!,false.
isPrime(X) :- not(divisible(X, 2)).
%delFunction (input_list, N, output_list)
delFunction([H|T], N, [H|Res]):-
not(isPrime(H)), !,
delFunction(T, N, Res).
delFunction([_|T], N, Res):-
N1 is N-1,
delFunction([2,4,5,7,6,9,11],3,X) -> [4,6,9] (which is not the correct answer)
Honestly, I don't know where I went wrong, the implementation idea seems pretty easy and straight forward, so is the code.
Also, when I run it it stops at [4] and I have to keep on clicking next to get me to the end of the execution (thus the result). Any idea how to fix it? I'm thinking maybe I need some cuts but not sure where.
P.S: I'd rather not use built-in functions (if there are any that would help in this scenario)
Fists of all, instead of
you should write
because when the input list (the left one) is empty, you have to construct the base for the output list: an empty list; with delFunction([], _, _) you don't unify the output list with the empty list so the result end with an not unified variable.
Second. Instead of
you should write
The problem is the same: when number is zero you can "copy" the input in the output; that is, you can unify they; that is delFunction(L,0,L). With delFunction(_,0,_) you don't unify and the result ends with a not unified variable.
Third. In the is-prime clause
delFunction([_|T], N, Res):-
N1 is N-1,
you should check that N is greater than zero
delFunction([_|T], N, Res):-
N > 0,
N1 is N-1,
or, if you prefer, you should add a cut (!) in the zero clause
delFunction(L,0,L) :- !.
Just to avoid that Prolog, via backtracking, can give multiple undesired answers.
--- EDIT ---
As Guy Coder, I avoid cuts like a plague; so I propose the following solution to avoid unwanted repetitions.
delFunction([], _, []).
delFunction([H | T], 0, [H | T]).
delFunction([H | T], N, [H | Res]) :-
N > 0,
delFunction(T, N, Res).
delFunction([H | T], N, Res):-
N > 0,
N1 is N-1,
delFunction(T, N1, Res).

Comparing prolog lists

I'm trying to make a prolog predicate "comprueba(A,B,C,D,E)" that do the next statements:
All arguments are lists.
List D contains only the elements that are on A and B at the same time.
List D elements number of ocurrences must be the same ocurrences in A.
List E contains only the elements of A that are not on C and not on D.
List E elements number of ocurrences must be three times the occurrences in A.
There are no more elements than these in D or E.
The predicate must be true even if the order of D or E differs from A.
So here is my code:
comprueba(A,B,C,D,E) :- lista([A]),
lista([_|T]) :-lista(T).
inter([], _, []).
inter([H1|T1], L2, [H1|Res]) :- memberof(H1, L2), inter(T1, L2, Res).
inter([_|T1], L2, Res) :- inter(T1, L2, Res).
checke2(A,C,D,E) :- subtract(A,D,X), subtract(A,C,Y), inter(X,Y,E).
count(_, [], N) :- N is 0.
count(X, [X|T], N1) :- count(X, T, N2), N1 is N2 + 1.
count(X, [Y|T], N) :- X \= Y, count(X, T, N).
memberof(X, [X|_]).
memberof(X, [_|T]) :- memberof(X,T).
checko([H|T],L1,L2,N) :- count(H,L1,N1), count(H,L2,N2), N3 is N * N2, N1 = N3, checko(T,L1,L2,N).
After doing some testing I'm stucked, because I cannot get it true, if the list are not on the same order, e.g:
17 ?- comprueba([1,2,3,4,2,5,8,9],[2,3,4,7],[1,2,3,8],[2,2,3,4],[5,5,5,9,9,9]).
18 ?- comprueba([1,2,3,4,2,5,8,9],[2,3,4,7],[1,2,3,8],[2,3,4,2],[5,5,5,9,9,9]).
So I really ask you for help to try to solve it, and continue with the next part, with E list.
Thanks you in advance.
sorry if the format is not the properly, it's my first post here :)
You could add a goal that describes D as any permutation of the 4th list (in the below example D2).
comprueba(A,B,C,D,E) :- lista([A]),
If you are not allowed to use permutation/2 from library(lists) permutation could look something like this:
% permutation(List1,List2)
% List2 is a permutation of List1
permutation(Xs,[Z|Zs]) :-
% element(X,List1,List2)
% X is element of List1, List2 = List1 without X
element(X,[Y|Ys],[Y|Zs]) :-
With this additional goal your predicate comprueba/5 works with both of your queries.
?- comprueba([1,2,3,4,2,5,8,9],[2,3,4,7],[1,2,3,8],[2,2,3,4],[5,5,5,9,9,9]).
?- comprueba([1,2,3,4,2,5,8,9],[2,3,4,7],[1,2,3,8],[2,3,4,2],[5,5,5,9,9,9]).

Counting from database

My database consists out of predicates like these:
where the first 2 numbers are points. I have to check wether every point has a even number of roads. I managed to do it with the following code, but somehow I think there's a better way of doing this.
% Count(Element, List, Occurences) => Counts the amount of occurences of Element in the given List
count(_, [], 0).
count(X, [X | T], N) :-
!, count(X, T, N1),
N is N1 + 1.
count(X, [_ | T], N) :-
count(X, T, N).
checkRoad :-
findall(Point,(weg(Point,_,_) ; weg(_,Point,_)),List),
foreach( (member(P,K), count(P, List,N)), N mod 2 =:= 0 ).
I think this approach would have better performance:
findall(Point,(road(Point,_,_) ; road(_,Point,_)),List), % renamed wge/3 with road/3
msort(List, SList),
checkEven(none, SList).
checkEven(_, []).
checkEven(Item, [Item|SList]):-
checkOdd(Item, SList).
checkEven(_, [Item|SList]):-
checkOdd(Item, SList).
checkOdd(Item, [Item|SList]):-
checkEven(Item, SList).
If you first sort all the points then you can just traverse this sorted list once to test whether every point appears in an even number of roads.
