netbeans not found Qt Designer - windows

When i want to open a .ui file in netbeans, its alert that: Failed to start Qt Designer. Make sure it is installed and added to PATH
I use win vista and opensource Qt 4.8.4 and Qt creator 2.6.1 in Addr. C:\Qt\qtcreator-2.6.1\bin\qtcreator.exe
and i have Qt designer in Addr. C:\Qt\4.8.4o\bin\designer.exe
my netbeans build tools options qmake set on C:\Qt\4.8.4o\bin\qmake.exe

PATH is a Windows environment variable. It is a list of paths that the OS uses to look for executables and libraries.
You need to add the path to Qt Designer to that list. Right-click on 'My Computer', hit 'Properties', go to 'Advanced system settings', and click on the 'Environment Variables' button. Find 'Path' (or 'PATH') in the System Variables group, and click edit. The paths are delimited by a semi-colon, add the Qt Designer path to the end.


Qt SDK on Windows: how to use Assistant

After installing Qt SDK on Windows, I don't see any Help item in the Qt SDK menu. QtCreator\bin directory contains assistant.exe, and Documentation directory contains *.qch files. Is it possible to create a shortcut showing Qt Assistant with Qt SDK reference?
You can add these .qch files by going to the menu Edit > Preferences > Documentation > Add...
You should only need to do that once.

How to Configure QT Environment to work with Visual Studio 2010

Could you please help me how to make QT work in VS2010? step by step please :)
i installed a fresh copy of windows and i have this files:
Windows 7 Ultimate
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate
Also i'm really confused, i found many ways to do this but all didn't work. Also i don't know why some download "qt-win-opensource-4.7.3-vs2008" and then recompile it. Dose "qt-vs-addin-1.1.9" replace the recompiling step or what?
So please i need a help on how to install QT with VS 2010
The vs-addin does not replace recompiling but there's no need to recompile if you have pre-built Qt binaries (unless you want to change the configuration).
First install your pre-built binary package of Qt. If you've chosen to rebuild it, do that (you won't use the VS UI for this, it's all command-line based). Be sure you install this to a path that doesn't include any spaces in it... something like C:\qt\qt-4.7.3 perhaps.
Then install vs-addin, and start VS.
Now open the Qt menu, go to Qt options, and click Add to add a version. (You can install multiple Qt versions on your system this way if you wish.) Give the version a name of your own choosing, and specify the path to where you've installed it. Close out the options dialog.
Finally, create a new project and notice that the creation wizard has a section for Qt4 Project templates. Choose Qt application and you're well along your way.

DirectX SDK integration with VS 2010

I'm not sure if anyone has noticed but there seems to be a conflict with the DirectX SDK and VS2010's Windows SDK. If you look inside the folder under the directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft
You will see it contains the old headers for DirectX 11. The above directory is by default included to each VS 2010 project file and is required in order for VS 2010 to be able to compile correctly.
The same is true for .lib files for DirectX.
Now here lies the problem, to include the Directx SDK to your project in VS2010 you add the directories via the project property sheet. This automatically means you are including both the old headers and libs for DirectX as well as the new ones... :(
If you think you're building with the latest DirectX libs and header files you may very well be mistaken as the compiler could be using the unintended files.
How can I get around this problem as I can't seem to compile anything without keeping the default project settings ?
Also bare in mind I am using C++ and VS2010 Ultimate from MSDNAA.
Short answer: It probably doesn't matter.
Updated DXSDK installation won't update the system DLLs that ship with windows. It doesn't matter if you are including/linking with the DXSDK directory or the v7.0A directory. When the app runs, it loads the same DLLs either way. (Notable exception: the D3DX_xx.dll for helper functions - as those aren't OS components, they ship with the SDK and are meant for inclusion in the app setup package). The header files that ship with DXSDK should be nearly identical to what's in the v7.0a directory.
And if I'm not mistaken, include and lib directories specified in the Project Settings dialog for your app take predence BEFORE default SDK dirs. So updating your Project Settings dialog should be ok.
But if you really want to be sure... Instead of adding the DXSDK header/libs for each project, make them default search directories for all projects.
From the top-level menu for Visual Studio: Select Tools->Options.
From the left-nav menu on the Options dialog select "Project & Solutions", and "VC++ Directories" underneath that.
Then on the dropdown in the top right for "Show Directories for", select "Include Files".
Makes sure your $(DXSDK) include directory comes before the $(WindowsSdkDir) entry. If it's not already there, add it.
Repeat this for the "Library Files" option under the "Show Directories for" menu option.

Visual Studio: How to setup Qt for a project that contains both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms?

I was wondering if anyone has experience with maintaining a Qt application on Visual Studio (2008+) that has both Win32 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) platforms?
The default Qt project comes with only the 32-bit library. While I know how to build Qt as 64-bit, how do you setup Visual Studio, Qt, etc such that you can easily switch between the two?
We are currently doing this. Our way for doing this uses inherited property sheets.
We first create a master property sheet that contains all the settings, paths, macros, etc that are common to all configurations. We find placing these in the root directory of the solution to be the most convenient way.
Then for each configuration, debug/release & 32/64bit we made 4 separate build property sheets that -
Each Inherit the master property sheet (use View/Property Manager on VS toolbar).
Configure each sheet to link to the correct Qt library dll.
Now for the tedious part - For each project in your solution, there are 4 separate properties. You now have to inherit each build property sheet into the respective property settings of the project. For example, 32bit release build property sheet has to be inherited by the 32bit release property settings.
Assuming all Qt dll's are in the same directory, all configuration should work the same.

Qt for windows CE

I have installed Qt for windows CE using this link for visual studio8, I can see Qt tab in VS IDE.
I tried to create new application for QT am getting error that
"There are no Qt/CE platforms defined. Please add your Qt/CE build in the Tools/Options/Qt/Builds dialog."
How can i define platform??
As it explains in the error. Go to tools menu, then options submenu. Select Qt from the tree and then select Builds item. There you will see an Add button. Click it. Write the version and path of your installed Qt. Then you are good to go.
Okay, I click Tools, select the "Options…" menu item (it is not a submenu), up comes the "Options" dialogue box, I see no "Qt" entry in the tree. Fresh never-used-before install of Visual Studio 2008 on Windows XP Pro SP3, with Qt add-in installed and I've tried running it as an Administrator too.
Did I miss something?
In the meantime, I have discovered some notes here:
The device I'm targeting is not a FriendlyARM, rather a Psion hand-held, but nevertheless, suggests that the bare Qt package lacks any VisualStudio binaries.
Further update…
My aging P4 laptop is busily compiling Qt now, has been for some hours. I found that for the Psion, I had to edit the setcepaths.bat script to make the call to checksdk.exe consistent with the SDKs actually provided. Upon doing this, things seem to be working. If you get an error message regarding a missing header, run:
checksdk.exe -list
That'll tell you what your SDK is actually called. You might find then that running:
checksdk.exe -sdk "Your SDK with spaces (and ARCH in brackets)" -script tmp.bat
tmp.bat should produce the needed environment.
Lastly, I hit a compiler error due to some left-over autogenerated files in the Qt build directories. I'll post up the (Cygwin) command I used to clean up the sources mid-build when I find it.
