Connecting to Heroku using port 443 - heroku

I'm a university student and all ports except 80, 443 are blocked. I'm able to connect to github via
Port 443
git push heroku master gives me this error:
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
I've tried the solutions posted here on SO but I've still not got it working. Is there a way I can connect to heroku do deploy my websites?
Thanks a lot

Heroku ssh only works over port 22. There is, however, a plugin that lets you push via HTTP. It does not use git, though. Instead, you heroku push.

If your SSH port been blocked and wish to push into heroku using alternate port then you may consider Tunneling.
For tunneling you are required to have additional PC or Server resides outside of blocked network and having access to Port 22.
For the scenario below we can use house PC to tunnel into heroku server. Since the university network only allow Port 80 and 443, we can set the House PC to receive connection via port 443 and tunnel it to port 22.
At House PC:
Configure SSH server in the house PC to run on port 443. Refer here to configure SSH Server on Multiple Ports
University PC:
Configure University PC to resolve git_tunnel alias to point to localhost on port 9001. Edit ~/.ssh/config and add following
# ~/.ssh/config
Host git_tunnel
User git
Port 9001
Add a new remote alias as tunnel which will point to git#git_tunnel:{app name}.git
git remote add tunnel git#git_tunnel:{app name}.git
From the University PC establish tunnel to house PC which listening on port 443.
ssh -L -p 443
Deploy to heroku using alias tunnel created earlier
git push tunnel master


I can't connect a webpage on my ec2

I am building simple webpage.
I could run on my local host.
I made ec2 instance, I opened ports 22, 8000.
I could connect with ssh and run server for webpage,
but I get this error
this is my github address that contain the code.
enter link description here
In your security group rules, open port 80
This is the standard port for http traffic
Other things to check: login to the host with ssh and use netstat |grep LISTEN to see if there is a process listening on port 80

SSH -L connection successful, but localhost port forwarding not working "channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused"

My lab runs RStudio on a server. A couple weeks ago, from my cousin's house, I successfully ssh'd into the server and pulled up the server-side RStudio through my local Firefox browser. Now when I try to access the server RStudio from home (via my own router), it doesn't work. I need help troubleshooting, and I'm guessing it's some problem on the router. I'm running Mac OSX 10.6.8. No idea what the university server's running, but I don't think it's a server-side problem.
Here's how it worked the first time I did it, at my cousin's house: first, I VPN into the university network; then I call SSH with port forwarding; then I open a Firefox browser, connect to my localhost port, and it opens up RStudio on the server side which I can access through my local browser window.
Here's the problem I'm having right now when I try to log-in from my home network:
I can make the VPN connection successfully. I can also set up SSH successfully with this command:
ssh -v -L 8783:localhost:8783
Here are the last several lines of the verbose output from the successful ssh command:
debug1: Authentication succeeded (password).
debug1: Local connections to LOCALHOST:8783 forwarded to remote address localhost:8783
debug1: Local forwarding listening on port 8783.
debug1: channel 0: new [port listener]
debug1: Local forwarding listening on ::1 port 8783.
debug1: channel 1: new [port listener]
debug1: channel 2: new [client-session]
debug1: Entering interactive session.
Last login: Mon Sep 2 04:02:40 2013 from vpnipaddress
So I think I'm still succeeding at the VPN and SSH stage (though I don't know why it says my last login was Sep 2 when I've logged in a few times since then).
Next, I open Firefox, and I type localhost:8783, and instead of getting an RStudio server app through my browser window, I get the following errors:
In the Firefox browser window, it says: Server not found, Firefox can't find the server at, Check the address for typing errors etc.
In the terminal window, it says:
debug1: Connection to port 8783 forwarding to localhost port 8783 requested.
debug1: channel 3: new [direct-tcpip]
channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused
debug1: channel 3: free: direct-tcpip: listening port 8783 for localhost port 8783, connect from port 50420, nchannels 4
I'm not sure what I've got wrong. I haven't changed anything on my laptop since my last successful connection. I'm on my own router (instead of my cousin's), so maybe I need to mess with the firewall? I already allowed ports 22 and 8783 to come through the firewall to my laptop (I'm not even sure I needed to do that though). Help?
ssh -v -L 8783:localhost:8783
channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused
When you connect to port 8783 on your local system, that connection is tunneled through your ssh link to the ssh server on From there, the ssh server makes TCP connection to localhost port 8783 and relays data between the tunneled connection and the connection to target of the tunnel.
The "connection refused" error is coming from the ssh server on when it tries to make the TCP connection to the target of the tunnel. "Connection refused" means that a connection attempt was rejected. The simplest explanation for the rejection is that, on, there's nothing listening for connections on localhost port 8783. In other words, the server software that you were trying to tunnel to isn't running, or else it is running but it's not listening on that port.
Posting this to help someone.
channel 2: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused
debug1: channel 2: free: direct-tcpip:
listening port 8890 for port 8890,
connect from ::1 port 52337 to ::1 port 8890, nchannels 8
My scenario; i had to use the remote server as a bastion host to connect elsewhere. Final Destination/Target:, port 8890. Through intermediary server with public ip:
SSH local port forwarding command:
ssh -i ~/keys/dev.tst -vnNT -L :8890:
What the problem was:
There was no service bound on port 8890 in the target host. i had forgotten to start the service.
How did i trouble shoot:
SSH into bastion host and then do curl.
Hope this helps.
Note: localhost is the hostname for an address using the local (loopback) network interface, and is its IP in the IPv4 network standard (it's ::1 in IPv6). is the IPv4 standard "current network" IP address.
I experienced this error with a Docker setup. I had a Docker container running on an external server, and I'd (correctly) mapped its ports out as By port-forwarding ssh remote -L 9232:, I'd expected to be able to communicate with the remote server's port 9232 as if it were my own local port.
It turned out that the Docker container was internally running its process on rather than, and so even though I'd specified the container's port-mappings correctly, they weren't on the correct interface for being mapped out.
In my case, it worked after running the vncserver on linux.
Entered this on linux command line : sudo ssh -L 5901:localhost:5901 -i <ssh_private_key> <username>#<public-IP-address>
Type there vncserver
Go to VncViewer application and connect using localhost:5901
I used to meet the similar problem because 'localhost' was not available on server when it restarted network service, e.g. 'ifdown -a' but followed by only 'ifup -eo1'. Besides server is not listening to the port, you can also check 'localhost' is available or not.
ps: Post it just hope someone who has the similar problem may benefit.
I had this problem when I wanted to make a vnc connection via a tunnel.
But the vncserver was not running.
I solved it by opening the channel on the remote machine with vncserver :3.
In my case, it worked after checking the correct IP address of the user credentials
previously I was using the wrong IP of the server
ssh -NfL user#ip_address_of_server
after correcting it, works fine.
Encountered with the same error.
In my case, I found the problem was in the config file of jupyter.
Let's say there are 3 computers named A, B, and C, and A can access B but can't access C; B can access C.
To access jupyter-notebook service of C from A, first I established ssh tunnel from A to C through B, then I access jupyter-notebook by typing localhost:port_number, then I got the error.
Finally the problem was solved by writing the "c.NotebookApp.ip = ''" in jupyter-notebook's config file, where '' allows the access of other IPs.
Hope someone in a similar situation may benefit.
I had the same error when I was trying to tunnel my mlflow ui over ssh to view remotely. As mentioned in the first answer, the error arises because nothing on the server is listening for the port. This, for me, is because I forgot to start the mlflow app on my remote machine! So in general – make sure the app you're trying to access remotely is running.
Just replace localhost with
(The answer is based on answers of other people on this page.)
This means the remote vm is not listening to current port i solved this by adding the port in the vm server

How to push to heroku behind a proxy?

I am using git behind a proxy server at my university. While trying to execute
git push heroku master
I get an error
ssh: connect to host port 22: Bad file number
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
I had a similar problem when pushing to git earlier, but that was solved using their smart HTTP. From what I've read so far, it seems to be a network problem. How do I fix this? Is there any way to push to heroku using HTTP? (I'm guessing pushing through SSH is causing this problem and that the port 22 is blocked)
Corkscrew is a tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies
Setting up Corkscrew with SSH/OpenSSH is very simple. Adding
the following line to your ~/.ssh/config file will usually do
the trick (replace and 8080 with correct values):
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/corkscrew 8080 %h %p
Heroku only supports git pushes over SSH (port 22) - it's likely that your university is preventing outbound port 22 access which causes your push to fail.

Connecting to Windows SSH Server

I am a newbie trying out SSH. The scenario is I have 2 machines - Windows 7 PC(Desktop) and a VMWare machine (Windows 7). Cygwin installed on both. I am trying to connect the VMWare machine to the desktop. I have installed the OpenSSH server on Desktop server. I verified it is running, using netstat.
I modified the Windows firewall, by adding to the Inbound Rules to allow connections for port 22.
My problem is I am unable to connect from the VMWare machine.
$ ssh -v user_name#my_machine
OpenSSH_5.5p1, OpenSSL 0.9.8q 2 Dec 2010
debug1: Connecting to my_machine port 22.
debug1: connect to address my_machine port 22: Connection refused
ssh: connect to host my_machine port 22: Connection refused
What am I doing wrong? What are my options to configure? Any links or answers would be helpful.
Thank you.
Open your command prompt and run the following command:
ssh -v Your_User_Name#Your_IP_Address
If response is:
OpenSSH_for_Windows_7.7p1, LibreSSL 2.6.5
debug1: Connecting to Your_IP_Address port 22.
debug1: connect to address Your_IP_Address port 22: Connection refused
ssh: connect to host Your_IP_Address port 22: Connection refused
Then go to the Windows Service called OpenSSH SSH Server is started and running, it is set to manual start as default so it will not be running unless you have started it.
Now run above command again. SSH command will connect to the user.
You should make sure that my_machine allows inbound connection. Check the firewall....
(if you can run this command locally - but not from the other machine it might be that case).
If the ssh server on the Desktop is accessible in the localhost then try this
Desktop <- Desktop Firewall <- VM Firewall <- VM
Try shutting down the firewalls in between one by one to check where the issue starts after then configure accordingly. Remember that the Desktop Firewall rules should be inbound and the VM Firewall is outbound

Cannot connect to svn server (svnserve)

I've set up using many tutorials from the web a repository and svnserve on my mac.
But I cannot access it from the internet.
If I call the following command everything works alright:
svn co svn:// /working_copy/myproject --username me
And If I call the following:
svn co svn://my_external_ip /working_copy/myproject --username me
I get a error: Can't connect to host 'my_external_ip': Connection refused
Of course instead of my_external_ip I type in my external ip address that I got from
I've set up port forwarding on my router for port 3690 to my local ip -
svnserve is running. I launched it with:
svnserve -d
I tried to check if port 3690 is open using and it says that the port is open.
What may be the problem? I'm trying to figure it out for the whole day and can't find the cause.
Thank you in advance.
Where are you when you try the "svn co svn://my_external_ip" command? Chances are that won't work when you're still on your own LAN - cheap NAT routers typically do not forward traffic directed at the public IP coming from the LAN. While you're on your own LAN, you'll need to use the internal IP.
