Functional programming languages with methods, method chaining etc - methods

I've been investigating functional programming, and it occurred to me that there could be a functional language which has (immutable) objects with methods, and which therefore supports method chaining (where chainable methods would return new instances rather than mutating the instance the method is called on and returning it).
This would have readability advantages as...
... is arguably more readable than:
It would also allow you to associate particular functions with particular types of object, by making them methods of those types (which I understand to be one advantage of object-oriented langauges).
Are there any languages which behave like this? Are there any reasons to believe that this would be a bad idea?
(I know that you can program like this in e.g Javascript, but Javascript doesn't enforce immutability.)

yes, for example, F# uses the forward pipe (|>) operator which makes the code very readable. for example,
and so on...

Frege has this, it is known as TDNR (type directed name resolution).
Specifically, if x has type T, and y occurs in the namespace of T, then x.y is the same as (T.y x) which is in plain english y from the name space T applied to x.
Practical applications of this are: convenient syntax for record field access and access to native (i.e. Java, as Frege is compiled to Java) methods.

Scala sounds like a good fit - it's a hybrid functional / object-oriented language.

You don't need objects for that, just define your own reverse apply infix operator, which most functional languages allow you to do. Currying then does the rest. For example, in OCaml:
let (>>) x f = f x
let f x y z = z * (x - y)
let g x = x + 1
let h x y = y * x
5 >> f 6 2 >> g >> h 2 (* = h 2 (g (f 6 2 5)) *)
(Or choose whatever operator name you prefer; others use |> for example.)


How to get result from z3py calculation?

I want to use z3py to illustrate the following genealogy exercise (pa is “parent” and grpa is “grand-parent)
pa(Rob,Kev) ∧ pa(Rob,Sama) ∧ pa(Sama,Tho) ∧ pa(Dor,Jim) ∧ pa(Bor,Jim) ∧ pa(Bor,Eli) ∧ pa(Jim,Tho) ∧ pa(Sama,Samu) ∧ pa(Jim,Samu) ∧ pa(Zel,Max) ∧ pa(Samu,Max)
∀X,Y,Z pa(X,Z) ∧ pa(Z,Y) → grpa(X,Y)
The exercise consists in finding for which value of X one has the following:
∃X grpa(Rob,X) ∧ pa(X,Max)
(The answer being: for X == Samu.) I would like to rewrite this problem in z3py, so I introduce a new sort Hum (for “humans”) and write the following:
import z3
Hum = z3.DeclareSort('Hum')
pa = z3.Function('pa',Hum,Hum,z3.BoolSort())
grpa = z3.Function('grpa',Hum,Hum,z3.BoolSort())
Rob,Kev,Sama,Tho,Dor,Jim,Bor,Eli,Samu,Zel,Max = z3.Consts('Rob Kev Sama Tho Dor Jim Bor Eli Samu Zel Max', Hum)
for i,j in ((Rob,Kev),(Rob,Sama),(Sama,Tho),(Dor,Jim),(Bor,Jim),(Bor,Eli),(Jim,Tho),(Sama,Samu),(Jim,Samu),(Zel,Max),(Samu,Max)):
x,y,z=z3.Consts('x y z',Hum)
The code is accepted by Python and for
I get
Now I know there is a solution. The problem is: how do I get the value of whi?
When I ask for print(s.model()[whi]) I get None. When I ask for s.model().evaluate(whi) I get whi, which is not very helpful.
How can I get the information that whi must be Samu for the last formula to be true?
(Auxiliary question: why is there no difference between constants and variables? I'm a bit puzzled when I define x,y,z as constants although they are variable.
Why can I not write x=Hum('x') to show that x is a variable of sort Hum?)
When you write something like:
X, Y = Const('X Y', Hum)
It does not mean that you are declaring two constants named X and Y of sort Hum. (Yes, this is indeed confusing! Especially if you're coming from a Prolog like background!)
Instead, all it means is that you are saying there are two objects X and Y, which belong to the sort Hum. It does not even mean X and Y are different. They might very well be the same, unless you explicitly state it, like this:
s.assert(z3.Distinct([X, Y]))
This might also explain your confusion regarding constants and variables. In your model, everything is a variable; you haven't declared any constants at all.
Your question about how come whi is not Samu is a little trickier to explain, but it stems from the fact that all you have are variables and no constants at all. Furthermore, whi when used as a quantified variable will never have a value in the model: If you want a value for a variable, it has to be a top-level declared variable with its own assertions. This usually trips people who are new to z3py: When you do quantification over a variable, the top-level declaration is a mere trick just to get a name in the scope, it does not actually relate to the quantified variable. If you find this to be confusing, you're not alone: It's a "hack" that perhaps ended up being more confusing than helpful to newcomers. If you're interested, this is explained in detail here: But I'd recommend just taking it on faith that the bound variable whi and what you declared at the top level as whi are just two different variables. Once you get more familiar with how z3py works, you can look into the details and reasons behind this hack.
Coming back to your modeling question: You really want these constants to be present in your model. In particular, you want to say these are the humans in my universe and nobody else, and they are all distinct. (Kind of like Prolog's closed world assumption.) This sort of thing is done with a so-called enumeration sort in z3py. Here's how I would go about modeling your problem:
from z3 import *
# Declare an enumerated sort. In this declaration we create 'Human' to be a sort with
# only the elements as we list them below. They are guaranteed to be distinct, and further
# any element of this sort is guaranteed to be equal to one of these.
Human, (Rob, Kev, Sama, Tho, Dor, Jim, Bor, Eli, Samu, Zel, Max) \
= EnumSort('Human', ('Rob', 'Kev', 'Sama', 'Tho', 'Dor', 'Jim', 'Bor', 'Eli', 'Samu', 'Zel', 'Max'))
# Uninterpreted functions for parent/grandParent relationship.
parent = Function('parent', Human, Human, BoolSort())
grandParent = Function('grandParent', Human, Human, BoolSort())
s = Solver()
# An axiom about the parent and grandParent functions. Note that the variables
# x, y, and z are merely for the quantification reasons. They don't "live" in the
# same space when you see them at the top level or within a ForAll/Exists call.
x, y, z = Consts('x y z', Human)
s.add(ForAll([x, y, z], Implies(And(parent(x, z), parent(z, y)), grandParent(x, y))))
# Express known parenting facts. Note that unlike Prolog, we have to tell z3 that
# these are the only pairs of "parent"s available.
parents = [ (Rob, Kev), (Rob, Sama), (Sama, Tho), (Dor, Jim) \
, (Bor, Jim), (Bor, Eli), (Jim, Tho), (Sama, Samu) \
, (Jim, Samu), (Zel, Max), (Samu, Max) \
s.add(ForAll([x, y], Implies(parent(x, y), Or([And(x==i, y == j) for (i, j) in parents]))))
# Find what makes Rob-Max belong to the grandParent relationship:
witness = Const('witness', Human)
s.add(grandParent(Rob, Max))
s.add(grandParent(Rob, witness))
s.add(parent(witness, Max))
# Let's see what witness we have:
print s.check()
m = s.model()
print m[witness]
For this, z3 says:
which I believe is what you were trying to achieve.
Note that the Horn-logic of z3 can express such problems in a nicer way. For that see here: It's an extension that z3 supports which isn't available in SMT solvers, making it more suitable for relational programming tasks.
Having said that, while it is indeed possible to express these sorts of relationships using an SMT solver, such problems are really not what SMT solvers are designed for. They are much more suitable for quantifier-free fragments of logics that involve arithmetic, bit-vectors, arrays, uninterpreted-functions, floating-point numbers, etc. It's always fun to try these sorts of problems as a learning exercise, but if this sort of problem is what you really care about, you should really stick to Prolog and its variants which are much more suited for this kind of modeling.

F# discriminated union syntax clarification

I'm reading Expert F# 4.0 and at some point (p.93) the following syntax is introduced for list:
type 'T list =
| ([])
| (::) of 'T * 'T list
Although I understand conceptually what's going on here, I do not understand the syntax. Apparently you can put [] or :: between parentheses and they mean something special.
Other symbols aren't allowed, for example (++) or (||). So what's going on here?
And another thing is the 'operator' nature of (::). Suppose I have the following (weird) type:
type 'T X =
| None
| Some of 'T * 'T X
| (::) of 'T * 'T X
Now I can say:
let x: X<string> = Some ("", None)
but these aren't allowed:
let x: X<string> = :: ("", None)
let x: X<string> = (::) ("", None)
So (::) is actually something completely different than Some, although both are cases in a discriminated union.
Theoretically, F# spec (see section 8.5) says that union case identifiers must be alphanumeric sequences starting with an upper-case letter.
However, this way of defining list cons is an ML idiomatic thing. There would be riots in the streets if we were forced to write Cons (x, Cons(y, Cons (z, Empty))) instead of x :: y :: z :: [].
So an exception was made for just these two identifiers - ([]) and (::). You can use these, but only these two. Besides these two, only capitalized alphanumeric names are allowed.
However, you can define free-standing functions with these funny names:
let (++) a b = a * b
These functions are usually called "operators" and can be called via infix notation:
let x = 5 ++ 6 // x = 30
As opposed to regular functions that only support prefix notation - i.e. f 5 6.
There is a separate quite intricate set of rules about which characters are allowed in operators, which can be only unary, which can be only binary, which can be both, and how they define the resulting operator precedence. See section 4.1 of the spec or here for full reference.

Differentiate an infix formal language functions

I have a source file like (without loss of generality (only to image a possible syntax)):
function a()
return g // global variable without any internal structure exactly
function b(x, y)
local z = x * y
return z + 1
function c(z, t)
return b(z * z, a())
// ...etc
I want to defferentiate any function WRT to some variable.
All the formal parametres we can treat as a functions with unknown at derive time internal structure.
If I stand correct further, then the following is truth (for depending symbols ' is part of symbol, for global variables is operator during substitute time stage (def: g{g} is one, but g{y} is zero)):
function a'()
return g';
function b'(x, y, x', y')
local z' = x' * y + x * y'
return z' + 0
But what to do with last function? Namely, with actual parameters in substitution of function b?
Is there any ready to use implementations of general algorithm to work with the above? What to do with higher order derivatives (especially interesting, how to handle the formal parameters)? Are there any other possible unclear cases?
I would suggest having your parameters be symbolic expressions that know how to respond to derivatives, and having all operations take functions and return functions. Then you will get a final expression that knows how to be represented as a derivative. Furthermore you can do things like partial derivatives at a later point because you have the symbolic expression.
For a real example of what I mean, see for a library that I wrote to solve a calculus problem in JavaScript, and search for "Optimize if requested" in the source for to see how I used it. See for an explanation of why I was writing that code.
In that example I, of course, was not working from infix notation. But that is a standard parsing problem that I think you know how to solve.

Repa 3 performance and correct usage of 'now'

There is a basic monad question in here, unrelated to Repa, plus several Repa-specific questions.
I am working on a library using Repa3. I am having trouble getting efficient parallel code. If I make my functions return delayed arrays, I get excruciatingly slow code that scales very well up to 8 cores. This code takes over 20GB of memory per the GHC profiler, and runs several orders of magnitude slower than the basic Haskell unboxed vectors.
Alternatively, if I make all of my functions return Unboxed manifest arrays (still attempting to use fusion within the functions, for example when I do a 'map'), I get MUCH faster code (still slower than using Haskell unboxed vectors) that doesn't scale at all, and in fact tends to get slightly slower with more cores.
Based on the FFT example code in Repa-Algorithms, it seems the correct approach is to always return manifest arrays. Is there ever a case where I should be returning delayed arrays?
The FFT code also makes plentiful use of the 'now' function. However, I get a type error when I try to use it in my code:
type Arr t r = Array t DIM1 r
data CycRingRepa m r = CRTBasis (Arr U r)
| PowBasis (Arr U r)
fromArray :: forall m r t. (BaseRing m r, Unbox r, Repr t r) => Arr t r -> CycRingRepa m r
fromArray =
let mval = reflectNum (Proxy::Proxy m)
in \x ->
let sh:.n = extent x
in assert (mval == 2*n) PowBasis $ now $ computeUnboxedP $ bitrev x
The code compiles fine without the 'now'. With the 'now', I get the following error:
Couldn't match type r' withArray U (Z :. Int) r'
`r' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for
fromArray :: (BaseRing m r, Unbox r, Repr t r) =>
Arr t r -> CycRingRepa m r
at C:\Users\crockeea\Documents\Code\LatticeLib\CycRingRepa.hs:50:1
Expected type: CycRingRepa m r
Actual type: CycRingRepa m (Array U DIM1 r)
I don't think this is my problem. It would be helpful if someone could explain the how the Monad works in 'now'. By my best estimation, the monad seems to be creating a 'Arr U (Arr U r)'. I'm expecting a 'Arr U r', which would then match the data constructor pattern. What is going on and how do I fix this?
The type signatures are:
computeUnboxedP :: Fill r1 U sh e => Array r1 sh e -> Array U sh e
now :: (Shape sh, Repr r e, Monad m) => Array r sh e -> m (Array r sh e)
It would be helpful to have a better idea of when it is appropriate to use 'now'.
A couple other Repa questions:
Should I explicitly call computeUnboxedP (as in the FFT example code), or should I use the more general computeP (because the unbox part is inferred by my data type)?
Should I store delayed or manifest arrays in the data type CycRingRepa?
Eventually I would also like this code to work with Haskell Integers. Will this require me to write new code that uses something other than U arrays, or could I write polymorphic code that creates U arrays for unbox types and some other array for Integers/boxed types?
I realize there are a lot of questions in here, and I appreciate any/all answers!
Here's the source code for now:
now arr = do
arr `deepSeqArray` return ()
return arr
So it's really just a monadic version of deepSeqArray. You can use either of these to force evaluation, rather than hanging on to a thunk. This "evalulation" is different than the "computation" forced when computeP is called.
In your code, now doesn't apply, since you're not in a monad. But in this context deepSeqArray wouldn't help either. Consider this situation:
x :: Array U Int Double
x = ...
y :: Array U Int Double
y = computeUnboxedP $ map f x
Since y refers to x, we'd like to be sure x is computed before starting to compute y. If not, the available work won't be distributed correctly among the gang of threads. To get this to work out, it's better to write y as
y = deepSeqArray x . computeUnboxedP $ map f x
Now, for a delayed array, we have
deepSeqArray (ADelayed sh f) y = sh `deepSeq` f `seq` y
Rather than computing all the elements, this just makes sure the shape is computed, and reduces f to weak-head normal form.
As for manifest vs delayed arrays, there are certainly time delayed arrays are preferable.
multiplyMM arr brr
= [arr, brr] `deepSeqArrays`
A.sumP (A.zipWith (*) arrRepl brrRepl)
where trr = computeUnboxedP $ transpose2D brr
arrRepl = trr `deepSeqArray` A.extend (Z :. All :. colsB :. All) arr
brrRepl = trr `deepSeqArray` A.extend (Z :. rowsA :. All :. All) trr
(Z :. _ :. rowsA) = extent arr
(Z :. colsB :. _ ) = extent brr
Here "extend" generates a new array by copying the values across some set of new dimensions. In particular, this means that
arrRepl ! (Z :. i :. j :. k) == arrRepl ! (Z :. i :. j' :. k)
Thankfully, extend produces a delayed array, since it would be a waste to go through the trouble of all this copying.
Delayed arrays also allow the possiblity of fusion, which is impossible if the array is manifest.
Finally, computeUnboxedP is just computeP with a specialized type. Giving computeUnboxedP explicitly might allow GHC to optimize better, and makes the code a little clearer.
Repa 3.1 no longer requires the explict use of now. The parallel computation functions are all monadic, and automatically apply deepSeqArray to their results. The repa-examples package also contains a new implementation of matrix multiply that demonstrates their use.

Haskell's algebraic data types

I'm trying to fully understand all of Haskell's concepts.
In what ways are algebraic data types similar to generic types, e.g., in C# and Java? And how are they different? What's so algebraic about them anyway?
I'm familiar with universal algebra and its rings and fields, but I only have a vague idea of how Haskell's types work.
Haskell's algebraic data types are named such since they correspond to an initial algebra in category theory, giving us some laws, some operations and some symbols to manipulate. We may even use algebraic notation for describing regular data structures, where:
+ represents sum types (disjoint unions, e.g. Either).
• represents product types (e.g. structs or tuples)
X for the singleton type (e.g. data X a = X a)
1 for the unit type ()
and μ for the least fixed point (e.g. recursive types), usually implicit.
with some additional notation:
X² for X•X
In fact, you might say (following Brent Yorgey) that a Haskell data type is regular if it can be expressed in terms of 1, X, +, •, and a least fixed point.
With this notation, we can concisely describe many regular data structures:
Units: data () = ()
Options: data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
1 + X
Lists: data [a] = [] | a : [a]
L = 1+X•L
Binary trees: data BTree a = Empty | Node a (BTree a) (BTree a)
B = 1 + X•B²
Other operations hold (taken from Brent Yorgey's paper, listed in the references):
Expansion: unfolding the fix point can be helpful for thinking about lists. L = 1 + X + X² + X³ + ... (that is, lists are either empty, or they have one element, or two elements, or three, or ...)
Composition, ◦, given types F and G, the composition F ◦ G is a type which builds “F-structures made out of G-structures” (e.g. R = X • (L ◦ R) ,where L is lists, is a rose tree.
Differentiation, the derivative of a data type D (given as D') is the type of D-structures with a single “hole”, that is, a distinguished location not containing any data. That amazingly satisfy the same rules as for differentiation in calculus:
1′ = 0
X′ = 1
(F + G)′ = F' + G′
(F • G)′ = F • G′ + F′ • G
(F ◦ G)′ = (F′ ◦ G) • G′
Species and Functors and Types, Oh My!, Brent A. Yorgey, Haskell’10, September 30, 2010, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right (Dissecting Data Structures), Conor McBride POPL 2008
"Algebraic Data Types" in Haskell support full parametric polymorphism, which is the more technically correct name for generics, as a simple example the list data type:
data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil
Is equivalent (as much as is possible, and ignoring non-strict evaluation, etc) to
class List<a> {
class Cons : List<a> {
a head;
List<a> tail;
class Nil : List<a> {}
Of course Haskell's type system allows more ... interesting use of type parameters but this is just a simple example. With regards to the "Algebraic Type" name, i've honestly never been entirely sure of the exact reason for them being named that, but have assumed that it's due the mathematical underpinnings of the type system. I believe that the reason boils down to the theoretical definition of an ADT being the "product of a set of constructors", however it's been a couple of years since i escaped university so i can no longer remember the specifics.
[Edit: Thanks to Chris Conway for pointing out my foolish error, ADT are of course sum types, the constructors providing the product/tuple of fields]
In universal algebra
an algebra consists of some sets of elements
(think of each set as the set of values of a type)
and some operations, which map elements to elements.
For example, suppose you have a type of "list elements" and a
type of "lists". As operations you have the "empty list", which is a 0-argument
function returning a "list", and a "cons" function which takes two arguments,
a "list element" and a "list", and produce a "list".
At this point there are many algebras that fit the description,
as two undesirable things may happen:
There could be elements in the "list" set which cannot be built
from the "empty list" and the "cons operation", so-called "junk".
This could be lists starting from some element that fell from the sky,
or loops without a beginning, or infinite lists.
The results of "cons" applied to different arguments could be equal,
e.g. consing an element to a non-empty list
could be equal to the empty list. This is sometimes called "confusion".
An algebra which has neither of these undesirable properties is called
initial, and this is the intended meaning of the abstract data type.
The name initial derives from the property that there is exactly
one homomorphism from the initial algebra to any given algebra.
Essentially you can evaluate the value of a list by applying the operations
in the other algebra, and the result is well-defined.
It gets more complicated for polymorphic types ...
A simple reason why they are called algebraic; there are both sum (logical disjunction) and product (logical conjunction) types. A sum type is a discriminated union, e.g:
data Bool = False | True
A product type is a type with multiple parameters:
data Pair a b = Pair a b
In O'Caml "product" is made more explicit:
type 'a 'b pair = Pair of 'a * 'b
Haskell's datatypes are called "algebraic" because of their connection to categorical initial algebras. But that way lies madness.
#olliej: ADTs are actually "sum" types. Tuples are products.
You are basically right about it being sort of like an abstract Tree class with three derived classes (Empty, Leaf, and Node), but you would also need to enforce the guarantee that some one using your Tree class can never add any new derived classes, since the strategy for using the Tree datat type is to write code that switches at runtime based on the type of each element in the tree (and adding new derived types would break existing code). You can sort of imagine this getting nasty in C# or C++, but in Haskell, ML, and OCaml, this is central to the language design and syntax so coding style supports it in a much more convenient manner, via pattern matching.
ADT (sum types) are also sort of like tagged unions or variant types in C or C++.
old question, but no one's mentioned nullability, which is an important aspect of Algebraic Data Types, perhaps the most important aspect. Since each value most be one of alternatives, exhaustive case-based pattern matching is possible.
For me, the concept of Haskell's algebraic data types always looked like polymorphism in OO-languages like C#.
Look at the example from
data Tree = Empty
| Leaf Int
| Node Tree Tree
This could be implemented in C# as a TreeNode base class, with a derived Leaf class and a derived TreeNodeWithChildren class, and if you want even a derived EmptyNode class.
(OK I know, nobody would ever do that, but at least you could do it.)
