Using JMX client to connect to the WebSphere JVM - websphere

How I can connect to WebSphere JVM through JMX client? Can JMX client be used to connect to the WebSphere JVM to change logging settings?

Basically you have to use some Websphere-specific jars in order to connect to WAS using a JMX Client.
You may follow this article in order to configure this.


How to log Websphere connection pool information like active connections in spring boot application

We are using Websphere liberty and spring boot (parent) version 2.0.5.
I can find the connection pool information in the JConsole.
How can I print Websphere connection pool information in application logs?
(Read comments of approved answer if using liberty server instead of traditional websphere application server)
IBM support doc at describes how to enable printing of various connection pool stats in the trace log for traditional WAS, for Liberty, you'll use the same trace specification WAS.j2c=all:RRA=all(you don't need Transaction) and put a logging element in your server config file (typically server.xml). See Liberty doc at for more info.

How to make an application like JConsole?

I want to make an application like JConsole. Is it possible? If yes, what are the changes need to done at JVM level? I am planning to use Spring-Boot. As per my knowledge, JMX is enabled by default. Do I need to configure anything extra in my Spring-Boot app in order to access the JMXBeans which are exposed by default?
Here I'm not trying to expose any MBean instead I'm trying to access those beans which are already exposed by JVM. How to achieve it?
JConsole is a JMX compliant monitoring and management application. The architecture is quite simple. It's a client-server architecture. Where the client is the Remote application (Example JConsole or the one that you want to build) and the server is the JMX Agent. In your case, you want to build your own client which is possible.
I want to make an application like JConsole. Is it possible?
Yes, it is possible.
If yes, what are the changes need to done at JVM level?
What do you mean by changes at JVM level? You are simply creating a client application that connects to the server (JMX Agent) using a certain protocol. Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is the protocol used by JConsole for the connection to the JMX Agent. If you want to use RMI for communication, you don't have to do anything on the server side. But if you want to use some other protocol for communication, you can define your own Protocol adapter.
As per my knowledge, JMX is enabled by default.
As of Java SE 6 it is. But you can only monitor it locally. For connection from a remote machine, you need to define an RMI port to start listening for incoming connections.
Here I'm not trying to expose any MBean instead I'm trying to access those beans which are already exposed by JVM. How to achieve it?
Please check out the example from this link - Mimicking Out-of-the-Box Management Using the JMX Remote API. It shows you how to create a simple client application that connects to a remote JMX agent and access the MBeans. This should guide you in the right direction.

How to access mulesoft application metrics using JMX

I want to expose some custom application metrics like how many records processed to JMX in mulesoft flow.
My application is spring boot application.
Any idea on how to achieve this?
Thanks & Regards,
Vikas Gite
Using the Default JMX Support Agent
You can configure several JMX agents simultaneously using the element. When set, this element registers the following agents:
List item
JMX agent
RMI registry agent (if necessary) on rmi://localhost:1099
Remote JMX access on service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/server
(Optional) Log4J JMX agent, which exposes the configuration of the Log4J instance used by Mule for JMX management
JMX notification agent used to receive server notifications using JMX notifications
(Optional) MX4J adapter, which provides web-based JMX management, statistics, and configuration viewing of a Mule instance
Also you can try below which can directly be configured under the MULE's wrapper.conf (under $MULE_HOME/conf/wrapper.conf) to enable JMX connectivity so that we can use tools like JMC (Java Mission Control), VisualVM, JConsole to pull the JMX attribute values from the Mule Server and the deployed applications -<n><n><n><n><n><n>=-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<localhost ip><n>=-Djava.rmi.activation.port=9998
Here should be removed with the next incremental value of the java wrapper value and will be the ip of the the Mule runtime host/server
I hope you are looking for this, if not then please post further queries or clarity so that i will help you out.

Mule application configured with ActiveMQ to be deployed in cloudhub

I have integrated JMS using ActiveMQ in one of my Mule application. I want to deploy it in cloudhub.
Could you please help me for the following queries:
For deploying the application with ActiveMQ configured JMS does it required anything groundwork to be done before deployment? (such as ActiveMQ is to be installed and configured for my CH account?)
For time being I have configured the ActiveMQ which is already installed in OnPremise server and is being used from cloudHub deployed application. Is it a proper or standard way to use externally installed ActiveMQ?
Appreciate the quick and best answer for the above queries.
Thank you,
Best Regards,
you have already installed MQ service on your server side, you can use those credentials to configure your mule MQ adapter through mule properties file same as like you are using with local runtime
CloudHub will connect to your on premise MQ service. Your approach is correct and no any MQ specific groundwork required.

how to get the server display name and process name in Websphere Liberty Profile

In the WebSphere (node) application server, there are the following classes that provide the display name and the process name,
what is the equivalent in WebSphere Liberty Profile
Classes from the WebSphere (traditional) are
I am using Liberty Profile v
You can retrieve server info from the ServerInfoMBean in Liberty as described in this IBM KnowledgeCenter topic. For more info on how to use management mbeans on Liberty, see this topic.
