Create Hangout session with unique link - google-api

I'm working to create a hangout app. where initiator can create a hangout session with unique link and invite others user (called attendees) by giving that unique link. so when an attendee click that link he can attend only that hangout session.
I've created an app. with basic XML file provided by Google, but can't figure out how to create unique link for each hangout session. Is there any functions in Hangout API? as far as I've read API documentation I don't found such function. Can anybody suggest me how to do it?
Please help me....

This YouTube video discusses how to do what you want:
The general procedure will be for the initiator to create a hangout using a link on your website and, as part of creating it, starting up a hangout app. This app sends the URL for the hangout back to your website where it can be sent to the attendees.


how to get the link from google hangout button?

How do you get the link of a google hangout button from my website, that was generated by goole's api. Im trying to store the link and store in the database.
You can get the hangout url using getHangoutUrl() in your hangout app

Google + API Get Hangout Id from URL

I am trying to integrate Google Hangout API into my website.
The user wants to:
Create a hangout
Copy that URL
Save that URL in our site
Display information about hangout
I know that I can get the information I need using:{activityId}
What I am struggling with is getting the activity id.
The only solution I see is:
First somehow find the userid /plus/v1/people?query
Then list the activities for that person /plus/v1/people/00000/activities/ and match the url
Then call /plus/v1/activities/
There as to be an easier way surely!
I think the easier solution would be to go a different route entirely. Instead of trying to get the hangout information via the Google+ post/activity, create a Hangout App that sends the URL for the hangout to your server. Under this scenario, the steps would be one of the two following scenarios.
Simple way:
User starts a hangout video chat from your website
The website link to create it also includes the gid of an app to start when the video chat starts
The app sends a message to your website indicating the URL of the hangout that was started
Alternate way:
User starts a hangout however they want to
When they're ready to tell your website, they run the same app
The app sends a message to your website indicating the URL of the hangout
Depending on your needs, you can then have the app do other things associated with monitoring the hangout is still alive, the number of people, etc. Your website would then display the information it receives using whatever format you wish.
You can find out more about this method in the video How do I Include a Hangout on my Website?

What is the format of a unique Google Hangout with app id?

I'm building my first Google Hangout app and can access it successfully using the URL:
What is the proper format of a URL that contains a unique hangout id that could be shared across users so they end up in the same hangout and using the app?
The following URL loads a unique hangout, but discards the app:
I tested this evening, and it worked correctly - placing the person in the same hangout and running the correct app.
Is the app in question public? If not, this may be the cause of the problem.
As an aside, the is now deprecated, since it was related to the old Hangout Development Sandbox which is no longer in use.

Starting a hangout with a list of users invited

I have a website where is discussion is happening among some people with valid gmail ids. If one of them in the discussion clicks on the google hangout button, I need to start a hangout with the list of users in the discussion invited already i.e. I need to avoid the Add Participant popup that comes up when the hangout app is opened. Is there a way to do this? I explored the documentation and I couldn't find any API to invite a participant.
To the best of my knowledge (and more than willing to be corrected), there isn't a way to trigger a hangout with a set of participants. There is a bit of a hack using the calendar API though - you could create a calendar entry in a calendar set to automatically create hangouts, and invite everyone that way. I had an old blog post on it:
I believe this is new capability since the question was asked, but it is now possible to create a hangout button which starts a hangout with a list of users invited (based upon G+ Profile Id, G+ Circle Id, or Email Address).
See details at
Note: The list is only a suggestion to the user that starts the Hangout. Before the Hangout begins, that user will be able to skip the invite or change the list of people.

Embedding Google+ Hangout App in web application

Is there any way to embed a Google+ hangout app in a PHP-based website? Can I load the app inside an iframe without having to land on Google+ hangout page? If so, how?
Not really. Launching a Hangout Video Call from your own website is possible, but without special coordination with Google, it will open it in its own window/tab.
See for further information about how to start a Hangout Video Call from your own website.
After doing some research I found out that we can not embed a Google+ Hangout in our application. We can only do that inside a Google+ hangout page. There's an active issue tracker opened on where you can vote up and comment so that Google can release this feature in the coming API releases.
