How to check listindex of combo in vb6? - oracle

I load values of combo boxes here but I don't want to set ListIndex property to -1.
Private Sub Form_Load()
RES.Open "DIVISION", CON, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
If RES.RecordCount > 0 Then
For i = 0 To RES.RecordCount - 1
CmbDiv.AddItem RES.Fields("DIV").Value
CmbDiv.ItemData(CmbDiv.NewIndex) = RES.Fields("DIVID").Value
End If
RES.Open "HNM", CON, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
If RES.RecordCount > 0 Then
For i = 0 To RES.RecordCount - 1
CmbHouse.AddItem Trim(RES.Fields("HOUSE").Value)
CmbHouse.ItemData(CmbHouse.NewIndex) = RES.Fields("HID").Value
End If
End Sub
This is the code I used to modify record.
Private Sub CmdSave_Click()
sql = sql + "ROLLNO= " & Val(CmbRNO) & ","
sql = sql + "DIVID='" & Val(CmbDiv.ItemData(CmbDiv.ListIndex)) & "',"
sql = sql + "HID=" & Val(CmbHouse.ItemData(CmbHouse.ListIndex)) & " "
sql = sql + "WHERE ROLLNO= " & Val(CmbRNO) & ""
Set RES = CON.Execute(sql)
End Sub
While running the code if I modify both division and house then it's ok
but when I let any one value of them(doesn't modify value) it shows error on the 3rd and 4th lines of CmdSave_Click:
Invalid Property array value

after loading your data into the combobox, set the listindex to 0
Combo1.ListIndex = 0
it would be better though to check if listindex is -1, and if it is -1, then don't do the action, or give the user a warning that he should select something from the combobox


Out of Memory error when trying to connect to oracle database (VB6)

when I m trying to set Recordset using oracle connection string, I m getting OUt of memory error.
on line "rsLIS.Open sql, gConnLIS, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly"
However some time it works like once in 5-6 attempts
but when it works it gives error on some other line
on line "If rsLink.Fields(2).value = rsLIS.Fields(1).value Then"
here are the things which I tried :
instead of directly using recordset, I tried to create array (GetRows) method.
Even though recordset count is 26 but UBound of array is showing 1
I have trying changing 3rd argument value from static to forward only
in line ""rsLIS.Open sql, gConnLIS, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly""
it also didn't work, it was showing recordset.count as 0
Did try after restarting the client system still same
I m getting this error on client side and since at my place I don't have development environment to debug
Error is "OUT OF MEMORY"
Public Function GetResults_New(MachName As String, patid As String, bCheckDate As Boolean, SendAssay As Boolean) As ADODB.Recordset
On Error GoTo errdesc
Call ShowTempMsg("Line 1")
Dim bXVar As Boolean
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim tmplis, tmporder
Dim tmpresult
bXVar = False
Dim rec_result As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim rsLink As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim rsLIS As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim xSampleIdType As String
gAppPath = AddEditINIfile("VAHSIF.INI", "IF", "sLinkPath", "")
xSampleIdType = AddEditINIfile(gAppPath & "\sLinkConfig.ini", MachName, "SampleIdType", "SampleId1", False)
Call Open_Connection
Call Open_Connection_LIS
rec_result.CursorLocation = adUseClient
If SendAssay = True Then
rec_result.Fields.Append "machineparamid", adBSTR, 50
rec_result.Fields.Append "Assayno", adBSTR, 50
rec_result.Fields.Append "SType", adBSTR, 50
rec_result.Fields.Append "Dilution", adBSTR, 50
rec_result.Fields.Append "machineparamid", adBSTR, 50
rec_result.Fields.Append "SType", adBSTR, 50
rec_result.Fields.Append "Dilution", adBSTR, 50
End If
'Link Query For Mapped Params.
sql = "SELECT EquipParamMapping.EquipId, EquipParamMapping.EquipParamCode, EquipParamMapping.LISParamCode, EquipParamMapping.EquipAssayNo from EquipParam, EquipParamMapping where equipParam.equipid = equipparammapping.equipid and equipparam.equipparamcode = equipparammapping.equipparamcode and EquipParam.EquipID = '" & MachName & "' and EquipParam.isProgram = 'Y'"
**rsLink.Open sql, gConn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly**
If enumConnTo = connOracle Then
sql = "select " & xSampleIdType & " , LIS_Param_Code From SL_21CI_View_sampleid_Orders where " & xSampleIdType & " || SuffixCode = '" & patid & "' and isApplicable <> 'N' "
sql = "select " & xSampleIdType & " , LIS_Param_Code From SL_21CI_View_sampleid_Orders where " & xSampleIdType & " + cast(SuffixCode as varchar(20)) = '" & patid & "' and isApplicable <> 'N' "
End If
rsLIS.Open sql, gConnLIS, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
While Not rsLIS.EOF
If bXVar = True Then
bXVar = False
End If
While Not rsLink.EOF
bXVar = True
**If rsLink.Fields(2).value = rsLIS.Fields(1).value Then**
If SendAssay = True Then
rec_result("machineparamid") = rsLink.Fields("EquipParamCode")
rec_result("Assayno") = rsLink.Fields("EquipAssayNo")
rec_result("SType") = " "
rec_result("Dilution") = "0"
rec_result("machineparamid") = rsLink.Fields("EquipParamCode")
rec_result("SType") = " "
rec_result("Dilution") = "0"
End If
GoTo NextParam
End If
Set GetResults_New = rec_result
Exit Function
Call InsertIntoLogWithFileName("Transaction.GetResults_New" & vbNewLine & sql & vbNewLine & err.Description & "ErrLine : " & ErrLine)
End Function
That still leaves the question on which line the error occurs. Also: "it also didn't work, it was showing recordset.count as 0". The RecordSet.Count property depends on the provider. Use a function similar to this instead:
Public Function RecordCount(ByVal cn As ADODB.Connection, ByVal sTable As String) As Long
Dim sSQL As String, lRetVal as Long
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
sSQL = "SELECT COUNT(1) AS RecCount FROM " & sTable & ";"
Call rs.Open(sSQL, cn)
If Not (rs.BOF And rs.EOF) Then
lRetVal = rs.Fields("RecCount").Value
lRetVal = -1
End If
Call rs.Close
Set rs = Nothing
RecordCount = lRetVal
End Function
The .Count property might also very well be the cause of the Out of memory error, as I seem to remember that for determing the number of records, it loads all records (from the server) to count them. But I might be wrong there.

How to read dt_DBTIME2 with VBScript

I'm trying to read a recordset from SQL database were some field are of type time(n).
When I read a row (recordset.Fields(n)), VBScript stops at this field with a 'multiple step error'.
I tried to set a variable with the recordset, so:
Dim a
Set a = recordset.Fields(specific time column)
I tried to cast the field.
I tried to find any information about this specific type, but I can't find any information about this time structure, besides it contains hour, minute, second and fractional parts.
ReDim iArr(iColumnCount)
While Not objRecordset.EOF
For iColumnIndex = 0 To (iColumnCount-1)
'SQL_FIELDTYPE_TIME is a constant at top of page with value 145
If objRecordset.Fields(iColumnIndex).Type = SQL_FIELDTYPE_TIME Then
'Tried so much over here...
Dim Tme, Str
Set Tme = objRecordset.Fields.Item(iColumnIndex)
iArr(iColumnIndex) = CStr(clDBTime(Tme).Hour)
Set Tme = Nothing
iArr(iColumnIndex) = objRecordset.Fields.Item(iColumnIndex)
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
fLogData("Ophalen data (" + oDB.strDatabaseNaam + ") rij " + _
CStr(objRecordset.AbsolutePosition) + " kolom " + _
CStr(iColumnIndex) + " mislukt: " + Err.Description)
End If
List.Add i, iArr
i = i + 1
objRecordset.MoveNext 'Next row
Errors I'm getting:
Object doesn't support this property
Multiple step error
Type mismatch
etc. etc.
Anyone who can help me out how to read the time value from SQL in VBScript?
EDIT: solved! Cost almost 4h trial-error but there's a solution:)
Changed the SQL select statement to:
SELECT COL, COL,... (this are the 'usual' columns),CAST(TIMECOL -this is the time(n) column- as varchar),CAST(TIMECOL2 -this is the time(n) column- as varchar) FROM tabel
And within code: TimeValue(read value - from recordset.fields...) (this is to change varchar back to time)
And .. it just works great!
Edit2: recordset code:
if iResCount > 0 and iColumnCount > 0 then
redim iArr(iColumnCount)
while not objRecordset.EOF
for iColumnIndex = 0 to (iColumnCount-1)
iArr(iColumnIndex) = objRecordset.Fields.Item(iColumnIndex)
if Err.Number <> 0 then
fLogData("Ophalen data ("+oDB.strDatabaseNaam+") rij "+cstr(objRecordset.AbsolutePosition)+ " kolom "+cstr(iColumnIndex)+" mislukt: "+Err.Description)
end if
List.Add i, iArr
i = i + 1
objRecordset.MoveNext 'Next row
set oResult = List'CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
end if
And an example of a function call:
'fGetRecord(DB, Table, Columns, Condition, Field to sort on, Type of sort)

HP Quality Center retrieve data from DB

I'm running a few vb scripts on my QC server using the script editor.
I'm using QC 12, i have a function that is establishing a connection using QC api, getting some data then incrementing this data by one, the thing is that it's getting an empty value from the DB.
Here is the function:
Function SW_KeepTIDLastValue()
On Error Resume Next
Dim tdc, val
Dim cset
Dim bld
On Error Resume Next
bld = ""
Set tdc = TDConnection 'Open a connection using the QC API
Set tdc = CreateObject("TDApiOle80.TDConnection")
Set cset = tdc.CommonSettings
'Set cset = tdc.COMMON_SETTINGS
cset.Open ("KeepTIDValueSetting")
val = cset.Value("KeepTIDValueField") 'Retrieve the value stored in the DB
' val = CDbl(cset.Value("KeepTIDValueField"))
msgbox(TypeName(val) & " " & val)
SW_KeepTIDLastValue = val+1 'Increment the value by 1
msgbox(TypeName(val) & " " & SW_KeepTIDLastValue )
cset.Value("KeepTIDValueField") = val+1 'Store the value back in the DB
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
SW_DisplayError Err.Number, Err.Description, "Keep Last Value (" & action & ")"
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Function

How i can speedUP my events based procedure?

i have huge problem with my event procedure, it takes ages to run when i want to change more than few cells at once. How it works, well when user changes data in cell the Worksheet_Change adds comments, but first the Worksheet_SelectionChange updates informations for user (i have sumifs in different worksheet where it calculates ACT date for 12 months, and then it display via camer tool on active worksheet).
In know that problem is cuz of constant looping through events.... duno what to do ?!
Thx for help!
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim cell As Range
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="xyz"
For Each cell In Target
If cell.Row > 21 And cell.Column > 9 Then
If cell.Comment Is Nothing Then
cell.AddComment Now & " - " & cell.Value & " - " & Application.UserName
If Val(Len(cell.Comment.Text)) > 255 Then
cell.Comment.Text _
Now & " - " & cell.Value & " - " & Application.UserName, 1 _
, False
cell.Comment.Text _
vbNewLine & Now & " - " & cell.Value & " - " & Application.UserName, Len(cell.Comment.Text) + 1 _
, False
End If
End If
cell.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
End If
Next cell
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="11opkLnm890", AllowFiltering:=True
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim RowNumber As Long, i As Long
Dim MaxRowNumber As Long
MaxRowNumber = Range("A9").Value
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.EnableEvents = False
RowNumber = Target.Row
Set sh_AUXILIARY_PT = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("AUXILIARY_PT")
If Target.Row > 21 And Target.Row < MaxRowNumber Then
sh_AUXILIARY_PT.Range("AA4").Value = Cells(RowNumber, 1).Value
sh_AUXILIARY_PT.Range("AB4").Value = Cells(RowNumber, 2).Value
sh_AUXILIARY_PT.Range("AC4").Value = Cells(RowNumber, 3).Value
sh_AUXILIARY_PT.Range("AD4").Value = Cells(RowNumber, 4).Value
For i = 14 To 25
sh_AUXILIARY_PT.Cells(8, i).Value = Cells(RowNumber, i - 4).Value
Next i
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
well, you may consider assigning your collection range to an Array and then loop through since Arrays are much faster.

How to save picture in BLOB format?

I did code for procedure that prompts for a .jpeg file, converts that file to a Byte array, and saves the Byte Array to the table using the Append chunk method.
Another procedure retrieves the picture image from the table using the GetChunk method, converts the data to a file and displays that file in the Picture box.
Now, my question is that how do I save that image displayed in picture box into the database, so that I can perform operations like: add/update etc.
I did something like this way:
Private Sub CmdSave_Click()
if(cmbRNO=" ") then
sql = sql + "VALUES(" & RNo & ","& picture1.picture &")"
Set RES = CON.Execute(sql)
sql = sql + "ROLLNO= " & Val(CmbRNO) & ","
sql = sql + "PICS=" & Picture1.Picture & " "
sql = sql + "WHERE ROLLNO= " & Val(CmbRNO) & ""
Set RES = CON.Execute(sql)
End If
End Sub
<code for appendchunk method>
Public Sub Command1_Click()
Dim PictBmp As String
Dim ByteData() As Byte 'Byte array for Blob data.
Dim SourceFile As Integer
' Open the BlobTable table.
strSQL = "Select ID, DOC from LOB_TABLE WHERE ID = 1"
Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Rs.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
Rs.LockType = adLockOptimistic
Rs.Open strSQL, Cn
' Retrieve the picture and update the record.
CommonDialog1.Filter = "(*.jpeg)|*.jpeg"
PictBmp = CommonDialog1.FileName
' Save Picture image to the table column.
SourceFile = FreeFile
Open PictBmp For Binary Access Read As SourceFile
FileLength = LOF(SourceFile) ' Get the length of the file.
If FileLength = 0 Then
Close SourceFile
MsgBox PictBmp & " empty or not found."
Exit Sub
Numblocks = FileLength / BlockSize
LeftOver = FileLength Mod BlockSize
ReDim ByteData(LeftOver)
Get SourceFile, , ByteData()
Rs(1).AppendChunk ByteData()
ReDim ByteData(BlockSize)
For i = 1 To Numblocks
Get SourceFile, , ByteData()
Rs(1).AppendChunk ByteData()
Next i
Rs.Update 'Commit the new data.
Close SourceFile
End If
End Sub
While trying to save image to specific record, run-time error occurs:
inconsistent datatype,expected BLOB got number
Where as:
