I am trying to update a dropdown on change of value in a previous dropdown(in another form,another xhtml file). This is the code that am using as of now :
<f:selectItems value="#{createbill.episodeSetting}"/>
<p:ajax event="change" update=":chargesForm:tab2:serviceSetting"></p:ajax>
when this value is changed, i require the same value to show up in the other dropdown,which is in a different form(chargesForm) which is in a different file. The important thing to note is that both the dropdowns have the same values.
This code is not functioning as i per the requirement I mentioned above.
Please suggest...
I have two problems which are closely related:
I need to update a form inside a tag inside ui:repeat from a dialog at the main page and cannot figure out how (because there are many tags in the ui:repeat and I need to update only one)
naming containers are messed up and lose their "index" when I use id in that form (in case of trying to determine the update path expression...)
reason I need this: updating the 'wholelist' (current situation) breaks all <p:calendar> inside the <p:dialog> somehow (no errors...) (the calendar overlay shows at the first time, but after updating the list it does not appear any more (must reload page again). Also I don't want to update 100 elements each time if only one can be changed
<h:panelGroup id="wholelist">
<ui:repeat var="entry" value="#{bean.foundEntries}" id="repeatId">
<customTag:someTag entry="#{entry}" />
<p:dialog widgetVar="dialog" id="dialog">
<p:calendar value="#{bean.date}" ... /> <!-- overlay pops up on select until the whole list is refreshed. after that it does not appear until page reload -->
<p:commandButton actionlistener="#{bean.saveSomething()}" update="#{bean.componentToUpdate WHICH DOES NOT WORK...}"/>
and within the <customTag:someTag> (which is a tag because of multiple reuses) :
... display a lot of data which can be changed by the dialog...
<p:commandButton value="show edit dialog" onComplete="PF('dialog').show()" update=":dialog">
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="??? (#form does not work)" target="#{bean.componentToUpdate}" />
First Question:
I need to refresh one single form from the dialog (=the dialog which needs to know which form I want to refresh, and I have no idea how to do so...)
And how can I get the update-logic working (pass the component to update to the bean so the dialog knows what to update or equal)?
Second Question:
why does JSF generate in case of not defining a id="..." to a naming container within a ui:repeat something like
and when I define a id to the form (<h:form id="formname">) something like
which causes duplicateId (because the lack of the "iterator-number" in the name)?
Does this make sense?
I have solved it; error was elsewhere: I have forgotten in an included tag file which caused the js warning (which broke the calendar).
many thanks
I've got a list of documents and I need to update all at once.
I did something like this:
<ui:repeat id="r_list" value="#{tareaController.controlador.documentosIndexar}" var="documentos" >
where documentosIndexar is the list of documents. It displays all the documents and its properties fine.
I have two panelGrids, one with the viewer of the document and another one with its information.
At the bottom of the information there's the list of documents.
I need to fill the document's information then select another one without losing the previous one.
I'm trying to update the whole ui:repeat and it renders the next document and its information ok but the information of the previous one is lost.
I also tried doing:
<ui:repeat id="r_list">
<p:panelGrid id="pg_document" rendered="#{tareaController.controlador.documentoSeleccionado.id eq documentos.id}">
<---- Document components here ---->
<p:ajax event="rowSelect" update=":f_tarea:r_list:pg_document" listener="#{tareaController.controlador.reemplazarLista(tareaController.documentoSeleccionado)}"/>
All my components, and well, my page is inside a form called f_tarea, which is from its template.
When I do the above I update that panelGrid from the list, but just that one, and the variable in the rendered condition changed, so all the panelGrid dissapear.
Basically, what I want to do is update JUST the rendered condition on all the panelGrids inside the ui:repeat, so one hides and another one is shown without losing the previous one's information.
Ok. Excuse me I'm a completly stupid.
I tried doing something I haven't done before: downloading the PrimeFaces manual. On the AjaxBehavior section there's the "process" one which process a component in partial request.
I fixed it just by doing:
<p:ajax event="rowSelect" process=":f_tarea:r_list:pg_documento" update=":f_tarea:pg_doc" listener="#{tareaController.controlador.reemplazarLista(tareaController.documentoSeleccionado)}"/>
I won't delete the question in case that it helps someone in the future.
I'm using here in my project JSF 1.2 and the Tag <a4j:support> .
Well, i'm using here a <h:dataTable /> to print on the screen a list of financial expenses, where it's possible for the user to insert new expenses or edit the existed expenses at anytime, the value of these expenses fields (amount, balance, value) are being shown in inputTexts components.
As i'm using a <h:dataTable /> the inputTexts of it are generated automatically, so it creates dynamical inputTexts with dynamical ids. I took a look at the html source code of the page and the pattern JSF uses to generate the ids in a dynamically way is this:
id="formTemplate:tableForm:0:inputTextValue" ;
id="formTemplate:tableForm:1:inputTextValue" ;
And in the xhtml page the code i used with the dataTable is this:
<h:inputText id="inputTextValue" value="#{item.value}" label="Value" styleClass="field" size="9" readonly="true" dir="RTL" style="font-size:12px;width:170px">
My business rule works like that: When the user types something in the inputTextBalance it calls the event onBlur where it automatically inserts an other value in the field "value", but to update this inputTextValue i need to do a reRender in my panel (panelDataTable), so it reRender the whole dataTable (dataTable is inside the Panel).
<h:inputText id="inputTextBalance" value="#{item.balance}" dir="RTL">
<f:convertNumber currencyCode="BRL" type="currency" />
<a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="panelDataTable" ajaxSingle="true" action="#{expenses.update}"/>
Now comes the trouble, what i need to do is to reRender only the inputTextValue instead of the panel, but these fields are generated dynamically and i can't get there ids. Like i said before, this is the pattern that JSF uses to generate the id of the fields
id="formTemplate:tableForm:0:inputTextValue" ;
id="formTemplate:tableForm:1:inputTextValue" ;
But when i use any of these ids in reRender attribute, the Ajax's log returns me this message:
18:23:57,208 WARN [AjaxContext] Target component for id formTemplate:tableForm:0:inputTextValue not found
I tried this but i got the same error message: reRender="#{rich:clientId('inputTextValue')}"
The weirdest thing here is that it shows me this message of the input not found, but in the html source code the id of he inputText is the same that i've puted to reRender.
Does anybody here have already delt with this problem? Any suggestions to me?
Thank you!
you should bind the h:dataTable to a variable in your bean, in order to reach the current row index.
<h:dataTable binding="#{myManagedBean.dataTable}" ...>
then you can change a4j:support like this:
<a4j:support reRender="formTemplate:tableForm:#{myManagedBean.dataTable.rowIndex}:inputTextValue" ... />
I'm making form with dropdowns, where user have to make first choice, than using ajax next choices appear. It works just fine. But I wanted to add bootstrap formatting for dropodwns, so I installed bootstrap-select. It work also just fine, but when ajax event renders data for next he renders it in a new dropdown, next to still empty bootstrap formated dropdown. Witch, how can you predict, isn't desired action. Here's code from jsf:
<h:selectOneMenu styleClass="bootstrap-select" id="marka" value="#{searchBean.markiID}">
<f:selectItems value="#{searchBean.listaMarek}" var="c" itemLabel="#{c.marka}"
<f:ajax event="change" execute="marka" render="model"/>
<h:outputText value="#{msg.carModel}"></h:outputText>
<h:selectOneMenu styleClass="bootstrap-select" id="model" value="#{searchBean.modelID}">
<f:selectItems value="#{searchBean.listaModeli}" var="p" itemLabel="#{p.model}"
<f:ajax event="change" execute="model" render="liczbaDrzwi"/>
In backingbean, when user choose smthging from first dropdown, Is generated list of items for second dropdown, and so on. And this is the result of making choice:
As you can see, ajax makes totally new dropdown, instead of filling already existing.
Thanks for any ideas:)
JSF Ajax works in this way... instead of filling the already existing dropdown... the jee server send a new HTML fragment to replace this dropdown code...
Maybe you could read this link to understand JSF lifecycle...jsf lifeclycle
Did you try using primefaces or richfaces instead of h:selectOneMenu component?
Here is a PrimeFaces example where you can see how to update one dropdown when you select a value on another dropdown... pf example
I'm experiencing some problems when using the "rendered" attribute with ajax behavior. I'll paste the code so I think it will be a lot more clear:
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{registrarVentaController.esCobroChequeString}">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Efectivo" itemValue="false"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Cheque" itemValue="true"/>
<f:ajax execute="#this" render="#form"/>
<h:panelGroup id="panelMonto">
<h:inputText value="#{registrarVentaController.monto}" rendered="#{registrarVentaController.banCobroCheque}"/>
<h:inputText value="#{registrarVentaController.monto}" rendered="#{not registrarVentaController.banCobroCheque}"/>
My "#{registrarVentaController}" is just a View Scoped JSF Managed Bean with appropiate setters/getters.
This way it works, I mean, when user selects option "Efectivo", panelGroup "panelMonto" will get updated and we'll see the first inputText, and conversely when user selects option "Cheque" user will see the second inputText.
For this approach I used "f:ajax" component where I updated the whole #form to get this behavior work and I just want to update panelGroup "panelMonto" (using render="panelMonto" It doesn't work at all (I even try with full scope resolution :formName:panelMonto with no result).
I just want to have rendered work with ajax="idComponent" or similar behavior to show certain parts according what user have selected.
Best Regards!
Note (One solution)
I managed to get a solution (taking as an input
JSF rendered is not working
and a bit of myself). I've just moved to a new form the part that I'm
interested in filtering according what user selected. This way I still
use #form ajax's render and it will just render this new form (not the
whole form as I was using!) Neverthless I'm still wondering if there
is a solution to not used #form and just the component/s ID.
what if you check with
still not working?
this should work only with
render="panelMonto" //because is in the same form
Can you add more code?
Also can you check with your browser (in chrome: right click, inspect element, network) to see if there is any activity?? perhaps is rendering the same thing because of you...