How to dynamically load carousel items in Sencha - performance

I have a problem with my product view. I want to display product data. each product is a "box" with an image and text. I want to display six products on a panel. As of the fact that i have many products i want to have a "carousel like view". My idea was the following: Place 6 products on a panel. Load 3 panels and place each panel as a carousel item so that i can swipe to get to another "page".
To save performance I tried to always have only 3 items in the carousel. The active "page" and the page before, and the page after, so that I can swipe to left/right and the next page can be loaded.
I tried to put my logic in the "onActiveItemChange"-Listener of the carousel, but I had massive problems with adding/removing carousel items. So my Question is is it possible to do what i want to accomplish?
Is there a better alternative? Of course my data is in a store, but I don't want that standard list view.
Another Question: Because my first attempt with the carousel failed i tried to build a Ext.Container (card layout) with the panels on it. But how can I listen to a swipe event on a Panel???
thanks for help ;-)

Even I am doing the same, using carousel & a store. Every page of carousel is a view(panel) which would have 4/6 child views(panels). On store load I am creating those children and then divide them into pages and add those pages to carousel.
This is working fine for me and on activeItemChange I am loading more pages:
activeitemchange: function(container, value, oldValue, eOpts) {
var activeItemIndex = container.getActiveIndex();
var galleryTotal = container.getInnerItems() ? container.getInnerItems().length : 0;
if ((activeItemIndex + 1 == galleryTotal)) {
console.log("At last page, time to load");
var store =;
store.nextPage({ addRecords: true });

I think I understand your issue. Assuming you've got 3 items and you're always viewing the middle one (as you move forward, item 0 gets destroyed and one item gets created). And assuming that each item has an id associated with its location in the list.
var current_item = Ext.getCmp('carousel_name').getActiveItem().getId();
current_item = Number(current_item.replace('item', ''));
//Objects to create
var next_item = current_item + 1;
var previous_item = current_item - 1;
//Objects to destroy
var next2_item = current_item + 2;
var previous2_item = current_item - 2;
//Create items
var createItem = function(item_location, type){
var carousel_item = create_content(item_location);
if(type == 'next'){
}else if(type == 'previous'){
Ext.getCmp('carousel_name').insert(0, carousel_item);
//Destroy items
Ext.getCmp('carousel_name').getItems().items[0].destroy();//This is a hack, for some reason with the above commented out line, the item was getting destroyed but wasn't being removed from carousel_name
Ext.getCmp('carousel_name').getItems().items[Ext.getCmp('carousel_name').getMaxItemIndex()].destroy();//This is a hack, consistency with previous destroy (above)


SAPUI5 Panels - Controlling position of content

I have a number of Panels which, when expanded, show the corresponding questions for that particular 'Category'
The issue I have is, say for example I answer the questions for the 1st panel, the content will scroll down, eventually hiding the panel... fair enough.
However, when I click on the Next Category (Production Area), I need to the page to scroll back up to the first question in the Category, or maybe even just display the selected category at the top of the page.
Is this possible?
Currently, the user has to continually scroll back if when they select the next Category.
You can achieve it using scrollToElement()
var oPage = sap.ui.getCore().byId("pageId"); // you page ID
var oList = sap.ui.getCore().byId("ListId"); // element ID to which it has to scroll
if (oPage && oList) oPage.scrollToElement(oList, 1000);
Execute the above code inside the panel event expand.
you can try to use this control instead which suits your needs
After trying everything, this is what worked for me.
onExpand: function (oEvent) {
if (oEvent.getParameters().expand) {
var focusID = oEvent.getParameter("id");
var elmnt = sap.ui.getCore().byId(focusID);

kendoDropDownList loading bar not showing

I am using a dropDownList to show some values in order to filter results on a grid.
I have use the 'change' event to see when the grid must be updated
change: onMChange
in the method onMChange I am trying to show the progress bar with
kendo.ui.progress($("#grid), true);
and at the end of the method when all is done I have
kendo.ui.progress($("#grid), false);
But the data loads and I do not see the progress bar.
If I remove the last statement (the 'false' one) I can see the progress bar, but it never disappears.
If I debug, It appears and disappears when the data is ready.
It is not an issue of the data loading too fast, sometimes the data takes 5 seconds to be ready.
The data is already in the browser, I am just showing or hiding columns.
Kendo version v2016.2.714
on onMChange I have some ifs where I populate an array (columnsToShow) with the name of the columns I want to show (everything else will be hidden) then I call a function with this code:
showHideColumn: function(columnsToShow) {
var grid = $(this.gridId).data("kendoGrid");
var show = false;
for (var i = 0; i < grid.columns.length; i++) {
show = false;
if (columnsToShow.length > 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < columnsToShow.length; j++) {
if (columnsToShow[j] == grid.columns[i].field) {
columnsToShow.splice(j, 1);
show = true;
if (!show) {
That code seems to be very inefficient at hiding/showing columns, all activity stops for few seconds when I want to show all columns (after having hidden some), I have around 30 columns and 30 rows.
Your question is a little misleading. Is the #grid element you are having difficulty displaying the loading icon for a grid control (as per the name of the element) or a drop down control (as per the title of the question)?
If grid
In order to show the loading icon I used:
kendo.ui.progress($("#grid").data("kendoGrid").element, true);
And to hide:
kendo.ui.progress($("#grid").data("kendoGrid").element, false);
If drop down
I haven't had to force display loading icons for dropdowns however there is an example here, noting the comment specifying:
The element must have a position:relative style applied
Additionally further down, it is noted that the element cannot have child elements.

Programatically updating underlying data in Slickgrid

I have 6 textboxes at the top of the screen that update an entire column(one textbox per column) based on any changes. I was selecting the columns based on their class (.l#). Here is the code (issues to follow):
function UpdateField() {
var ctrl = this;
var id = parseInt("item", ""), 10) - 1;
var bound = [".l1", ".l7", ".l8", ".l9"];
var fields = $(bound[id]);
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
fields[i].innerHTML = $(ctrl).val();
which is bound to the keyup event for the text areas. Issues are:
1) initially fields.length was -1 as I didn't want to put data in the "add new
row" section at the bottom. However, when running it, I noticed the
final "real" record wasn't being populated. Also, when stepping through, I
noticed that the "new row" field was before the "last row" field.
2) when doing it this way, it is purely superficial: if I double click the field,
the real data hasn't been changed.
so in the grand scheme of things, I know that I was doing it wrong. I'm assuming it involves updating the data and then forcing a render, but I'm not certain.
Figured out how to do it. Modified the original code this way:
function UpdateField() {
var ctrl = this;
var id = parseInt("item", ""), 10) - 1;
var bound = ['title1', 'title2', 'title3', 'title4'];
var field = bound[id];
for (var i = 0; i < dataView.getLength(); i++)
var item = dataView.getItem(i);
item[field] = $(ctrl).val();
dataView.updateItem(i, item);
I have 6 textboxes (item1-item6) that "bind" to fields in the sense that if I change data in a textbox, it updates all of the rows and any new rows added also have this data.
Parts where the two issues can be explained this way:
1) to work around that, though still it would be a presentational fix and not a real updating of the underlying data, one could force it to ignore if it had the active class attached. Extra work, and not in the "real" direction one is going for (masking the field).
2) It was pretty obvious with the original implementation (though it was all I could figure out via Chrome Dev Tools that I could modify at the time) that it was merely updating a div's content and not actually interacting with the data underneath. Would look nice, and perhaps one could just pull data from the item1-item6 boxes in place of the column if it is submitted, but if someone attempts to modify the cell, they'll be looking at the real data again.

Magento Hosted - Change search layout/default layout

I am trying to figure out how to change the default layout to 2 columns from 3 columns. I have been able to do it successfully on every page except for search results. I wouldn't mind changing the default layout to 2 columns as I want it all to be uniform.
Here's the catch, I am on a hosted solution (I hate it, but hey, I am just the developer). I have no access to the file system or individual files. I haven't figured out a way to upload and replace any files, so all changes I make have to be done from the back end. I am really hoping this can be done.
Answer is, you can't. Plain and simple.
However, you can hack the hell out of it using jQuery and get it to work right. Here is the code I used:
//Check for 3 col layout.
//swap the 3 col layout for the 2 col layout
//grab all the code in the wapper, and place it in the main
var html=$j('.col-wrapper').html();
//If products are shown as a grid, reorder them. If it is a list, leave it alone.
//Grab all items in the list, push them into an array, and then remove all the data.
var items=new Array();
$j('.products-grid .item').each(function(){
//build your output
var html='';
var gridsize=4; //items per row
for(var i=0;i<items.length;i++){
if(i%gridsize==0){//start a new row
html+='<ul class="products-grid '
if(i/gridsize==0)//very first row
html+='first ';
else if(i==items.length-gridsize)//last row
html+='last '
if(i/gridsize%2==0)//even class
html+='odd">';//odd class
html+='<li class="item first">'+items[i]+"</li>";
}else if(i%gridsize==gridsize-1){//very item in row
html+='<li class="item last">'+items[i]+"</li></ul>";
html+='<li class="item">'+items[i]+"</li>";
$j('.category-products').html(html); //populate the data.

How to retrieve the controls inside the selected item from a listbox in WP

I'm now facing the most common problem faced my many while working with listboxes. Though I found many answers the the forum, nothing seems to work for me or else i have got it wrong. .
I have created a listbox through code. Every listbox item has a stackpanel and within it two textblocks. the stackpanel has vertical orientation.The foreground of the textblocks have been set to specific colors. When an item has been selected or clicked it moves to another page and on the close of the new page it returns to the old page.
My problem is that, when a listbox item has been clicked, it does not show the selection color which is by default the phones accent color before moving to the next page. Is it because the color of the textblocks have already set while creating the listbox?
So i tried to set it the foreground of the selected item through the SelectionChanged() like this
ListBoxItem selItem = (ListBoxItem)(listboxNotes.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(listboxNotes.SelectedIndex));
selItem .Foreground = (SolidColorBrush)Application.Current.Resources["PhoneAccentBrush"];
But this does not work, and i assume its cuz there is a stackpanel inside the item.
How exactly this needs to be done? Do i need to retrieve the textblocks inside the stackpanel and set the foreground?? I have not used binding here. Visual Tree Helper???
In general, the selected color doesn't change on lists where you're navigating.
From my experience with android, there's no 'selector' background on WP7. If you're looking for a cool UI effect that shows some action is happening, the TiltEffect is definitely recommended, and very easy to implement.
However - if you're creating an app that doesn't have immediate navigation, it is possible that you might want a 'selected' cell color / etc. I've attached an image:!366&parid=EF08824B672FB5D8!343
If you note here, the buttons are related to the selected item on the list - I.e. the user can perform 4 different actions based on the selected item, (but they must select an item first!).
internal void SelectionChanged()
var item = (((ListBoxItem) _view.servers.SelectedItem).Content) as StackPanel;
if (item != null)
for (int i = 0; i < _view.servers.Items.Count; i++)
var val = (((ListBoxItem) _view.servers.Items[i]).Content) as StackPanel;
var tb = val.Children[0] as TextBlock;
var tb2 = val.Children[1] as TextBlock;
if (i == _view.servers.SelectedIndex)
tb.Foreground = tb2.Foreground = (SolidColorBrush) App.Current.Resources["PhoneAccentBrush"];
tb.Foreground = tb2.Foreground = (SolidColorBrush) //regular color here, b/c all these should no longer be selected
The ListItemContainer will have it's Foreground changed automatically. To inherit this, simply don't specify a colour (or style) on your TextBlock.
